What are the fast request get url library's in nodejs? - node.js

I want to send get and post requests to an external site. With which library can I get the returned json data fastest?


How to send get request with a body?

I am trying to send a get request to my API to get a list of users. But I need there is an exclude list that the response must exclude. How can I send this exclude list in my GET request?
You can send a body with the request. Query parameters is probably the best way to do it though. The folks at Elastic.co say:
The truth is that RFC 7231—the RFC that deals with HTTP semantics and
content—​does not define what should happen to a GET request with a
body! As a result, some HTTP servers allow it, and some—​especially
caching proxies—​don’t.
The authors of Elasticsearch prefer using GET for a search request
because they feel that it describes the action—​retrieving
information—​better than the POST verb. However, because GET with a
request body is not universally supported, the search API also accepts
POST requests:
You cannot send a request body when making a GET request. However, you can add it as a query parameter. Alternatively, you can make a POST request.

How do i put the request result inside an html in express?

im trying to make a website using express, and in this website i request some data from an external API.
So, i have an html where i "send" the request. How do i take that parameters for the request into the server, and then the response to the html or at least the js linked to that html?
To this point, i already tested how to add an html with a js linked to it, and it worked, so now i have to make the rest of the web concept, that is request data from the API.
Sorry if i dont have the code, but im still making it and i have this big issue that i cant resolve.
Thanks for your time and advice anyways
You have two choices.
Either you make an ajax request to the api from the front-end or in the back-end and render the result.
You can also make a request from the front-end, send the result to the back-end and have express send a different response.
No code attached as your question is very generic.

How to use azure logic app action to download files in browser

I originally created a logic app that would, given a JSON payload, run a stored procedure, transform the results into a CSV table and then email the CSV to a specified email account. Unfortunately requirements changed slightly and instead of emailing the csv they want it to download directly in the browser.
I am unable to get the HTTP response action to tell the browser to download the file using the Content-Disposition header. It looks like this is pulled out of the request by design. Is anyone aware of another action (perhaps a function?) that could be used in place of the HTTP response to get a web browser to download the file rather than returning it as text in the response body?
It does indeed seem to be the case that the Response action doesn't support the Content-Disposition header for some reason. Probably the easiest workround is to proxy the request through a simple HTTP-triggered Azure Function with CORS enabled (or an API on your server) that just fetches the file from the Logic App and then returns it with the Content-Disposition header attached.
NB. Don't rely on <a download="filename"> - most browsers that support the download attribute only respect it for same-origin requests.

Using Python Requests to maintain a session

I am trying to login to a website and based on the REST API guide provided, I will be able to receive some data for an application.
The two steps required for me to enact are:
1. Send a HTTP post command for authentication.
2. Send a GET command for receiving the data.
When I send the post command using python requests, i receive the required json response showing my login rights. e.g. role admin.
However, when I perform the get command after, it doesn't retrieve the data but sends an HTML form showing that I require authentication even though I have authenticated already.
Has anyone encountered this and how will I be able to solve it?
I am working on this for a customer and as a result, cannot post the actual login I am using and url and will hence replace this with my name with the code I will display.
enter image description here
You can take a look at the session object in the requests library. It's used to keep a session across multiple requests.
import requests
s = requests.Session()
r = s.get('http://httpbin.org/cookies')
This is a sample that uses a request session object to call a url that sets a cookie and then does another call with the same session (including the cookie). Just some basic example using http://httpbin.org/.

Send json data (asynchronous) to my response

So,upon request I respond with a basic template(I use ejs) and I want to add json data to it when I get from an external API.
I have noticed that I can't use res.render or res.write twice(I get errors) so I really don't know what to do.Any ideas?
You can only send one response for each request. So you either need to do two requests or combine the data you want to send into one response.
