Assign Azure Powershell variable to DevOps Pipeline variable - azure

How can I assigned the $NewIP variable precalculated in this step to a DevOps pipeline variable called $pipeline_ip?

You should use logging command if you want to assign powershell variable to Azure DevOps variable
echo "##vso[task.setvariable variable=pipeline_ip;]$NewIP"
Update after clarification:
If you use syntax like:
$NewIP = $(pipeline_ip)
Then $(pipeline_ip) would be replaced with the value before script will be executed.
And if you use syntax like
then you will refer to environment variable and since all DevOps variables are mapped (except secret variables - here you need to express this excplicitly) it would also work.
However, these are two ways of doing that.

You can use two methods:
$NewIP = $(pipeline_ip) Macro syntax variables
$NewIP = $env:PIPELINE_IP Set variables in pipeline


Assign a Variable to Shell inline script of Azure release

I have an inline script where one of the command is the below one. How can i Replace LINUX_PASSWD with a variable in Azure release.
I have added LINUX_PASSWD and FILENAME as variable in Azure release pipeline but they are empty after release
sed -i 's/password/$(LINUX_PASSWD)/g' FILENAME
If you want to replace your variables with their values, use $(varable_name) template. In your case:
sed -i 's/password/$(LINUX_PASSWD)/g' $(FILENAME)
Check the documentation: Understand variable syntax, Using custom variables
To use custom variables in your build and release tasks, simply enclose the variable name in parentheses and precede it with a $ character. For example, if you have a variable named adminUserName, you can insert the current value of that variable into a parameter of a task as $(adminUserName).

Azure DevOps Yaml: Gaining secret variable out of Azure KeyVault Task from Variable

I'm trying to obtain a secret out of my KeyVault.
The variable name is secretVar.
Obtaining the secret like this: $(secretVar) works fine however I would like to retrieve it from a variable like this:
I keep getting command not found and I've no idea why this shouldn't be working.
So the name of the secret I want to extract is inside a bash variable. For this question I've simplified the problem but in my real use case I have a bash for loop which loops through secret names and inside the for loop I want to extract the appropriate value from the KeyVault with the corresponding secret name like this:
for secretname in secrets; do
echo $($secretname) # This should contain the value of the secret but gives command not found
If anyone has an idea what could be happening, any help is very appreciated.
Thanks in Advance!
Look at the syntax you're using.
You are creating an environment variable with the literal value secretVar
Then you try to execute the value of the variable $variable with $($variable). So it tries to run the command secretVar, which obviously doesn't exist, and you get an error message.
The syntax you're looking for is
just like you used in the first echo command in the script.
If you don't want to run the variable value as a command, the syntax would be $variable, not $($variable)
$variable is the syntax for a Bash environment variable.
$(variable) is the syntax for referencing Azure DevOps variables.
First of all, the script keyword is a shortcut for the command-line task. The task runs a script using cmd.exe on Windows and Bash on other platforms. You need to pay attention to the agent you are using.
If you want to set variables in scripts, you can use task.setvariable logging command. For example:
- script: |
echo $(secretvar)
echo "##vso[task.setvariable variable=variable]$(secretvar)"
- script: |
echo $(variable)
You can find more detailed information in this document.

How to unpack or fetch a value of a nested variable stored in Azure DevOps Build Piplines' Variables group?

Is it possible to use variable inside a variable in Powershell script with Azure Pipelines variables?
Two variables are set in Azure Pipelines Variable group - DeploymentCredentials
a. DeployUATApiPassword = "123456"
b. DeployPRODApiPassword = "789654"
Another variable is set in the Variables section of the pipeline as DeploymentEnvironment
At runtime, the value of the DeploymentEnvironment variable is set as either UAT or PROD
Based on the enviornment, I want to fetch the password which is stored as a variable, defined in the variables group. At runtime, it should work something like...
# setting the value of the variable to UAT
Write-Host "##vso[task.setvariable variable=DeploymentEnvironment]UAT"
Now DevelopmentEnvironment variable has the value UAT, In another step, I want to fetch the Password for the UAT deployment environment, which is only known at runtime.
# I want to get the Password
# The following works! but not useful for me, UAT is hard-coded!!
$deployPwd = $(DeployUATApiPassword) # works! but not useful for me, UAT is hard-coded!!
# I want to get the Password
# the following doesn't work, I only know the environment at runtime
# Replaces the inner variable to `DeployUATApiPassword`
# Raises an error, DeployUATApiPassword : The term 'DeployUATApiPassword' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet...
$deployPwd = $(Deploy$(DeploymentEnvironment)ApiPassword)
# All the following didn't work either, but no error...
Write-Host $('Deploy$(DeploymentEnvironment)ApiPassword') # Output: DeployUATApiPassword
Write-Host $($("Deploy$(DeploymentEnvironment)ApiPassword")) # Output: DeployUATApiPassword
Write-Host { 'Deploy$(DeploymentEnvironment)ApiPassword' } # Output: 'DeployUATApiPassword'
Write-Host { Deploy$(DeploymentEnvironment)ApiPassword } # Output: DeployUATApiPassword
Write-Host { $(Deploy$(DeploymentEnvironment)ApiPassword) } # Output: $(DeployUATApiPassword)
Similarly, I tried to fetch the pwd in several ways, nothing worked.
For instance, one of the ways was to create another variable DeployApiPassword and I did set the value of the variable to Deploy$(DeploymentEnvironment)ApiPassword. No luck in this either...
$deployPwd = $(DeployApiPassword) # Output: DeployUATApiPassword
I want to fetch the password from one of the variables which is set in a variables group. The password variable name contains the deployment environment. Deployment environment is only set at runtime.
# I know something is wrong with the following, but that's how I want to run.
$deployPwd = $(Deploy$(DeploymentEnvironment)ApiPassword)
Write-Host $deployPwd # output: *** (of course, the pwd is hidden, but at least it fetches)
Variables set in Azure Pipelines Variable group would be used as environment variables in PowerShell task. So, basically, you need to get the value as :
$environment = $env:DeploymentEnvironment
$deployPwd = $env:DeployUATApiPassword
At the same time, as your want to dynamically get the password based on the environment, you may try the following:
$environment= $env:DeploymentEnvironment
Write-Host "Deployment Environment is " $environment
$realName = $("Deploy${environment}ApiPassword")
$pwd = [Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable($realName)
#I used UAT password, check it here
Write-Host $pwd.Equals("123456")
I noticed that the value returned by 'Deploy$(DeploymentEnvironment)ApiPassword' is a string type, however $() accepts a variable not a string.
In the secret variables official document, it says the secret cannot be referenced directly like normal variable. You have to manually explicitly map them in using the Environment section.
You will need to use if statement. And in the Environment Variables sections
Map the secret variables to variables UATpassword and PRODpassword and Then refer to them in the scripts using $env:UATpassword
From below log, we can see the password is retrieved in the script.

How to use Output Variables in Release pipeline

I searched all the docs about Output Variables are for build pipeline and only told me how to set in .yaml. But how to use it in release pipeline?
Supposed I have 2 variables $abc="123" $def="456" in step Login. How to set them in below text box? and How to use them in step Deploy?
Some tasks define output variables
For brief text, it represents the follow scripts:
echo "##vso[task.setvariable variable=abc;isOutput=true]123"
Just specify the reference name in the blank of task, and then, you can call this output variable abc by using the format: <reference name>.<variable name>.
For example, if you specify the reference name as mycustom, just call the output variable by using $(

Substitute variables with variable in azure devops

I have below variables.
variable value
stage dev
admin $($(stage)-admindata)
dev-admindata 4000
But these multiple substitutions are not working for variable admin.
Please let me know how to solve this.
admin values should be 4000 when I use it in yaml or in json file, Currently I am getting $(dev-admindata)
At this moment, the value of nested variables (like $($(stage)-admindata)) are not yet supported in the build/release pipelines.
If you want to give different values to the admin variable depending on the value of stage varibale. As a work around you can write a script in the powershell task to judge, e.g. If the value of the stage variable is dev, then assign the value of the dev-admindata variable to the admin variable.
if ($(stage) -eq "dev"){
$admin = $(dev-admindata)
For the similar issue ,you can refer to this case.
