What does applying XOR between the input instructions & account data accomplish in this Solana smart contract? - rust

use solana_program::{
account_info::AccountInfo, entrypoint, entrypoint::ProgramResult, pubkey::Pubkey,
fn process_instruction<'a>(
_program_id: &Pubkey,
accounts: &'a [AccountInfo<'a>],
instruction_data: &[u8],
) -> ProgramResult {
// Assume a writable account is at index 0
let mut account_data = accounts[0].try_borrow_mut_data()?;
// xor with the account data using byte and bit from ix data
let index = u16::from_be_bytes([instruction_data[0], instruction_data[1]]);
let byte = index >> 3;
let bit = (index & 0x7) as u8;
account_data[byte as usize] ^= 1 << (7 - bit);
This is from one of their example applications, really not sure what to make of this, or where one might even begin to look in to understanding what the intent is here and how it functions..
Thanks in advance.
Is this done to create a program-derived address? I found this on their API, and the above seems to make sense as an implementation of this I would imagine.

1 << n sets nth bit of what's called a mask, such as 1 << 1 = 0010.
XOR is an useful operation that allows comparing bits, and in this case, it makes use of that property. If current bit is 0, it will be set to 1, and if it is 1, it will be set to 0.
Using the mask from above, we can select one single specific bit to compare, or in this case, switch based on what value it currently is.
1111 ^ 0010 = 1101, the result is a difference, with the bit that matched being set to 0.
1101 ^ 0010 = 1111, every single bit here is different, and so the bit that didn't match is also set to 1.
In short, it toggles a bit, it is a common idiom in bit manipulation code.
bits ^= 1 << n
Related: https://stackoverflow.com/a/47990/15971564


Modifying Individual Bytes in Rust [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Converting number primitives (i32, f64, etc) to byte representations
(5 answers)
Closed 2 years ago.
In C, if I want to modify the most significant byte of an integer, I can do it in two different ways:
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
uint32_t i1 = 0xDDDDDDDD;
printf("i1 original: 0x%X\n", i1);
uint32_t i1msb = 0xAA000000;
uint32_t i1_mask = 0x00FFFFFF;
uint32_t i1msb_mask = 0xFF000000;
i1 = (i1 & i1_mask) | (i1msb & i1msb_mask);
printf("i1 modified: 0x%X\n", i1);
uint32_t i2 = 0xDDDDDDDD;
printf("i2 original: 0x%X\n", i2);
uint32_t *i2ptr = &i2;
char *c2ptr = (char *) i2ptr;
c2ptr += 3;
*c2ptr = 0xAA;
printf("i2 modified: 0x%X\n", i2);
i1 original: 0xDDDDDDDD
i1 modified: 0xAADDDDDD
i2 original: 0xDDDDDDDD
i2 modified: 0xAADDDDDD
The masking approach works in both C and Rust, but I don't have not found any way to do the direct byte manipulation approach in (safe) Rust. Although it has some endianness issues that masking does not, I think these can all be resolved at compile time to provide a safe, cross-platform interface, so why is direct byte manipulation not allowed in safe Rust? Or if it is, please correct me as I have been unable to find a function for it - I am thinking something like
fn change_byte(i: &u32, byte_num: usize, new_val: u8) -> Result<(), ErrorType> { ... }
which checks that byte_num is within range before performing the operation, and in which byte_num always goes from least significant byte to most significant.
Rust doesn't have a function to modify bytes directly. It does, however, have methods to convert integers to byte arrays, and byte arrays to integers. For example, one might write
fn set_low_byte(number:u32, byte:u8)->u32{
let mut arr = number.to_be_bytes();
arr[3] = byte;
There are also methods for little and native endian byte order. The bitmask approach is also perfectly doable, and the pointer stuff will also work if you don't mind unsafe.
playground link

Nim: work with read-only memory mapped files

I've only just started with Nim, hence it possibly is a simple question. We need to do many lookups into data that are stored in a file. Some of these files are too large to load into memory, hence the mmapped approach. I'm able to mmap the file by means of memfiles and either have a pointer or MemSlice at my hand. The file and the memory region are read-only, and hence have a fixed size. I was hoping that I'm able to access the data as immutable fixed size byte and char arrays without copying them, leveraging all the existing functionalities available to seqs, arrays, strings etc.. All the MemSlice / string methods copy the data, which is fair, but not what I want (and in my use case don't need).
I understand array, strings etc. types have a pointer to the data and a len field. But couldn't find a way to create them with a pointer and len. I assume it has something to do with ownership and refs to mem that may outlive my slice.
let mm = memfiles.open(...)
let myImmutableFixesSizeArr = ?? # cast[ptr array[fsize, char]](mm.mem) doesn't compile as fsize needs to be const. Neither could I find something like let x: [char] = array_from(mm.mem, fsize)
let myImmutableFixedSizeString = mm[20, 30].to_fixed_size_immutable_string # Create something that is string like so that I can use all the existing string methods.
UPDATE: I did find https://forum.nim-lang.org/t/4680#29226 which explains how to use OpenArray, but OpenArray is only allowed as function argument, and you - if I'm not mistaken - it is doesn't behave like a normal array.
Thanks for your help
It is not possible to convert a raw char array in memory (ptr UncheckedArray[char]) to a string without copying, only to an openArray[char] (or cstring)
So it won't be possible to use procs that expect a string, only those that accept openArray[T] or openArray[char]
Happily an openArray[T] behaves exactly like a seq[T] when sent to a proc.
({.experimental:"views".} does let you assign an openArray[T] to a local variable, but it's not anywhere near ready for production)
you can use the memSlices iterator to loop over delimited chunks in a memFile without copying:
import memfiles
template toOpenArray(ms: MemSlice, T: typedesc = byte): openArray[T] =
##template because openArray isn't a valid return type yet
toOpenArray(cast[ptr UncheckedArray[T]](ms.data),0,(ms.size div sizeof(T))-1)
func process(slice:openArray[char]) =
## your code here but e.g.
## count number of A's
var nA: int
for ch in slice.items:
if ch == 'A': inc nA
debugEcho nA
let mm = memfiles.open("file.txt")
for slice in mm.memSlices:
process slice.toOpenArray(char)
Or, to work with some char array represented in the middle of the file, you can use pointer arithmetic.
import memfiles
template extractImpl(typ,pntr,offset) =
template checkFileLen(memfile,len,offset) =
if offset + len > memfile.size:
raise newException(IndexDefect,"file too short")
func extract*(mm: MemFile,T:typedesc, offset:Natural): ptr T =
result = extractImpl(ptr T,mm.mem,offset)
func extract*[U](mm: MemFile,T: typedesc[ptr U], offset: Natural): T =
let mm = memfiles.open("file.txt")
#to extract a compile-time known length string:
let mystring_offset = 3
const mystring_len = 10
type MyStringT = array[mystring_len,char]
let myString:ptr MyStringT = mm.extract(MyStringT,mystring_offset)
process myString[]
#to extract a dynamic length string:
let size_offset = 14
let string_offset = 18
let sz:ptr int32 = mm.extract(int32,size_offset)
let str:ptr UncheckedArray[char] = mm.extract(ptr UncheckedArray[char], string_offset)
process str.toOpenArray(0,sz[]-1)

Can compilers (specifically rustc) really simplify triangle-summation to avoid a loop? How?

On page 322 of Programming Rust by Blandy and Orendorff is this claim:
...Rust...recognizes that there's a simpler way to sum the numbers from one to n: the sum is always equal to n * (n+1) / 2.
This is of course a fairly well-known equivalence, but how does the compiler recognize it? I'm guessing it's in an LLVM optimization pass, but is LLVM somehow deriving the equivalence from first principles, or does it just have some set of "common loop computations" that can be simplified to arithmetic operations?
First of all, let's demonstrate that this actually happens.
Starting with this code:
pub fn sum(start: i32, end: i32) -> i32 {
let mut result = 0;
for i in start..end {
result += i;
return result;
And compiling in Release, we get:
; playground::sum
; Function Attrs: nounwind nonlazybind readnone uwtable
define i32 #_ZN10playground3sum17h41f12649b0533596E(i32 %start1, i32 %end) {
%0 = icmp slt i32 %start1, %end
br i1 %0, label %bb5.preheader, label %bb6
bb5.preheader: ; preds = %start
%1 = xor i32 %start1, -1
%2 = add i32 %1, %end
%3 = add i32 %start1, 1
%4 = mul i32 %2, %3
%5 = zext i32 %2 to i33
%6 = add i32 %end, -2
%7 = sub i32 %6, %start1
%8 = zext i32 %7 to i33
%9 = mul i33 %5, %8
%10 = lshr i33 %9, 1
%11 = trunc i33 %10 to i32
%12 = add i32 %4, %start1
%13 = add i32 %12, %11
br label %bb6
bb6: ; preds = %bb5.preheader, %start
%result.0.lcssa = phi i32 [ 0, %start ], [ %13, %bb5.preheader ]
ret i32 %result.0.lcssa
Where we can indeed observe that there is no loop any longer.
Thus we validate the claim by Bandy and Orendorff.
As for how this occurs, my understanding is that this all happens in ScalarEvolution.cpp in LLVM. Unfortunately, that file is a 12,000+ lines monstruosity, so navigating it is a tad complicated; still, the head comment hints that we should be in the right place, and points to the papers it used which mention optimizing loops and closed-form functions1:
// There are several good references for the techniques used in this analysis.
// Chains of recurrences -- a method to expedite the evaluation
// of closed-form functions
// Olaf Bachmann, Paul S. Wang, Eugene V. Zima
// On computational properties of chains of recurrences
// Eugene V. Zima
// Symbolic Evaluation of Chains of Recurrences for Loop Optimization
// Robert A. van Engelen
// Efficient Symbolic Analysis for Optimizing Compilers
// Robert A. van Engelen
// Using the chains of recurrences algebra for data dependence testing and
// induction variable substitution
// MS Thesis, Johnie Birch
According to this blog article by Krister Walfridsson, it builds up chains of recurrences, which can be used to obtain a closed-form formula for each inductive variable.
This is a mid-point between full reasoning and full hardcoding:
Pattern-matching is used to build the chains of recurrence, so LLVM may not recognize all ways of expressing a certain computation.
A large variety of formulas can be optimized, not only the triangle sum.
The article also notes that the optimization may end up pessimizing the code: a small number of iterations can be faster if the "optimized" code requires a larger number of operations compared to the inner body of the loop.
1 n * (n+1) / 2 is the closed-form function to compute the sum of numbers in [0, n].

GBZ80 - ADC instructions fail test

I've been running Blarggs CPU tests through my Gameboy emulator, and the op r,r test shows that my ADC instruction is not working properly, but that ADD is. My understanding is that the only difference between the two is adding the existing carry flag to the second operand before addition. As such, my ADC code is the following:
void Emu::add8To8Carry(BYTE &a, BYTE b) //4 cycles - 1 byte
if((Flags >> FLAG_CARRY) & 1)
halfCarryAdd8_8(a, b); //generates H flag based on addition
carryAdd8_8(a, b); //generates C flag appropriately
if(a == 0)
I entered the following into a test ROM:
06 FE 3E 01 88
Which leaves A with the value 0 (Flags = B0) when the carry flag is set, and FF (Flags = 00) when it is not. This is how it should work, as far as my understanding goes. However, it still fails the test.
From my research, I believe that flags are affected in an identical manner to ADD. Literally the only change in my code from the working ADD instruction is the addition of the flag check/potential increment in the first two lines, which my test code seems to prove works.
Am I missing something? Perhaps there's a peculiarity with flag states between ADD/ADC? As a side note, SUB instructions also pass, but SBC fails in the same way.
The problem is that b is an 8 bit value. If b is 0xff and carry is set then adding 1 to b will set it to 0 and won't generate carry if added with a >= 1. You get similar problems with the half carry flag if the lower nybble is 0xf.
This might be fixed if you call halfCarryAdd8_8(a, b + 1); and carryAdd8_8(a, b + 1); when carry is set. However, I suspect that those routines also take byte operands so you may have to make changes to them internally. Perhaps by adding the carry as a separate argument so that you can do tmp = a + b + carry; without overflow of b. But I can only speculate without the source to those functions.
On a somewhat related note, there's a fairly simple way to check for carry over all the bits:
int sum = a + b;
int no_carry_sum = a ^ b;
int carry_into = sum ^ no_carry_sum;
int half_carry = carry_into & 0x10;
int carry = carry_info & 0x100;
How does that work? Consider that bitwise "xor" gives the expected result of each bit if there is no carry going in to that bit: 0 ^ 0 == 0, 1 ^ 0 == 0 ^ 1 == 1 and 1 ^ 1 == 0. By xoring sum with no_carry_sum we get the bits where the sum differs from the bit-by-bit addition. sum is only different whenever there is a carry into a particular bit position. Thus both the half carry and carry bits can be obtained with almost no overhead.

Converting 24 bit USB audio stream into 32 bit stream

I'm trying to convert a 24 bit usb audio stream into a 32 bit stream so my microcontroller's peripherals can play happily with the stream (it can only handle 16 or 32 bit data like most mcus...).
The following code is what I got from the mcu's company... didn't work as expected and I ended up getting really distorted audio.
// Function takes usb stream and processes the data for our peripherals
// #data - usb stream data
// #byte_count - size of stream
void process_usb_stream(uint8_t *data, uint16_t byte_count) {
// Etc code that gets buffers ready to read the stream...
// Conversion here!
int32_t *buffer;
int sample_count = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < byte_count; i += 3) {
buffer[sample_count++] = data[i] | data[i+1] << 8 | data[i+2] << 16;
// Send buffer to peripherals for them to use...
Any help with converting the data from a 24 bit stream to 32 bit stream would be super awesome! This area of work is very hard for me :(
data[...] is a uint8_t. You need to cast that before shifting, because data[...]<<8 and data[...]<<16 are undefined. They'll either be 0 or unchanged, neither of which is what you want.
Also, you need to shift by another 8 bits to get the full range and put the sign bit in the right place.
Also, you're treating the data as if it were in little-endian format. Make sure it is. I'll assume that's correct, so something like this works:
int32_t *buffer;
int sample_count = 0;
for (int i = 0; i+3 <= byte_count; ) {
int32_t v = ((int32_t)data[i++])<<8;
v |= ((int32_t)data[i++])<<16;
v |= ((int32_t)data[i++])<<24;
buffer[sample_count++] = v;
Finally, note that this assumes that byte_count is divisible by 3 -- make sure that's true!
this is DSP stuff if, also post this question on http://dsp.stackexchange.com
In DSP the process of changing the bit depth is called scaling
16 bit resolution has 65536 values
24 bit resolution has 16777216
possible values
32 bit has 4294967296 values so the factor is 256
According to https://electronics.stackexchange.com/questions/229268/what-is-name-of-process-used-to-change-sample-bit-depth/229271
reduction from 24 bit to 16 bit is called scaling down and is done by dividing each value by 256.
This can be done by bitwise shifting every bit by 8
y = x >> 8. When scaling down this way the LSB is lost
Scaling up to 32 bit is more complicated and there are several approaches how to do this. It may work by multiplying each bit of the value with a value between 2⁰ and 2⁸.
Push the 24 bit value in a 32 bit register and then left-shifting each bit by a value between 2⁰ and 2⁸:
data32[31] = data32[23] << 8;
data32[22] = data32[14] << 8;
data32[0] = data32[0];
and interpolate the bits you do not get with this (linear interpolation)
Maybe there are much better scaling up algortihms ask on http://dsp.stackexchange.com
See also http://blog.bjornroche.com/2013/05/the-abcs-of-pcm-uncompressed-digital.html for the scaling up problem...
