Order of rows shown changes on selection of columns from dependent pyspark dataframe - apache-spark

Why does the order of rows displayed differ, when I take a subset of the dataframe columns to display, via show?
Here is the original dataframe:
Here dates are in the given order, as you can see, via show.
Now the order of rows displayed via show changes when I select a subset of predict_df by method of column selection for a new dataframe.

Because of Spark dataframe itself is unordered. It's due to parallel processing principles wich Spark uses. Different records may be located in different files (and on different nodes) and different executors may read the data in different time and in different sequence.
So You have to excplicitly specify order in Spark action using orderBy (or sort) method. E.g.:
In this case result will be ordered by date column and would be more predictible. But, if many records have equal date value then within those date subset records also would be unordered. So in this case, in order to obtain strongly ordered data, we have to perform orderBy on set of columns. And values in all rows of those set of columns must be unique. E.g.:
df.orderBy(col("date").asc, col("other_column").desc)
In general unordered datasets is a normal case for data processing systems. Even "traditional" DBMS like PostgeSQL or MS SQL Server in general return unordered records and we have to explicitly use ORDER BY clause in SELECT statement. And even if sometime we may see the same results of one query it isn't guarenteed by DBMS that by another execution result will be the same also. Especially if data reading is performed on a large amout of data.

The situation occurs because the show is an action that is called twice.
As no .cache is applied the whole cycle starts again from the start. Moreover, I tried this a few times and got the same order and not the same order as the questioner observed. Processing is non-deterministic.
As soon as I used .cache, the same result was always gotten.
This means that there is ordering preserved over a narrow transformation on a dataframe, if caching has been applied, otherwise the 2nd action will invoke processing from the start again - the basics are evident here as well. And may be the bottom line is always do ordering explicitly - if it matters.

Like #Ihor Konovalenko and #mck mentioned, Sprk dataframe is unordered by its nature. Also, looks like your dataframe doesn’t have a reliable key to order, so one solution is using monotonically_increasing_id https://spark.apache.org/docs/latest/api/python/reference/api/pyspark.sql.functions.monotonically_increasing_id.html to create id and that will keep your dataframe always ordered. However if your dataframe is big, be aware this function might take some time to generate id for each row.


How to identify all columns that have different values in a Spark self-join

I have a Databricks delta table of financial transactions that is essentially a running log of all changes that ever took place on each record. Each record is uniquely identified by 3 keys. So given that uniqueness, each record can have multiple instances in this table. Each representing a historical entry of a change(across one or more columns of that record) Now if I wanted to find out cases where a specific column value changed I can easily achieve that by doing something like this -->
SELECT t1.Key1, t1.Key2, t1.Key3, t1.Col12 as "Before", t2.Col12 as "After"
from table1 t1 inner join table t2 on t1.Key1= t2.Key1 and t1.Key2 = t2.Key2
and t1.Key3 = t2.Key3 where t1.Col12 != t2.Col12
However, these tables have a large amount of columns. What I'm trying to achieve is a way to identify any columns that changed in a self-join like this. Essentially a list of all columns that changed. I don't care about the actual value that changed. Just a list of column names that changed across all records. Doesn't even have to be per row. But the 3 keys will always be excluded, since they uniquely define a record.
Essentially I'm trying to find any columns that are susceptible to change. So that I can focus on them dedicatedly for some other purpose.
Any suggestions would be really appreciated.
Databricks has change data feed (CDF / CDC) functionality that can simplify these type of use cases. https://docs.databricks.com/delta/delta-change-data-feed.html

Can sort() and cache() combined in spark increase filter speed like creating index column in SQL?

We know in SQL, an index can be created on a column if it is frequently used for filtering. Is there anything similar I can do in spark? Let's say I have a big table T containing a column C I want to filter on. I want to filter 10s of thousands of id sets on the column C. Can I sort/orderBy column C, cache the result, and then filter all the id sets with the sorted table? Will it help like indexing in SQL?
You should absolutely build the table/dataset/dataframe with a sorted id if you will query on it often. It will help predicate pushdown. and in general give a boost in performance.
When executing queries in the most generic and basic manner, filtering
happens very late in the process. Moving filtering to an earlier phase
of query execution provides significant performance gains by
eliminating non-matches earlier, and therefore saving the cost of
processing them at a later stage. This group of optimizations is
collectively known as predicate pushdown.
Even if you aren't sorting data you may want to look at storing the data in file with 'distribute by' or 'cluster by'. It is very similar to repartitionBy. And again only boosts performance if you intend to query the data as you have distributed the data.
If you intend to requery often yes, you should cache data, but in general there aren't indexes. (There are file types that help boost performance if you have specific query type needs. (Row based/columnar based))
You should look at the Spark Specific Performance tuning options. Adaptive query is a next generation that helps boost performance, (without indexes)
If you are working with Hive: (Note they have their own version of partitions)
Depending on how you will query the data you may also want to look at partitioning or :
[hive] Partitioning is mainly helpful when we need to filter our data based
on specific column values. When we partition tables, subdirectories
are created under the table’s data directory for each unique value of
a partition column. Therefore, when we filter the data based on a
specific column, Hive does not need to scan the whole table; it rather
goes to the appropriate partition which improves the performance of
the query. Similarly, if the table is partitioned on multiple columns,
nested subdirectories are created based on the order of partition
columns provided in our table definition.
Hive Partitioning is not a magic bullet and will slow down querying if the pattern of accessing data is different than the partitioning. It make a lot of sense to partition by month if you write a lot of queries looking at monthly totals. If on the other hand the same table was used to look at sales of product 'x' from the beginning of time, it would actually run slower than if the table wasn't partitioned. (It's a tool in your tool shed.)
Another hive specific tip:
The other thing you want to think about, and is keeping your table stats. The Cost Based Optimizer uses those statistics to query your data. You should make sure to keep them up to date. (Re-run after ~30% of your data has changed.)
ANALYZE TABLE [db_name.]tablename [PARTITION(partcol1[=val1], partcol2[=val2], ...)] -- (Note: Fully support qualified table name
since Hive 1.2.0, see HIVE-10007.)
[FOR COLUMNS] -- (Note: Hive 0.10.0 and later.)
[CACHE METADATA] -- (Note: Hive 2.1.0 and later.)

What is the best practice of groupby in Spark SQL?

I have a Spark SQL that groupbys multiple columns. I was wondering if the order of the columns matter to the query performance.
Does placing the column with more distinct values earlier help? I assume the groupby is based on some hash/shuffle algorithm. If the first groupby can distribute data to small subsets that can be hold in one machine, the later groupbys can be done locally. Is this true?
What is the best practice of groupby?
group by, as you assumed, uses hash function on columns to decide which set of group by keys would end up in which partition.
You can use distribute by to tell spark which columns to use - https://docs.databricks.com/spark/latest/spark-sql/language-manual/select.html
As for any other manipulation on the data (like placing more distinct values earlier), note that if have 2 group by statements in your query, you end up with 2 shuffles. And the result of the first one is obviously quite big (as it's not the final aggregation). So I would try to have as little group by statements as possible.

Spark SQL window function causes skew in data distribution

The performance of this Spark SQL query is bad due to skew data distribution:
select c.*, coalesce(
OVER (PARTITION BY cid, pid, code
ORDER BY (cTime div (1000*3600))
RANGE BETWEEN 336 PRECEDING and 1 PRECEDING), 0L) as totalRevenue
from records c
I see in SparkUI that single task stack and the cluster fail if I increase the scanned range.
I am using Yarn at AWS EMR, with Spark 2.2.0
How can I overcome this issue?
I can only recommend several approaches to alleviate your condition for investigation. I would actually try two approaches that don’t treat the skew first:
Try increasing the executor memory per the message. On YARN you may additionally need to increase the maximum container memory as well. The default on Spark IIRC is 2gb and its not uncommon to need to increase it.
Try switching to memory_and_disk or disk_only persistence levels. I believe this should work for your query although it can be hard to eyeball the full query plan
The reason for this is that at least to my eye your data is fundamentally skewed. You’re setting yourself up for maintenance difficulties if you start reshaping the data to address the skew in specific ways to the current shape of the data because the shape of the data may change over time. In my opinion at least you want to preserve the most straightforward implementation of your query for as long as you can, and only optimize skew issues programmatically if you hit problems with SLA violations, etc.
If those don’t work then you can try to address the skew directly. A simple approach for this is to create a third column that is populated by a random number for the column values that are known to be problematic. Do one pass of your summing operation with this in place, using it as a key, then a second pass with the extra random column removed. Alternatively you can do two queries and concatenate them: one with the random number for skewed data (which must still be handled in two passes) and another unaltered query for the non problematic data.
Edit - compute partial sums through two frames
The fundamentally useful observation here is that addition is commutative and associative. My original proposal based on random numbers won't work but this will. Basically, you want to compute the partial sum of the frame you want in several parts. The easiest way to do this is probably as a set of ranges (two used here for simplicity):
create temporary table partial_revenue_1 as select c.*, coalesce(
OVER (PARTITION BY cid, pid, code
ORDER BY (cTime div (1000*3600))
RANGE BETWEEN 336 PRECEDING and 118 PRECEDING), 0L) as partialTotalRevenue
from records c
create temporary table partial_revenue_2 as select c.*, coalesce(
OVER (PARTITION BY cid, pid, code
ORDER BY (cTime div (1000*3600))
RANGE BETWEEN 117 PRECEDING and 1 PRECEDING), 0L) as partialTotalRevenue
from records c
create temporary table combined_partials as select * from
partial_reveneue_1 union all select * from partial_revenue_2
select sum(partialTotalRevenue), first(c.some_col) ... from
combined_partials c group by cid, pid, code
Notice you need to use the first aggregate function to cull the duplicate fields that you will have from the earlier select * operations on the records table. Don't worry, this will be fine since both values came from the same table.

Spark window function without orderBy

I have a DataFrame with columns a, b for which I want to partition the data by a using a window function, and then give unique indices for b
val window_filter = Window.partitionBy($"a").orderBy($"b".desc)
withColumn("uid", row_number().over(window_filter))
But for this use-case, ordering by b is unneeded and may be time consuming. How can I achieve this without ordering?
row_number() without order by or with order by constant has non-deterministic behavior and may produce different results for the same rows from run to run due to parallel processing. The same may happen if the order by column does not change, the order of rows may be different from run to run and you will get different results.
