Conditions in RowSouce property of a ComboBox - excel

I am trying to display a ComboBox with the names of the Doctors of a table with two columns, NAME and TYPE. The TYPE can be DOCTOR or AUX.
I think I should start with:
ComboBox.RowSource = "TableName[TYPE]"
I would like to know how to tell them only to display the Doctors.

There is no way to filter the RowSource directly. You need to apply a autofilter to your table. Then copy the filtered result into a (hidden) temporary sheet and use that as RowSource.
Alternatively you can loop through the filtered table and fill the combobox item by item with VBA.


Excel VBA Listbox does not react to Filter

I want to display filtered values of a column in a Listbox but the content of the Listbox is not shown correctly and not updated according to the filter content. Here is the problem step by step:
I want to display the following filtered column:
in Worksheet "MatrixOfVariants" as content of a Listbox in Worksheet "Variant result"
of which later a selected entry is to be processed in a predefined cell ("N7") of the worksheet "Variant result". I chose this Listbox
How I am referring to the list content is shown underneath:
The output in the Listbox should only contain the values 45 through 61.7 but looks as follows:
Interestingly graphical data diagrams linked to the same filter 1 get updated immediately without any problem.
Any ideas why the Listbox content isn't updated? Or any suggestions for workarounds?

How to select an item from slicer to show on the chart

I'd like to show in the chart below as title the selection from the slicer. I see two possbile options:
Select the unique row from the table below where the data is from. I've tried Unique function, but it gives me all the unique items from the table, rather than only the selected item
Possible vba code to save the value from the slicer and save in a speficic cell?

VBA How to determine which row was selected in a Listbox?

How to determine, which row was selected in a ListBox? I'm asking here because, all I have found so far, requires to loop through all rows to check if was selected or not, but I was wondering if something simple exists, as I'm using mode MultiSelect 0-fmMultiSelectSingle only an integer is expected...
If you filled the list box using the ListFillRange property, or otherwise used a contiguous worksheet range, the 3rd item in the listbox will be from the row of the 3rd cell in the range.
R = Range(ListFillRange).Rows([Listindex]).Row
where [Listindex] is the ListIndex of the selected list box item.
If this easy way isn't available, f.i. because the list was created using a filter, the thing to do is to create a multicolumn list box with an extra, hidden, column and record the row number there at the time of list creation.
You would need to loop only if the items in the list box were not extracted from the worksheet in the first place, and this is the reason why doing so wouldn't be the best solution for creating the list box's list.

Control pivot chart filter by combobox control or cell value without using macro

I want to control the pivot chart filter by simply using combobox form control without using any type of macro.
Here is a screenshot :
In the above screenshot. I have a combobox containing Name later on I will populate this combobox with the distinct name. My concern is how I can control the pivot chart filter by changing the combobox selection.
datarange of pivot chart is full name and status column.
Report Filter is name column.
Axis Fields(Category) and Values are column Status
Note: I don't want to use macro for this.
Any help will be appreciable.

excel combo box populate

In my excel sheet1 i have 2 combo box...
When i open the excel the 2 combox has to fill
if i select one value in one combo box the corressponding should populate in the second combo box
if they're populating from the same source data, it's easy - you can insert them as "Forms" ComboBoxes (not ActiveX ones) and on the properties set the "cell link" value to be the same cell. That way when the selected index of one changes, the other will change too.
If they're populating from different lists, it's a bit harder. You'll have to determine that one is the master and then inside the "Cell Link" cell for the "slave" ComboBox, you'll have to do a MATCH() into the lookup data for the second with an INDEX() into the lookup table for the first to determine what its value is. Will provide a bit more info if required.
