Find Azure SQL Database Geo-Replication Secondaries via PowerShell - azure

I created an Azure SQL Database and configured geo-replication to a second server in a different region. In the Azure Portal, I can click on either of the databases, and see details about the regions being replicated to:
I want to use PowerShell to find this same information, but cannot find a cmdlet or property that exposes this information:
# Get database object
$database = Get-AzSqlDatabase -ResourceGroupName test-rg -ServerName testsql-eastus -DatabaseName TestDB
# Find if geo-replication is enabled?
The goal is to be able to pull all SQL databases in a subscription, and take different action on them depending if they have geo-replication enabled.

Please ref these document Get-AzSqlDatabaseFailoverGroup:
Gets a specific Azure SQL Database Failover Group or lists the
Failover Groups on a server. Either server in the Failover Group may
be used to execute the command. The returned values will reflect the
state of the specified server with respect to the Failover Group.
You can run Get-AzSqlDatabaseFailoverGroup -ResourceGroupName 'rg' -ServerName 'servername' to see if the databases in the Azure SQL server has configured geo-replication. If no failovergroup name return, then the database didn't enable the geo-replication.


How do you see the availabilty zones of an Azure Data Explorer Cluster?

It's mentioned in the Microsoft Docs that an Azure Data Explorer Cluster can be created with availablity zones, but not edited after creation.
We have an existing cluster where I am trying to see if it was created with availablity zones selected, however I cannot work out where to find this within the Azure Portal. Maybe a very dumb question but where can I go to check if my instance has availability zones set up?
You see the availability zones of a particular Adx cluster either from portal, PowerShell cmdlets or through by using Azure management Rest API's.
Using Get-AzKustoCluster cmdlet to list the properties of the cluster.
get-azkustocluster -ResourceGroupName <ResourceGroupName> -Name <ClusterName> | select -Property Name,Zone
Cluster-Get REST API to get the information about cluster and it's properties.{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Kusto/clusters/{clusterName}?api-version=2022-07-07
From Azure Portal in the overview page under instance count as shown in below image

Alternative to New-AzSqlDatabaseCopy on Hyperscale Database

I am working on Microsoft Azure, in which I have a group of resources for a test environment and a production environment, in both I have an Azure SQL Databases database server with its respective database.
I am creating a Runbook of Automation Accounts in Powershell in another Microsoft Azure account (Important Note) that is responsible for "Copying" the production database to tests. I know that there is the New-AzSqlDatabaseCopy command, however, this command does not It works with Hyperscale databases.
Is there an alternative to this command in Hyperscale? or in this second account it is possible to create a. Bacpac remotely with Azure commands for Powershell, all I have seen are for working on the same account, but the database account is different from the automation account due to work rates.
Thank you in advance for your help and comments.
I already tried to use the New-AzureRmSqlDatabaseExport command, but it seems to work only in the same Azure Account, and I can't specify "Azure Account for backup" and "Azure account for storage". Am I right?
Like Alberto Morillo says in his comment New-AzSqlDatabaseCopy it's currently not available for Azure SQL HyperScale. at least at the moment of this answer.
So i try to use New-AzureRmSqlDatabaseExport with 2 Azure Accounts and it's tottally possible, you need to login with the Azure Account of the origin database Connect-AzureRmAccount then you need to call the New-AzureRmSqlDatabaseExport command with the following parameters.
-ResourceGroupName $RGName # Resource group of the source database
-ServerName $Server # Server name of the source database
-DatabaseName $Database # Name of the source database
-AdministratorLogin $User # Administrator user of the source database
-AdministratorLoginPassword $Pwd # Password of the source database
-StorageKeytype "StorageAccessKey" # Key type of the destination storage account (The one of the another azure account)
-StorageKey $StorageKey # Key of the destination storage account(The one of the another azure account)
-StorageUri $StorageFileFullURI # The full file uri of the destination storage (The one of the another azure account)
# The format of the URI file is the following:
unfortunately, this command is not enabled for hyperscale, so I get the following error message:
New-AzureRmSqlDatabaseExport : 40822: This feature is not available for the selected database's edition (Hyperscale).
I used the same command with a database that was not Hyperscale and it worked perfectly.
Finally, I think I will have to perform the manual process for at least a few months, have Microsoft launch the update for HyperScale
Database copy is currently not available for Azure SQL Hyperscale but you may see it in public preview in a few months.

Find who created table constraint in azure sql database

I have a azure sql database. Is it possible to find out who created the constraint on table? Or at least when it was added? If yes, how can I do that? Is there any scripts/tools for that purposes?
thanks in advance
Azure SQL has a feature named AUDITING. If enabled either on the server and/or database you can define a storage account to send the "Server Audit" and "Database Audit" logs to. In Azure storage, auditing logs are saved as a collection of blob files within a container named sqldbauditlogs. Use Power BI for example you can view audit log data.
If this features is not enabled your will struggle I think to find your user unless the database is accessed using Azure AD identities.
Please note Advanced Threat Detection will alert you on unusual access patterns. Least privilege approach to access is recommend.
Maybe you can use below query to find out when the constraint created from all the SQL execution records.
((CASE QS.statement_end_offset WHEN -1 THEN DATALENGTH(st.text)
ELSE QS.statement_end_offset END - QS.statement_start_offset)/2) + 1
) AS statement_text,
sys.dm_exec_query_stats QS
sys.dm_exec_sql_text(QS.sql_handle) ST
WHERE ST.text LIKE '%constraint_name%'
QS.creation_time DESC
This query will take a few time.
Hope this helps.
If you enable Azure SQL Auditing you can try the following using PowerShell.
Set-AzureRmSqlDatabaseAuditing `
-State Enabled `
-ResourceGroupName "resourcegroupname" `
-ServerName "ssqlinstancename" `
-StorageAccountName "strageaccountname" `
-DatabaseName "dbname" `
-RetentionInDays 8 `
-AuditAction "CREATE ON schema::dbo BY [public]"

Setting a SQL Azure server's name

One can create a SQL Server on Azure with cmdlet New-AzureSqlDatabaseServer
But how is it possible to set the server name? Azure gave an automatic name, but it is not easy to get it back later
you can set the Azure Sql Server name with
But you will need to change the azure mode to Azure Resource Manager mode with this:
Switch-AzureMode –Name AzureResourceManager
You will also need the latest Azure powershell module here:

Autoscaling Azure SQL Database

We have an application that uses Azure SQL for the database backend. Under normal load/conditions this database can successfully run on a Premium 1 plan. However, during the early morning hours we have jobs that run that increase database load. During these few hours we need to move to a Premium 3 plan. The cost of a Premium 3 is about 8 times more, so obviously we do not want to pay the costs of running on this plan 24/7.
Is it possible to autoscale the database up and down? Cloud services offer an easy way to scale the number of instances in the Azure Portal, however, nothing like this exists for Azure SQL databases. Can this be done programmatically with the Azure SDK? I have been unable to locate any documentation on this subject.
After digging through the articles in #ErikEJ's answer (Thanks!) I was able to find the following, which appears to be newly published with the release of the Elastic Scale preview:
Changing Database Service Tiers and Performance Levels
The following REST APIs are now newly available as well, which let you do pretty much whatever you want to your databases:
REST API Operations for Azure SQL Databases
And for my original question of scaling service tiers (ex. P1 -> P3 -> P1):
Update Database REST API
With these new developments I am going to assume it's only a matter of time before autoscaling is also available as a simple configuration in the Azure Portal, much like cloud services.
Another way to do it is using Azure automation and using run book below:
# Desired Azure SQL Database edition {Basic, Standard, Premium}
[string] $Edition,
# Desired performance level {Basic, S0, S1, S2, P1, P2, P3}
[string] $PerfLevel
# I only care about 1 DB so, I put it into variable asset and access from here
$SqlServerName = Get-AutomationVariable -Name 'SqlServerName'
$DatabaseName = Get-AutomationVariable -Name 'DatabaseName'
Write-Output "Begin vertical scaling script..."
# Establish credentials for Azure SQL Database server
$Servercredential = new-object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential("yourDBadmin", ("YourPassword" | ConvertTo-SecureString -asPlainText -Force))
# Create connection context for Azure SQL Database server
$CTX = New-AzureSqlDatabaseServerContext -ManageUrl “https://$” -Credential $ServerCredential
# Get Azure SQL Database context
$Db = Get-AzureSqlDatabase $CTX –DatabaseName $DatabaseName
# Specify the specific performance level for the target $DatabaseName
$ServiceObjective = Get-AzureSqlDatabaseServiceObjective $CTX -ServiceObjectiveName "$Using:PerfLevel"
# Set the new edition/performance level
Set-AzureSqlDatabase $CTX –Database $Db –ServiceObjective $ServiceObjective –Edition $Using:Edition -Force
# Output final status message
Write-Output "Scaled the performance level of $DatabaseName to $Using:Edition - $Using:PerfLevel"
Write-Output "Completed vertical scale"
Azure Vertically Scale Runbook
Setting schedule when u want to scale up/down.
For me, I used 2 schedules with input parameters, 1 for scaling up and another one for scaling down.
Hope that help.
Yes, that feature has is available: Azure SQL Database Elastic Scale
In some cases the easiest option might be to just run SQL query as described in msdn.
For example:
ALTER DATABASE [database_name] MODIFY (EDITION = 'standard', SERVICE_OBJECTIVE = 'S3', MAXSIZE = 250 GB)

