Livecode Browser widget not setting cookies? - browser

It appears from my research that the browser widget in Livecode does not record cookies, nor does there not seem to be other methods at play. Two pieces of evidence: in Livecode, when I return to a site that has previously alerted me to a cookie being set—having said yes the first time—it asks me again when I return to that site; item two: when I open Chrome’s cookie storage, I don’t see anything set after saying yes to a handful of sites. Could the browser widget be setting cookies elsewhere, like in a Windows folder? Or does the Livecode browser require some additional code to record cookies?

When the app/stack is closed (in the proper way) the browser widget is destroyed together with all cookies that were set. Therefore it makes sense that next time when you create a new, fresh browser instance, that you get those pesky cooky warnings again. There is no way around it, except for perhaps executing a piece of JavaScript that automatically accepts any cookie warnings. This may be a real hassle to set up.
I don't think it is possible to read set cookies and restore them later, as such behaviour wouldn't be secure.


Netsuite - security message

When I enter user id and password in netsuite every time it asks me my security questions , how can I stop this happening every time. Other people in my team are not having similar issue so I wonder what needs to be changed in my settings
*Note: I am not having administrator role
NetSuite saves a cookie in your browser in order to recognize your machine and browser the next time you log on. If it does not find this cookie it will ask a security question. There are several conditions under which this can occur:
You log on using a different machine.
You use the same machine, but a different browser.
You use 'private browsing' or 'incognito' mode.
You use a browser extension or other program which automatically deletes your browser cache, or cookies, when you exit.
You have your browser itself set to empty cache on exit. E.G.: Chrome has a setting to "Keep local data only until you quit your browser"
Anything else that might interfere with cookies.
You'll need to check which of these apply to you and act accordingly. If you're still unsure what could be causing it, you could reset your browser to defaults, or install a completely new browser and test whether it still happens with that. You may need to disable or uninstall any browser extensions too.

Force Logout on Tab / Browser Close in Laravel App - Chrome Problems

I am building a webapp in Laravel 4.1, and I wish to force logout on browser / tab close.
A bit like your typical bank does... You log into your online banking, close the window, then go back to the site, you need to log back in again.
I have set the following in my app/config/sessions.php
'driver' => 'file',
'lifetime' => 0,
'expire_on_close' => true,
Safari and Firefox appear to work properly, however Chrome seems to keep the session cache as valid meaning that the user is logged in when they browse to my site.
Is there any way I can force Chrome to not keep the user logged into my site? Maybe there is something I can do in htaccess or similar?
As far as I can tell, Chrome does not have a specific issue when it comes to session cookies. I just tested my own app on Firefox, Safari and Chrome and the behaviour was the same for all three.
I would recommend opening up the Developer Tools in Chrome, clicking on the "Resources" menu and checking the cookies for your site. If things are working correctly, the cookie for your site should be listed with a value of "Session" in the "Expires / Max-Age" column. If not, then your app may not be setting the cookie correctly. Or you may have an old cookie hanging around, so just delete the cookie and try again.
BTW - Laravel 4.1 overrides PHP's native session handling and does everything itself, INCLUDING garbage collection. And it gets its session lifetime value from the 'lifetime' value above. So if you stick with your current settings, you are going to end up with ALL of your logged in users being logged out every time garbage collection runs (which, by default, will be 2 in 100 requests). You should change 'lifetime' to some value like 1440. I wrote a lengthy article on this problem just today in fact:

If user in session, copies and pastes url in another window, the app should get logged out

I am working on a financial web application.
There is a client requirement that if user is logged in and already browsing the app. If he copies and pastes the browser url to another window. In another window, the user should get logged out.
I know http is stateless and there is no inbuilt browser mechanism (cookies etc) to solve it, this needs to be implemented by programming only. I guess people have already solved this problem. Do you know know possible solution to solve this issue?
Sadly, there is no solution.
The browser keeps the cookies and all of the user informations for all the Tabs & Windows you open. It will clear the datas (like cookies that ask to be removed after the session) as soon as you close ALL tabs and windows of your browser. Note that if the user use another browser, the behaviour your want will be respected — browsers dnn't (yet ?) share this kind of informations.
It is simply not possible to solve the problem with code, and you'll have to find work-around.
As a researcher, I've seen one of these solutions : de-auth the user on the HTTP_REFERER (Apache Env. Variable). As soon as the referer was not the application itself (except for the login form), the user was de-authed. But take care of it : the Referer is an info sent by the browser. And no information sent by the browser should be trusted :). The advice remains, if only you want to use Javascript. You'll find someone to use a JS-disabled-browser to bypass your verification.
That's why Application Development is not yet dead ;)

Move the cookies from the browser

How it is possible to move cookie from one browser to another? This must be done through the browser options
It sounds like you would like to be able to set a cookie in one browser (such as Google Chrome) and be able to access it from another browser (such as IE6).
If that is the case, check out evercookie (a very beefy solution).
If you want something more lightweight, you could try Adobe Flash cookies.
An easy way to see flash cookies in action:
In one browser open a YouTube video.
Change the volume.
Open a YouTube video in another browser.
You will be able to see that the volume has been remembered between browsers.
If you're trying to manually copy cookies between browsers, this JavaScript bookmarklet may be useful - it allows you to access and modify the cookies of the current domain; this means you could run it in one browser, copy the cookies to clipboard, then run in another browser and paste.
Note that some apps may store browser-specific data (or flags) in cookies (or related components, like sessions), which may lead to strange behavior (e.g. "this-cookie-was-set-for-IE6=1, enable broken-browser-workarounds").

Not able to open my application in two different tabs in a single browser window

I found that IE7 maintains same session for multiple tabs in a single browser window and thus doesn't support different sessions for different tabs in a single browser window. My client needs that the application should work perfectly in two different tabs in a single browser window. i think this is because of session and cookie problem. Is there a workaround for this.
Appreciate your help in this regard.
Manoja Swaro
Browser tabs share cookies (and not just in IE, in Firefox and the others as well), and the cookies contain the session ID.
You could switch to cookie-less sessions however this has security and usability concerns. URL based sessions are easily hijacked, and it breaks bookmarking as well, as each page has a unique URL per session.
IE7 doesn't maintain a 'session' as such, you're talking about a cookie with a session ID in it, I would guess. All browsers will have one value for a cookie, it doesn't vary by window/tab.
If you want a session ID to travel with the click trail, you're going to have to pass it from page to page, by (for instance) passing it as a URL parameter and ensuring that you add the parameter to the URL within the page. (Or do without a session.)
The real solution is to change your application so it doesn't assume each session has only one page. An application that can't be open in multiple tabs is broken.
This can be hard if this assumption is already deeply embedded in your code.
