Hybris Backoffice results showing No Entries - sap-commerce-cloud

I have created a model and imported data to it using impex, data is available when I searched using flexible query in HAC. But when I searched the model in Backoffice, it is displaying as No Entries. No ACCESS or user group assigned.

Under System > Search and Navigation > Facet Search Configurations, try to run full indexing for "Solr Config for Backoffice".


SharePoint - How to Group Search Results Using Default Display Templates

Is there documentation on how to create groups for search results, preferably using managed properties? All that I was able to find on it is using query rules, result blocks, or this great tutorial: http://www.eliostruyf.com/grouping-search-results-with-display-templates-for-the-cswp/, but it uses completely custom templates while I'm using modified versions of the default control, item, and group display templates and I really want to retain many of their features and just add what I need instead.
I want to organize the results by site title. I'm hoping to use each item's ParentLink managed property to get the Parent URL or Parent Web and from there, get the title. The search is collecting different items from all the site collections in the farm so that's why I want to organize it this way. How can I at least make groups? Where would this be placed within the control, item, and group templates?

Orchard CMS - dynamic query based on TaxonomyField of current content

I am looking into using Orchard CMS for an upcoming project and have hit a block. The site need to display articles of various types alongside a list of recent articles of the same type.
To that end I have:
Created a custom ContentType called Article which includes a TaxonomyField for ArticleType.
Created a custom theme with zones to reproduce the layout the customer requires. (Including RecentArticles.)
Created a custom widget layer to show/hide the RecentArticles zone based on the current ContentType. (I.e. the RecentArticles zone is only populated when we are displaying an Article.)
Created a Projection to show recent content of type Article.
I see that I can use the ArticleType taxonomy field to filter the source of the underlying query of part 4. However I need that filtering to be dynamic based on the ArticleType of the currently displaying content.
Is this possible? Is there an alternative way to reach the same result?
Thanks in advance.

Sharepoint Refinement Panel showing GUID

I am having the same problem as this post: social.msdn.com.
I am aware that they have an answer but I can't seem to understand what they mean.
So I have set up a managed property and then added it to my refinement panel using this code:
<Category Title="Loan Category" Description="Use this filter to restrict results by Loan Category" Type="Microsoft.Office.Server.Search.WebControls.ManagedPropertyFilterGenerator" MetadataThreshold="5" NumberOfFiltersToDisplay="4" MaxNumberOfFilters="20" SortBy="Frequency" SortByForMoreFilters="Name" SortDirection="Descending" SortDirectionForMoreFilters="Ascending" ShowMoreLink="True" MappedProperty="LoanCategory" MoreLinkText="show more" LessLinkText="show fewer" />
However when I do a search it displays all kinds of GUIDs for the categories as well as the categories I am looking for. I am pretty sure this did not happen when I just had this set up in test.
The crawled properties that I have mapped to this managed property are as follows:
Loan Category(Text), ows_Loan_x0020_Category(Text), Loan_x0020_Category(Text)
I originally had "ows_taxId_Loan_x0020_Category(Text)" mapped as well however I removed it after reading this might be the issue. Ran a full crawl and still no luck. I have also reset the search index and run a full crawl.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Here is the link that is being generated by the refinement panel:
<a title="Refine By: #96dbf06d-8bf8-4ec5-971b-36e27fba1f62;Loan Sale:Participation and Servicing Agreement;#4ac5410c-79e9-4a9a-99fb-66592342ed16;#51e388cd-62df-4e50-98b4-01af5f776aea;#04ac5410c-79e9-4a9a-99fb-66592342ed16" class="ms-searchref-filterlink" id="ext-gen151" href="/Search/Pages/results.aspx?k=LoanCategory%3AServicing&r=loancategory%3D%22%2396dbf06d%2D8bf8%2D4ec5%2D971b%2D36e27fba1f62%3BLoan%20Sale%3AParticipation%20and%20Servicing%20Agreement%3B%234ac5410c%2D79e9%2D4a9a%2D99fb%2D66592342ed16%3B%2351e388cd%2D62df%2D4e50%2D98b4%2D01af5f776aea%3B%2304ac5410c%2D79e9%2D4a9a%2D99fb%2D66592342ed16%22">
I determined that the GUIDs were showing in my refinement panel because they were in fact the contents of one of the crawled properties that was mapped to my managed property.
In order to determine which one I created a managed property for each of the crawled properties and added them individually. I then did an search index reset from central administration and re-ran a full crawl.
I found the guid in the database which gave me the heads up. In the database go to your search db and look for the table MSSManagedProperties. Your db name may be different.
Select * from [_SearchDB].[dbo].[MSSManagedProperties]
Get the managed property you want and then do a query on PropertyStore database table MSSDocProps based on the Pid.
Select strVal2 FROM [_SearchDB_PropertyStore].[dbo].[MSSDocProps] where Pid = ?
This gives you an idea of what data you are getting for that managed property.

Manager property is not available for Full Text Search (SharePoint 2010)

I had created a web part on MOSS 2007 which displays a organizational chart by searching (Full Text) the user profiles.
To identify the subordinates of a user, I used to search for users with the particular user in Manager property. The query looked like this:
SELECT AccountName, PreferredName, Manager, WorkEmail FROM scope() WHERE ("SCOPE" = 'People') AND Manager = 'domain\parent_user'
But, the same query does not run in SharePoint 2010 as Manager crawled property does not exists.
So, I created a new crawled property and mapped it to People:Manager(Text) now, the Manager property is always empty.
Even a full crawl after clearing the indexes also not helping.
Can anyone please help me in getting manager information in Full Text Search?
Thanks in advance!
Update: I tried mapping the crawled property with ows_Manager(Text) property also, still the same result.
After struggling a little, I got it working!
The new crawled property mapped to People:Manager(text) started giving values in search result by following the below steps:
Check Indexed checkbox in Manager User Profile property edit page
Reset crawl index
Full crawl again

Document Library Crawl

I set up a new scope and passed in the URL for a specific document libary that I created that hold 2 word documents.
For some reason when I start a full crawl, it does not see the 2 word documents.
The word documents have meta data and I've created Managed Properties that map the crawled properties.
I am trying to utilize the Advanced Search webpart to be able to search from this scope. When I enter a search term such as the filename of the word document, no results are returned.
Any ideas?
You need to enable the document library to be searchable. Enable it through the document libraries properties.
See Harnessing Properties in SharePoint Search
To get to the Document Library Advanced Settings page, from within a given library, select the Document Library Settings menu item from the Settings dropdown, and then select the Advanced settings hyperlink under the General Settings header. Somewhere in there, you should see something like the following image. Make sure that the radio button is set to Yes. Source
(source: bamboosolutions.com)
What account is the crawler running as? Maybe that account doesn't have read permission on the list, so it can't index it.
Can you find information from the same documents in other document libraries, when using the default search scope?
Can you find information from this document library using the default search scope?
Are you trying to create a custom search results page, or just scope?
One thing to try is to check the search crawl log to see if there were any errors when it was searching the library.
