Create duplicate rows in two data frames based on column values (pandas & numpy) - python-3.x

Suppose I have two data frames, DF1 and DF2,
no1 quantity no2
abc 3 123
pqr 5 NaN
no1 serial
abc 10
pqr 20
I want to create the following output DF3 and DF4
no1 quantity
abc 3
123 3
pqr 5
no1 serial
abc 10
123 10
pqr 20
Kindly help to create DF3. I have thought about repeat the rows of Df1 if DF1['no1'] != 'NA' for Df3 then drop no2 column. It is possible to create DF4 by using pd.merge but the serial number of 123 should be 10 which is required.

For df3 you can use append() method,to_frame() method and assign() method:
Output of df3:
no1 quantity
0 abc 3
1 pqr 5
2 123.0 3
For df4 you can use merge() method ,groupby() method and ffill() method:
Output of df4:
no1 serial
0 abc 10.0
1 pqr 20.0
2 123.0 10.0


Updating multiple columns of df from another df

I have two dataframes, df1 and df2. I want to update some columns(not all) of df1 from the value which is in df2 columns(names of common column is same in both dataframes) based on key column. df1 can have multiple entries of that key but in df2 each key has only one entry.
df2 :
party_id age person_name col2
0 1 12 abdjc abc
1 2 35 fAgBS sfd
2 3 65 Afdc shd
3 5 34 Afazbf qfwjk
4 6 78 asgsdb fdgd
5 7 35 sdgsd dsfbds
party_id account_id product_type age dob status col2
0 1 1 Current 25 28-01-1994 active sdag
1 2 2 Savings 31 14-07-1988 pending asdg
2 3 3 Loans 65 22-07-1954 frozen sgsdf
3 3 4 Over Draft Facility 93 29-01-1927 active dsfhgd
4 4 5 Mortgage 93 01-03-1926 pending sdggsd
In this example I want to update age, col2 in df1 based on the value present in df2. And key column here is party_id.
I tried mapping df2 into dict with their key (column wise, one column at time). Here key_name = party_id and column_name = age
dict_key = df2[key_name]
dict_value = df2[column_name]
temp_dict = dict(zip(dict_key, dict_value))
and then map it to df1
But issue here is it is only mapping the one entry not all for that key value.In this example party_id == 3 have multiple entry in df1.
Keys which is not in df2, their respective value for that column should be unchanged.
Can anyone help me with efficient solution as my df1 is of big size more than 500k? So that all columns can update at the same time.
df2 is of moderate size around 3k or something.
Idea is use DataFrame.merge with left join first, then get columns with are same in both DataFrames to cols and replace missing values by original values by DataFrame.fillna:
df = df1.merge(df2.drop_duplicates('party_id'), on='party_id', suffixes=('','_'), how='left')
cols = df2.columns.intersection(df1.columns).difference(['party_id'])
df[cols] = df[cols + '_'].rename(columns=lambda x: x.strip('_')).fillna(df[cols])
df = df[df1.columns]
print (df)
party_id age person_name col2
0 1 25.0 abdjc sdag
1 2 31.0 fAgBS asdg
2 3 65.0 Afdc sgsdf
3 5 34.0 Afazbf qfwjk
4 6 78.0 asgsdb fdgd
5 7 35.0 sdgsd dsfbds

Dropping columns with high missing values

I have a situation where I need to drop a lot of my dataframe columns where there are high missing values. I have created a new dataframe that gives me the missing values and the ratio of missing values from my original data set.
My original data set - data_merge2 looks like this :
123 ABC X Y
123 ABC X Y
123 ABC NaN NaN
245 ABC NaN NaN
345 ABC NaN NaN
The count data set looks like this that gives me the missing count and ratio:
missing_count missing_ratio
C 4 0.10
D 4 0.66
The code that I used to create the count dataset looks like :
#Only check those columns where there are missing values as we have got a lot of columns
new_df = (data_merge2.isna()
.assign(missing_ratio = lambda x: x['missing_count']/len(data_merge2)*100)
.loc[data_merge2.isna().any()] )
Now I want to drop the columns from the original dataframe whose missing ratio is >50%
How should I achieve this?
or DataFrame.drop using new_df DataFrame
data_merge2.drop(columns = new_df.index[new_df['missing_ratio'].gt(50)])
0 123.0 ABC
1 123.0 ABC
3 123.0 ABC
4 245.0 ABC
5 345.0 ABC
Adding another way with query and XOR:
data_merge2[data_merge2.columns ^ new_df.query('missing_ratio>50').index]
Or pandas way using Index.difference
0 123.0 ABC
1 123.0 ABC
3 123.0 ABC
4 245.0 ABC
5 345.0 ABC

How do I compare a dataframe column with another dataframe and create a column

I have two dataframes df1 and df2. Here is a small sample
My df2 is
Day1 Day2 Alphabets
2 5 abc
4 7 bcd
8 10 ghi
10 12 abc
I want to change my df1 such that it has new column Alphabets from df2 if the days in df1 is between day1 and day2. Something like:
if df1['Days'] in between df2['Day1'] and df2['Day2']:
Result is:
Days Alphabets
4 abc
6 bcd
9 ghi
I tried for loop and its taking a lot of time even to run. Is there any other elegant way to do?
Thanks in advance
I will use numpy broadcast
Days V
0 4 abc
1 6 bcd
2 9 ghi
3 1
4 4 abc

Pandas: Sort a dataframe based on multiple columns

I know that this question has been asked several times. But none of the answers match my case.
I've a pandas dataframe with columns,department and employee_count. I need to sort the employee_count column in descending order. But if there is a tie between 2 employee_counts then they should be sorted alphabetically based on department.
Department Employee_Count
0 abc 10
1 adc 10
2 bca 11
3 cde 9
4 xyz 15
required output:
Department Employee_Count
0 xyz 15
1 bca 11
2 abc 10
3 adc 10
4 cde 9
This is what I've tried.
df = df.sort_values(['Department','Employee_Count'],ascending=[True,False])
But this just sorts the departments alphabetically.
I've also tried to sort by Department first and then by Employee_Count. Like this:
df = df.sort_values(['Department'],ascending=[True])
df = df.sort_values(['Employee_Count'],ascending=[False])
This doesn't give me correct output either:
Department Employee_Count
4 xyz 15
2 bca 11
1 adc 10
0 abc 10
3 cde 9
It gives 'adc' first and then 'abc'.
Kindly help me.
You can swap columns in list and also values in ascending parameter:
Order of columns names is order of sorting, first sort descending by Employee_Count and if some duplicates in Employee_Count then sorting by Department only duplicates rows ascending.
df1 = df.sort_values(['Employee_Count', 'Department'], ascending=[False, True])
print (df1)
Department Employee_Count
4 xyz 15
2 bca 11
0 abc 10 <-
1 adc 10 <-
3 cde 9
Or for test if use second False then duplicated rows are sorting descending:
df2 = df.sort_values(['Employee_Count', 'Department',],ascending=[False, False])
print (df2)
Department Employee_Count
4 xyz 15
2 bca 11
1 adc 10 <-
0 abc 10 <-
3 cde 9

Sorting and Grouping in Pandas data frame column alphabetically

I want to sort and group by a pandas data frame column alphabetically.
a b c
0 sales 2 NaN
1 purchase 130 230.0
2 purchase 10 20.0
3 sales 122 245.0
4 purchase 103 320.0
I want to sort column "a" such that it is in alphabetical order and is grouped as well i.e., the output is as follows:
a b c
1 purchase 130 230.0
2 10 20.0
4 103 320.0
0 sales 2 NaN
3 122 245.0
How can I do this?
I think you should use the sort_values method of pandas :
result = dataframe.sort_values('a')
It will sort your dataframe by the column a and it will be grouped either because of the sorting. See ya !
