In Excel VBA, how to convert SUM function to its explicit form? - excel

The excel cell has a formula of form =SUM(I1:I5). How can we convert it into its explicit form:

Another approach with .Precedents:
Sub expandSUM()
Range("A1").Formula = "=SUM(I1:I5)" 'the formula must be in the cell
Output = "=SUM("
For Each cl In Range("A1").Precedents
Output = Output & "+" & cl.Address(False, False)
Debug.Print Replace(Output, "(+", "(") & ")"
End Sub

This feels like a post on Code Golf. Here's my version of a function that can do this.
Function ExplicitSum(ByVal expression As String) As String
Dim strStart As Long, strEnd As Long
strStart = InStr(1, UCase(expression), "SUM(") + 4
If strStart = 0 Then
'SUM not found
ExplicitSum = expression
Exit Function
End If
strEnd = InStr(strStart + 1, expression, ")")
If strEnd = 0 Then
'closing bracket not found
ExplicitSum = expression
Exit Function
End If
Dim LeftText As String, RightText As String, AddressText As String
LeftText = Replace(Left(expression, strStart - 1), "sum(", "(", Compare:=vbTextCompare)
AddressText = Mid(expression, strStart, strEnd - strStart)
RightText = Right(expression, Len(expression) - strEnd + 1)
If InStr(1, UCase(RightText), "SUM(") <> 0 Then
'Recursion will handle multiple sums in the same formula
RightText = ExplicitSum(RightText)
End If
Dim SumRange As Range
On Error Resume Next
Set SumRange = Range(AddressText)
On Error GoTo 0
If SumRange Is Nothing Then
'Invalid AddressText - Named Ranges or Indirect reference
ExplicitSum = LeftText & AddressText & RightText
Exit Function
End If
Dim Addresses() As String
ReDim Addresses(1 To SumRange.Cells.Count)
Dim cell As Range, i As Long: i = 1
For Each cell In SumRange
Addresses(i) = cell.Address(False, False)
i = i + 1
Next cell
ExplicitSum = LeftText & Join(Addresses, "+") & RightText
End Function
Examples of how to use the function:
Sub test()
MsgBox ExplicitSum("=5+sum(A1:D1)/20")
'Displays "=5+(A1+B1+C1+D1)/20"
End Sub
Sub ExampleUsage()
'Put the formula back into the cell after transforming
Range("E1").Formula = ExplicitSum(Range("E1").Formula)
End Sub
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
'Run on every cell with SUM in its formula
If LCase(Target.Cells(1,1).Formula) Like "*sum(*" Then Target.Cells(1,1).Formula = ExplicitSum(Target.Cells(1,1).Formula)
End Sub
Will work with complex formulas.
Will work with multiple SUMS in the same formula.
Will work with Named Ranges inside the Sum.

I wrote a function to do this via string manipulations.
I tested with
Before =SUM(C2:C4,E2:G2,D7:E8)
After =$C$2+$C$3+$C$4+$E$2+$F$2+$G$2+$D$7+$E$7+$D$8+$E$8
Usage, call ExpandSum() with the target cell as an argument
Public Sub ExpandSum(ByVal r_target As Range)
Dim f As String
f = Mid(r_target.Formula, 2)
' Is it a SUM function
If Left(f, 3) = "SUM" Then
' Take the arguments of SUM
f = Mid(f, 5, Len(f) - 5)
' make an array of string with each
' arument
Dim parts() As String
parts = Split(f, ",")
Dim i As Long, n As Long
n = UBound(parts) + 1
Dim rng As Range, cl As Range
Dim col As New Collection
For i = 1 To n
' for each argument find the range of cells
Set rng = Range(parts(i - 1))
For Each cl In rng
' Add each cell in range into a list
col.Add cl.Address
Next i
' Transfer list to array
ReDim parts(0 To col.Count - 1)
For i = 1 To col.Count
parts(i - 1) = col(i)
Next i
' Combine parts into one expression
' ["A1","A2","A3"] => "A1+A2+A3"
f = Join(parts, "+")
r_target.Formula = "=" & f
End If
End Sub
Example of calling with the current selection
Public Sub ThisExpandSum()
Call ExpandSum(Selection)
End Sub
Caveats I don't know how it will behave if the sum contains literal values, or cells from different sheets. That can be functionality to be added later.

Use the next function, please:
Function SUMbyItems(strFormula As String) As String
If strFormula = "" Then Exit Function
Dim rng As Range, Ar As Range, c As Range, strF As String
Set rng = Range(left(Split(strFormula, "(")(1), Len(Split(strFormula, "(")(1)) - 1))
For Each Ar In rng.Areas
For Each c In Ar.cells
strF = strF & c.Address(0, 0) & "+"
Next c
strF = left(strF, Len(strF) - 1)
SUMbyItems = "=SUM(" & strF & ")"
End Function
It can be used, selecting a cell having a SUM formula containing a range and run the next Sub:
Sub testSumByItems()
Debug.Print SUMbyItems(ActiveCell.Formula)
End Sub
If it returns what you want and you need changing the range formula with its expanded version, you can use (in the above testing Sub):
ActiveCell.Formula = SUMbyItems(ActiveCell.Formula)


How to make Range start from bottom to top? VBA

Option Explicit
Public Function Vlookup2(ByVal Lookup_Value As String, ByVal Cell_Range As Range, ByVal Column_Index As Integer) As Variant
Dim cell As Range
Dim Result_String As String
On Error GoTo errHandle
For Each cell In Cell_Range
If cell.Value = Lookup_Value Then
If cell.Offset(0, Column_Index - 1).Value <> "" Then
If Not Result_String Like "*" & cell.Offset(0, Column_Index - 1).Value & "*" Then
Result_String = Result_String & ", " & cell.Offset(0, Column_Index - 1).Value
Exit Function
End If
End If
End If
Next cell
Vlookup2 = LTrim(Right(Result_String, Len(Result_String) - 1))
Exit Function
Vlookup2 = ""
End Function
I have the Function Vlookup and it goes through every cell from the top to the bottom, but I want it to go from bottom to top because that'll be faster. I'd be faster because the code will stop at a certain value and odds are that it'll find the value much faster if it starts from below rather than above
I'm answering this so that others, who have this question and come to this post, will have an example even if this isn't suitable or optimal for #Apples.
Sub Example()
'Loops through a range in reverse
'Significantly slower than UsingArrays (see below)
Dim ExampleRange As Range
Set ExampleRange = Sheet1.Range("A1:CA9999")
Dim i As Long, Cell As Range
For i = ExampleRange.Cells.Count To 1 Step -1
Set Cell = ExampleRange.Cells(i)
'Cell now refers to each individual cell within the range in reverse order!
Next i
End Sub
Sub UsingArrays()
'Copies Range to an Array
'Loops through the Array in reverse
Dim ExampleRange As Range
Set ExampleRange = Sheet1.Range("A1:CA9999")
Dim Values As Variant
Values = ExampleRange.Value
If IsArray(Values) Then
Dim i As Long, j As Long, Value As Variant
For i = UBound(Values) To LBound(Values)
For j = UBound(Values, 2) To LBound(Values, 2)
Value = Values(i, j)
'Value now refers to each individual cell's value in reverse order through the array
Next j
Next i
MsgBox "This handles cases where ExampleRange is a single cell."
End If
End Sub

Paste Mulitple cell values into a single cell

I'm trying to copy the values of a range of cells(A1:A50) into a single cell (B1). I can do it manually by copying the cells to the clipboard and then pasting the clipboard into the formuala bar of B1 but I can't find a way of doing this in a macro other than getting the cells copied to the clipboard.
Hopefully someone can help me out here.
I would like the contents of cell B1 to look something like this:
Value of cell A1
Value of cell A2
Value of cell A3
...and so on
Sub myConcat(rSource As Range, rTarget As Range, Optional sDelimiter = vbCrLf)
Dim oCell As Range
Dim sRes As String
sRes = vbNullString
For Each oCell In rSource
sRes = sRes & sDelimiter & oCell.Text
Next oCell
rTarget.Value = Right(sRes, Len(sRes) - Len(sDelimiter))
End Sub
Call it from your code like as
Sub tst_myConcat()
Call myConcat([A1:A50], [B1])
End Sub
Of course, this procedure can be easily converted to a function:
Function myConcat(rSource As Range, Optional sDelimiter = vbCrLf)
Dim oCell As Range
Dim sRes As String
sRes = vbNullString
For Each oCell In rSource
sRes = sRes & sDelimiter & oCell.Text
Next oCell
myConcat = Right(sRes, Len(sRes) - Len(sDelimiter))
End Function
In this case, just write in the target cell (B1) =myConcat(A1:A50)
Do not forget to include in the cell format Wrap text!
First Column To String
The FirstColumnToString function (UDF) has a fixed delimiter (Delimiter) which can manually be changed. But it can e.g. do the following:
where it will discard error values and zero-length strings ("") and choose only values from the first column of each range e.g. in range A6:C8 it will choose the values from A6:A8.
The Code
Option Explicit
Function FirstColumnToString(ParamArray SourceRanges() As Variant) _
As String
Const Delimiter As String = vbLf & vbLf
Dim RangesCount As Long
RangesCount = UBound(SourceRanges) - LBound(SourceRanges) + 1
Dim data As Variant
ReDim data(1 To RangesCount)
Dim Help As Variant
ReDim Help(1 To 1, 1 To 1)
Dim Element As Variant
Dim RowsCount As Long
Dim j As Long
For Each Element In SourceRanges
j = j + 1
If Element.Rows.Count > 1 Then
data(j) = Element.Columns(1).Value
data(j) = Help
data(j)(1, 1) = Element.Columns(1).Value
End If
RowsCount = RowsCount + UBound(data(j))
Next Element
Dim Result As Variant
ReDim Result(1 To RowsCount)
Dim Current As Variant
Dim i As Long
Dim k As Long
For j = 1 To RangesCount
For i = 1 To UBound(data(j))
Current = data(j)(i, 1)
If Not IsError(Current) Then
If Current <> vbNullString Then
k = k + 1
Result(k) = Current
End If
End If
Next i
Next j
ReDim Preserve Result(1 To k)
FirstColumnToString = Join(Result, Delimiter)
End Function
A much simpler way of doing the job is to use the TREXTJOIN function in Excel:
With Sheet2.Range("A1:A50")
.AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:="<>"
Sheet2.Range("B1").Value2 = WorksheetFunction.TextJoin(vbCrLf, True, _
End With

How to put into a cell a product of another cell with a variable?

I'm new to vba and I've been trying to make the following code work:
convert = WorksheetFunction.SumIfs(Sheets("Convert").Range("C:C"), _
Sheets("Convert").Range("A:A"), Sheets("Vista").Range("L8"), _
Sheets("Convert").Range("D:D"), Sheets("Vista").Range("C2"), _
Sheets("Convert").Range("E:E"), Sheets("Vista").Range("AC4"))
Sheets("series").Range("L2").FormulaR1C1 = _
What I'm trying to do, is to put into a variable the result of a SUMIF formula, and use that same value to multiply it with the value of another cell.
It gives me an error of "Application-defined or object-defined error".
Thank you
Arrays Again
The Eliminator
Sub Eliminator()
Dim convert As Long
'Convert = WorksheetFunction.SumIfs(Sheets("Convert").Range("C:C"), _
Sheets("Convert").Range("A:A"), Sheets("Vista").Range("L8"), _
Sheets("Convert").Range("D:D"), Sheets("Vista").Range("C2"), _
Sheets("Convert").Range("E:E"), Sheets("Vista").Range("AC4"))
convert = 1000
Sheets("series").Range("L2").FormulaR1C1 = "=RC[-8]*" & convert
End Sub
Blah, Blah...
Now that we have concluded that the 'Convert' line is causing the error...
Since I use Excel 2003 and you have written the formula correctly, I can only guess that since SumIfs is something like an array formula it can't always be used successfully in VBA, or maybe never!? if you have error values in cells, there might be the solution, because VBA treats them as 'VBA Errors'.
The 'SumIfsless' Solution
So I provided another solution without using SumIfs. You can run it from VBA or any other worksheet. The 'str1' commented lines are for debugging purposes. You can uncomment them and see some 'subtotals' in the Immediate window.
Sub SumIfsArray()
Dim oRng As Range 'Range of the Sum Column (To Calculate First and Last Row)
Dim arrRngAddress As Variant 'Compare Addresses
Dim arrWs As Variant 'Worksheet Names
Dim arrCol As Variant 'Three Lookup Columns and the Sum Column
Dim arrRng As Variant 'Values of the Compare Addresses
Dim arrRanges As Variant 'The Ranges of the Four Columns
Dim arrArrays As Variant 'The Values of the Four Columns
Dim iCol As Integer 'Columns Counter
Dim lngFirst As Long 'First Usable Row of Data
Dim lngLast As Long 'Last Usable Row of Data
Dim lngRows As Long 'Number of Rows of Usable Data
Dim lngRow As Long 'Rows Counter
Dim lngSum As Long 'Sum of Values
Dim blnArr As Boolean 'True if all three conditions are met.
' 'Debug Variables
' Const c1 As String = "," 'Debug String Column Separator
' Const r1 As String = vbCr 'Debug String Row Separator
' Dim i1 As Integer 'Debug String Column Counter
' Dim lo1 As Long 'Debug String Rows Counter
' Dim str1 As String 'Debug String Concatenator
arrRngAddress = Array("L8", "C2", "AC4")
arrWs = Array("Convert", "Vista", "series")
arrCol = Array("A:A", "D:D", "E:E", "C:C")
ReDim arrRng(1 To 3)
With Worksheets(arrWs(1)) 'Worksheet "Vista"
For iCol = 1 To 3
arrRng(iCol) = .Range(arrRngAddress(iCol - 1)).Value
End With
' str1 = "The Values"
' For i1 = 1 To 3: str1 = str1 & r1 & Space(1) & arrRng(i1)
' Next: Debug.Print str1
With Worksheets(arrWs(0)) 'Worksheet "Convert"
'Number of 'usable' rows of data
Set oRng = .Range(arrCol(3))
With oRng
If .Cells(1, 1) <> "" Then
lngFirst = 1
lngFirst = .Cells(1, 1).End(xlDown).Row
End If
lngLast = .Cells(.Rows.Count, .Column).End(xlUp).Row
End With
Set oRng = Nothing
lngRows = lngLast - lngFirst + 1
'Array of Ranges
ReDim arrRanges(1 To 4)
For iCol = 1 To 4
arrRanges(iCol) = Range(Cells(lngFirst, Range(arrCol(iCol - 1)).Column), _
Cells(lngLast, Range(arrCol(iCol - 1)).Column)).Address
' str1 = "The Ranges"
' For i1 = 1 To 4: str1 = str1 & r1 & Space(1) & arrRanges(i1)
' Next: Debug.Print str1
'Array of Arrays
ReDim arrArrays(1 To 4)
For iCol = 1 To 4
arrArrays(iCol) = .Range(arrRanges(iCol)).Value
End With
' str1 = "Values of Ranges" & r1 & Space(1) & "A,D,E,C"
' For lo1 = 1 To lngRows: str1 = str1 & r1 & Space(1): For i1 = 1 To 4
' If i1 <> 1 Then
' str1 = str1 & c1 & arrArrays(i1)(lo1, 1)
' Else: str1 = str1 & arrArrays(i1)(lo1, 1)
' End If: Next: Next: Debug.Print str1
'Sum of Values
For lngRow = 1 To lngRows
For iCol = 1 To 3
If arrArrays(iCol)(lngRow, 1) = arrRng(iCol) Then
blnArr = True
blnArr = False
Exit For
End If
If blnArr = True Then
lngSum = lngSum + arrArrays(4)(lngRow, 1)
End If
' str1 = "The Sum": str1 = str1 & r1 & Space(1) & lngSum
'Worksheet "series"
Worksheets(arrWs(2)).Range("L2").FormulaR1C1 = "=RC[-8]*" & lngSum
End Sub
P.S. I never ever use variable names with the same name as a worksheet name in the same workbook.

Custom function in excel vba that lookup a cell value in a range that returns multiple match values and combine them in one cell

I'm trying to write a custom function in excel vba that lookup a cell value in a range that returns multiple match values and combine them in one cell.
it returns an error in value #VALUE.
I'm trying to let the user use this function, as writing a sub to do that is working fine.
Function LookUpMoreThanOneResult(LookUpFor As Range, LookUpAt As Range, col As Integer) As Range
Dim Findings As Range
For Each LookUpFor In LookUpFor.Cells
For Each LookUpAt In LookUpAt.Cells
If LookUpFor.Value = LookUpAt.Value Then
Findings.Value = Findings.Value & vbCrLf & LookUpAt.Offset(0, col).Value
End If
Next LookUpAt
Next LookUpFor
LookUpMoreThanOneResult = Findings
End Function
'below is the sub that works fine
Sub look()
Dim ref As Range
Dim arr As Range
Dim va As Range
Set ref = Range("j2:j7595")
Set arr = Worksheets(2).Range("d2:d371")
Dim r As Range
Dim a As Range
For Each r In ref.Cells
For Each a In arr.Cells
If r.Value = a.Value Then
r.Offset(0, 11).Value = r.Offset(0, 11).Value & vbCrLf & a.Offset(0, 6).Value
End If
Next a
Next r
End Sub
this is the answer, here i should not repeat the loop for the LookUpFor cell, and the return value of the function should be String.
so it is owrking fine now, and the user can use it.
Function LookUpMoreThanOneResult(LookUpFor As Range, LookUpAt As Range, col As Integer) As String
Dim R As Range
For Each R In LookUpAt
If LookUpFor.Value = R.Value Then
LookUpMoreThanOneResult = LookUpMoreThanOneResult & vbCrLf & R.Offset(0, col).Value
End If
Next R
End Function

Rearranging a name in excel

In Excel 2010, I have a column of names in the format: "Last, First MI" (<--edit, no comma after first name)
I'd like to have a macro that removes the MI from the string. Here's what I've tried so far:
Sub FirstNameFirst()
Dim theName, firstspot, secondspot, finalName As String
Dim oCell As Range
For Each oCell In Selection
firstspot = InStr(theName, " ")
secondspot = InStr(firstspot + 1, theName, " ")
oCell = Mid(theName, 1, secondspot - 1)
Next oCell
End Sub
I've learned that you can't do string manipulation like that on a Range datatype. Any suggestions?
Another way would be to use InStrRev:
Sub test()
Dim oCell As Range, i as Integer
For Each oCell In Selection
i = InStrRev(oCell, " ")
If i <> 0 Then
oCell = Left(oCell, i - 1)
End If
Next oCell
End Sub
You can use Split to separate the names parts into an array and then just index it to get the result you need:
Sub FirstNameFirst()
Dim cl As Range, arr As Variant
For Each cl In Selection
arr = VBA.Split(cl, ",")
cl = arr(0) & "," & arr(1)
Next cl
End Sub
