Convert text to raw format - text

How to convert a text to raw format without any special chars. This is because some tools formats the text. Lets say I am copying a query from outook to sql developer or hive, the query doesn't execute.
How to remove all formating and run it as plain text.

You can follow below steps:
1. Copy the query from outook
2. Paste the query in notepad
3. Copy the query again from notepad
4. Past the query in sql developer

Multiple ways to address this, depending on the situation -
What goes in the clipboard by default depends on the browser/tools. Text processors like Microsoft Word usually have options to ignore pasted style, so it shouldn't be an issue if you want to learn how to use it properly.
Following are few ways -
a) Copy the text and paste to any other text editor. I use "notes" on Mac or MS Word or sublime sometimes. Once pasted, copy that pasted text and use them as raw text which will remove all your formatting.
b) You can also use this chrome extension: which will allow you to right click on selected part and copy it as a raw text.
c) Sometimes - Ctrl + alt + v or ctrl +shift + v should paste what's on your clipboard as unformatted text. Very handy for copying code samples to word docs. This should also work on Mac if you substitute cmd for Ctrl.


using office scripts to read superScripts characters from a cell in excel online

I am trying to read content from excel using office scripts , cells of this excel contain multiple numbers , some of those are formatted as superscripts. when I try to read data from these cells with office scripts ( Typescript) it returns the content of cell as normal numbers ( completely ignoring the superscripts , displaying them as usual numbers ).
Another issue , is that once I select the content of the cell in excel online , the cell loses its superscript formatting ,and I get it back only using ( CTRL + Z) .
I tried to fill in a new cell in the same excel file , but this time with data containing superscripts that I created and copied from this site SuperScriptGenerator : Now I can select the content of the cell without losing the formatting of the superscript characters , I can also read the content of the cell with office scripts , and that would display the content of the cell while preserving the superscript characters.
Am aware that this could be a text encoding issue , but in this case , on excel online , I couldn't identify the encoding of the text ? neither why the string I copied from the superscript generator and pasted on the excel worked fine , while the already existing superscripts are causing issues ( superscripts formatting disappears once I select the cell content, and appearing as usual numbers when reading the cell content with officeScripts/typescript) ! Any help or hints on this case. Thank you
My understanding is that by default superscript/subscript texts in Office Apps (Excel, Word, PowerPoint, etc.) are actually just regular characters rendered with special formatting properties. I think a good analog of this is probably the <sup> and <sub> tags in HTML.
For example, in HTML, A<sup>2</sup> + B<sup>2</sup> = C<sup>2</sup> will be rendered as:
A2 + B2 = C2
But if you copy it and paste into a plain text editor like Notepad, you will notice it will become:
A2 + B2 = C2
This is because any formatting properties (in this case, the <sup> property) would get lost for plain text.
The Office Scripts APIs getValue and getText has the same behavior since currently they only support plain texts/numbers without any formatting properties.
But then you would ask - why can the text copied from SuperScriptGenerator retain their superscript formatting?
The answer is "Unicode Symbols"!
Now you can try to copy this text and paste into Notepad again:
A² ⁺ B² ⁼ C²
You'll notice the superscripts still look correct in Notepad this time!
This is because there are no special superscript formatting properties involved here. The small number ² is just a special Unicode Symbol that can be retained with any plain text that supports Unicode.
So apparently SuperScriptGenerator uses those Unicode Symbols to represent superscripts, which won't get lost in translation.
BTW, the selecting behavior in Excel Online does sound to me like a bug (or at least a limitation). It seems like it will automatically format all the characters in the cell with the formatting properties of the first character. So if you have something like "2A" in a cell, you select it in edit mode and move out you will end up with "2A".

How can I speed up the task of pasting data in Excel from a PDF file?

I have many PDF files with huge paragraphs and I need to copy only the relevant text and paste it in specific columns in an Excel sheet. For example:
a) Copy 'Runny nose, cough, sneezing' and paste it under 'Symptoms' column in Excel
b) Copy 'Rhinovirus' and paste it under 'Causes' column in Excel
c) Copy 'Wash your hands thoroughly and often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water aren't available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol.' and paste it under 'Prevention' column in Excel.
In summary, the required text to be copied is a mix of single words and long phrases.
My current method is to manually copy the text and paste in the specific Excel cells. In order to save some time, can I use a tool that allows me to highlight the text, select the tag and appends the text in an excel sheet in the backend?
Thanks in advance!
try to use Excel Power Query to open the pdf and then search by key words.
You can find a detailed walkthrough here
Hope it helps. I would like to post this as comment, not an answer, but I cannot do it yet.

Excel Copy and Paste data into Word - keeping bold and underline

I am trying to cut and paste Excel data into a Word document. The data is only in 1 column, and there are several cells that have bolding and underlining in them.
I would like to be able to copy and paste the data into a word, keeping the bold and underlining.
I have tried everything I can think of, but I don't see any way to keep the formatting in word.
Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.
Copy the table to Word as usual. Then go to Table Tools -> Layout -> Convert to Text and keep the formatting.
Convert to text

How can I copy data(include format, but except formula) from one excel to other excel?

I want to copy data from one excel to other excel.
I first used CTRL + C / CTRL + V and copied data, format and formula all.
But I only need data and format. Any suggestion?
i found a solution in support of office.
pls see:
Copy the cells you want, navigate to the place in the workbook where you want to paste only data and format, and then use ALT + E + S, which is the keyboard combination for Paste Special. This will give you the following dialog box:
Choose Formats as the option, and press ENTER.

Pasting the same text copied from different sources behaves differently in Excel

Now this is a weird one
We have a project where we are reading some data from an Excel spreadsheet. Obviously this data has to be in a certain format. Some of the fields consists of numbers, but should be treated as text.
To stop Excel from being "smart" and change the cell types, I have set the format in the respective cells to 'text'.
Now here is the problem: some of the numbers we're pasting have spacing between the digits. When we remove the white spaces, Excel change the cell format to 'standard' and turn the text into the 2.42805E+11 format.
BUT: this only happens when the text is copied from some sources. If a paste a number copied from a textbox, everything turn out fine when we edit the spaces. If we copy the exact same number from a web page, Excel change cell format.
I thought copy-paste would be copy-paste, but obviously some formating or something gets along on the ride.
Does anyone know what causes this, or know have to get Excel to stop being "smart" with the formating?
EDIT: I found a somewhat peculiar solution to this. I recorded a macro that uses the 'Paste Special' function with text as parameter, and overrided ctrl-v with it (in that particular spreadsheet). Works like a charm! Feels a bit "hacky", though. Can anyone think of a scenario where this will backfire?
Try using the Edit Paste Special command, it will give you some controls to choose what to do with the data.
For a taste of the complexity of what is really going on underneath, look in MSDN about Clipboard Formats. In short, it isn't all Excel's fault...
A common user trick copying data out of excel is to paste it into Notepad and cut it back to the clipboard, which flattens all the formatting down to plain text. It won't help you for pasting data into Excel, however.
Copy-paste in windows retains formatting. One way to get rid of the formatting is to paste the text into e.g. notepad first, then select and copy it again. This loses any copied formatting.
