How to install libdoc2testbench on Ubuntu - linux

libdoc2testbench is a tool of Robot Framework which supports importing test results to imbus testbench. Due to Robot Framework documentation, it is to be installed by
pip install robotframework-libdoc2testbench
I want to install it on Ubuntu 18.04; there I get the error:
Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement robotframework-libdoc2testbench (from versions: )
No matching distribution found for robotframework-libdoc2testbench
Best regards

You are probably calling pip from Python 2.7.
Make sure you use Python 3, for example with:
python3 -m pip install robotframework-libdoc2testbench
EDIT: You can download the .wheel or source tar from and install with pip pointing to it (and then if needed, download other required packages).
However the solution to your problem is the Python version. From the project page, we see it needs Python 3.7.


How to install shapely via .whl when "not supported wheel on this platform"

all. I am trying to install shapely via the .whl using pip. I have python 3.6.13 running on anaconda prompt. I have downloaded the shapely .whl using this site. However, when I run the commands shown in the image below, I get the error "shapely... is not a supported wheel on this platform."
From what I understand, I have a 64 bit architecture and python 3.6 (although it is python 3.6.13). I have tried to just request python 3.6 flat from the virtual environment setup by using the following command:
conda create -n stormEnv python=3.6
However, this command always returns a python version that is higher than a flat 3.6.
I am wondering if there is a way to get a python version that is a flat 3.6, or if I am just using the wrong .whl file from
I have also tried the 3.6 32bit architecture as shown in the next image without any success:
Thanks for any help you can provide.
Since you're working with conda, the first thing you should try is:
conda install shapely
There is likely to be an existing build for your platform available in conda forge.
Wheel files are tagged with compatibility markers, and you should not attempt to install an incompatible wheel directly, because the the compiled artifacts inside the wheel will not work on your platform. You'll have to find a wheel which is supported on your platform - to see the list of supported tags run:
python -m pip debug -v
If there are no compatible wheels available, you'll have to install the necessary build dependencies and then install directly from source code.

Installation issue while installing ParlAI (Blenderbot2)

need your help with an installation issue.
I am running a Ubuntu 20.4 machine and trying to install BlederBot2.
Using the following commands
pip install parlai
cd ~/ParlAI; python develop
It starts to try install but the I get the following message
ERROR: markdown 3.3.6 has requirement importlib-metadata>=4.4; python_version < "3.10",
but you'll have importlib-metadata 4.2.0 which is incompatible.
I am very new to Python and would appreciate your help in understanding how this can be solved.
i'm having the exact same issue. But, first, it appears parlAI doesn't support python 3.10, you have to look for a 3.9 or 3.8 version. Then, I'm force trying to get the right version of importlib-metadata by using:
pip install importlib-metadata==4.4
You can see which version best suits you, but! don't forget to downgrade your python first.
I just got the solution. Maybe this works for you too:
## First, in order to change your python version, use conda.
## If you don't know what it is, I highly recommend you to
## search it. Well, the code:
conda create -n my_env python=3.8 ## Downgrade the python just for the project
conda activate my_env
cd ~/.conda/envs/my_env
git clone
cd ParlAI
pip install -r requirements.txt
python3 develop

Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement MetaTrader5

I am trying to install a python package MetaTrader5 using the command
python3 -m pip install MetaTrader5
and I have even tried
pip install MetaTrader5
But it throws the following error
ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement MetaTrader5 (from versions: none)
ERROR: No matching distribution found for MetaTrader5
I am using
Ubuntu 16.04.6
Python 3.6.10
can someone help with this?
I have a mac. On it I have conda installed on MacOS. In addition I have a virtual machine running windows and I have also installed conda on Windows. I could install MetaTrader5 package using pip on the virtual machine but not on MacOS.
According to this Youtube video, MetaTrader5 currently doesn't support Ubuntu. It's only available on Windows.
If you look at Pypy and view the wheel files, you will see that all the builds are for Windows. pip is refusing to install because it can't find a Mac or Linux version.
Download python version 3.10.0 then try installing metatrader5.
here the link:
Metatrader 5 for Python, only work in exact versions:
Install one of version below to MT5 works.
Python Versions for Metatrader5

i have problem with package installation deepmatcher

hello i want to install python package deepMatcher i used pip command
pip install deepmatcher
get this error :
Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement torch==0.3.0
(from deepmatcher) (from versions: 0.1.2, 0.1.2.post1 No matching
distribution found for torch==0.3.0 (from deepmatcher)
python 3;6
windows 10
Instead of using torch try using 'torchtext==0.2.3' instead. Deepmatcher has a lot of dependency issues, especially with the torch package.
I had a similar problem on Windows 10, but with fasttextmirror. The solution that worked for me was to run the following command:
pip install git+
Credits to SO answer:

Does TensorFlow 1.9 support Python 3.7

I'm hesitating whether to downgrade to Python 3.6 or install a new version of TensorFlow.
Does TensorFlow 1.9 support Python 3.7?
I was able to install Tensorflow 1.12.0 with Python 3.7 on MacOS, with the following command.
sudo python3 -m pip install --upgrade
Not yet. It seems there are some variables named "async", which has become a keyword in 3.7. Shouldn't be too difficult to fix, but still a problem.
Probably not yet.
First of all, you will probably get a SyntaxError: invalid syntax because some parameters and variables at the module have the name async which is a reserved keyword in Python 3.7.0 (see also this post).
However, you can solve this by simply changing the name of all these (Ctrl + R and Replace All) from async to for example async1.
The problem is that then you will probably get a ImportError: No module named '_pywrap_tensorflow_internal' which perhaps may be fixed for any previous version before Python 3.7.0 as this post on StackOverflow suggests but personally I could not fix it on my laptop with Python 3.7.0 .
Consequently, I simply downgraded to Python 3.6.6 and now Tensorflow is working fine.
There is a whl built here. However in my run it was cpu version.
as of Aug 26tH, there is an update on the tensorflow github site
Tensorflow 1.13.1 now supports Python 3.7.
According to the comments on github
by member av8ramit
"We are aiming to try and have Windows and Ubuntu python binaries by rc2 or the official."
the estimated release date for 2019-02-03
however on
one can read from a winpython contributor:
"Tensorflow-2 is 2019, Tensorflow-1 on Python-3.7 is still not in sight"
Finally Worked for me!
On Python 3.6.4 (even 3.6.5 failed for me)
Install Python3.6.4 from here:
If you're facing issues with Python pkgs that you already had on you older version just revert it using this post:
python location on mac osx
I found this to work after searching for a while.
As Tensorflow only supports Python 3.6 as of now, you can install a different version of python alongside your standard one. Here are the steps I followed:
Download the Python3.6 tgz file from the official website (eg. Python-3.6.6.tgz)
Unpack it with tar -xvzf Python-3.6.6.tgz
cd Python-3.6.6
run ./configure
run make altinstall to install it (install vs altinstall explanation here Difference in details between "make install" and "make altinstall")
You'll normally find your new python install under /usr/local/bin. Now you can create a new virtualenv specifying the python version with:
virtualenv --python=python3.6 env3.6
Get into the virtualenv running the command source env3.6/source/bin/activate.
Install tensorflow with the classic pip install tensorflow
First of all,
*conda create -n yourenvname python=3.6
*conda activate yourenvname
*pip install tensorflow
then it will work like rock.
