How do i retain numbers while preprocessing data using gensim in python? - nlp

I have used gensim.utils.simple_preprocess(str(sentence) to create a dictionary of words that I want to use for topic modelling. However, this is also filtering important numbers (house resolutions, bill no, etc) that I really need. How did I overcome this? Possibly by replacing digits with their word form. How do i go about it, though?

You don't have to use simple_preprocess() - it's not doing much, it's not that configurable or sophisticated, and typically the other Gensim algorithms just need lists-of-tokens.
So, choose your own tokenization - which in some cases, depnding on your source data, could be as simple as a .split() on whitespace.
If you want to look at what simple_preprocess() does, as a model, you can view its Python source at:


Tool for detecting differences between text passages from two different groups

I have text data from two different groups. In total I have around 4000 text passages with around 300 words.
I am searching for a tool that allows me to analyze the difference between these two groups.
In the best case, this tool can analyze different dimensions, e.g. the length of sentences, usage of superlatives, perspective of the narrator, usage of passive form, clear and objective writing VS hedging and imprecise writing.
In Python, you can use the nltk or spacey packages to process the texts so that you can analyze them (using pandas, for example). But there's not ready-made software (as far as I know) that will do all of that for you. You're going to have to write your own code.
For example, you would create a pandas dataframe with a row for all of the texts, with their group ('A' or 'B' or whatever) as one of the columns and the raw text as the other. Then you use nltk to tokenize the text and do whatever other preprocessing you want to do, storing the clean, tokenized text in another column. Then you can have a column for, for example, sentence length (which you can compute using nltk). From there you'll be able to get the means of the two groups, standard deviation, statistical significance of difference, etc.
It's straightforward for something like sentence length, but the other features you mention are more difficult. What does it mean for a text to be clear and objective, or hedged and imprecise? That means nothing on its own: you have to decide what exactly you mean by that, and what features characterize it. For example, you could make a list of hedgers ('I think', 'may', 'might', 'I'm not sure but', etc.) and then count their frequency in each text.
Something like "perspective of the narrator" might need to be annotated manually, depending on what you mean by it. If you just mean 1st person vs. 3rd person, that could be easy to identify (compare the 'I's vs. the 'he/she's), but anything more subtle than that, I'm not sure how you'd do it.
Good luck with your project!

text2vec word embeddings : compound some tokens but not all

I am using {text2vec} word embeddings to build a dictionary of similar terms pertaining to a certain semantic category.
Is it OK to compound some tokens in the corpus, but not all? For example, I want to calculate terms similar to “future generation” or “rising generation”, but these collocations occur as separate terms in the original corpus of course. I am wondering if it is bad practice to gsub "rising generation" --> "rising_generation", without compounding all other terms that occur frequently together such as “climate change.”
Yes, it's fine. It may or may not work exactly the way you want but it's worth trying.
You might want to look at the code for collocations in text2vec, which can automatically detect and join phrases for you. You can certainly join phrases on top of that if you want. In Gensim in Python I would use the Phrases code for the same thing.
Given that training word vectors usually doesn't take too long, it's best to try different techniques and see which one works better for your goal.

Embeddings vs text cleaning (NLP)

I am a graduate student focusing on ML and NLP. I have a lot of data (8 million lines) and the text is usually badly written and contains so many spelling mistakes.
So i must go through some text cleaning and vectorizing. To do so, i considered two approaches:
First one:
cleaning text by replacing bad words using hunspell package which is a spell checker and morphological analyzer
convert sentences to vectors using tf-idf
The problem here is that sometimes, Hunspell fails to provide the correct word and changes the misspelled word with another word that don't have the same meaning. Furthermore, hunspell does not reconize acronyms or abbreviation (which are very important in my case) and tends to replace them.
Second approache:
using some embeddings methode (like word2vec) to convert words into vectors without cleaning text
I need to know if there is some (theoretical or empirical) way to compare this two approaches :)
Please do not hesitate to respond If you have any ideas to share, I'd love to discuss them with you.
Thank you in advance
I post this here just to summarise the comments in a longer form and give you a bit more commentary. No sure it will answer your question. If anything, it should show you why you should reconsider it.
Points about your question
Before I talk about your question, let me point a few things about your approaches. Word embeddings are essentially mathematical representations of meaning based on word distribution. They are the epitome of the phrase "You shall know a word by the company it keeps". In this sense, you will need very regular misspellings in order to get something useful out of a vector space approach. Something that could work out, for example, is US vs. UK spelling or shorthands like w8 vs. full forms like wait.
Another point I want to make clear (or perhaps you should do that) is that you are not looking to build a machine learning model here. You could consider the word embeddings that you could generate, a sort of a machine learning model but it's not. It's just a way of representing words with numbers.
You already have the answer to your question
You yourself have pointed out that using hunspell introduces new mistakes. It will be no doubt also the case with your other approach. If this is just a preprocessing step, I suggest you leave it at that. It is not something you need to prove. If for some reason you do want to dig into the problem, you could evaluate the effects of your methods through an external task as #lenz suggested.
How does external evaluation work?
When a task is too difficult to evaluate directly we use another task which is dependent on its output to draw conclusions about its success. In your case, it seems that you should pick a task that depends on individual words like document classification. Let's say that you have some sort of labels associated with your documents, say topics or types of news. Predicting these labels could be a legitimate way of evaluating the efficiency of your approaches. It is also a chance for you to see if they do more harm than good by comparing to the baseline of "dirty" data. Remember that it's about relative differences and the actual performance of the task is of no importance.

Dividing string of characters to words and sentences (English only)

I'm looking for a solution to following task. I take few random pages from random book in English and remove all non letter characters and convert all chars to lower case. As a result I have something like:
Now what I'm looking for is something that could reverse that process with quite a good accuracy. I need to find words and sentence separators. Any ideas how to approach this problem? Are there existing solutions I can base on without reinventing the wheel?
This is harder than normal tokenization since the basic tokenization task assumes spaces. Basically all that normal tokenization has to figure out is, for example, whether punctuation should be part of a word (like in "Mr.") or separate (like at the end of a sentence). If this is what you want, you can just download the Stanford CoreNLP package which performs this task very well with a rule-based system.
For your task, you need to figure out where to put in the spaces. This tutorial on Bayesian inference has a chapter on word segmentation in Chinese (Chinese writing doesn't use spaces). The same techniques could be applied to space-free English.
The basic idea is that you have a language model (an N-Gram would be fine) and you want to choose a splitting that maximizes the probability the data according to the language model. So, for example, placing a space between "when" and "iwasakidiwantedtobeapilot" would give you a higher probability according to the language model than placing a split between "whe" and "niwasakidiwantedtobeapilot" because "when" is a better word than "whe". You could do this many times, adding and removing spaces, until you figured out what gave you the most English-looking sentence.
Doing this will give you a long list of tokens. Then when you want to split those tokens into sentences you can actually use the same technique except instead of using a word-based language model to help you add spaces between words, you'll use a sentence-based language model to split that list of tokens into separate sentences. Same idea, just on a different level.
The tasks you describe are called "words tokenization" and "sentence segmentation". There are a lot of literature about them in NLP. They have very simple straightforward solutions, as well as advanced probabilistic approaches based on language model. Choosing one depends on your exact goal.

Finding words from a dictionary in a string of text

How would you go about parsing a string of free form text to detect things like locations and names based on a dictionary of location and names? In my particular application there will be tens of thousands if not more entries in my dictionaries so I'm pretty sure just running through them all is out of the question. Also, is there any way to add "fuzzy" matching so that you can also detect substrings that are within x edits of a dictionary word? If I'm not mistaken this falls within the field of natural language processing and more specifically named entity recognition (NER); however, my attempt to find information about the algorithms and processes behind NER have come up empty. I'd prefer to use Python for this as I'm most familiar with that although I'm open to looking at other solutions.
You might try downloading the Stanford Named Entity Recognizer:
If you don't want to use someone else's code and you want to do it yourself, I'd suggest taking a look at the algorithm in their associated paper, because the Conditional Random Field model that they use for this has become a fairly common approach to NER.
I'm not sure exactly how to answer the second part of your question on looking for substrings without more details. You could modify the Stanford program, or you could use a part-of-speech tagger to mark proper nouns in the text. That wouldn't distinguish locations from names, but it would make it very simple to find words that are x words away from each proper noun.
