I install a library/module but I am curious how they do it
const modules = require('abc');
const app = new modules('123');
const client = app.f1('abcdef').f2('ghi');
const client2 = app.f1('1111111').f2('2222');
result is 123:abcdef-ghi
result is 123:1111111-2222
result is 123:abcdef-ghi
how they did it?
i want to create that example lib/module
please give me sample code
Depending on your exact requirements, something like this seems to work:
let state = Symbol("private")
class App {
constructor(arg) {
this[state] = arg
f1 = arg => new App(this[state] + ":" + arg)
f2 = arg => new App(this[state] + "-" + arg)
to = () => this[state]
Here each of the chainable method returns a new instance of the class, each keeping the temporary result as a local state. The to() method returns that state.
This is what I use for doing function().anotherFunction()
function func() {
console.log("ran func")
return {
"anotherFunc": function () {
console.log("ran another func")
You can also just return a object
const returnData = {
"anotherFunc": function () {
console.log("ran another func")
function func() {
console.log("ran func")
return returnData
Example of use:
function word1(in_1) {
return {
"word2": function (in_2) {
console.log(`Inputs: ${in_1} ${in_2}`)
// Expected output: Inputs: Hello World
I'm trying to create a currency converter from USD to whatever other currency. I have simplified the code to the part I am having issues with.
const toCurrency = document.getElementById("toCurrency");
const returnValue = document.getElementById("returnValue");
let usdInput = document.getElementById("inputValue");
let submit = {
conversionSubmit: () => {
let conversion = {
conversion: () => {
switch(toCurrency.value) {
case USD: returnValue.innerText = usdInput.value;
return usdInput.value;
The issue here is that my usdInput.value returns undefined when I run the function even though when I see what the variable is through the console, it is perfectly defined.
I have following code
const getCompanies = async (searchURL) => {
const html = await rp(baseURL + searchURL);
const businessMap = cheerio('a.business-name', html).map(async (i, e) => {
const phone = cheerio('p.phone', innerHtml).text();
if (phone == 123) {
return {
return Promise.all(businessMap);
I want to exit in loop if my condition match. is there any way so if condition match then return the data right away. and stop execution of the loop
Your use case will be more suited to Array.some instead of Array.map
The some() method tests whether at least one element in the array passes the test implemented by the provided function. It returns a Boolean value.
So it stops execution as soon as any of the item in the array matches the condition.
You can use an external variable alongside to catch the matched value, e.g:
const getCompanies = async (searchURL) => {
const html = await rp(baseURL + searchURL);
let businessMap;
cheerio('a.business-name', html).some(async (i, e) => {
const phone = cheerio('p.phone', innerHtml).text();
if(phone == 123) {
// condition matched so assign data to businessMap here
// and return true so that execution stops
return true;
return Promise.all(businessMap);
businessMap is an array and there's nothing to await.
A simpler way to do this is:
const getCompanies = async (searchURL) => {
const html = await rp(baseURL + searchURL)
let $ = cheerio.load(html)
const ps = $('a.business-name p.phone').get()
return ps.map(p => $(p).text()).filter(phone => phone !== '123')
I have a function in a module that simulates shell.
function shell() {
while(1) {
let code = readline.question(">> ");
if(code == "") continue;
if(code == "exit") break;
try {
} catch (e) {
module.exports = shell;
I'm calling this shell function inside another js file in hope of accessing all the variables and functions defined inside that caller function. Like below:
const shell = require('./shell.js');
var EXPIRY_DATES = ["28MAY2020"];
function parse_data() {
return "somedata";
But I'm not able to access EXPIRY_DATES and parse_data() from inside the shell. How to do this?
(I tried call and bind but not successful.)
Consider passing an object containing the properties (variables) you want the other script to be able to access, then reference that object when evaling:
function shell(vars) {
const result = eval('vars.EXPIRY_DATES');
// other code in shell
(() => {
var EXPIRY_DATES = ["28MAY2020"];
shell({ EXPIRY_DATES });
module.exports = shell;
Logged result:
[ '28MAY2020' ]
I have NodeJS program.
In one class, I have various utility methods. One function, safeGithubPush, calls safeString, another func in the same class
module.exports = {
safeString(stringToCheck) {
console.log(validator.isAscii(stringToCheck), validator.matches(stringToCheck, /^((\w)*[-.]?(\w)*)*$/))
return (
validator.isAscii(stringToCheck) &&
validator.matches(stringToCheck, /^((\w)*[-.]?(\w)*)*$/)
safeGithubPush(currentJob) {
if (
!currentJob ||
!currentJob.payload ||
!currentJob.payload.repoName ||
!currentJob.payload.repoOwner ||
) {
`${' (sanitize)'.padEnd(15)}failed due to insufficient job definition`
throw invalidJobDef;
if (
this.safeString(currentJob.payload.repoName) &&
this.safeString(currentJob.payload.repoOwner) &&
) {
return true;
throw invalidJobDef;
While this.logIn(), another func in the utility class, works just fine, I get the error for safeString:
Error caught by first catch: TypeError: this.safeString is not a function
I followed a solution offer by another SO post:
safeString: function(stringToCheck){
safeGithubPush(currentJob) {
if (
this.safeString(currentJob.payload.repoName) &&
this.safeString(currentJob.payload.repoOwner) &&
) {
return true;
But this also gets a, TypeError: this.safeString is not a function.
I'm not using arrow functions, which is the explanation for this error on a different SO post
I don't think the reason is determinable with the code you are currently presenting. It likely has something to do with how you are calling safeGithubPush. If you do something that would change the this binding the this.safeString is going to fail.
const foo = {
fizz() {
buzz() {
// "this" is correct
// "this" has no fizz to call
const myFizz = foo.buzz;
Considering you are attaching these to module.exports I am going to guess that you pull these functions off in a require call and then try to use them bare which makes the problem obvious after looking at my example above:
// Ignore these 2 lines, they let this look like node
const module = {};
const require = () => module.exports;
// Ignore above 2 lines, they let this look like node
// Your module "some.js"
module.exports = {
safeString(str) {
return true;
safeGithubPush(currentJob) {
if (!this.safeString("some")) {
throw new Error("Not safe");
return true;
try {
// Some consumer module that doesn't work
const {safeGithubPush} = require("./some.js");
const isItSafe = safeGithubPush();
console.log(`Safe? ${isItSafe}`);
} catch (err) {
console.error("Didn't bind right \"this\"");
try {
// Some consumer module that DOES work
const someModule = require("./some.js");
const isItSafe = someModule.safeGithubPush();
console.log(`Safe? ${isItSafe}`);
} catch (err) {
I would restructure this code. You say these are utility functions which makes me think you don't really want to have to structure them with this in mind.
Instead of attaching them all to module.exports at their definition, define them outside and directly reference the functions you want to use, then attach them to exports so other modules can use the functions:
function safeString(stringToCheck) {
return true;
function safeGithubPush(currentJob) {
if (!safeString("some")) {
throw new Error("Not safe");
return true;
module.exports = {
I have the following code structure :
const finalCall = require('./final.js');
function Func(){
this.process = {
initCall: function(params, callback){
let proParams;
return finalCall(proParams, callback);
Now I need to test if my initCall function correctly processes the params and makes call to finalCall. I need to know how do I create a spy on my finalCall function, so when it gets called, I can track the proParams.
I have tried something like :
const func = new Func();
let proParams = null;
spyOn(func.process.initCall, "finalCall").and.callFake(function(pParams, callback){
proParams = pParams;
let params = { };
func.process.initCall(params, null);
I am missing on what object I can access finalCall, or if there is another way to do so. Thanks in advance.
Finally I found a workaround to my problem. I created a prototype of the function finalCall() in my constructor Const, and put a spyOn on its object.
Main module:
const finalCall = require('./final.js');
function Func(){
const self = this;
this.process = {
initCall: function(params, callback){
let proParams;
return self.finalCall(proParams, callback);
Func.prototype = finalCall;
and in my Spec file:
const func = new Func();
let proParams = null;
spyOn(const, finalCall);
let params = { };
func.process.initCall(params, null);