How can I troubleshoot my azure VM costs? - azure

I have a linux VM on azure, it's Standard A1 v2 (1 vcpus, 2 GiB memory) and forecast costs when choosing size are 25.24 euros, but after almost a month it costed me 86 euros. Cost analysis section says, that storage costed 50 euros. I don't have any disks except for this VM.
What can I do? How can I minimize costs?

the forecast cost might be correct for the vm resource itself BUT you have to add the disk cost. These cost may vary depending on the option you choose:
Standart HDD
Standart SSD
Premium SSD
Ultra Disk
LRS oder GRS
I suggest you check the Azure pricing calculator for your specific disk configuration. This will give you the exact price!


Azure Web App: Why is premium cheaper than standard

Below is a suggestions on scaling up my Azure Web App, Azure gives me.
I don't really understand, why Premium is cheaper than Standard, if it has more ACU, as well as the premium benefits. The machines are currently nearly idle, but I dont think this makes a differnece in that calculation.
200 total ACU
3.5 GB memory
A-Series compute equivalent
116.97 EUR/Month (Estimated)
210 total ACU
3.5 GB memory
Dv2-Series compute equivalent
70.80 EUR/Month (Estimated)
400 total ACU
7 GB memory
A-Series compute equivalent
233.93 EUR/Month (Estimated)
420 total ACU
7 GB memory
Dv2-Series compute equivalent
142.21 EUR/Month (Estimated)
Under normal circumstances, the price of scale up my Azure Web App can be calculated.
On calculator(P2V3).
On portal(P2V3).
On calculator(S3).
The price calculated through the Azure Calculator should not appear as you said, but the actual price is related to the subscription, so the benefits you enjoy will be different.
My subscription is not pay as you go type, so there will be different degrees of discount. Under normal circumstances, prices are calculated through the azure calculator. The actual payment is based on the price you see on the portal (may be related to subscription, enjoy different discounts).

Azure E series (E20S_V3 and E20DS_V4)

We are already on azure IaaS model since last 3 years and currently planning to spin up a VM in production subscription which will host SQL server 2016 enterprise edition and we are comparing between these two series E20ds_v4 and E20S_V3 with in E series.The only difference I see is the temp storage & it’s throughput and a $79 price difference/mo and rest all specs are same.Can some please share your thoughts on what is the major difference between "E20ds_v4" and "E20S_V3" VM's ? what does "ds" stands for ? for a production scale oltp what would be a better choice ?
Es, Eas, Ds and Das Series offers the optimum memory to vCPU ratio required for OLTP workload performance as you can read here. DSv_3 and Es_v3-series are hosted on general purpose hardware with Intel Haswell or Broadwell processors.
Use VM sizes with 4 or more vCPU like E4S_v3 or higher, or DS12_v2 or higher as a best practice for SQL Server VMs on Azure.
M Series offers the highest memory to vCPU ratio required for mission critical performance and is ideal for data warehouse workloads. M-series offers the highest vCPU count and memory for the largest SQL Server workloads and hosted on memory optimized hardware with Skylake processor family.
Use HammerDB to measure performance and scalability of each SQL VM option.
Use premium SSDs for the best price/performance advantages. Configure ReadOnly cache for data files and no cache for the log file. Use Ultra Disks if less than 1 ms storage latencies are required by the workload. Meanwhile, premium file shares are recommended as shared storage for a SQL Server failover cluster instance. Premium file shares do not support caching, and offer limited performance compared to premium SSD disks. Standard storage is only recommended for development and test purposes or for backup files and should not be used for production workloads. Use a minimum of 2 premium SSD disks (1 for log file and 1 for data files).Enable read only caching on the disk(s) hosting the data files. Stripe multiple Azure data disks to get increased storage throughput. Place TempDB on the local SSD D:\ drive for mission critical SQL Server workloads

How to find Azue Ultra disks IOPS and Disk throughput range based on disk Size, using azure API

I need to know Azue Ultra disks IOPS and Disk throughput range based on disk Size, using azure API, I need help on if any document is available to understand it.
According to my research, we can use the following Azure rest API to get the key capabilities of ultra disks.
GET<subscriotion ID>/providers/Microsoft.Compute/skus?$filter=location eq '<the location you want to check>' &api-version=2019-04-01
For instance, if you want to check southeast Asia, you will get a list as below, which contains ultra disk info :
Then we can use these capabilities to know IOPS and Disk throughput range based on disk Size. For example, The minimum IOPS per disk is 2 IOPS/GiB and the max IOPS per disk is 300 IOPS/GiB. Meanwhile, The IOPS disk should be greater than 100 IOPS and less than 160000 IOPS. So if our disk zise is 4 GB, the IOPS range is 100 - 1200. For more details, please refer to the document.

Azure: Why is it advised to use multiple storage accounts for a virtual machine scale set?

In the documentation for Virtual Machine Scale Sets it says
Spread out the first letters of storage account names as much as possible
I have two questions to this:
Why should you use multiple Storage Accounts at all?
Why is Azure creating 5 Storage Accounts if I create a new Virtual Machine Scale Set through portal?
Why should I spread the first letters as much as possible?
The answer to this lies in the limits of Azure. If you look at the storage limits specifically, you will find that the storage account is capped at 20k IOPS.
Total Request Rate (assuming 1KB object size) per storage account
Up to 20,000 IOPS, entities per second, or messages per second
So that means that your Scale Set would effectively be capped at 20k IOPS, no matter how many VM's you put in it.
As for the storage Account naming, I have no clue, but looking at the templates they are linking to, they are not doing it:
"uniqueStringArray": [
"[concat(uniqueString(concat(resourceGroup().id, variables('newStorageAccountSuffix'), '0')))]",
"[concat(uniqueString(concat(resourceGroup().id, variables('newStorageAccountSuffix'), '1')))]",
"[concat(uniqueString(concat(resourceGroup().id, variables('newStorageAccountSuffix'), '2')))]",
"[concat(uniqueString(concat(resourceGroup().id, variables('newStorageAccountSuffix'), '3')))]",
"[concat(uniqueString(concat(resourceGroup().id, variables('newStorageAccountSuffix'), '4')))]"
I suspect, this may be somehow linked to how the storage accounts are distributed among nodes hosting them (so say accounts starting with 'A' are all hosted on the same cluster or near by clusters).
It's about avoiding throttling
For standard storage accounts: A standard storage account has a
maximum total request rate of 20,000 IOPS. The total IOPS across all
of your virtual machine disks in a standard storage account should not
exceed this limit.
You can roughly calculate the number of highly utilized disks
supported by a single standard storage account based on the request
rate limit. For example, for a Basic Tier VM, the maximum number of
highly utilized disks is about 66 (20,000/300 IOPS per disk), and for
a Standard Tier VM, it is about 40 (20,000/500 IOPS per disk), as
shown in the table below.
There's is no price difference between 5 or 1 storage accounts, so why not 5?
If you create 5 SA in different Storage Rack/Stomp (Datacenter infrastructure) you have less chance to be throttled, and they have better chance to distribute traffic load. So I think those are the reasons

azure premium storage page blob/30 cost

recently we had deployed one application in Azure. For that we choose Virtual Machine(Standard DS2 v2 (2 cores, 7 GB memory)), and SQL Server Standard.But when I look into Billing, I found that premium storage page blob/30 burns higher than Computer Pricing. How can I cut price on this.:
As the Pricing for Azure Disks Storage mentioned that Premium Disks would be charged basing on the three disk sizes: P10, P20, P30. Based on the Premium Disk size your chose, you would be charged at $135.17 per month. If you leverage Premium Storage snapshots to backup data, then there is an additional billing at $0.132/GB per month.
For more details about your billing, you could log in to, click Download Usage Details to download the spreadsheet for your billing. You could follow tutorial and tutorial to understand your Azure Costing. If you couldn't get any helpful info, please try to contact support for locating your issue to reduce your cost.
