ffmpeg detect when a mp3 remote audio changes - audio

I'm downloading via ffmpeg a mp3 hosted on some data source:
function (fpath, opath, sampleRate) {
var self = this;
// defaults
sampleRate = sampleRate || '44100';
var loglevel = self.logger.isDebug() ? 'debug' : 'warning';
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const args = [
'-loglevel', loglevel,
'-i', fpath,
'-ar', sampleRate,
'-acodec', 'pcm_s16le',
const opts = {
cwd: self._options.tempDir
cp.spawn('ffmpeg', args, opts)
.on('message', msg => self.logger.info(msg))
.on('error', reject)
.on('close', resolve);
The data source, slightly changes this audio file from time to time. Is there a way for ffmpeg - for a given url - to check if that audio file has changed without downloading the whole file?
I've trying using curl -I as basic check, but I'm not sure it's the right approach for mp3 audio files that will exist anyways.

ffprobe -print_format json URL;
adding -show_entries you can pick only desidered infos, what you think is appropriate to decide if there is a change


0xc00d36c4 while saving file to wav format nodejs amazon polly text to speech

I am using Amazon polly for text to speech.
Here is the code
static async _ttsUsingPolly(text, gender, destPath, speed) {
let params = {
'Text': 'Hi, my name is #anaptfox.',
'OutputFormat': 'pcm',
'VoiceId': 'Kimberly',
SampleRate: "8000"
const data = await this.Polly.synthesizeSpeech(params).promise();
if (data.AudioStream instanceof Buffer) {
console.log("buffer", data);
// Initiate the source
const bufferStream = new Stream.PassThrough();
// convert AudioStream into a readable stream
// Pipe into Player
this saves the file to .wav format. destPath is public\audio\abc\1212_1660649369899.wav.
But when i play this file it says
This file isn’t playable. That might be because the file type is unsupported, the file extension is incorrect, or the file is corrupt.
what is the issue (if someone can explain)? and how can i fix this?
actually this generates the pcm format file, so i tried wav converter
var pcmData = fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, './audios/audio_wav', fileName))
var wavData = wavConverter.encodeWav(pcmData, {
numChannels: 1,
sampleRate: 8000,
byteRate: 16
fs.writeFileSync(path.resolve(__dirname, './audios/audio_wav', './16k.wav'), wavData)
pcm generated file is of almost 67KB but converted wav file is of 1KB.
if i change pcm to mp3 in polly params it works.
Any help?
I directly passed the stream to wav-converter
._convertPcmToWav(data.AudioStream, fileName);
static _convertPcmToWav(stream, fileName) {
const wavData = wavConverter.encodeWav(stream, {
numChannels: 1,
sampleRate: 8000,
byteRate: 2
const wavFileName = path.parse(fileName).name;
fs.writeFileSync(path.resolve(__dirname, './audios/audio_wav', `./${wavFileName}.wav`), wavData)
now the file is generated correctly and playable.

Pass multiple input files to ffmpeg using a single stream in Node

I'm trying to use ffmpeg to merge multiple video files. Every file has the same encoding, and they just need to be stitched together. The problem I'm having is that I'd like to do this using streams, but ffmpeg only supports one input stream per command.
Since the files have the same encoding, I thought I could merge them into a single stream, and feed it as an input to ffmpeg.
const CombinedStream = require("combined-stream")
const ffmpeg = require("fluent-ffmpeg")
const AWS = require("aws-sdk")
const s3 = new AWS.S3()
const merge = ({ videos }) => {
const combinedStream = CombinedStream.create();
videos //I take my videos from S3 and merge them
.map((video => {
return s3
Bucket: "myAWSBucketName",
Key: video
.forEach(stream => {
merge({ videos: ["video1.mp4", "video2.mp4"]})
I was hoping ffmpeg could read the files from the single stream and output them together, but I got this error instead:
Error: ffmpeg exited with code 1: pipe:0: Invalid data found when processing input
Cannot determine format of input stream 0:0 after EOF
Error marking filters as finished
Conversion failed!
Can anyone help me?

Chrome Native Messaging - Hanging Child Process

I'm trying to make an extension that uses chrome native messaging to communicate with youtube-dl using a node.js host script. I've been able to successfully parse the stdin from the extension & also been able to run a child process (i.e. touch file.dat), but when I try to exec/spawn youtube-dl it hangs on the command. I've tried the host script independently of chrome native input and it works fine. I think the problem may have something to do with 1MB limitations on buffer size of chrome native messaging. Is there a way around reading the buffer?
#! /usr/bin/env node
"use strict";
const fs = require('fs');
const exec = require('child_process').execSync;
const dlPath = '/home/toughluck/Music';
let first = true;
let buffers = [];
process.stdin.on('readable', () => {
let chunk = process.stdin.read();
if (chunk !== null) {
if (first) {
chunk = chunk.slice(4);
first = false;
process.stdin.on('end', () => {
const res = Buffer.concat(buffers);
const url = JSON.parse(res).url;
const outTemplate = `${dlPath}/%(title)s.%(ext)s`;
const cmdOptions = {
shell: '/bin/bash'
const cmd = `youtube-dl --extract-audio --audio-format mp3 -o \"${outTemplate}\" ${url}`;
// const args = ['--extract-audio', '--audio-format', 'mp3', '-o', outTemplate, url];
// const cmd2 = 'youtube-dl';
process.stderr.write('Suck it chrome');
process.stderr.write('stderr doesnt stop host');
exec(cmd, cmdOptions, (err, stdout, stderr) => {
if (err) throw err;
process.stderr.write('\n Okay....');
The full codebase can be found at https://github.com/wrleskovec/chrome-youtube-mp3-dl
So I was right about what was causing the problem. It had to do with 1 MB limitation on host to chrome message. You can avoid this by redirecting the stdout/stderr to a file.
const cmd = `youtube-dl --extract-audio --audio-format mp3 -o \"${outTemplate}\" ${url} &> d.txt`;
This worked for me. To be honest I'm not entirely why the message is considered > 1 MB and if someone can give a better explanation that would be great.

FFmpeg Stream RTSP input and save to file at the same time using nodejs

I am using node-rtsp-stream module to stream RTSP to web with nodejs.
I am streaming RTSP source with ffmpeg, for example RTSP SOURCE - EXAMPLE
I know that I can save one or many inputs to many outputs but I dont know if there is option to stream the input and save it to file at the same time without executing two process of ffmpeg.
With the following example I am able to stream the RTSP source
ffmpeg -i rtsp-url -rtsp_transport tcp -f mpeg1video -b:v 800k -r 30
On the module is look like that:
this.stream = child_process.spawn("ffmpeg", [ "-i", this.url, "-rtsp_transport", "tcp",'-f', 'mpeg1video', '-b:v', '800k', '-r', '30', '-'], {
detached: false
ff =child_process.spawn("ffmpeg", [ "-i", this.url, '-b:v', '800k', '-r', '30', '1.mp4'], {
detached: false
this.inputStreamStarted = true;
this.stream.stdout.on('data', function(data) {
return self.emit('mpeg1data', data);
this.stream.stderr.on('data', function(data) {
return self.emit('ffmpegError', data);
As you can see I am using two process of ffmpeg to do what I want but
If anyone faced with this issue and solve it with one command ( process ), I would like to get some suggestions.
How to stream RTSP source and save it to file at the same time.
for more information about the module I use:
try the code: (it will read RTSP and save to a jpg file (overwrite it every 3 seconds))
var fs = require('fs');
var spawn = require('child_process').spawn;
var rtspURI = 'rtsp://wowzaec2demo.streamlock.net/vod/mp4:BigBuckBunny_115k.mov';
var fps = 1/3;
//avconv -i rtsp://wowzaec2demo.streamlock.net/vod/mp4:BigBuckBunny_115k.mov \
// -r 1/3 -an -y -update 1 test.jpg
var ffmpeg = spawn('avconv', ['-i',rtspURI,'-r',fps,'-an','-y','-update','1','test.jpg']);
// var ffmpeg = spawn('avconv',
// ['-i','rtsp://wowzaec2demo.streamlock.net/vod/mp4:BigBuckBunny_115k.mov',
// '-r','1/3','-an','-y','-update','1','test.jpg']);
ffmpeg.stdout.on('data', function (data) {
console.log('stdout: ' + data);
ffmpeg.stderr.on('data', function (data) {
console.log('stderr: ' + data);
ffmpeg.on('close', function (code) {
console.log('child process exited with code ' + code);

Node.js: realtime conversion from jpeg images to video file

I'm using node.js and through the socket.io library I receive chunks of data that are actually jpeg images. These images are frames of a realtime video captured from a remote webcam. I'm forced to stream the video as jpeg frames. I'm looking for a way to convert on the fly these jpeg images in a video file (mpeg 4 or mjpeg file). Does node have a library that can do this? I already took a look at the Node-fluent-FFMPEG library but the only examples given were about conversions of jpeg files to a video and not a conversion on the fly from a stream of jpeg images. Or alternatively, does ffmpeg for windows support a stream of jpeg images as input?
FFMPEG supports streams as inputs, as stated in the docs.
You can add any number of inputs to an Ffmpeg command. An input can
be [...] a readable stream
So for instance it supports using
which creates a Readable stream from the file at '/path/to/input3.avi'.
I don't know anything about FFMPEG, but you may pull your messages coming from socket.io (messages may be a Buffer already) and wrap it with your own implementation of Readable stream.
I think you should look at videofy
var exec = require("child_process").exec;
var escape = require("shell-escape");
var debug = require("debug")("videofy");
var mkdirp = require("mkdirp");
var uid = require("uid2");
* Expose videofy
module.exports = videofy;
* Convert `input` file to `output` video with the given `opts`:
* - `rate` frame rate [10]
* - `encoders` the video codec format, default is libx264
* #param {String} input
* #param {String} output
* #return
* #api public
function videofy(input, output, opts, fn) {
if (!input) throw new Error('input filename required');
if (!output) throw new Error('output filename required');
var FORMAT = '-%05d';
// options
if ('function' == typeof opts) {
fn = opts;
opts = {};
} else {
opts = opts || {};
opts.rate = opts.rate || 10;
opts.codec = opts.codec || 'libx264';
// tmpfile(s)
var id = uid(10);
var dir = 'tmp/' + id;
var tmp = dir + '/tmp' + FORMAT + '.jpg';
function gc(err) {
debug('remove %s', dir);
exec('rm -fr ' + dir);
debug('mkdirp -p %s', dir);
mkdirp(dir, function(error) {
if (error) return fn(error);
// convert gif to tmp jpg
var cmd = ['convert', input, tmp];
cmd = escape(cmd);
debug('exec %s', cmd);
// covert jpg collection to video
exec(cmd, function(err) {
if (err) return gc(err);
var cmd = ['ffmpeg'];
cmd.push('-f', 'image2');
cmd.push('-r', String(opts.rate));
cmd.push('-i', tmp);
cmd.push('-c:v', String(opts.codec));
cmd = escape(cmd);
debug("exec %s", cmd);
exec(cmd, gc);
Using require("child_process") you can use ffmpeg, or there are probably npm modules to help with this. ffmpeg will allow you to first take a list of jpegs and convert that to a video, second you can add a list (or just one) jpegs to the beginning or end of videos.
