Run SSL Certificate in IIS and Node JS - node.js

I have a windows server 2012 with a SSL Certificate running in IIS.
I have a Node JS app deployed on that server too, i'm using pm2 to manage this project, but, I need to use this project with https too.
How I can do this?
Previously I tried to re-key the certificate with Open SSL following the steps of this link:
Setting up real SSL with Node JS
Everything is ok, but when I re-key the certificate with the .csr generated by openSSL, my certificate on IIS stop working.
How can I achieve this?
I'm using GoDaddy for the SSL certificate.
Thanks in advance.

So you're essentially trying to use the same certificate on two different web servers? Presumably they serve to different domains? (e.g., b.mydomain,.com).
If their base domain is the same you can look into getting a certificate issued that has a wildcarded domain (* If your registrar doesn't support this, or if your domains are totally different and not related, then you need two different certificates.


Installing SSL Certificate on Nodejs Webapp Server

I have a webapp server based on nodejs installed on Windows Server 2016. I want to install an SSL Certificate on such server. I've generated a free SSL from Cloudflare but it downloaded a DER file. The person responsible for configuring the Webserver said he needs a .pfx and a passphrase in order to install the SSL Certificate. Is there a way to convert .der to .pfx with a passphrase, or is there any other way to do that for free or buy one at a very low cost,
Thanks in advance!
If you need a custom SSL certificate for you server, consider obtaining it directly from Let's Encrypt
Alternatively, you can use Cloudflare as a reverse proxy on top of your Node.js server that will add SSL automatically without a need to configure anything (other than creating a DNS record and checking "Cloudflare Proxy" (orange) checkbox. Then in your server settings, you would just configure firewall rules to allow connections only from Cloudflare IPs that can be found here —

How to setup a self-signed certificate for iis but without a hostname

How to setup a self-signed certificate for iis but without a hostname.
I'm building a website for enterprise, it's a local lan website, But Since I want to use identity server for SSO, I need to bind the site to https.
I've created a self-signed certificate, and bind to the website, But when I browse to this site, all the browsers said this site is not secure, so the identity server didn't work.
After searching a lot on the web, it seems the site need a hostname to make the certificate work. But it's an enterprise internal website, I don't think it can be bound to a hostname.
I don't know how to make https work normally. please help!!!

Elastic Beanstalk node.js app served through SSL

I have develop an node.js app and successfully upload and deploy it using AWS tools and Elastic Beanstalk. My app is reachable through the url provided by EB.
I create a SSL Certification through AWS Certificate Manager and assign it from configuration menu. Load Balancer Config
When i checked Load balancer and security group configuration everything looks fine but if i'm trying to get i get privacy error response.
I think that this is more likely a Amazon support question but maybe someone know if i miss something.
The SSL certificate will be for a specific domain. It is certainly not for the domain because you don't own the domain so there's no way you could have created a valid SSL certificate for that domain. The SSL certificate is only going to work with the custom domain you created the certificate for, and only when you have that custom domain actually pointing to your Elastic Beanstalk environment.
SSL certificate works as per the domain name they were generated. As per your comment you got that certificate for so it will not work for you have to map to point to the EB and then your will serve the SSL certificate.

How can I export a wildcard SSL certificate from IIS to Heroku?

I already have a valid and running wildcard SSL certificate from GoDaddy on an IIS server, and I need to install this certificate on Heroku (for a subdomain).
I'm still not sure if I should export the certificate from IIS (and how to import that on Heroku) or just regenerate a CSR and re-emit the certificate. If I go for the second option, will my IIS certificate keep working?
Thanks in advance!
Open the certificate manager from the mmc snapin and then load the local computer's certificate store. Once insde, find your certificate and export it along with the private key. Take the outputted file and import into Heroku. No need to regenerate.

Tomcat and NodeJS (different IPs) using same SSL certificate

My web application uses Tomcat7 for hosting web pages and NodeJS for WebRTC. Each of them has a different IP. We've already set up the ssl certificate of Tomcat. My question is can I use the signed certificate of Tomcat in the NodeJS server?
Yes! you can use the installed certificate on your tomcat and NodeJS server.
But, you need to be clear with your common name as there are many different types of certificate available like wildcard ssl, which supports all the sub-domains for a single domain name, multi-domain certificate, which support multiple domain names on a single certificate.
Certificate feasibility depends on your types of certificate, which you can export from apache keystore and import on NodeJS server. - The following articles will help you for the installation of export certificate from apache to NodeJS server.
