Azure Devops - Test Run Managment : resuming in-progress test - azure

Been trying to figure out how to resume an in-progress test in DevOps without any success.
In screenshot 1, you can see that I have three tests that are in progress, but there doesn't seem to be a way to resume them.
In screenshot 2, you can see that double-clicking on the in-progress test and then viewing test results DevOps shows the test is presently paused.
Reviewing other posts related to pausing and resuming tests or searching for any right-click menus or methods of resuming have not yielded any results. Looking for help resuming tests.
screenshot 1 of recent test runs from DevOps
Screenshot 2 of test results tab of a previous in-progress run

It appears it is not possible to resume the test run in question. The only solution I have seen for this is to delete the test run. The test run deletion can only be done via the Rest API as answered here: How to change a status of a Run in Azure DevOps when it wasn't complete
This doesn't say much if you don't know how to use a Rest API. User #ATCCAN mentioned in the comments of that question that this issue is a bug from Azure DevOps and that it is already solved. I however, have experienced this same issue in the days surrounding this post. It seems to me that the bug still persists.
Research from different has lead me to the conclusion that this is a bug and that it hasn't been solved.
Here is a program to delete test runs using the Rest API:


'Submit' in Azure ML Studio 'Designer' not showing training process in components

I'm following a tutorial to learn how to use Azure ML Studio. Yesterday, I completed the Use Azure Machine Learning Designer without a hitch and got a diabetes prediction service up and running (I completed the first two parts of the tutorial before that, also without problem).
Today, I wanted to re-do the steps to really get them in my head, but at the Run the training pipeline step, hitting Submit no longer displayed the progress for each component (yesterday, I could see each component going from yellow to green, and observe outputs once green - all of that in the pipeline canvas of the Designer - as in the example image below - before a Submit, the green band isn't there).
What I did
Checked that my compute instance was running (OK)
Checked that my Complute Cluster was running (seemed ok, but noticed there was no jobs history, and that my pipeline build, when checking general Jobs, only took 4 seconds (instead of the usual 5-15min) - so I deleted and rebuilt it, as it seemed dead.
The new Submit operation took the expected ~10 minutes, but still no visual of the progress showing in the Pipeline Canvas.
Went to check the jobs finished within the cluster itself, and saw that everything ran ok (I could see the outputs here)
I couldn't find any logs, nor got any error message telling me something was wrong.
Here are my questions:
Am I missing something obvious (entirely possible since I'm new to Azure ML)
Is there a place to really monitor what's going on under the hood of Azure ML Studio to double check the validity of a "Successful" job
Has anyone else experienced this and found a way to "fix" it (so that I can see the training on the canvas, per component, as it progresses) ?
Thank you !

Azure Devops -Test Data displayed in pipeline is incorrect and is displaying data which i ran in my local esktop

I needed a small help. Whenever I run the pipeline, the data being displayed in testtab is incorrect and it displays the data which I ran on my local desktop rather than the job ran on Agent.
You can run tests in test tabs using different options. You can use any to solve your problem:
Automatically inferred test result: for some popular test runners' pipeline automatically infer the test output.
This is done with the help of describing the error logs generated during build operation.
Publish Test result task: Publishes test result to azure pipeline you choose the runner for tests execution available in
any formats.
Test execution tasks: Built -in test execution tasks such as visual studio test that automatically publish tests results to the pipeline
Azure Devops also provide other way to surface the test information You can use this.
Test analytics provide rich insights into test result over a period of time, identify problematic area in your test.
The dashboard provide track of your work's progress add widgets that surface test related information.
Requirement quality
Test result trend
Deployment status

I have Triggered Webjob which runs every midnight once, But its seems multiple instance are invoked which duplicates the task performed by them

I have a webjob as below.
I deployed it via VSTS CICD pipeline.
It should ideally run 1 instance and send only 1 email and stop after that but it runs 2 instances and sends 2 emails like below. As it is triggered job i was hoping only 1 instance would be invoked in azure.
Can anyone suggest me over this?
You can check this post which title is Why is TimerTrigger in AzureWebJob is being triggered twice?.
I’m not sure if this bug is currently fixed, you can raise a support ticket to check you logs.
Since TimerTrigger itself is in singleton mode, this error appears in your code currently. I suggest checking your code to make sure that the code is not executed twice, and then add the Singleton attribute to the method.
I'm not sure if this can solve your problem, you can try it.
You can set your webjob as Singleton.
If your Azure Web Sites site is running on multiple instances and you create a new continuous WebJob, the WebJob will run on all instances by default. (Note that a triggered WebJob will run on just one instance selected at random.)
For more details, you can check the offical document. You also can read other related posts.

Example pipeline task for automated ui-tests with xamarin in appcenter, triggered from Azure DevOps

I want to run our automated ui tests from xamarin ui-tests in appcenter.
But i don't want to start the test runs manually, but rather being triggerd by my Azure DevOps build pipelin. I already found the task for this, but unfortunately the documentation only contains a sample for espresso, and none for xamarin ui-test.
So right now i'm a bit lost on what i have to setup and what commands are really needed to get this going.
I already did successfully run the ui-tests manually on app-center, but getting this married to azure devops is a bit too much for my brain right now (maybe i just overlooked some basic things)
[edit1] I forgot to mention, that i (for some not know reason) cannot use the old graphical yaml builder of azure devops, but are stuck to the yaml file editor. So since the documentation for the graphical yaml builder is much better, i would also be glad if someone would show me, how i could switch back to it in azure devops.
I think I should just open my eyes before asking a question for which the answer is directly in front of me.
so, i found the graphical yaml builder just on the right of the window :/.
I'll leave this question though and updated it with a working sample file, once i finished creating one.
If someone out there is faster than me, i'm happy to upvote and accept his answer though :).
So, if anyone of you has a build pipeline task for automated xamarin ui-tests to help me out, i would be really greatful.
Best regards and thx in advance.
I now get the following error message:
##[error]Error: Cannot find any file based on d:\a\1\s\com.docuware.mobileclient.apk.
In my Publish Task the file is taken from here:
Upload 'd:\a\1\b\Debug' to file container: '#/9635693/drop'
This is the path i gave for the apk file:
appFile: '$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/com.companyname.filename.apk'
of course i see, that the file is in subfolder named "Debug", but how to tell the task to look in d:\a\1\b for debug and not in d:\a\1\s?

Azure Build pipeline not able to retrieve latest source version

I'm running into a strange problem whenever I start a particular build, and I can't get my head around it.
I just imported an existing VSTS-repository into my new GIT-Repository on Azure DevOps. My next step is to create a Build-pipeline which should lead to an artifact which I can deploy. For the company I work for I've done this many times, but I've never seen this error before.
The buildpipeline is setup, and as soon as I start a build it immediately fails with the following error;
Hopefully somebody can help out in resolving this.
UPDATE - Added settings for retrieving sources
After posting the second screenshot and going through everything again properly, I saw that I didn't point the Build Pipeline to the proper GIT-Repository in Azure Devops. After updating this, the issue was resolved.
