getting error while sending dynamic notifications through custom activity in journey builder - node.js

I want to send dynamic notification through custom activity which I have created in journey builder. I am able to send only static notifications right now.
It is integrated with third party app through which the notifications will be send. I have integrated that using heroku and github. What changes should I make in config.json, activity.js and customActvity.js.
I have followed below site to create this custom activity and also the same github repository which is given there
Below is the screenshot of error which I am getting after journey execution. Please tell me why I getting this error, if I need to do changes in node js or in marketing cloud.


How to get a callback when an Azure Marketplace Managed Application is installed from marketplace

The Microsoft documentation states:
Provide a notification endpoint URL: In the Notification Endpoint URL
box, provide an HTTPS Webhook endpoint to receive notifications about
all CRUD operations on managed application instances of this plan
I created a simple Logic App and copied the HTTP endpoint into my MPN App Plan under the
It looks like this and has the sig at the end:
To test it I hit it with PostMan and confirm that it is getting an HTTP200 as per the MS Docs.
I publish the app to the marketplace:
(you can see the app live here -
However - the endpoint never gets called at all. I can see in the logs that no attempt (failed or past) has been made to call it.
I raised a Microsoft Support Ticket and asked a Technical Specialist, however no one can tell me how to debug it or why it is not calling back on installs or failed installs.
Has anyone seen this working?
I found out that each PLAN has a GUID that is automatically used for deployment. Mine is "pid-34881ea9-xxxx--xxxx-xxxx-2cf731e06ef7-partnercenter" - should I be putting this on the callback notification URL as sig=ThisGUID?
In the example for Managed apps with notifications, it shows that managed applications will send a post to https://{your_endpoint_URI}/resource. Can you try adding /resource to your listener and see if it triggers your logic app? I believe that should fix this.

Twitter dialogflow open source integration

I have followed the steps given for integrating with the twitter and everything was done as such and deployment was successfull but I didnt get the response back from the bot.I tried integrating with the same app using the older method of integration and it is working. How can I know what is the problem with the integration?I tried integrating with the same app using the older method of integration and it is working
I’ve had the same issue. When deploying using gcloud beta run deploy ... command it tries to register new webhook on Twitter. In most cases it fails (eg. with High latency on CRC GET request. Your webhook should respond in less than 3 seconds. error). It is possible, that webhook registration will succeed after some deployments, but better approach would be to use local instance of Twitter Activity Dashboard - you can use targetUrl there and register webhook yourself (it’s possible that you will have to try several times). Remember to also verify it later with Verify button.
I have disabled Twitter integration in Dialogflow and my bot is now using Cloud Run webhook for Twitter.
Information in this issue were very helpful.

Instagram webhook not activating

My goal is to use the Facebook webhooks to get a notification whenever an IG user mentions my IG account. For that I have followed these steps:
I have created a Facebook page and connected it with an Instagram business account.
I have created a Facebook app (which is now live) and added the product "webhooks".
I have connected my app with my page.
I have created a webhook and subscribed to the mentions event.
I have tested the webhook, using the tools provided by Facebook and it works.
The problem I'm facing is that I can't get my app to work with real data. I have tried to mention my business IG account from my IG personal account, but nothing happens. My callback url is not getting called.
My app doesn't need users to login, so I'm not sure if I need to send my app for review. Do I need a special permission?
I had the same problem. For my case, when I installed the app via graph api explorer, the page token I was using didn't have the instagram_manage_insights permission. So I granted that permission, got a new token, re did the POST request to the {page-id}/subscribed_apps again with the new token and that fixed the problem. Just for the record, I used a system user token from the business manager.
Did you verified your Facebook app via app review? If not, you won't get production data via a webhook callback for the Instagram. I had the same issue and asked the Facebook support and got following response:
However, this is not the same for instagram or pages. This is just how the product teams have decided to implement it. For app review, you can show a mock process of the flow, using either the test webhook or your own process. The app review is less about technical implementation steps, but just a way to make sure that your app is going to use the permission in a way that follows our guidelines, so mocking the procedure should be fine. The reviewers understand that you do not receive webhooks in dev mode and should take this into consideration.
For more information check out following links:
Why is the Instagram Graph API webhook not working
I just figure it out of this problem.
There is a mistake in the official Instagram webhook guide:
With Graph API version 3.2, the /{page-id}/subscribed_apps edge now requires the subscribed_fields parameter, which currently does not support Instagram webhooks fields. To get around this, use your app's dashboard to subscribe.
However, the app's dashboard subscribe is another function. You need your page to subscribe to some field to receive webhooks
Just POST /{your-instagram-connected-page-id}/subscribed_apps?subscribed_fields=feed&access_token={your-instagram-connected-page-token}
Then you will receive webhooks in live mode.

Azure Test Send Not Working

I have an android application in which I am trying to implement Azure Push Notification. I am doing the following steps:
Create an android application.
Register the android application developed in step one to get the token id.
Create a project in the Firebase Console and copy the legal server key.
Create a notification hub.In the notification hub under gcm register the legal server key generated in step 3.
Send a notification through test send feature of the azure portal.
I am getting success message but nothing is delivered to the device. Am I missing any step? Please suggest my work is stuck because of this.

Can anyone post an example for event notification using docusign java-client sdk?

I want to implement event notification webhook method into my app. I am using docusign-java-client SDK for docusign, but I am unable to find any example using SDK. Can anyone provide some example to achieve this?
I'm sorry to report that we (DocuSign) don't yet have a Java recipe for this. We do have a Python example. Java is on the list of things to do. Perhaps someone else can provide an example in the meantime.
Here is a general description:
First, set up your webhook subscription. You can have an envelope-specific webhook subscription by including the eventNotification fields in your envelope create request.
Or you can set up a more general subscription by using the "Connect" feature. You can setup Connect subscriptions either via the DocuSign web tool, or programmatically.
As part of the subscription you provide your url for the incoming XML notification messages.
To handle them, you write a small web app using whatever web app framework is easiest for you and your stack. Your web server will receive the incoming https calls from DocuSign.
You can see what the incoming XML messages look like by using the beta Recipe Framework. Run it on Heroku. Use the embedded signing recipe and click the button to see the Webhook / Connect messages. You can then see the sorts of messages that you will receive.
Your incoming message web server will simply parse the XML messages and then handle them accordingly.
Thanks for using the webhook system. Please ask more questions here if you have any issues.
