deadlock using condition variable - multithreading

I have a question about condition_variable.
Having this code
#include <iostream>
#include <thread>
#include <chrono>
#include <mutex>
#include <condition_variable>
std::condition_variable cv;
std::mutex mut;
int value;
void sleep() {
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mut);
// sleep forever
int main ()
std::thread th (sleep);
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lck(mut);
if(cv.wait_for(lck,std::chrono::seconds(1))==std::cv_status::timeout) {
std::cout << "failed" << std::endl;
return 0;
How to resolve this deadlock
Why the wait_for blocks even after the 1 sec.
Is the mut necessary for the thread th ?

Why the wait_for blocks even after the 1 sec?
How do you know that the main thread ever makes it to the cv.wait_for(...) call?
It's not 100% clear what you are asking, but if the program never prints "failed," and you are asking why not, then probably what happened is, the child thread locked the mutex first and then it "slept forever" while keeping the mutex locked. If that happened, then the main thread would never be able to get past the std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lck(mut); line.
Is the mut necessary for the thread th ?
That depends. You certainly don't need to lock a mutex in a thread that does nothing but "// sleep forever," but maybe the thread that you are asking about is not exactly the same as what you showed. Maybe you are asking how wait() and notify() are supposed to be used.
I can't give a C++-specific answer, but in most programming languages and libraries, wait() and notify() are low-level primitives that are meant to be used in a very specific way:
A "consumer" thread waits by doing something like this:
while ( ! SomeImportantCondition() ) {
The purpose of the mutex is to protect the shared data that SomeImportantCondition() tests. No other thread should be allowed to change the value that SomeImportantCondition() returns while the mutex is locked.
Also, you may already know this, but some readers might not; The reason why mutex is given in cond_var.wait(mutex) is because the wait function temporarily unlocks the mutex while it is waiting, and then it re-locks the mutex before it returns. The unlock is necessary so that a producer thread will be allowed to make the condition become true. Re-locking is needed to guarantee that the condition still will be true when the consumer accesses the shared data.
The third thing to note is that the consumer does not wait() if the condition already is true. A common newbie mistake is to unconditionally call cv.wait() and expect that a cv.notify() call in some other thread will wake it up. But a notify() will not wake the consumer thread if it happens before the consumer starts waiting.
Writing the "producer" is easier. There's no technical reason why a "producer" can't just call cond_var.notify() without doing anything else at all. But that's not very useful. Most producers do something like this:
... Do something that makes SomeImportantCondition() return true;
The only really important thing is that the producer locks the mutex before it touches the shared data that are tested by SomeImportantCondition(). Some programming languages will let you move the notify() call after the unlock() call. Others won't. It doesn't really matter either way.


Granting priority access to a std::mutex

I currently have two functions like this that share the same mutex.
void fooA()
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(myMutex);
void fooB()
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(myMutex);
My question is if it is possible to specify that fooA() mutex should be given priority/preference ?
I understand that mutexes is first come first serve. Say there are four threads t1,t2,t3,t4. Now suppose thread t1 currently owns the mutex in fooB() and t2 and t3 are waiting in line for the mutex in fooB() whereas thread t4 is waiting in line for the mutex at fooA(). What I would like is for thread t4 to be given priority next since its accessing fooA() and lets t2,t3 continue waiting. All of this should be done after t1 releases the mutex
Considering that your problem is not in the MUTEX lock of functions running inside your process but of priority queuing within your multi-threaded environment, as long as you have access to the thread creation functions-- to set the priority of each called thread, you can use:
#include <sched.h>
int sched_setscheduler(pid_t pid, int policy,
const struct sched_param *param);
int sched_getscheduler(pid_t pid);
struct sched_param {
int sched_priority;
Some issues you may run into are (1) if the newly minted priority thread is then commandeering the mutex without giving the lower priority threads a chance. (2) If you set multiple threads to equally high priority (can be overridden by correcting this or setting a Round Robin Scheduling Scheme) (3) Priority Inversion is still possible.
This is my first SO answer so hope it helps! If you want more info check out the references, especially (2) which gives primitive answers to this problem!
(2) How to give priority to privileged thread in mutex locking?

Properties of pthread_exit function : which one is right?

In the CSAPP book Section 12.3, They said..
The thread terminates explicitly by calling the pthread_exit function. If the main thread calls pthread_exit, it waits for all other peer threads to terminate and then terminates main thread and the entire process with a return value of thread_return.
However in the man page of pthread_exit :
Performing a return from the start function of any thread other than the main thread results in an implicit call to pthread_exit(), using the function's return value as the thread's exit status.
To allow other threads to continue execution, the main thread should terminate by calling pthread_exit() rather than exit(3).
Two descriptions about pthread_exit are different. First one said main thread will wait for peer but not on second.
Therefore I write a code to ensure correct property.
(I borrow some code lines from When the main thread exits, do other threads also exit?)
(Thanks to
Since pthread_cancel is called before pthread_exit, main thread cancel t1 thread successfully and the result is like,,
However, when I modify a code as '42 line -> add //' and '44 line -> delete //', main thread cannot cancel t1 since it was already terminated. Therefore the following result is looks like,,
Finally, I conclude that man page's property is correct. Am I right?
Why does CSAPP book said that "it waits for all other peer threads to terminate"?
Two descriptions about pthread_exit are different. First one said main thread will wait for peer but not on second.
Not very different, and not in a way that you can easily distinguish by most means.
In particular, regardless of whether the main thread terminates immediately or waits for other threads to terminate before doing so, the pthread_exit() function is like the exit() function in that it does not return. Observing that statements inserted into your test program between the pthread_exit() call and the end of main are not executed does yield any information that helps you determine the relative sequence of thread terminations.
For that reason, the question is also largely moot. Although there indeed are ways in which the difference can be observed, it is rarely significant.
Nevertheless, here's a better example:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <pthread.h>
pthread_t main_thread;
void *wait_for_main(void *unused) {
void *main_rval;
// Wait for the main thread to terminate
if ((errno = pthread_join(main_thread, &main_rval)) != 0) {
} else {
fputs("The main thread was successfully joined\n", stderr);
return NULL;
int main(void) {
pthread_t child_thread;
main_thread = pthread_self();
if ((errno = pthread_create(&child_thread, NULL, wait_for_main, NULL)) != 0) {
} else {
fputs("The child thread was successfully started\n", stderr);
That program runs successfully, printing ...
The child thread was successfully started
The main thread was successfully joined
This shows that the main thread indeed terminated (because it was successfully joined), and that the other thread continued to run afterward (because it wrote its message to stderr).
You go on to ask ...
Why does CSAPP book said that "it waits for all other peer threads to terminate"?
... but no one other than Bryant, O'Hallaron, or one of their editors could definitively answer the question (and maybe not all -- or any -- of those). Here are some possibilities:
The book is just wrong. It happens.
The book is unclear or imprecise, in that it means the "it" that waits to be the overall program, the operating system, or some other variation on "something other than the main thread".
Or my actual best guess:
The book is is describing behavior from an operating system perspective, whereas the Pthreads documentation is describing it from a C-language perspective. It may well be that the OS thread that is the process's main one indeed is the thing that waits for others to terminate, but its C-language semantics within the running program terminate with the pthread_exit(). That is the book is talking about pthread implementation details, not documented, observable pthread semantics.

How does Mutex lock work in this question?

currently receive this question in interview and tried to solve it but unfortunately not very well with Mutex.
Mutex A;
Mutex B;
char kFirstString[13] = "First Value.";
char kSecondString[14] = "Second Value.";
void Thread1() {
strcpy(kFirstString, argv[1]);
printf("%s\n", kFirstString);
void Thread2() {
printf("%s\n", kSecondString);
In thread1 strcpy(kFirstString, argv[1]); will print the content of argv[1]
, but what the thread2 prints printf("%s\n", kSecondString); is not sure, it might be some garbage content, that is my guess. Please point out if my thought is wrong.
And I think this function might have dead-lock since Mute A is hold by thread1 while thread2 trying to get A, as well as the similar situation of B.
It is not a given that this will deadlock. If the sequence of two locks is not interrupted by the other thread, there is no problem. However, you are on the right track.
One problem is that there is a possibility of deadlock, in a scenario such as this:
Thread1 acquires lock on A
Thread2 acquires lock on B
in any order; then
Thread1 tries to acquire lock on B, but fails since Thread2 has it, and waits
Thread2 tries to acquire lock on A, but fails since Thread1 has it, and waits
in any order. This is a deadlock. It is not certain (and in a non-toy scenario, not even probable) that the two threads will run with such timing to interrupt each other at this precise moment, but it is possible — which is even more dangerous, because it will pass testing many times and fail unpredictably at a random point in time. You want your code to have 0% chance of deadlock; "improbable" is not good enough.
Since this seems to be C, the other problem seems to be that there is no check to indicate whether argv[1] exists, and whether it would fit inside kFirstString; if the program is invoked with no arguments, or if the first argument is too long, trouble ensues. This is entirely unrelated with threads or mutexes, though.

Suspend main thread in qt

I want to make a function that stops the main thread and restarts restarts it after a couple of seconds. I tried the following:
void Mainwindow::timeout()
QTimer timer;
Unfortunately this doesnt do a whole lot... Any tips?
Maybe I am overlooking something, but a "function that stops [...] and restarts after a couple of seconds" sounds like sleep() to me. Let the OS do the timing instead of re-inventing the wheel.
Or is there any reason you can't post some message to the main thread? In this simple use case maybe even via a single mutex would be enough. Set the mutex from another thread, check it in the main threads event loop and possibly call sleep() directly.
That also eases debugging, as you have a single place the main thread will go sleeping willingly instead of being suspendend on the fly by other threads.
your timer object is destroyed at the end of the the Mainwindow::timeout() function, so it will never emit its timeout() signal.
I am not sure why you would want to stop event loop, but you can sleep your thread by waiting on locked mutex for x milliseconds.
In the code below you will use waitCondition.wait(&mutex, msecs); to wait on a condition variable for maximum msecs milliseconds. Since mutex is locked, as there is no another thread which will send wake up signal, this will block your thread for timeout milliseconds. Reference is here.
#include <QWaitCondition>
#include <QMutex>
class Sleep
static void msleep(unsigned long msecs)
QMutex mutex;
QWaitCondition waitCondition;
waitCondition.wait(&mutex, msecs);
mutex.unlock(); // Not necessary since new mutex will always be created,
// but since destroying locked mutex
// is bringing undefined behavior, let's follow some ethics

Some questions about pthread_mutex_lock and pthread_mutex_unlock

When a thread has acquired the lock and execute the following code, Could the thread will unlock the lock it has acquired just with the return statement? some code like this.
static pthread_mutex_t mutex;
int foo()
execute some code here and some errors happen
return -1;// but without pthread_mutex_unlock
return 0;
Some errors happens before pthread_mutex_unlock statement and the thread returns to the callee. Will the thread give back the mutext lock for other threads without executing pthread_mutex_unlock?
No, the lock is not automatically released. This is why, in C++ code, it is common to use Resource Aquisition is Initialization (RAII), which takes advantage of construction/destruction to ensure that each call to the lock function has a corresponding call to unlock. If you are writing pure C code, though, you will need to make sure that you unlock the mutex, even in error situations, before returning.
Note that you can make your coding a little bit easier by doing the following:
static inline int some_function_critical_section_unsynchronized(void) {
// ...
int some_function(void) {
int status = 0;
status = some_function_critical_section_unsynchronized();
return status;
In other words, if you can separate the logic into smaller functions, you may be able to tease out the locking code from your logic. Of course, sometimes this is not possible (like when coding in this fashion would make the critical section too large, and for performance, the less readable form is required).
If you can use C++, I would strongly suggest using boost::thread and boost::scoped_lock to ensure that the acquired mutex is automatically freed when its usage has gone out of scope.
No, it will not automatically unlock the mutex. You must explicitly call pthread_mutex_unlock() in the error path, if the mutex has been locked by the function.
