I have managed to get my include statements working with my foreign keys however when I try to add a 'where' statement to the findAll statement I am getting the below error. I have checked my foreign keys and models numerous times and I can't see any problems with them.
Do I have the syntax correct in the below API? The data in the keys is important so I don't want to have to spend more time on a workaround. I have seen other examples that have the where statement inside one of the include keys but the fields I want pulled are on the main table so I don't think this is the same situation.
Unhandled rejection Error: Include unexpected. Element has to be either a Model, an Association or an object.
const sequelize = require("pg");
const { Sequelize, Op, Model, DataTypes } = require("sequelize");
exports.schoolDiveLogApproval = (req, res) => {
try {
const schoolID = req.params.schoolID;
include: [{
model: diveType, as: 'diveTypeID_FK2',
}, {
model: diveSchool, as: 'diveSchoolID_FK',
}, {
model: current, as: 'currentID_FK',
}, {
model: visibility, as: 'visibilityID_FK',
}, {
model: user, as: 'userID_FK1',
}, {
model: diveSpot, as: 'diveSpotID_FK2'
where: {
[Op.and]: [
{diveSchoolID: schoolID},
{diveVerifiedBySchool: false}
Error message
"message": "missing FROM-clause entry for table \"diveLog\""
Controller API with raw SQL
exports.schoolDiveLogApproval = async (req, res) => {
try {
const schoolID = req.params.schoolID;
const { QueryTypes } = require('sequelize');
await diveLog.sequelize.query(
'SELECT * '+
'FROM "diveLogs" '+
'LEFT OUTER JOIN "diveTypes" AS "diveTypeID_FK2" ON "diveLogs"."diveTypeID" = "diveTypeID_FK2"."diveTypeID" ' +
'LEFT OUTER JOIN "diveSchools" AS "diveSchoolID_FK" ON "diveLog"."diveSchoolID" = "diveSchoolID_FK"."diveSchoolID" ' +
'LEFT OUTER JOIN "currents" AS "currentID_FK" ON "diveLog"."currentID" = "currentID_FK"."currentID" ' +
'LEFT OUTER JOIN "visibilities" AS "visibilityID_FK" ON "diveLog"."visibilityID" = "visibilityID_FK"."visibilityID" ' +
'LEFT OUTER JOIN "userLogins" AS "userID_FK" ON "diveLog"."userID" = "userID_FK1"."userID" ' +
'LEFT OUTER JOIN "diveSpots" AS "diveSpotID_FK2" ON "diveLog"."diveSpotID" = "diveSpotFK2"."diveSpotID" ' +
'WHERE "diveLogs"."diveSchoolID" = ? ' +
'AND "diveLogs"."diveVerifiedBySchool" = ?',
replacements: [schoolID, false],
type: QueryTypes.SELECT
All the table and column names look correct as per the pgAdmin database so I can't see where the problem could be other than the syntax.
I have went off the way the SQL is executed in the IDE terminal so it should execute in theory. Is this more likely be to do with the way I pass the id?
Well, I've really tried some minutes around this sequelize, but I'd really suggest you to learn and use raw SQL, its way easier and universal than that.
After half an hour of trying to set up and understand this sqlize and see so many weird issues like these:
selecting non-existing columns like id, adding an "s" out of nowhere to the name of the table "user_infoS(?)".. so I gave up and came up with a query that might help you, if I understood your problem correctly.
If you send proper schema I can help you further, but yeah, sorry I can't spend more time in this sequelize, this thing is atrocious.
const { QueryTypes } = require('sequelize');
await sequelize.query(
'FROM diveLog l'+
'JOIN diveType t ON l.diveTypeId = t.id'+
'JOIN diveSchool s ON l.diveSchoolId = s.id'+
'JOIN current c ON l.currentId = c.id'+
'JOIN visibility v ON l.visibilityId = v.id'+
'JOIN user u ON l.userId = u.id'+
'JOIN diveSpot sp ON l.diveSpotId = sp.id'+
'WHERE diveSchoolID = ?'+
'AND diveVerifiedBySchool = ?',
replacements: [schoolID, false],
type: QueryTypes.SELECT
With regards to the first error in your API, ensure you are requiring your models like below:
const { diveLog, diveType, diveSchool, diveSchool, current, visibility, user, diveSpot } = require('../models');
The second error message:
"message": "relation "divelogs" does not exist"
Indicates that the table "divelogs" cannot be found in your database, double check if the table exists, if it does not exist, run your migrations to create the table. Please note that, if enabled Sequelize will automatically make your table names plural. If you define a model called User, Sequelize will create the table as Users
When I went back to using the original Sequelize with the include / where clauses I removed the [Op and] from the API, then re-declared each of the models at the top of the file and it worked.
exports.schoolDiveLogApproval = async (req, res) => {
try {
const schoolID = req.params.schoolID;
include: [{
model: diveType, as: 'diveTypeID_FK2',
}, {
model: diveSchool, as: 'diveSchoolID_FK',
}, {
model: current, as: 'currentID_FK',
}, {
model: visibility, as: 'visibilityID_FK',
}, {
model: user, as: 'userID_FK1',
}, {
model: diveSpot, as: 'diveSpotID_FK2'
where: [{
diveSchoolID: req.params.schoolID,
diveVerifiedBySchool: false
.then((diveLog) => {
const schoolDiveLogList = [];
for (i = 0; i < diveLog.length; i++) {
Second error: you are committing a typo on aliases using sometimes "devLogS" and other times "devLoG" (in the singular).
Try more before asking here, we won't do your work for you.
I have user document as this
users = [
role: 'actor',
status: true // isActive
role: 'electrician',
status: false // isActive
...... so on
I want to apply pagination and also some filters to retrieve data
filter = {
role: 'actor',
order: -1 //descending sort,
sortOn: 'name' // apply sort on name field
search: 'ja', // match the string starting with 'ja',
status: true,
page: 1 // means documents from 1-25, page2 means 26-50
How can this be achieved?
I am using mongoose as well.
Using your filter object you can do something like this:
Use these steps to ensure a good pagination:
Sort by any value (to ensure not get random positions)
Skip by the number of pages
Limit by the number of elements into page
So, the query will be something like (not tested but you can see the idea):
const elementsPerPage = filter.size
const nSkip = elementsPerPage * filter.page
const sort = {[filter.sortOn]:filter.order}
Also, you can use filter values into your query, something like:
role: filter.role,
name:{ $regex: filter.search}
This query is like this example.
Also, is not defined what calues do you want to use, the condition etc, so, with this, you can use if/else to add or not values into query.
For example:
var query = {}
query.name = {$regex: filter.search}
So all together can be:
const elementsPerPage = filter.size
const nSkip = elementsPerPage * filter.page
const sort = {[filter.sortOn]:filter.order}
var query = {}
query.name = {$regex: filter.search}
query.role = filter.role
query.status = filter.status
Note that this has not been tested, but as I've said before you can see the idea with this example.
This is a contrived example of what I would like to do:
Suppose I have a database of teams and players:
And the following bookshelf models:
var Base = require('./base');
const Player = Base.Model.extend(
tableName: "players",
nonsecretdata: function() {
return this.belongsTo('Team')
fields: {
id: Base.Model.types.integer,
team_id: Base.Model.types.integer,
number: Base.Model.types.integer,
SECRET: Base.Model.types.string,
module.exports = Base.model('Player', Player);
var Base = require('./base');
const Team = Base.Model.extend(
tableName: "teams",
fields: {
id: Base.Model.types.integer,
color: Base.Model.types.string,
rank: Base.Model.types.integer,
division: Base.Model.types.string,
module.exports = Base.model('Team', Team);
My question is, how can I limit the scope of player such that SECRET is not grabbed by calls to join player and team with callback nonsecretdata?
I am new to Bookshelf so if any other information is needed, please let me know. Thank you
Edit: Do I need to create a separate model?
The only way to do this using bookshelf would be to delete the individual fields from the object after fetching the entire model.
A potentially better solution for this use case would be to define a custom Data Access Object class that uses a SQL query for the information that would like to be obtained and then use that DOA instead of using bookshelf. That way the SQL code is still abstracted away from the code that is requesting the information and the SECRET or any other potential sensitive information that is added to the table will not be included in the fetch.
I tried to find a way to copy/clone instances in Sequelize but without success. Is there any way to do it with a built-in function or without? What I want is to simply copy rows in the database and the new item should have only a different id.
There is no such direct function for that , What you can do is :
Fetch the object that you want to clone/copy
Remove Primary Key from it
Make a new entry from it
model.findOne({ //<---------- 1
where : { id : 1 } ,
raw : true })
.then(data => {
delete data.id; //<---------- 2
model.create(data); //<---------- 3
As said, there is no such direct function for that (thanks Vivek)
If you find useful, place the following code on your model class:
async clone() {
let cData = await THISISMYMODEL.findOne({
where: { id: this.id},
raw: true,
delete cData.id;
return await THISISMYMODEL.create(data);
Take into account that "THISISMYMODEL" should be the model class defined and "id" the primary key attribute used.
Also take into account the use of Foreign Keys (relations with other models), it will use the same keys. Otherwise you should clone those instances too.
You may need to update the name though or some other field to identify it as a copy,
const data = await model.findOne({ where: {id: 1}, raw: true, attributes: { exclude: ['id'] } });
data.name = data.name + '(copy)';
const newRecord = await model.create(data);
Write a Model.create(data) function inside Model.js and call this function from inside of a loop, as many times you need it will create the copy of the same data.
I am attempting to create an instance and multiple related instances with a many to many relation using a junction table.
While creating the multiple related instances, I need to add a value to a property on the junction table as well. I don't know if it is my lack of knowledge of sequelize or promises that is causing my problem.
The code I am using is below. This code does add the items to the database, but I need to redirect after the operation has completed, which is not working.
Basically, I need to create a Recipe. Once that is created, I need to create Ingredients and relate them to that Recipe. The ingredients are stored in an array coming from a form on an HTML page. While relating the Ingredients, I need to add the ingredient_quantity to the RecipeIngredients table, which is the through part of the relationship (the junction table).
as: 'Ingredients',
through: global.db.RecipeIngredients,
foreignKey: 'recipe_id'
as: 'Recipes',
through: global.db.RecipeIngredients,
foreignKey: 'ingredient_id'
router.post('/new', ensureLoggedIn, bodyParser.json(), function (req, res) {
var recipeName = req.body.recipe_name;
var steps = req.body.steps;
var ingredients = req.body.ingredients;
var ingredientQty = {};
var currentIngredient;
var ingredientsToAdd = [];
recipe_name: recipeName,
directions: steps,
FamilyId: req.user.FamilyId,
CreatedBy: req.user._id
.then(function (recipe) {
for (var i = 0; i < ingredients.length; i++) {
currentIngredient = ingredients[i];
ingredientQty[currentIngredient.ingredient_name] =
where: {
ingredient_name: currentIngredient.ingredient_name,
FamilyId: req.user.FamilyId
.spread(function (ingredient, created) {
if (created) {
console.log("Added Ingredient to DB: " +
ingredient.Recipes = {
ingredient.CreatedBy = req.user._id;
.then(function () {
console.log("Added Ingredient " + ingredient.ingredient_name
+ " to Recipe " + recipe.recipe_name);
Any help would be greatly appreciated. I know that I am running into issues because of trying to use promises inside of a loop, I just don't know how else I can accomplish this.
Using sequelize, you can create objects along with its associated objects in one step, provided all objects that you're creating are new. This is also called nested creation. See this link and scroll down to section titled "Creating with associations"
Coming to your issue, you've a many-to-many relationship between Recipe and Ingredient, with RecipeIngredients being the join table.
Suppose you've a new Recipe object which you want to create, like:
var myRecipe = {
recipe_name: 'MyRecipe',
directions: 'Easy peasy',
FamilyId: 'someId',
CreatedBy: 'someUserId'
And an array of Ingredient objects, like:
var myRecipeIngredients = [
{ ingredient_name: 'ABC', FamilyId: 'someId'},
{ ingredient_name: 'DEF', FamilyId: 'someId'},
{ ingredient_name: 'GHI', FamilyId: 'someId'}]
// associate the 2 to create in 1 step
myRecipe.Ingredients = myRecipeIngredients;
Now, you can create myRecipe and its associated myRecipeIngredients in one step as shown below:
Recipe.create(myRecipe, {include: {model: Ingredient}})
And that is all !!
Sequelize will create 1 row in Recipe, 3 rows in Ingredient and 3 rows in RecipeIngredients to associate them.
I was able to fix the problem that I was having. The answers here helped me come up with my solution.
I am posting the solution below in case anyone else runs into a similar issue. I created a variable to store the Promise from Recipe.create(), I used Promise.map to findOrCreate all of the ingredients from the form data. Because findOrCreate returns an array containing Promise and a boolean for if the item was created, I then had to get the actual ingredients out of the results of the Promise.map function. So I used the JavaScript array.map() function to get the first item from the arrays. And finally, use Promise.map again to add each Ingredient to the Recipe
var ingredients = req.body.ingredients,
recipeName = req.body.recipeName,
ingredientsQty = {}; // Used to map the ingredient and quantity for the
// relationship, because of the Junction Table
var recipe = models.Recipe.create({recipe_name: recipeName});
// Use Promise.map to findOrCreate all ingredients from the form data
Promise.map(ingredients, function(ing){
ingredientsQty[ing.ingredient_name] = ing.ingredient_quantity;
return models.Ingredient.findOrCreate({ where: { ingredient_name: ing.ingredient_name}});
// Use JavaScript's Array.prototype.map function to return the ingredient
// instance from the array returned by findOrCreate
return results.map(function(result){
return result[0];
// Return the promises for the new Recipe and Ingredients
return Promise.all([recipe, ingredientsInDB]);
// Now I can use Promise.map again to create the relationship between the /
// Recipe and each Ingredient
.spread(function(addedRecipe, ingredientsToAdd){
recipe = addedRecipe;
return Promise.map(ingredientsToAdd, function(ingredientToAdd){
ingredientToAdd.RecipeIngredients = {
ingredient_quantity: ingredientsQty[ingredientToAdd.ingredient_name]
return recipe.addIngredient(ingredientToAdd);
// And here, everything is finished
I need to increment a column with 1 on some occasions, but the default value of that column is null and not zero. How do I handle this case using sequelize? What method could be utilized?
I could do by checking the column for null in one query and updating it accordingly in the second query using sequelize but I am looking for something better. Could I handle this one call?
I'll confess that I'm not terribly experienced with sequelize, but in general you'll want to utilize IFNULL. Here's what the raw query might look like:
UPDATE SomeTable
SET some_column = IFNULL(some_column, 0) + 1
WHERE <some predicate>
Going back to sequelize, I imagine you're trying to use .increment(), but judging from the related source, it doesn't look like it accepts anything that will do the trick for you.
Browsing the docs, it looks like you might be able to get away with something like this:
some_column: sequelize.literal('IFNULL(some_column, 0) + 1')
}, {
where: {...}
If that doesn't work, you're probably stuck with a raw query.
First you need to find the model instance and update via itself, or update directly via Sequelize Static Model API.
Then you'll check whether the updated field got nullable value or not ? If fails then do the manual update as JMar propose above
await model.transaction({isolationLevel: ISOLATION_LEVELS.SERIALIZABLE}, async (tx) => {
const user = await model.User.findOne({
where: {
username: 'username',
rejectOnEmpty: true,
transaction: tx,
const updatedRecord = await user.increment(['field_tag'], {
transaction: tx,
if (!updatedRecord.field_tag) {
/** Manual update & Convert nullable value into Integer !*/
await model.User.update({
field_tag: Sequelize.literal('IFNULL(field_tag, 0) + 1')
}, {
where: {
username: 'username',
transaction: tx,