Not able to add the intent from Dialogflow to Google Assistant - dialogflow-es

Ok I am using the Dialogflow Essentials and there are several intents are already defined which were integrated with google assistant and these intents works fine,But now I made new intent in Dialogflow and it works fine in try now option but when I tried to integrate it with google assistant (Dialogflow ------> Integrations ------> Google Assistant ------->continue with integration ), I can not see the new intent in the List (pop up with previous intents and their check boxes ). May some one help me to know why the new intent is not visible in the list ?
The following screen shot image shows the corresponding error message
The error message reads:
The maximum number of intents is 10.

You are limited to 10 "deep link" Intents that would be used as part of the Action invocation. These enable you to say things like "Ask Super Action to Turn the lights on". Instead of just "Talk to Super Action" and then, while it is running, asking it to turn the lights on.
You are allowed many more Intents themselves - but just 10 that can be used as part of the invocation phrase.
If this is actually for controlling Smart Home devices, you may wish to look into the Smart Home integration for the Google Assistant instead. This lets people control your devices directly through commands to the Assistant ("Hey Google, Turn on the bedroom lights") instead of having to go through an Action you've written ("Hey Google, Ask Super Home to turn on the bedroom lights"). This method does not involve Dialogflow at all.


Dialogflow works in test console, but not via google assistant

I have a smart home dialogflow webhook working from the google actions test console, but when I speak to a google home device, there is no sign that my intents are being recognized. E.g., I enter “Home temperature?” in the console, I can see it calling my webhook, executing my script, and responding with “The temperature is 72 degrees.”
But when I say: “Hey Google, Home temperature” to my google home device, it says my nest device is not registered, or something like that. I.e., it is what it would say if I did not have smart home action intents registered with google actions.
I am unable to find anything in the docs or by web searches which says what I am supposed to do to get my google assistant devices to recognize my custom intent phrases.
Does anyone have this working? The Smart Home integration is not supposed to require a lead in, like “Hey Google, Ask whoever, Home temperature”, Right? That is only for “conversation mode” integrations, correct? My understanding is that “Smart Home” mode does not require a lead-in. Please correct me if that is incorrect…
Either way, my voice requests through my Google Home are not recognized.
Please, any advice for what I am missing or how I can troubleshoot this?
P.S. I'm new to Stack Overflow, and I didn't find this "dialogflow" group until posting in another group. So I am reposting here. Sorry if this is redundant. I could not find how to delete the original post...
It sounds like I was wrong about the "Hey Google, talk to ..." requirement for Dialogflow.
The "Smart Home" mode does not preclude this. You cannot just say, "Hey Google, home temperature?", you have to say, "Hey Google, ask [my dialogflow app], home temperature?"
Furthermore, unless you Publish your app, the response will always say, "Alright, here's the test version of [my dialogflow app]...
Between the two, it pretty much ruins it for me... Off to the drawing board.

It's possible to create one-shoot app with Actions on Google?

I am completely new to the "Actions on Google" world, but following some tutorials (like this) i have already achieved good results.
My test
With Google Assistant and/or Google Home mini send my commands to a personal nodejs online server.
To do this:
i have created a new project on
selected conversational option
selected create action / custom intent option
from Dialogflow i have personalized the Default Welcome Intent and created a new Intent with the Fulfillment option set to Enable webhook call for this intent
And obviously, from Dialogflow > Fulfillment, i have enabled the Webhook option (with the url of my nodejs app), and not the Inline editor.
This procedure works, when my app recognizes my custom intent, the answer is sent to my nodejs app online.
My problem
The procedure works, but i always have to do 2 steps before i can perform my action:
1) Hey Google, talk with "nameofmyapp"
2) Say the command
My goal
Execute my command directly without always having to do this 2 steps.
Absolutely! Google calls this "deep linking". With this, you'll be able to do something like
Hey Google, ask nameof myapp to command
See the documentation for details, but in short you'll
Make sure you have an Intent for the command in Dialogflow, with several possible phrases that can be used to trigger it.
These phrases should be what you'd say under "command" in the example above - you'd omit the "to" part.
Go to the Integrations section in Dialogflow, under the Google Assistant integration.
In the Implicit invocation section, select the Intent that you'd like to allow as a deep-linked Intent.
If the command takes action and then should quit, make sure either you have set this in Dialogflow or your fulfillment calls app.close();

The words "not working" always trigger the default intent in Google Assistant

I have been working with Google Dialogflow to create a Google Assistant experience.
My GA Action is to Raise Support tickets and those tickets are raised in our system via API.
We ask the user to describe the Issue they are facing, We have used a fallback Intent to capture the Issue/Ticket Description(Since the reply can be any free text, is this the best way to capture free text?).
Once the user gives a description, A webhook is called and the results are sent to our backend to capture.
We have noticed that when the user uses the words "not working" as a part of the issue description, it always calls the welcome intent, instead of going to the follow up Intent. If the user describes the Issue without using those words, it works fine. Below are 2 different responses.
I personally feel that this is a bug in GA, is there any way to solve it?
I think you're doing some things wrong. I don't have enough information to understand 100% what you are doing, but I will try to give you some general advice:
A fallback intent is used to 'fall back' to this intent when a user asks something that is nowhere provided in one of your other intents. That's why your fallback intent has the 'input.unknown' set as action. It will be triggered when the user gives some input that is unknown for your application. F.e. I don't think your '(Pazo) Support Action' will provide an answer if the user asks to book a plane to Iceland, so that's when your fallback intent comes in to give an answer such as 'Sorry, I can't answer that question. Pazo is here to give you support in... What can I do for you?'
Your user can either register a complaint or raise a support ticket if I'm getting this right? I recommend you to make two seperate intents. One to handle the complaints and one to handle the support tickets.
Before developing advanced actions with a seperate webhook and a lot of logic with calling an API etc., I recommend to go through the documentation of Actions on Google:

How to keep mic open in DialogFlow

I´m using DialogFlow to create a chatbot. I want to keep the mic open along a conversation so the user doesn´t have to press the mic button every time.
Is this possible?
If you are referring to Dialogflow test console ("Try it now" prompt) - it doesn't seems you can.
But I will assume that you are referring to Google Assistant integration.
First of all you will have to end each answer with additional question, eg "Can I help you with anything else?" - this will be verified when you will deploy your bot to production in Actions on Google console. For each intent that you want to keep the microphone listening, you will have to make sure that it has "Set this intent as end of conversation" option disabled.

How to ensure my Google Home Assistant application is not rejected?

During our testing, we were unable to complete at least one of the behaviors or actions advertised by your app. Please make sure that a user can complete all core conversational flows listed in your registration information or recommended by your app.
Thank you for submitting your assistant app for review!
During testing, your app was unable to complete a function detailed in the app’s description. The reviewer interacted with the app by saying: “how many iphones were sold in the UK?” and app replied “I didn't get that. Can you try with other question?" and left conversation.
How can I resolve the above point to approve my Google Assistant action skills?
Without seeing the code in question or the intent you think should be handling this in Dialogflow, it is pretty difficult - but we can generalize.
It sounds like you have two issues:
Your fallback intent that generated the "I didn't get that" message is closing the conversation. This means that either the "close conversation" checkbox is checked in Dialogflow, you're using the app.tell() method when you should be using app.ask() instead, or the JSON you're sending back has close conversation set to true.
You don't have an intent to handle the question about how many iPhones were sold in the UK. This could be because you just don't list anything like that as a sample phrase, or the two parameters (the one for object type and the one for location) aren't using entity types that would match.
It means that somewhere, either in your app description or in a Dialogflow intent(they have full access to see what's in your intents) you hinted that “how many iphones were sold in the UK?” would be a valid question. Try changing the description/intents to properly match the restrictions of your app.
