Linux's system calls for GUI? [closed] - linux

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I'm studying Operating Systems. I read Window have lots of system calls for manage windows and GUI components. I have read you can change the GUI manager of your Linux Operating System. Then does Linux have system calls for GUI managements? How GUI works in Linux?

I'll take x86 as an example as I am more aware of x86 stuff than ARM stuff. Also, I may get some information wrong as I've been doing some research on this question while answering. Feel free to correct me if I am wrong.
System booting
Some time ago, Linux used to boot with a legacy bootloader (GRUB legacy version). The GRUB bootloader would be started by the BIOS at 0x7c00 in RAM and then would read the kernel from the hard-disk. It would follow the multiboot specification. The multiboot specification mentions the state that the computer needs to be in before jumping to the kernel's entry point. The kernel would then launch a first process (init) that every process would be a child of.
Today, most Linux distributions boot with UEFI (with the option of legacy booting also available). A UEFI app is placed on the boot partition partionned as a GPT ESP (EFI System Partition). This EFI app is launched and then follows the Linux Boot Protocol to launch Linux. The init process was also replaced by systemd. Linux will thus launch systemd as the first process of the computer. Actually, as stated on the manpage for systemd:
systemd is usually not invoked directly by the user, but is
installed as the /sbin/init symlink and started during early
The process that will be started is thus /sbin/init but it is a symlink to systemd. The systemd process will then read several configuration files on the hard-disk called units. These units are often targets which specify several units to read. Targets are thus units which specify several units to read. At first systemd will read which specifies several other units. Some of these other units will start some processes among which is the Display Manager (fancy terminology which means login prompt). Recently, Ubuntu starts the Gnome Display Manager (GDM) as the first displaying program (gdm.service unit). This program will start the X server before presenting the user login screen (
When the display manager runs on the user's computer, it starts the X server before presenting the user the login screen, optionally repeating when the user logs out.
Once logged in, GDM will start several other binaries responsible to let you interact with the system (the actual desktop, a binary to gather input for this desktop, etc). All of these components depend on the X server to work properly.
The X server is a user program which makes extensive use of the Direct Rendering Manager (DRM) of the Linux kernel. The DRM is a system call interface which is used to interact with graphics cards. When the DRM detects a graphics card, it exposes a file like /dev/dri/card0 which is a character device (
In earlier days, the kernel framework was solely used to provide raw hardware access to
priviledged user-space processes which implement all the hardware abstraction layers. But
more and more tasks were moved into the kernel. All these interfaces are based on ioctl(2)
commands on the DRM character device. The libdrm library provides wrappers for these
system-calls and many helpers to simplify the API.
When a GPU is detected, the DRM system loads a driver for the detected hardware type. Each
connected GPU is then presented to user-space via a character-device that is usually
available as /dev/dri/card0 and can be accessed with open(2) and close(2). However, it
still depends on the grapics driver which interfaces are available on these devices. If an
interface is not available, the syscalls will fail with EINVAL.
The ioctl call allows to have any number of operations on the /dev/dri/card0 file since it is a general call which includes a request argument which is simply an unsigned long. It also takes a variable amount of arguments (see
The ioctl call thus allows hardware vendors (like NVIDIA, AMD, etc) to provide drivers for their cards with the general ioctl call used as a general interface between user mode and kernel mode.
There exists several 3D rendering APIs available (OpenGL, Direct3D). OpenGL is mostly a set of C headers and a convention. The convention says what a certain call should do. It is up to the hardware vendor to implement the convention for their own card. Mesa3D has been an attempt to create an open source implementation of OpenGL for certain graphics cards. It worked quite well for integrated Intel HD Graphics (since documentation is open) and AMD (since they cooperated and offered some insight into the workings of their cards), but not for NVIDIA (the Nouveau driver is mostly not working or slow).
When you program some OpenGL, you include the OpenGL headers and link with libraries provided by hardware vendors which provide the definitions of the functions in the headers. These definitions make use of the DRM and cooperate with the X server to show content on the screen.

I'm studying Operating Systems. I read Window have lots of system calls for manage windows and GUI components. I have read you can change the GUI manager of your Linux Operating System. Then does Linux have system calls for GUI managements? How GUI works in Linux?
System calls (provided by the kernel) are often buried (e.g. in some cases deliberately undocumented and proprietary) and should not be used. Almost everything you see are actually normal functions in dynamically linked libraries/shared libraries. This allows the kernel's system calls to be radically changed without breaking everything (because everything only depends on the dynamically linked libraries/shared libraries); and reduces the functionality needed in the kernel itself.
For an example; most of the "system calls for managing windows and GUI components" you think Windows has could (internally, inside the relevant DLL) just end up using a single "send_message()" system call (to tell a different process, the GUI, that you want to create a window or change its position or ...).
For Linux it's roughly similar. The kernel's system calls (which actually are documented, for no sane reason - it goes against the spirit of SYS-V specs and means badly written "linux executables" aren't compatible with other Unix clones like FreeBSD or Solaris or OSX) exist to use things like low level memory management and raw file IO and sockets; but (like Windows) the kernel's system calls are buried under layers of shared libraries, and those shared libraries (e.g. like Xlib, GLib, KWindowSystem, Qt, ...) just use "something" (file IO, pipes, sockets, ...) provided by kernel to talk to another process (display server, GUI, ..).

Linux and Windows fall under separate categories; Linux is just a kernel, i.e. the piece under the hood that gives us the basic functionality we expect to run programs, like threads, memory and process management, etc. Windows is a full operating system, including the user facing components and numerous system libraries. An apter comparison would be a specific Linux distro and Windows.
On that note, distros, as independent operating systems, obviously can have different implementations of any OS component. Some distros, like Arch, don't come with a GUI by default at all. That said, essentially the entire Linux ecosystem uses Xorg and/or Wayland; I would recommend looking into the implementation details of those two.

A Linux GUI has quite a few differences compared to Windows GUI. For example, the GUI is not considered to be a part of the operating system, but rather an external part of it; that means no syscalls (not embedded whatsoever in the OS). After all, like the previous answer says, Linux is a kernel, that means it's only something really basic (allows execution of programs, memory/threads management, processes management, but not really much more). Whatever comes next (GUI, for example) are added features using packages.
This allows, for example, installing a GUI on top of a minimal installation of any Linux distro (CentOS, for example), and that GUI can be the one you want (Gnome, KDE...).


how linux shows its desktop on screen at kernel-level

I have some question about linux desktop environment.
How linux shows its desktop environment on a screen. I mean where and how its GUI frames generates and send to lcd driver? is it at kernel level? does it have any relation to frame buffer (such fb0)?
Is it possible to access the Desktop GUI of linux and write it on frame buffer to show the window environment of linux?
I have searched a lot but did not find my main answer that how linux Desktop Environment is created and shown by monitor that have been known by drivers on linux.
thank you for your attention.
In Linux there's no internal desktop or anything like that. desktop environments are just regular applications just like other applications. almost all desktop environments at their lowest level interact with another GUI library (e.g Qt, GTK, ...). then all these GUI libraries interact with lower-level software called windowing system or display server or window server.
In Unix systems most used window system is X window system ( simply called as X or X11). almost any GUI library which supports Linux, it works with X.
Wayland is another windowing system which is growing and is supposed to be a good replacement for X, because X window system is too old and have many issues. but X is used almost everywhere in Linux and other Unix based operating systems.
So if you really want to know what's going on down there, you should know linux graphics stack. as i said desktop environments are just high level applications. from windowing system (like X) to lower-level libraries and modules (KMS, DRM, ...), are what you really looking for.
KMS (kernel mode setting) works with display controller and DRM (direct rendering manager) works with graphics card and GPU. (however it's really not as simple as i explained)

Is an operating system kernel an interpeter for all other programs?

So, from my understanding, there are two types of programs, those that are interpreted and those that are compiled. Interpreted programs are executed by an interpreter that is a native application for the platform its on, and compiled programs are themselves native applications (or system software) for the platform they are on.
But my question is this: is anything besides the kernel actually being directly run by the CPU? A Windows Executable is a "Windows Executable", not an x86 or amd64 executable. Does that mean every other process that's not the kernel is literally being interpreted by the kernel in the same way that a browser interprets Javascript? Or is the kernel placing these processes on the "bare metal" that the kernel sits on top of?
IF they're on the "bare metal", how, say does Windows know that a program is a windows program and not a Linux program, since they're both compiled for amd64 processors? If it's because of the "format" of the executable, how is that executable able to run on the "bare metal", since, to me, the fact that it's formatted to run on a particular OS would mean that some interpretation would be required for it to run.
Is this question too complicated for Stack Overflow?
They run on the "bare metal", but they do contain operating system-specific things. An executable file will typically provide some instructions to the kernel (which are, arguably, "interpreted") as to how the program should be loaded into memory, and the file's code will provide ways for it to "hook" in to the running operating system, such as by an operating system's API or via device drivers. Once such a non-interpreted program is loaded into memory, it runs on the bare metal but continues to communicate with the operating system, which is also running on the bare metal.
In the days of single-process operating systems, it was common for executables to essentially "seize" control of the entire computer and communicate with hardware directly. Computers like the Apple ][ and the Commodore 64 work like that. In a modern multitasking operating system like Windows or Linux, applications and the operating system share use of the CPU via a complex multitasking arrangement, and applications access the hardware via a set of abstractions built in to the operating system's API and its device drivers. Take a course in Operating System design if you are interested in learning lots of details.
Bouncing off Junaid's answer, the way that the kernel blocks a program from doing something "funny" is by controlling the allocation and usage of memory. The kernel requires that memory be requested and accessed through it via its API, and thus protects the computer from "unauthorized" access. In the days of single-process operating systems, applications had much more freedom to access memory and other things directly, without involving the operating system. An application running on an old Apple ][ can read to or write to any address in RAM that it wants to on the entire computer.
One of the reasons why a compiled application won't just "run" on another operating system is that these "hooks" are different for different operating systems. For example, an application that knows how to request the allocation of RAM from Windows might not have any idea how to request it from Linux or the Mac OS. As Disk Crasher mentioned, these low level access instructions are inserted by the compiler.
I think you are confusing things. A compiled program is in machine readable format. When you run the program, kernel will allocate memory, cpu etc and ensure that the program does not interfere with other programs. If the program requires access to HW resources or disk etc, the kernel will handle it so kernel will always be between hardware and any software you run in user space.
If the program is interpreted, then a relevant interpreter for that language will convert the code to machine readable on the fly and kernel will still provide the same functionality like access to hardware and making sure programs aren't doing anything funny like trying to access other program memory etc.
The only thing that runs on "bare metal" is assembly language code, which is abstracted from the programmer by many layers in the OS and compiler. Generally speaking, applications are compiled to an OS and CPU architecture. They will not run on other OS's, at least not without a compatible framework in place (e.g. Mono on Linux).
Back in the day a lot of code used to be written on bare metal using macro assemblers, but that's pretty much unheard of on PCs today. (And there was even a time before macro assemblers.)

Is it possible to circumvent OS security by not using the supplied System Calls?

I understand that an Operating System forces security policies on users when they use the system and filesystem via the System Calls supplied by stated OS.
Is it possible to circumvent this security by implementing your own hardware instructions instead of making use of the supplied System Call Interface of the OS? Even writing a single bit to a file where you normally have no access to would be enough.
First, for simplicity, I'm considering the OS and Kernel are the same thing.
A CPU can be in different modes when executing code.
Lets say a hypothetical CPU has just two modes of execution (Supervisor and User)
When in Supervisor mode, you are allowed to execute any instructions, and you have full access to the hardware resources.
When in User mode, there is subset of instructions you don't have access to, such has instructions to deal with hardware or change the CPU mode. Trying to execute one of those instructions will cause the OS to be notified your application is misbehaving, and it will be terminated. This notification is done through interrupts. Also, when in User mode, you will only have access to a portion of the memory, so your application can't even touch memory it is not supposed to.
Now, the trick for this to work is that while in Supervisor Mode, you can switch to User Mode, since it's a less privileged mode, but while in User Mode, you can't go back to Supervisor Mode, since the instructions for that are not permitted anymore.
The only way to go back to Supervisor mode is through system calls, or interrupts. That enables the OS to have full control of the hardware.
A possible example how everything fits together for this hypothetical CPU:
The CPU boots in Supervisor mode
Since the CPU starts in Supervisor Mode, the first thing to run has access to the full system. This is the OS.
The OS setups the hardware anyway it wants, memory protections, etc.
The OS launches any application you want after configuring permissions for that application. Launching the application switches to User Mode.
The application is running, and only has access to the resources the OS allowed when launching it. Any access to hardware resources need to go through System Calls.
I've only explained the flow for a single application.
As a bonus to help you understand how this fits together with several applications running, a simplified view of how preemptive multitasking works:
In a real-world situation. The OS will setup an hardware timer before launching any applications.
When this timer expires, it causes the CPU to interrupt whatever it was doing (e.g: Running an application), switch to Supervisor Mode and execute code at a predetermined location, which belongs to the OS and applications don't have access to.
Since we're back into Supervisor Mode and running OS code, the OS now picks the next application to run, setups any required permissions, switches to User Mode and resumes that application.
This timer interrupts are how you get the illusion of multitasking. The OS keeps changing between applications quickly.
The bottom line here is that unless there are bugs in the OS (or the hardware design), the only way an application can go from User Mode to Supervisor Mode is through the OS itself with a System Call.
This is the mechanism I use in my hobby project (a virtual computer)
HW devices are connected to CPU trough bus, and CPU does use to communicate with them in/out instructions to read/write values at I/O ports (not used with current HW too much, in early age of home computers this was the common way), or a part of device memory is "mapped" into CPU address space, and CPU controls the device by writing values at defined locations in that shared memory.
All of this should be not accessible at "user level" context, where common applications are executed by OS (so application trying to write to that shared device memory would crash on illegal memory access, actually that piece of memory is usually not even mapped into user space, ie. not existing from user application point of view). Direct in/out instructions are blocked too at CPU level.
The device is controlled by the driver code, which is either run is specially configured user-level context, which has the particular ports and memory mapped (micro-kernel model, where drivers are not part of kernel, like OS MINIX). This architecture is more robust (crash in driver can't take down kernel, kernel can isolate problematic driver and restart it, or just kill it completely), but the context switches between kernel and user level are a very costly operation, so the throughput of data is hurt a bit.
Or the device drivers code runs on kernel-level (monolithic kernel model like Linux), so any vulnerability in driver code can attack the kernel directly (still not trivial, but lot more easier than trying to get tunnel out of user context trough some kernel bug). But the overall performance of I/O is better (especially with devices like graphics cards or RAID disc clusters, where the data bandwidth goes into GiBs per second). For example this is the reason why early USB drivers are such huge security risk, as they tend to be bugged a lot, so a specially crafted USB device can execute some rogue code from device in kernel-level context.
So, as Hyd already answered, under ordinary circumstances, when everything works as it should, user-level application should be not able to emit single bit outside of it's user sandbox, and suspicious behaviour outside of system calls will be either ignored, or crash the app.
If you find a way to break this rule, it's security vulnerability and those get usually patched ASAP, when the OS vendor gets notified about it.
Although some of the current problems are difficult to patch. For example "row hammering" of current DRAM chips can't be fixed at SW (OS) or CPU (configuration/firmware flash) level at all! Most of the current PC HW is vulnerable to this kind of attack.
Or in mobile world the devices are using the radiochips which are based on legacy designs, with closed source firmware developed years ago, so if you have enough resources to pay for a research on these, it's very likely you would be able to seize any particular device by fake BTS station sending malicious radio signal to the target device.
Etc... it's constant war between vendors with security researchers to patch all vulnerabilities, and hackers to find ideally zero day exploit, or at least picking up users who don't patch their devices/SW fast enough with known bugs.
Not normally. If it is possible it is because of an operating system software error. If the software error is discovered it is fixed fast as it is considered to be a software vulnerability, which equals bad news.
"System" calls execute at a higher processor level than the application: generally kernel mode (but system systems have multiple system level modes).
What you see as a "system" call is actually just a wrapper that sets up registers then triggers a Change Mode Exception of some kind (the method is system specific). The system exception hander dispatches to the appropriate system server.
You cannot just write your own function and do bad things. True, sometimes people find bugs that allow circumventing the system protections. As a general principle, you cannot access devices unless you do it through the system services.

Can containers be implemented purely in userspace?

There are a bunch of container mechanisms for Linux now: LXC, Docker, lmctfy, OpenVZ, Linux-VServer, etc. All of these either involve kernel patches or recently added Linux features like cgroups and seccomp.
I'm wondering if it would be possible to implement similar (OS-level) virtualization purely in userspace.
There's already a precedent for this - User Mode Linux. However, it also requires special kernel features to be reasonably fast and secure. Also, it is literally a Linux kernel running in userspace, which makes networking setup rather difficult.
I'm thinking more along the lines of a process that would act as an intermediary between spawned programs and the Linux kernel. You would start the process with the programs to spawn as arguments; it would track system calls they made, and block or redirect attempts to access the real root filesystem, real network devices, etc. without itself relying on special kernel features.
Is such a thing possible to implement securely, and in a way that could be invoked effectively by a limited user (i.e. not privileged like chroot)?
In summary: would a pure userspace implementation of something like LXC be possible? If yes, what would the penalties be for doing it in userspace? If no, why not?
Surprisingly it turns out the answer is "yes": this is what systrace and sysjail do.
And they are also inherently insecure on modern operating systems.
So if you want proper sandboxing, it has to be done in kernel space.

Why I need to re-compile vmware kernel module after a linux kernel upgrade?

After a linux kernel upgrade, my VMWare server cannot start until using to do some re-config work (including build some kernel modules).
If I update my windows VMWare host with latest Windows Service Pack, I usually not need to do anything to run VMWare.
Why VMWare works differently between Linux and Windows? Does this re-compile action brings any benifits on Linux platform over Windows?
Go read The Linux Kernel Driver Interface.
This is being written to try to explain why Linux does not have a binary kernel interface, nor does it have a stable kernel interface. Please realize that this article describes the _in kernel_ interfaces, not the kernel to userspace interfaces. The kernel to userspace interface is the one that application programs use, the syscall interface. That interface is _very_ stable over time, and will not break. I have old programs that were built on a pre 0.9something kernel that still works just fine on the latest 2.6 kernel release. This interface is the one that users and application programmers can count on being stable.
It reflects the view of a large portion of Linux kernel developers:
the freedom to change in-kernel implementation details and APIs at any time allows them to develop much faster and better.
Without the promise of keeping in-kernel interfaces identical from release to release, there is no way for a binary kernel module like VMWare's to work reliably on multiple kernels.
As an example, if some structures change on a new kernel release (for better performance or more features or whatever other reason), a binary VMWare module may cause catastrophic damage using the old structure layout. Compiling the module again from source will capture the new structure layout, and thus stand a better chance of working -- though still not 100%, in case fields have been removed or renamed or given different purposes.
If a function changes its argument list, or is renamed or otherwise made no longer available, not even recompiling from the same source code will work. The module will have to adapt to the new kernel. Since everybody (should) have source and (can find somebody who) is able to modify it to fit. "Push work to the end-nodes" is a common idea in both networking and free software: since the resources [at the fringes]/[of the developers outside the Linux kernel] are larger than the limited resources [of the backbone]/[of the Linux developers], the trade-off to make the former do more of the work is accepted.
On the other hand, Microsoft has made the decision that they must preserve binary driver compatibility as much as possible -- they have no choice, as they are playing in a proprietary world. In a way, this makes it much easier for outside developers who no longer face a moving target, and for end-users who never have to change anything. On the downside, this forces Microsoft to maintain backwards-compatibility, which is (at best) time-consuming for Microsoft's developers and (at worst) is inefficient, causes bugs, and prevents forward progress.
Linux does not have a stable kernel ABI - things like the internal layout of datastructures, etc changes from version to version. VMWare needs to be rebuilt to use the ABI in the new kernel.
On the other hand, Windows has a very stable kernel ABI that does not change from service pack to service pack.
To add to bdonlan's answer, ABI compatibility is a mixed bag. On one hand, it allows you to distribute binary modules and drivers which will work with newer versions of the kernel. On the other hand, it forces kernel programmers to add a lot of glue code to retain backwards compatibility. Because Linux is open-source, and because kernel developers even whether they're even allowed, the ability to distribute binary modules isn't considered that important. On the upside, Linux kernel developers don't have to worry about ABI compatibility when altering datastructures to improve the kernel. In the long run, this results in cleaner kernel code.
It's a consequence of Linux and Windows being developed in different cultural environments and expectations: In short: Windows is designed to be suitable for users, whereas Linux evolves to be suitable for open source developers.
