Security issue related to token saved in browser cookie in Identity Server 4 - security

I'm using Identity Server 4 version 3.1.2. I logged in with a user information in Chrome and with another user information in Firefox in the same computer. If I copy the first user token saved in Chrome Cookies and paste it to the Firefox Cookies (replace with second user token) and refresh Firefox (pressing F5), Firefox logged in user will be changed to Chrome user and it is a security issue. What can I do to prevent this problem?

There is nothing you can do to mitigate this issue for sure. You may check if the user agent header is what you expect it to be, but then someone will fake the user agent header with a plugin and you are back to square one. All the other headers can be bypassed in a similar fashion.
(Although if you decide to trust the user agent header then this is the solution for you).
Checking for IPs, sockets, TLS sessions has proven to generate to much problems to be considered a solution at all.


Why is Instagram showing to logins when I've only logged in once Everytime

Each time I log into Instagram, it shows that there are two sessions under Login Activity even though I've only logged in once and have only one session open in the browser? Is anyone else experiencing this? Been seeing this for the past few months.
It must have to do with session cookies. I would be storing a new session cookie instead of updating it and passing them both while validating your session. Although, I do not think this should pose a security threat unless these cookies are safe. You can verify that by inspecting the cookies passed by intercepting the requests either from the Network tab in the browser Developer Tools or by using a tool like Burp Suite or OWASP ZAP if you're looking for an open source alternative.

How to prevent Google Chrome from remembering temporary session cookies

Question 1
My secure web application sets a session cookie for authenticated users which is not cleared even after I close my Chrome browser.
As a result, when a user tries to hit the dashboard page of my application after re-launching the browser (even restarting machine!), they are not asked to login again. Chrome is NOT set to "continue where I left off" which is also my next question.
I tested my bank's site under the same settings and it seems to force log out the user even when Network tab shows that same cookies are being retained (and sent with initial request header) for bank site as well. My server is Apache over SSL.
Can someone please point to some resource where I can handle this scenario because Chrome clearly is not clearing session cookie at the time of browser closing.
Question 2
Now with the setting "continue where I left off" where it basically persists your sessional cookies and practically you can remain authenticated forever, is there a way to override/work around this Chrome feature.
When I see even my supposedly secure bank site letting a browser bypass security like that, it kind of makes me unnerved. Any suggestions there?
What ended up fixing this issue for me was to uncheck the:
Continue running background apps when Google Chrome is closed
setting under the SYSTEM section.
Hope this helps save some headaches....

If user in session, copies and pastes url in another window, the app should get logged out

I am working on a financial web application.
There is a client requirement that if user is logged in and already browsing the app. If he copies and pastes the browser url to another window. In another window, the user should get logged out.
I know http is stateless and there is no inbuilt browser mechanism (cookies etc) to solve it, this needs to be implemented by programming only. I guess people have already solved this problem. Do you know know possible solution to solve this issue?
Sadly, there is no solution.
The browser keeps the cookies and all of the user informations for all the Tabs & Windows you open. It will clear the datas (like cookies that ask to be removed after the session) as soon as you close ALL tabs and windows of your browser. Note that if the user use another browser, the behaviour your want will be respected — browsers dnn't (yet ?) share this kind of informations.
It is simply not possible to solve the problem with code, and you'll have to find work-around.
As a researcher, I've seen one of these solutions : de-auth the user on the HTTP_REFERER (Apache Env. Variable). As soon as the referer was not the application itself (except for the login form), the user was de-authed. But take care of it : the Referer is an info sent by the browser. And no information sent by the browser should be trusted :). The advice remains, if only you want to use Javascript. You'll find someone to use a JS-disabled-browser to bypass your verification.
That's why Application Development is not yet dead ;)

can I discover another users LTPA2 token on the machine / in the browser?

If you put sit Paros on the traffic between your browser and a web application being hosted in WebSphere, you will have two session identifiers passed as part of the cookie section of the HTTP request:
A JSESSIONID. This is your HTTPSession ID as far as I can tell.
An LTPA2 token. This is your “single sign on” session as far as websphere is concerned.
Now, IBM say that a single hosted application cannot invalidate the LTPA2 token when a user is signing out. The thinking behind this is that it is an SSO identifier, so a single application should not be able to invalidate it as it is intended for use across multiple applications. There is no configuration in WAS to declare “this environment hosts only one application so therefore that app can invalidate the LTPA2 token”.
What is worrying is that these LTPA2 sessions hang around for a configurable amount of time. Therefore, if another user got a handle on a users’ LTPA2 token, they can use it to access that users’ session and therefore their sensitive data.
You can prevent a man in the middle attack to capture the session value by forcing the transmission of the cookie to occur over SSL, and by specifying HTTP only for cookies. However, I am still worried about the cookie being available on the local machines’ hard drive. The browser has to store it somewhere, so therefore there has got to be a way to get access to it?
My question is, is it possible for someone to get an LTPA2 value such as this from the hard drive? Say someone sits down in a library, signs in to their online banking, does some work and then logs out. Is it possible for the next user to get the LTPA2 token somehow?
I tried searching through the directories where I thought FireFox 4 and IE8 would store the cookie, but couldn’t pattern match the value. My gut instinct is that it may be possible to find this data on certain browsers?
By default the LTPA2 token is a "Session Cookie" Websphere does not set an expiry on that cookie, and it is just stored in Browser Memory until the user closes their browser.
Unless your client is explicitly manually pulling that cookie and storing it client side, it will not be stored in any files on the user's machine.
You can invalidate the LTPA token if you want to.
But this would require using IBM extensions (naturally)
Look at these:
LTPA token is non-standard, but is simply a credential/token and does not impact the application development team.
Redirects to the ibm_security_logout URL in order to remove the LTPA token when users log out.
Though these articles are old, these should still work (as these basics haven't changed a lot over the years)
By invalidating the LTPA token(which as Terrell mentioned in a "in memory session cookie" )all your worries that you had should be gone.

What, exactly, are the security concerns with sending session tokens in the URL?

I'm building a Flex client against a Struts backend and I have to find a way to transmit the session token without relying on cookies, because I can't use cookies in a Flash movie.
I'm looking at putting the token in either the message body or the URL. Putting it in the URL has somewhat of a bad reputation, security-wise. However, I just read up on session hijacking, CSRF and XSS, and I couldn't really see why it should be worse than cookies. If anything, not having a cookie that is transparently sent along whenever you access a particular domain is more secure, or is it?
Basically, the only reason I can see is that the token is visible in the request and might be leaked via the browser history, a web server log etc. How bad is this really, and are there ways to mitigate risks? What other risks might there be?
How bad is this? Well, one of our competitors had a link from their internal (session based pages) to our site and I saw it on the server logs. Quick copy and paste with the /sess/sess_34984923_34423423/ type stuff and I was logged into their system with full access permissions of that user (luckily, they weren't an administrator and it wasn't anything "super secure" like a bank/email etc: but still).
Also, depending on how exactly you implement it, the full url (including the session token) could be cache by proxy servers and even by Google (if people use the Google toolbar).
The way I've done this Flash session interactivity is to send a session identifier in the Flash parameters (in the HTML) to the Flash which then sends it back to the server. I've found most browsers/Flash combinations also send the cookie which I further authenticate against.
I have an anecdote for you. I was filling out some paperwork for a well known company in the US. They printed out a confrontation page generated by a web application, how do I know? At the bottom of the page Window's print manager included the URL which had the JSSESSIONID.
Let me be clear, the employee just handed me a sheet of paper that would allow me to login immediately as if I had their username and password. DOAH!
I suggest you further read on a very severe security topic called Session Hijacking which allows a malicious attacker to impersonate to a user once he have his session id.
