How to deal with the unlabeled nodes in Pytorch Geometric? - pytorch

I have a dataset on my own, and the dataset contains two classes, let's say 0 and 1. Besides, there is a large part of nodes which class is unlabeled. My goal is to predict these unlabeled nodes using GCN. But I am confused about how to deal with these unlabeled nodes in Pytorch Geometric.
As far as I can think about, I can label the nodes into 3 classes, 0, 1 and unknown. But if I do it this way, that means I am trying to classify the dataset into three classes? (But that's not what I want since unknown is not a class).
And another way to deal with these node is to ignore them, simply run PyG on the labeled node. But in this way, it seems that these unlabeled node(with feature) is useless in the dataset?

That very much depends on your use case and the data!
Case 1 - Graph Autoencoder
For this case let's assume the task is to find similar tweets. A way of doing this is to train a Graph Autoencoder (see example).
This approach is completely unsupervised and thus does not need any data to be labeled.
The resulting model should be able to generate an embedding for each node (in this case each tweet) so that the distance between similar tweets is lower than between non-similar (measured e. g. by cosine distance).
Case 2 - Semi-Supervised GCN
Another case would be to classify tweets as advertisement vs. non-advertisement. Since the idea behind GCNs is to train in a semi-supervised manner it would be no problem to only have labels for some of the tweets.
In order to tell PYG which ones have labels and should be used for training you can define a train_mask. All nodes with missing labels will still technically need a y-value which can be set to -1.
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Training spaCy TextCategorizer with data that belongs to no label?

I'm gathering training data for multilabel classification. Some of the data fed into this project will not have enough information to assign it to one of the labels. If I train the model with data that belongs to no label, will it avoid labelling new data that is unclear? Do I need to train it with an "Unclear" label or should I just leave this type of data unlabelled?
I can't seem to find the answer to this question in the spaCy docs.
Assuming you really want multilabel classification, i.e. an instance can have zero or multiple classes, then it's fine to have some data without any label. If the model performs correctly, it should also predict no label for similar instances. Be careful however that no label doesn't mean unclear for the model, it means that none of the possible classes apply (they are considered independently).
Note that in the case of multiclass classification, i.e. an instance always has exactly one class, it is impossible to assign no label to an instance. But it would also be suboptimal to create a class 'unclear', because in multiclass classification the model predicts the most likely class, i.e. relatively to the others. Semantically 'no label' is not a regular label comparable to the others.
Technically this is not a programming question (for future reference, better ask such questions on or

What is the difference between scale and fit in sklearn?

i am new to datascience and when i was going through one of the kaggle blog, i saw that the user is using both scale and fit on the data set. i tried to understand the difference by going through the documentation but was not able to understand
It's hard to understand the source of your confusion without any code. Inside the link you provided, the data is first scaled with sklearn.preprocessing.scale() and then fit to a sklearn.ensemble.GradientBoostingRegressor.
So the scaling operation transforms data such that all the features are represented on the same scale, and the fitting operation trains the model with the said data.
From your question it sounds like you thought these two operations were mutually exclusive, or somehow equivalent, but they are actually logical consecutive steps.
In general, before model is trained, data is somehow preprocessed (with .scale() in this case), then trained. In sklearn the .fit() methods are for training (fitting functions/models to the data).
Hope it makes sense!
Scale is a data normalization technique and it is used when data in different features are of not similar values like in one feature you have values ranging from 1 to 10 and in other features you have values ranging from 1000 to 10000.
Where as fit is the function that actually starts your model training
Scaling is conversion of data, a method used to normalize the range of independent variables or features of data. The fit method is a training step.

Classification of unknown dataset into known categories

I have a number of datasets where I have an array of x, y, z coordinates of the endpoints of segments. First and second point represents a segment, so does third, fourth and so on...
The above data represents just a part of dataset... The entire dataset is a lot bigger.
I am required to train my machine with several datasets like this, so that it can predict the category of any unknown dataset further... The test dataset will also be the same as the above.
I need help with the approach. Which algorithm or approach can I use here to classify any unknown dataset into these known categories?
Its an unsupervised learning problem. If you know roughly in how many classes your data should be split use K-Means (
Otherwise, a combination of TSNE ( and Kmeans usually works well. Basically transform data using TSNE and run Kmeans in transformed data.

how to perfom classfication

I'm trying to perform document classification into two categories (category1 and category2), using Weka.
I've gathered a training set consisting of 600 documents belonging to both categories and the total number of documents that are going to be classified is 1,000,000.
So to perform the classification, I apply the StringToWordVector filter. I set true the followings from the filter:
- IDF transform
- TF ransform
- OutputWordCounts
I'd like to ask a few questions about this process.
1) How many documents shall I use as training set, so that I over-fitting is avoided?
2) After applying the filter, I get a list of the words in the training set. Do I have to remove any of them to get a better result at the classifier or it doesn't play any role?
3) As classification method I usually choose naiveBayes but the results I get are the followings:
Correctly Classified Instances 393 70.0535 %
Incorrectly Classified Instances 168 29.9465 %
Kappa statistic 0.415
Mean absolute error 0.2943
Root mean squared error 0.5117
Relative absolute error 60.9082 %
Root relative squared error 104.1148 %
and if I use SMO the results are:
Correctly Classified Instances 418 74.5098 %
Incorrectly Classified Instances 143 25.4902 %
Kappa statistic 0.4742
Mean absolute error 0.2549
Root mean squared error 0.5049
Relative absolute error 52.7508 %
Root relative squared error 102.7203 %
Total Number of Instances 561
So in document classification which one is "better" classifier?
Which one is better for small data sets, like the one I have?
I've read that naiveBayes performs better with big data sets but if I increase my data set, will it cause the "over-fitting" effect?
Also, about Kappa statistic, is there any accepted threshold or it doesn't matter in this case because there are only two categories?
Sorry for the long post, but I've been trying for a week to improve the classification results with no success, although I tried to get documents that fit better in each category.
1) How many documents shall I use as training set, so that I
over-fitting is avoided? \
You don't need to choose the size of training set, in WEKA, you just use the 10-fold cross-validation. Back to the question, machine learning algorithms influence much more than data set in over-fitting problem.
2) After applying the filter, I get a list of the words in the
training set. Do I have to remove any of them to get a better result
at the classifier or it doesn't play any role? \
Definitely it does. But whether the result get better can not be promised.
3) As classification method I usually choose naiveBayes but the
results I get are the followings: \
Usually, to define whether a classify algorithm is good or not, the ROC/AUC/F-measure value is always considered as the most important indicator. You can learn them in any machine learning book.
To answers your questions:
I would use (10 fold) cross-validation to evaluate your method. The model is trained trained 10 times on 90% of the data and tested on 10% of the data using different parts of the data each time. The results are therefor less biased towards your current (random) selection of train and test set.
Removing stop words (i.e., frequently occurring words with little discriminating value like the, he or and) is a common strategy to improve your classifier. Weka's StringToWordVector allows you to select a file containing these stop words, but it should also have a default list with English stop words.
Given your results, SMO performs the best of the two classifiers (e.g., it has more Correctly Classified Instances). You might also want to take a look at (Lib)SVM or LibLinear (You may need to install them if they are not in Weka natively; Weka 3.7.6 has a package manager allowing for easy installation), which can perform quite well on document classification as well.
Regarding the second question
2) After applying the filter, I get a list of the words in the training set. Do I have to remove any of them to get a better result at the classifier or it doesn't play any role?
I was building a classifier and training it with the famous 20news group dataset, when testing it without the preprocessing the results were not good. So, i pre-processed the data according to the following steps:
Substitute TAB, NEWLINE and RETURN characters by SPACE.
Keep only letters (that is, turn punctuation, numbers, etc. into SPACES).
Turn all letters to lowercase.
Substitute multiple SPACES by a single SPACE.
The title/subject of each document is simply added in the beginning of the document's text.
no-short Obtained from the previous file, by removing words that are less than 3 characters long. For example, removing "he" but keeping "him".
no-stop Obtained from the previous file, by removing the 524 SMART stopwords. Some of them had already been removed, because they were shorter than 3 characters.
stemmed Obtained from the previous file, by applying Porter's Stemmer to the remaining
words. Information about stemming can be found here.
These steps are taken from

Incrementally Trainable Entity Recognition Classifier

I'm doing some semantic-web/nlp research, and I have a set of sparse records, containing a mix of numeric and non-numeric data, representing entities labeled with various features extracted from simple English sentences.
87w39423|speaker=432, session=43242, sentence=34, obj_called=bob,favorite_color_is=blue
4535k3l535|speaker=512, session=2384, sentence=7, obj_called=tree,isa=plant,located_on=wilson_street
23432424|speaker=997, session=8945305, sentence=32, obj_called=salty,isa=cat,eats=mice
09834502|speaker=876, session=43242, sentence=56, obj_called=the monkey,ate=the banana
928374923|speaker=876, session=43242, sentence=57, obj_called=it,was=delicious
294234234|speaker=876, session=43243, sentence=58, obj_called=the monkey,ate=the banana
sd09f8098|speaker=876, session=43243, sentence=59, obj_called=it,was=hungry
A single entity may appear more than once (but with a different UID each time), and may have overlapping features with its other occurrences. A second data set represents which of the above UIDs are definitely the same.
What algorithm(s) would I use to incrementally train a classifier that could take a set of features, and instantly recommend the N most similar UIDs and probability of whether or not those UIDs actually represent the same entity? Optionally, I'd also like to get a recommendation of missing features to populate and then re-classify to get a more certain matches.
I researched traditional approximate nearest neighbor algorithms. such as FLANN and ANN, and I don't think these would be appropriate since they're not trainable (in a supervised learning sense) nor are they typically designed for sparse non-numeric input.
As a very naive first-attempt, I was thinking about using a naive bayesian classifier, by converting each SameAs relation into a set of training samples. So, for each entity A with B sameas relations, I would iterate over each and train the classifier like:
classifier = Classifier()
for entity,sameas_entities in sameas_dataset:
entity_features = get_features(entity)
for other_entity in sameas_entities:
other_entity_features = get_features(other_entity)
classifier.train(cls=entity, ['left_'+f for f in entity_features] + ['right_'+f for f in other_entity_features])
classifier.train(cls=other_entity, ['left_'+f for f in other_entity_features] + ['right_'+f for f in entity_features])
And then use it like:
>>> print classifier.findSameAs(dict(speaker=997, session=8945305, sentence=32, obj_called='salty',isa='cat',eats='mice'), n=7)
[(1.0, '23432424'),(0.999, 'io43po5', (1.0, '2l3jk42'), (1.0, 'sdf90s8df'), (0.76, 'jerwljk'), (0.34, 'rlekwj32424'), (0.08, '09843jlk')]
>>> print classifier.findSameAs(dict(isa='cat',eats='mice'), n=7)
[(0.09, '23432424'), (0.06, 'jerwljk'), (0.03, 'rlekwj32424'), (0.001, '09843jlk')]
>>> print classifier.findMissingFeatures(dict(isa='cat',eats='mice'), n=4)
How viable is this approach? The initial batch training would be horribly slow, at least O(N^2), but incremental training support would allow updates to happen more quickly.
What are better approaches?
I think this is more of a clustering than a classification problem. Your entities are data points and the sameas data is a mapping of entities to clusters. In this case, clusters are the distinct 'things' your entities refer to.
You might want to take a look at semi-supervised clustering. A brief google search turned up the paper Active Semi-Supervision for Pairwise Constrained Clustering which gives pseudocode for an algorithm that is incremental/active and uses supervision in the sense that it takes training data indicating which entities are or are not in the same cluster. You could derive this easily from your sameas data, assuming that - for example - uids 87w39423 and 4535k3l535 are definitely distinct things.
However, to get this to work you need to come up with a distance metric based on the features in the data. You have a lot of options here, for example you could use a simple Hamming distance on the features, but the choice of metric function here is a little bit arbitrary. I'm not aware of any good ways of choosing the metric, but perhaps you have already looked into this when you were considering nearest neighbour algorithms.
You can come up with confidence scores using the distance metric from the centres of the clusters. If you want an actual probability of membership then you would want to use a probabilistic clustering model, like a Gaussian mixture model. There's quite a lot of software to do Gaussian mixture modelling, I don't know of any that is semi-supervised or incremental.
There may be other suitable approaches if the question you wanted to answer was something like "given an entity, which other entities are likely to refer to the same thing?", but I don't think that is what you are after.
You may want to take a look at this method:
"Large Scale Online Learning of Image Similarity Through Ranking" Gal Chechik, Varun Sharma, Uri Shalit and Samy Bengio, Journal of Machine Learning Research (2010).
[PDF] [Project homepage]
More thoughts:
What do you mean by 'entity'? Is entity the thing that is referred by 'obj_called'? Do you use the content of 'obj_called' to match different entities, e.g. 'John' is similar to 'John Doe'? Do you use proximity between sentences to indicate similar entities? What is the greater goal (task) of the mapping?
