how to use put methode on vue js + node - node.js

hi guys i have a problem ;its how to update username using a text field
the images bellow describe what i did
first i used a model user.js then a UserController.js then route.js
but i didn't get how to update username from a text firld after clic on edit
this is the input vue js file
updateUser function in userController
this is the router file
this is the index.js

TL; DR; You need to send an AJAX request from your client application.
The main problem is that the Vue.js code has nothing to with the back-end code. And the Vue.js application lives in the browser. So the right way to do that will be to define a click handler that will collect the data from a form and then send the AJAX request to the Node.js server on the endpoint that handles user update.


not able to receive axios data sent via post method at my backend

so i am using react js as my front-end framework and node and express js for my back end .
i used axios to send data from my react app to my back end server but am not able to receive the data at my server end.
my react js code to send data
function handelClick(event){
my node js server side code to receive data'/login',(req,res)=>{console.log(req);});
i thought i could find the sent data inside req object but i don't see it .
am new so any help is much appreciated.
Have you imported axios in reactjs file? Or you can try to check in package.json of reactjs app had:
"proxy": "" //port running on your server

Connecting frontend and backend MERN stack

How does the react client connect to the server via express? Many tutorials talk about Superagent and axios which is adding to my confusion. Are there any resources on server side routing in the context of react? thank you
In MERN stack, you do not necessarily have to think of the entire stack as a single entity. Mongo, ReactJS and NodeJS server can all work independently. And let us for easiness of understanding sake say all of them are on separate servers. That is we can have Mongo on one server, ReactJS on another server and NodeJS with express on a third server, then also it will be a MERN stack app.
How a MERN app work is as follows
For example, let us have an app that displays the details of all the students in a class. First, in the React app let us say you select a class, and then the React front-end will send a query to the nodejs server. The query will contain the particular class name. Now nodejs will send a query to the mongo db asking for the details of the students of that class which it will send back to the node server. The node server will then send the details to the front end and it will update it.
If you ask for connection as such, there can be no connection at all except for querying for data. Instead of using the reactjs front end you can use some other frontend and it will give you the same details. React, Mongo and Node, all are capable of working on their own in their respective fields.
Axios is a promise based HTTP client for the browser and node.js.
They are completely independent. Whether using axios, the native Javascript fetch, jQuery AJAX, etc...each of them runs in the browser and makes a GET/POST request to nodejs. You will have defined corresponding GET/POST routes within nodejs to respond to these requests and return JSON response data for them to consume.
I would start by forgetting about react altogether. Instead build an express API with various GET/POST routes that return JSON responses. Test with a simple client like postman. Once you have a handle on that, then start with a front-end Javascript framework to consume these services.
Here is a cut of my express+react api:
var express = require('express');
var router = express.Router();
router.get('/', function (req, res) {
res.render('index', {myjson: "myValue"});
module.exports = router;
Basically I am sending the json string to index.jsx, where the frontend is rendered.
Also I've set in express as:
app.set('views', __dirname + '/views');
app.set('view engine', 'jsx');
app.engine('jsx', reactViews.createEngine());
So the express server knows where React is.
Checkout the npm package Express-react-engine.
All the elements of the stack can be used independently, React , Node.Js, and MongoDB.
They can be installed in different servers and the communication is by using Fetch, Axios or any other tool.

How to make Express return a new html with axios post

I have an express server. I have two routes as get methods.
app.get('/main',(req, res) => {
res.sendFile(`main.html`, {root: staticPath});
app.get('/signin', (req, res) => {
res.sendFile('signin.html', {root: staticPath});
I want to build my app as a single page react application. But before I let the user see this single page, I want to show a sign in, sign up screen. So when user clicks the sign in or sign up buttons, I want to send signin.html as response from the express server.
Here is my code on the browser from a react class
I can console.log() from the express route and verify that the code gets executed within the 'signin' route, but the html view doesn't change on the browser even though I send back a html file. How do I make it happen?
I'm by no means an expert, but here are my two cents. Instead of setting up your front end to receive an HTML file from the server, a more efficient approach would be the following.
Build the signup and login pages on the front end.
Set up routing between these pages.
Send the login/signup details from client to server via /login or /signup routes that you set up in Express. These details would usually be in the req.body object (make sure to install the bodyparser package from NPM).
You could then use JWTs to authenticate users and maintain sessions.
If you're looking for server-side rendering with React, here is an article for your reading pleasure :) Sorry if I made no sense.

Passing Data from Node-Express backend to Vue component

I'm still learning Vue.js 2 so I do apologize if this question is a bit silly. I'm building an application using MongoDB, Node, Express and Vue. Normally I'd use a template engine such as Ejs where data passed through Express's res.render method can be readily captured in the template.
Is there a similar way to pass data from backend to the root Vue component? For example, normally, a get request fetches some data from Mongodb, express will render the template file and pass data to it.
app.get("/gallery/:id", function(res, req) {
var id =;
database.findById(id, function(err, data) {
res.render("home", data);
Now my root Vue application is attached to html file. I'd like to be able to dynamically render the app with data returned from the database.
I've built an app before that streams data from an api and passed it to my Vue component via socket but I feel like using a socket in this case is unnecessary.
Use http. What's the problem? You can use XmlHttp, or a lot of folk seem to be using Axios. Trigger the call in the onload of your page, or use one of the vue lifecycle hooks. The very good vue docs don't have much to say about how and when to do this. We do it in the onload of the page, and we instantiate vue when the request for page data returns.
The question has already been answered, but I wanted to share my approach. I've been experimenting with rendering an object server side using res.render(), putting it in a div where display: none, and then grabbing the object on the client and passing it to Vue's data attribute.

React Routing vs Express Routing

Been watching alot of tutorials and i see that there is express routing as well as react routing.
Is the react routing for client and the node js routing for server (api?).
Wanting to know if someone could please clarify this as new to React, Node, Express.
It is possible (and even recommended) to use both of them in combination.
react-router is used to navigate between multiples pages/views of your front-end app/website. Usually in a single page app (SPA), where pages/views are loaded dynamically.
express router is a way to return static content (index.html, image.png...) AND to handle API calls that are often related to database logic. Those routes are handled server-side.
Example is a view and should be handled and rendered by react router
// this router render pages components dynamically based on the url
<Route path="/my-portfolio" component={Portfolio} />
<Route path="/page2" component={Page2} /> or is an api call that should be handled server-side by express router:
// app.js
// api call that return json data
// this is where I will usually return database content
app.get('/api/getMyJson', (req, res) => {
// api call that return the content of folder app/public where
// the index.html and static resources are usually exposed
Single page application workflow
The front-end (client browser) request the back-end (your server) for the application static content (myLogo.png, index.html...) usually served by express router
While the first page is loaded and the user begin to interact with the app, the front-end continues to load other pages in the background (lazy loading)
When the user navigate to another page (with react-router), the page is already loaded and the user is taken there without any further server call nor page reloading
On another hand, express router need to handle API calls like to get data that is not "static" like json data.
I'll try explain the difference through an example. Say we have a single page application built with react at
React Routing
We hit and the index.html is loaded from the server. Note that it has all of your react pages in your bundle.js file. You now click the about button on the navbar, this sends you to This call does not hit the server, it is handled by your react router.
Much like above we hit and get the index. This time when we hit /about we get information from the server
Take a look at this blog post:
