kiba-etl Pattern to split transformations into independent pipelines - kiba-etl

Kiba is a very small library, and it is my understanding that most of its value is derived from enforcing a modular architecture of small independent transformations.
However, it seems to me that the model of a series of serial transformations does not fit most of the ETL problems we face. To explain the issue, let me give a contrived example:
A source yields hashes with the following structure
{ spend: 3, cost: 7, people: 8, hours: 2 ... }
Our prefered output is a list of hashes where some of the keys might be the same as those from the source, though the values might differ
{ spend: 8, cost: 10, amount: 2 }
Now, calculating the resulting spend requires a series of transformations: ConvertCurrency, MultiplyByPeople etc. etc. And so does calculating the cost: ConvertCurrencyDifferently, MultiplyByOriginalSpend.. Notice that the cost calculations depend on the original (non transformed) spend value.
The most natural pattern would be to calculate the spend and cost in two independent pipelines, and merge the final output. A map-reduce pattern if you will. We could even benefit from running the pipelines in parallel.
However in my case it is not really a question of performance (as the transformations are very fast). The issue is that since Kiba applies all transforms as a set of serial steps, the cost calculations will be affected by the spend calculations, and we will end up with the wrong result.
Does kiba have a way of solving this issue? The only thing I can think of is to make sure that the destination names are not the same as the source names, e.g. something like 'originSpend' and 'finalSpend'. It still bothers me however that my spend calculation pipeline will have to make sure to pass on the full set of keys for each step, rather than just passing the key relevant to it, and then merging in the Cost keys in the end. Or perhaps one can define two independent kiba jobs, and have a master job call the two and merge their result in the end? What is the most kiba-idiomatic solution to this?
Splitting an ETL pipeline into multiple parallel paths seem to be a key feature of most ETL tools, so I'm surprised that it doesn't seem to be something kiba supports?

I think I lack extra details to be able to properly answer your main question. I will get in touch via email for this round, and will maybe comment here later for public visibility.
Splitting an ETL pipeline into multiple parallel paths seem to be a key feature of most ETL tools, so I'm surprised that it doesn't seem to be something kiba supports?
The main focus of Kiba ETL today is: components reuse, lower maintenance cost, modularity and ability to have a strong data & process quality.
Parallelisation is supported to some extent though, via different patterns.
Using Kiba Pro parallel transform to run sister jobs
If your main input is something that you can manage to "partition" with a low volume of items (e.g. database id ranges, or a list of files), you can use Kiba Pro parallel transform like this:
source ... # something that generate list of work items
parallel_transform(max_threads: 10) do |group_items|
This works well if there is no output at all, or not much output, coming to the destinations of the sister jobs.
This works with threads but one can also "fork" here for extra performance.
Using process partitioning
In a similar fashion, one can structure their jobs in a way where each process will only process a subset of the input data.
This way one can start say 4 processes (via cron jobs, or monitored via a parent tool), and pass a SHARD_NUMBER=1,2,3,4, which is then used by the source for input-load partitioning.
I'm pretty sure your problem, as you said, is more about workflow control & declarations & ability to express what you need to be done, rather than performance.
I'll reach out and we'll discuss that.


How to deal with (Apache Beam) high IO bottlenecks?

Let's say to cite a simple example, that I have a very simple beam pipeline which just reads from a file and dumps the data into an output file. Now let's consider that the input file is huge (some GBs in size, the type of file you can't typically open in a text editor). Since the direct-runner implementation is quite simple (it reads the whole input set into memory), it won't be able to read and output those huge files (unless you assign an impractically high amount of memory to the java vm process); so my question is: "How do production runners like flink/spark/cloud dataflow" deal with this 'huge dataset problem'? - assuming they would not just try to put the whole file(s)/dataset into memory?" -.
I'd expect production runner's implementation need to work "in parts or batches" (like reading/processing/outputting in parts) to avoid trying to fit huge datasets into memory at any specific point in time. Can somebody please share their feedback regarding how production runners deal with this "huge data" situation?
Generalizing, please notice this applies for other input/output mechanisms too, for example if my input is a PCollection coming from huge database table (broadly speaking huge in both row-size and amount), does the internal implementation of the production's runner somehow divides the given input SQL statement into many internally generated sub statements each taking smaller subsets (for example by internally generating a count(-) statement, followed by N statements, each taking (count(-)/N) elements? the direct-runner won't do this and will just pass the given query 1:1 to the DB), or is my responsibility as a developer to "iterate in batches" and divide the problem, and if this is indeed the case, what are the best practices here, ie: having one pipeline for this or many?, and if only one then somehow parametrise the pipeline to read/write in batches? or iterate over a simple pipeline and manage necessary metadata externally to the pipeline?
thanks in advance, any feedback would be greatly appreciated!
EDIT (reflecting David's feedback):
David your feedback is highly valuable and definitely touches the point i'm interested in. Having a work discovery phase for splitting a source and and read phase to concurrently read the split-partitions is definitely what I was interested in hearing, so thanks for pointing me in the right direction. I have a couple of small follow up questions if you don't mind:
1 - The article points out under the section "Generic enumerator-reader communication mechanism" the following:
"The SplitEnumerator and SourceReader are both user implemented class.
It is not rare that the implementation require some communication
between these two components. In order to facilitate such use cases [....]"
So my question here would be, is that "splitting + reading behaviour" triggered by some user (ie. developer) provided implementation (specifically SplitEnumerator and SourceReader), or can I benefit from that out of the box without any custom code?.
2 - Probably just delving deeper into the question above; if I have a batch/bounded workload (let's say I'm using apache flink), and I'm interested in processing a "huge file" like described in the original post, will the pipeline work "out of the box" (doing the behind the scenes "work preparation phase" splits and the parallel reads), or would that require some custom code implemented by the developer?
thank's in advance for all your valuable feedback!
Note that when the inputs are bounded and known in advance (i.e., a batch workload as opposed to streaming), this is more straightforward.
In Flink, which is designed with streaming in mind, this is done by separating "work discovery" from "reading". A single SplitEnumerator runs once and enumerates the chunks to be read (the splits/partitions), and assigns them to parallel readers. In the batch case a split is defined by a range of offsets, while in the streaming case, the end offset for each split is set to LONG_MAX.
This is described in more detail in FLIP-27: Refactor Source Interface.
Just to provide some closure to this question, the justification for this question was to know if apache beam - when coupled with a production runner-(like flink or spark or google cloud dataflow), offered out of the box mechanisms for -splitting work a.k.a reading/writing manipulating - huge files (or datasources in general). The comment provided by David Anderson above proved of great value in hintintg at how Apache flink deals with this workflows.
At this point I've implemented solutions using huge files (for testing possible IO bottlenecks) with a "beam on flink" based pipeline, and I can confirm, that flink will create an excecution plan which includes splitting sources, and dividing work in such a way that no memory problem arises. Now, there can be of course conditions under which stability/"IO performance" is compromised, but at least I can confirm that the workflows carried out behind the pipeline abstraction, uses the filesystem when carriying out tasks, avoiding fitting all data in memory and thus avoiding trivial memory errors. Conclusion: yes "beam on flink" (and likely spark and dataflow too) do offer proper work preparation, work splitting and filesystem usage so that available volatile memory is used in an efficient way.
Update about datasources: Regarding DBs as datasources, Flink won't (and can't - it is not trivial) optimize/split/distribute work related to DB datasources in the same way it optimizes reading from the filesystem. There are still approaches to read huge amount of data (records) from a DB though, but the implementation details need to be addressed by the developer instead of being responsibility of the framework. I've found this article ( very helpful in addressing the point of reading massive amounts of records from a DB in beam (the article uses a cloud dataflow runner, but I used Flink and it worked just fine), splitting queries and distributing the processing.

Optimise multiple objectives in MiniZinc

I am newbie in CP but I want to solve problem which I got in college.
I have a Minizinc model which minimize number of used Machines doing some Tasks. Machines have some resource and Tasks have resource requirements. Except minimize that number, I am trying to minimize cost of allocating Tasks to Machine (I have an array with cost). Is there any chance to first minimize that number and then optimizate the cost in Minizinc?
For example, I have 3 Task and 2 Machines. Every Machine has enough resource to allocate 3 Task on them but I want to allocate Task where cost is lower.
Sorry for my English and thanks for help. If there is such a need I will paste my code.
The technique that you are referring to is called lexicographic optimisation/objectives. The idea is to optimise for multiple objectives, where there is a clear ordering between the objectives. For example, when optimising (A, B, C) we would optimise B and C, subject to A. So if we can improve the value of A then we would allow B and C to worsen. Similarly, C is also optimised subject to B.
This technique is often used, but is currently not (yet) natively supported in MiniZinc. There are however a few workarounds:
As shown in the radation model, we can scale the first objective by a value that is at least as much as the maximum of the second objective (and so on). This will ensure that any improvement on the first objective will trump any improvement/stagnation on the second objective. The result of the instance should then be the lexicographic optimal.
We can seperate our models into multiple stages. In each stage we would only concern ourselves with a single objective value (working from most important to least important). Any subsequent stage would
fix the objectives from earlier stages. The solution of the final stage should give you the lexicographic optimal solution.
Some solvers support lexicographic optimisation natively. There is some experimental support for using these lexicographic objectives in MiniZinc, as found in std/experimental.mzn.
Note that lexicographic techniques might not always (explicitly) talk about both minimisation and maximisation; however, you can always convert from one to the other by negating the intended objective value.

Inter-process communication on MATLAB

I want to create a MATLAB program to simulate the behavior of some agents. Each of these agents is capable of communicating with each other and decide on is next state. I could implement the program is a traditional language that I am familiar with like java,python or C++ and use threads to simulate each of the agents.
Now I want to try the implementation on MATLAB to make use of the MATLAB plot-functions and its mathematical tools. Is it possible to create such a simulation in MATLAB, or maybe better is it strait-forward? I am aware of the parallelism toolbox but I am not sure if MATLAB is a good choice for such an application. I can also make the simulation no-parallel but it is not that interesting. This is part of an assignment and I would like to know if it is a good idea to start such a simulation on MATLAB to get more familiar with it. If it is not strait-forward I can switch easily to python.
As mentioned earlier you can't really have multiple processes in matlab.
But for the agents you can make them if their classes inherit from handles. Then you can give them a method to receive messages.
But keep in mind they will not run in parallel.
Here's what I would do:
Write an agent class in matlab with parameters you need, methods for setting and getting (or write subsref-methods) and methods for "decision making"
Fill an array with instances of the class
Either make an array containing an instance index followed by its predecessors, i.e. if, say agent 4 follows agents 1, 2, and 3 and agent 5 follows agents 1,2, and 4, the vector would look like: [4 1 2 3 5 1 2 4] and so on. Or make a parent-child matrix. You could also add a parameter storing the predecessors in the instances. If every agent is connected with each other, you don't even need this feature.
Now you would run sequentially. All agents update their inputs, all agents compute their response and set their outputs.
As you can see, this is not parallel but sequential. However, I can't really see the adantage of parallel processing here. The toolbox is no help, since it only allows "workers" depending on how many cores you have at your disposal. Basically, even if you use the parallel processing toolbox, you won't have much of an advantage since it is meant to parallelize loops. for example, in a genetic algorithm, you can compute the cost function for every pool member independently, thus you can use the toolbox. In algorithms where one loop execution depends on the computations of the prior loop execution, you cannot use the toolbox.
Hope this helps.
Matlab interprets the code sequentially. Hence, in order to solve your problem, you will need a loop that iterates each sampling time and evaluates the state of all the agents in a pre-defined order.
TimeMax = 10;
TimeStep = 0.1;
time_counter = 0;
while time_counter<TimeMax
time_counter = time_counter + TimeStep;
% Update all the agents sequentially
This is not very efficient. Thus, I would suggest you to use Simulink, that supports parallel computations more naturally. Then, you can export the results to Matlab and do all the fancy plots that you wish.

Java : Use Disruptor or Not . .

Currently I am developing a program that takes 2 values from an amq queue and performs a series of mathematical calculations on them. A topic has been created on the amq server to which my program subscribes and receive messages via callbacks (listeners).
Now whenever a message arrives the two values are taken out of and added to the SynchronizedDescriptiveStatistics object. After each addition to the list of values the whole sequence of calculations is performed all over again (this is part of the requirement actually).
The problem I am facing right now is that since I am using listeners, sometimes a single or more messages are received in the middle of calculations. Although SynchronizedDescriptiveStatistics takes care of all the thread related issues it self but it adds all the waiting values in its list of numbers at once when it comes out of lock or something. While my problem was to add one value then perform calcls on it then second value and on and on.
The solution I came up with is to use job queues in my program (not amq queues). In this way whenever calcs are over the program would look for further jobs in the queue and goes on accordingly.
Since I am also looking for efficiency and speed I thought the Disruptor framework might be good for this problem and it is optimized for threaded situations. But I am not sure if its worth the trouble of implementing Disruptor in to my application because regular standard queue might be enough for what I am trying to do.
Let me also tell you that the data on which the calcs need to be performed is a lot and it will keep on coming and the whole calcs will need to be performed all over again for each addition of a single value in a continuous fashion. So keeping in mind the efficiency and the huge volume of data what do you think will be useful in the long run.
Waiting for a reply. . .
I'll give our typical answer to this question: test first, and make your decision based on your results.
Although you talk about efficiency, you don't specifically say that performance is a fundamental requirement. If you have an idea of your performance requirements, you could mock up a simple prototype using queues versus a basic implementation of the Disruptor, and take measurements of the performance of both.
If one comes off substantially better than the other, that's your answer. If, however, one is much more effort to implement, especially if it's also not giving you the efficiency you require, or you don't have any hard performance requirements, then that suggests that solution is not the right one.
Measure first, and decide based on your results.

What is the best way to search multiple sources simultaneously?

I'm writing a phonebook search, that will query multiple remote sources but I'm wondering how it's best to approach this task.
The easiest way to do this is to take the query, start a thread per remote source query (limiting max results to say 10), waiting for the results from all threads and aggregating the list into a total of 10 entries and returning them.
BUT...which of the remote source is more important if all sources return at least 10 results, so then I would have to do a search on the search results. While this would yield accurate information it seems inefficient and unlikely to scale up well.
Is there a solution commercial or open source that I could use and extend, or is there a clever algorithm I can use that I've missed?
John, I believe what you want is federated search. I suggest you check out Solr as a framework for this. I agree with Nick that you will have to evaluate the relative quality of the different sources yourself, and build a merge function. Solr has some infrastructure for this, as this email thread shows.
To be honest I haven't seen a ready solution, but this is why we programmers exist: to create a solution if one is not readily availble :-)
The way I would do it is similar to what you describe: using threads - if this is a web application then ajax is your friend for speed and usability, for a desktop app gui representation is not even an issue.
It sounds like you can't determine or guess upfront which source is the best in terms of reliability, speed & number of results. So you need to setup you program so that it determines best results on the fly. Let's say you have 10 data sources, and therfore 10 threads. When you fire up your threads - wait for the first one to return with results > 0. This is going to be you "master" result. As other threads return you can compare them to your "master" result and add new results. There is really no way to avoid this if you want to provide unique results. You can start displaying results as soon as you have your first thread. You don't have to update your screen right away with all the new results as they come in but if takes some time user may become agitated. You can just have some sort of indicator that shows that more results are available, if you have more than 10 for instance.
If you only have a few sources, like 10, and you limit the number of results per source you are waiting for, to like 10, it really shouldn't take that much time to sort through them in any programming language. Also make sure you can recover if your remote sources are not available. If let's say, you are waiting for all 10 sources to come back to display data - you may be in for a long wait, if one of the sources is down.
The other approach is to f00l user. Sort of like airfare search sites do - where they make you want a few seconds while they collect and sort results. I really like's implementation - as it make me feel like it's doing something unlike some other sites.
Hope that helps.
