Auto fill increment number in dynamic data ranges - excel

I am stuck in my vba code and seems I setup a loop wrong. Really appreciate for some advices! Thank you very much!!
Sub code()
Dim lastRow As Long
Dim k As Integer
Dim rowPtr As Long
lastRow = Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
For rowPtr = 2 To lastRow
If Range("A" & rowPtr + 1) <> Range("A" & rowPtr) Then
k = 1
Range("B" & rowPtr) = k
If Range("A" & rowPtr + 1) = Range("A" & rowPtr) Then
Range("B" & rowPtr) = k
End If
k = k + 1
End If
End Sub
Above is my code and now my VBA result is like this:
Column C is my ideal result of the code

Rank Reps (Repeating Values)
Adjust the values in the constants section.
Note that Range("A" & rowPtr) is the same as Cells(rowPtr, "A") or Cells(rowPtr, 1), and Range("A" & Rows.Count) is the same as Cells(Rows.Count, "A") or Cells(Rows.Count, 1).
Option Explicit
Sub rankReps()
Const FirstRow As Long = 2
Const sCol As String = "A"
Const dCol As String = "B"
Dim cOffset As Long: cOffset = Columns(dCol).Column - Columns(sCol).Column
Dim LastRow As Long: LastRow = Range(sCol & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
If LastRow < FirstRow Then
MsgBox "No data", vbCritical, "No Data"
Exit Sub
End If
' Write first.
Range(sCol & FirstRow).Offset(, cOffset).Value = 1
' Write remainder.
If LastRow > FirstRow Then
Dim cCell As Range ' Current Cell
Dim r As Long ' Row Counter
Dim rk As Long: rk = 1 ' Rank Counter
For r = FirstRow + 1 To LastRow ' +1: the first is already written
Set cCell = Range(sCol & r)
If cCell.Value = cCell.Offset(-1).Value Then
rk = rk + 1
rk = 1
End If
cCell.Offset(, cOffset).Value = rk
Next r
End If
End Sub

Public Sub UpdateRankings(ByVal ws As Worksheet)
' Adjust as necessary.
Const firstRow As Long = 3
Const colGroupId As Long = 1
Const colRanking As Long = 6
Dim row As Long
With ws
' First value defaults to 1.
row = firstRow
.Cells(row, colRanking).Value = 1
' Remaining rows.
row = row + 1
Do While .Cells(row, colGroupId).Value <> ""
' If group id is the same as the previous row, increment rank.
If .Cells(row, colGroupId).Value = .Cells(row - 1, colGroupId).Value Then
.Cells(row, colRanking).Value = .Cells(row - 1, colRanking).Value + 1
' If group id has changed, reset rank to 1.
.Cells(row, colRanking).Value = 1
End If
' Next row.
row = row + 1
End With
End Sub

Please, try the next way:
Sub Countcode()
Dim lastRow As Long, k As Long, rowPtr As Long
lastRow = cells(rows.count, 1).End(xlUp).row
k = 1
For rowPtr = 2 To lastRow
If Range("A" & rowPtr) = Range("A" & rowPtr + 1) Then
Range("B" & rowPtr) = k: k = k + 1
If Range("A" & rowPtr) = Range("A" & rowPtr - 1) Then
Range("B" & rowPtr) = k: k=1
k = 1
Range("B" & rowPtr) = k
End If
End If
End Sub

One approach is:
Sub numberIt2()
Dim cl As Range, equal As Integer ' equal initial value is 0
Set cl = Range("A1")
Do While cl <> ""
cl.Offset(0, 1) = equal + 1
Set cl = cl.Offset(1)
equal = IIf(cl = cl.Offset(-1), equal + 1, 0)
End Sub


Add Header to Each Record As Row

I receive an excel file with the below format:
But I need it to be the below format:
I have the blow code but it's not working.
Sub Format_Click()
Dim ws1 As Worksheet
Set ws1 = Sheets("Sheet1")
Dim ws2 As Worksheet
Set ws2 = Sheets("Sheet2")
Dim count As Integer
Dim rng As Range
Set rng = ws1.UsedRange
ws2.Cells(1, 1) = "Contract"
ws2.Cells(1, 2) = "Code"
ws2.Cells(1, 3) = "Price"
For i = 1 To rng.Columns.count
For j = 2 To rng.Rows.count
count = ws2.Range("A" & ws2.Rows.count).End(xlUp).Row
ws2.Cells(count + 1, 1) = rng.Cells(1, i)
ws2.Cells(count + 1, 2) = rng.Cells(j, i)
ws2.Cells(count + 1, 3) = rng.Cells(j, 1)
Next j
Next i
End Sub
Take all the data into an array, loop trough once and detect categories (categories are values with no qty according to your image).
My code shows output in same sheet but in can bee easily adapted to make output in a different worksheet:
Sub test()
Dim i As Long
Dim j As Long
Dim LR As Long
Dim MyData As Variant
Dim CurrentCat As String
LR = Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
MyData = Range("A1:B" & LR).Value
Range("D1").Value = "Category"
Range("E1").Value = "Name"
Range("F1").Value = "Qty"
j = 2
For i = LBound(MyData) To UBound(MyData) Step 1
If MyData(i, 2) = "" Then
'its a Category if there is no qty
CurrentCat = MyData(i, 1)
'there is data
Range("D" & j).Value = CurrentCat
Range("E" & j).Value = MyData(i, 1)
Range("F" & j).Value = MyData(i, 2)
j = j + 1
End If
Next i
Erase MyData
End Sub
Consider reading about arrays, pretty useful:
Excel VBA Array – The Complete

Convert date list into date ranges [duplicate]

I have a data like this :
And I want the output like :
As you can see, I want the ranges which are in consecutive order
I am trying some thing like this:
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Set wb = ThisWorkbook
lastRow = wb.Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A" & wb.Sheets("Sheet1").Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
For i = 2 To lastRow
r = wb.Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A" & i).Value
If wb.Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A" & i).Value = wb.Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A" & i+1).Value
Next i
End Sub
But not helping me
Am feeling charitable so have tried some code which should work. It assumes your starting values are in A1 down and puts results in C1 down.
Sub x()
Dim v1, v2(), i As Long, j As Long
v1 = Range("A1", Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp)).Value
ReDim v2(1 To UBound(v1, 1), 1 To 2)
For i = LBound(v1, 1) To UBound(v1, 1)
j = j + 1
v2(j, 1) = v1(i, 1)
If i <> UBound(v1, 1) Then
Do While Val(Right(v1(i + 1, 1), 3)) = Val(Right(v1(i, 1), 3)) + 1
i = i + 1
If i = UBound(v1, 1) Then
v2(j, 2) = v1(i, 1)
Exit Do
End If
End If
If v1(i, 1) <> v2(j, 1) Then v2(j, 2) = v1(i, 1)
Next i
Range("C1").Resize(j, 2) = v2
End Sub
Try the below code
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Set wb = ThisWorkbook
lastRow = wb.Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A" & wb.Sheets("Sheet1").Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
Dim lastNum, Binsert As Integer
Dim firstCell, lastCell, currentCell As String
Binsert = 1
lastNum = getNum(wb.Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A1").Value)
firstCell = wb.Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A1").Value
For i = 2 To lastRow
activeNum = getNum(wb.Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A" & i).Value)
currentCell = wb.Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A" & i).Value
If (activeNum - lastNum) = 1 Then
lastCell = wb.Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A" & (i - 1)).Value
wb.Sheets("Sheet1").Range("B" & Binsert).FormulaR1C1() = firstCell
If (firstCell <> lastCell) Then
wb.Sheets("Sheet1").Range("C" & Binsert).FormulaR1C1() = lastCell
End If
Binsert = Binsert + 1
firstCell = wb.Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A" & i).Value
End If
lastNum = activeNum
Next i
'last entry
wb.Sheets("Sheet1").Range("B" & Binsert).FormulaR1C1() = firstCell
If (firstCell <> currentCell) Then
wb.Sheets("Sheet1").Range("C" & Binsert).FormulaR1C1() = currentCell
End If
End Sub
Public Function getNum(ByVal num As String) As Integer
getNum = Val(Mid(num, 2))
End Function
Another solution. It loops backwards from last row to first row.
Option Explicit
Public Sub FindConsecutiveValues()
Dim ws As Worksheet
Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1")
Dim lRow As Long 'find last row
lRow = ws.Range("A" & ws.Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
Dim lVal As String 'remember last value (stop value)
lVal = ws.Range("A" & lRow).Value
Const fRow As Long = 2 'define first data row
Dim i As Long
For i = lRow To fRow Step -1 'loop from last row to first row backwards
Dim iVal As Long
iVal = Val(Right(ws.Range("A" & i).Value, Len(ws.Range("A" & i).Value) - 1)) 'get value of row i without A so we can calculate
Dim bVal As Long
bVal = 0 'reset value
If i <> fRow Then 'if we are on the first row there is no value before
bVal = Val(Right(ws.Range("A" & i - 1).Value, Len(ws.Range("A" & i - 1).Value) - 1)) 'get value of row i-1 without A
End If
If iVal - 1 = bVal Then
ws.Rows(i).Delete 'delete current row
If lVal <> ws.Range("A" & i).Value Then 'if start and stop value are not the same …
ws.Range("B" & i).Value = lVal 'write stop value in column B
End If
lVal = ws.Range("A" & i - 1).Value 'remember now stop value
End If
Next i
End Sub

How to unmerge rows and not column

I have a table which contains merged cells both column and rows as shown in attached picture. I want to unmerge "Only" rows while leaving columns merged. Consider the following snippet of table. In the image attached "Contract
For y = 1 To lRow
p = 1
c = y
d = 1
z = lRow + y
t = Cells(y, 1).Value
For x = 1 To t
Cells(z, p).Value = Cells(c, d).Value
Cells(c, d).Select
' Debug.Print
c = ActiveCell.Row
d = ActiveCell.Column
p = p + 1
Sub ColorMergedCells()
Dim c As Range
Dim startcolumn, endcolumn, startrow, endrow As Long
For Each c In ActiveSheet.UsedRange
If c.MergeCells And c.MergeArea.Rows.Count >= 2 Then
c.Interior.ColorIndex = 28
With c.MergeArea.Rows
' .Formula = c.Formula
End With
'startcolumn = ActiveCell.Column
'endcolumn = Selection.Columns.Count + startcolumn - 1
'startrow = ActiveCell.Row
'endrow = Selection.Rows.Count + startrow - 1
End If
End Sub
Based on your snapshot of requirements , I have wrote a very simple code which shall appear to be crude but I have kept it this way so that you can adjust its various elements as per your actual data. Sample data taken by me and results obtained are shown in the snapshot pasted below, which is followed by code.
Sub Merge_unmerge()
Dim wb As Workbook
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim rng As Range
Dim cell As Range
Dim LastRow As Long
Dim LastCol As Long
Set wb = ThisWorkbook
Set ws = wb.Sheets(1)
With ws
LastRow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, "B").End(xlUp).Row
LastCol = .Cells(1, .Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
End With
Set rng = ws.Range("A1:D" & LastRow)
For Each cell In rng
Next cell
For i = 2 To LastRow
If Range("A" & i) = "" Then
Range("A" & i).Value = Range("A" & i - 1).Value
End If
Next i
For i = 2 To LastRow
If Range("D" & i) = "" Then
Range("D" & i).Value = Range("D" & i - 1).Value
End If
Next i
For i = 1 To LastRow Step 2
Range("B" & i & ":C" & i).Merge
Range("B" & i & ":C" & i).HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
Next i
End Sub
Never mind. I solved for the issue at hand. Posting if it helps others.
Sub ColorMergedCells()
Dim c As Range
Dim startcolumn, endcolumn, startrow, endrow As Long
For Each c In ActiveSheet.UsedRange
If c.MergeCells And c.MergeArea.Rows.Count >= 2 Then
c.Interior.ColorIndex = 28
startcolumn = c.Column
endcolumn = c.MergeArea.Columns.Count + startcolumn - 1
startrow = c.Row
endrow = c.MergeArea.Rows.Count + startrow - 1
With c.MergeArea.Rows
.Formula = c.Formula
End With
For J = startrow To endrow
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Range(Cells(J, startcolumn), Cells(J, endcolumn)).Merge
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
End If
End Sub

VBA concatenate two ranges

I'm trying to concatenate two ranges in excel using VBA so each cell in range1 concatenates all cells in range2 until cell A is null. Please see below:
Range1(column A): Range2(column B):
50703, 50702 52797, 52848
Concatenate(column C):
50703-52797, 50703-52848, 50702-52797, 50702-52848
This will insert all the combinations of values in column A and B into column C and concatenate them with a hyphen:
Sub combinations()
Dim i As Long, j As Long, n As Long
Dim valsColA As Variant, valsColB As Variant
With ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Combinations") ' change sheet name, if necessary
valsColA = .Range(.Cells(1, 1), .Range("A1").End(xlDown)).Value
valsColB = .Range(.Cells(1, 2), .Range("B1").End(xlDown)).Value
For i = LBound(valsColA) To UBound(valsColA)
For j = LBound(valsColB) To UBound(valsColB)
n = n + 1
.Cells(n, 3).Value = valsColA(i, 1) & "-" & valsColB(j, 1)
Next j
Next i
End With
End Sub
Here is what I came up with, although #Miqi180 got there first:
Sub ABPerm()
Dim Acol As Integer
Dim Bcol As Integer
Dim RowNumA As Integer
Dim RowNumB As Integer
Dim RowNumC As Integer
Acol = Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
Bcol = Range("B" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
RowNumA = 1
RowNumB = 1
RowNumC = 1
For a = 1 To Acol
For b = 1 To Bcol
Range("C" & RowNumC).Value = Range("A" & RowNumA).Value & "-" & Range("B" & RowNumB).Value
RowNumB = RowNumB + 1
RowNumC = RowNumC + 1
Next b
RowNumB = 1
RowNumA = RowNumA + 1
Next a
End Sub
Try this code
Sub Test()
Dim rng As Range
Set rng = Range("A1:A" & Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row)
rng.Offset(, 2).Value = Evaluate("If(Row(1:" & rng.Rows.Count & ")," & rng.Address(, , , True) & " & " & "-" & rng.Offset(, 1).Address(, , , True) & ")")
End Sub

Create ranges out of rows VBA

I have multiple rows which are sometimes in order and sometimes not.
Out of rows which are in order, I would need to create a range, which are not in order just to copy the number.
The thing is, the most rows in order can be even 20.
For example cells:
There would be:
Is it possible to code it?
Assuming your data starts with A1.... and
required results will be printed at C column.
Try with below code
Sub test()
Dim i As Long, lastrow As Long, incre As Long
Dim startno As Variant
Dim endno As Variant
incre = 1
lastrow = Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
For i = 1 To lastrow
If Cells(i, 1) = (Cells(i + 1, 1) - 1) Then
startno = Cells(i, 1)
Do While Cells(i, 1) = (Cells(i + 1, 1) - 1)
endno = Cells(i + 1, 1)
i = i + 1
Cells(incre, 3) = "'" & startno & "-" & endno
incre = incre + 1
Cells(incre, 3) = Cells(i, 1)
incre = incre + 1
End If
Next i
End Sub
if you want the address of all consecutive ranges you could use:
Option Explicit
Sub main()
Dim rangeStrng As String
With Worksheets("MyRowsSheet") '<--| change "MyRowsSheet" with your actual sheet name
rangeStrng = .Range("A1", .Cells(.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp)).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants).Areas.Parent.Address(False, False)
End With
End Sub
if you want only the rows range then you could use:
Option Explicit
Sub main2()
Dim rng As Range
Dim rowsRangeStrng As String
With Worksheets("MyRowsSheet") '<--| change "MyRowsSheet" with your actual sheet name
For Each rng In .Range("A1", .Cells(.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp)).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants).Areas
If rng.Rows.Count = 1 Then
rowsRangeStrng = rowsRangeStrng & rng.Rows(1).Row & ","
rowsRangeStrng = rowsRangeStrng & rng.Rows(1).Row & "-" & rng.Rows(rng.Rows.Count).Row & ","
End If
Next rng
End With
If rowsRangeStrng <> "" Then rowsRangeStrng = Left(rowsRangeStrng, Len(rowsRangeStrng) - 1)
End Sub
If I understood your question correctly, you are not looking to address a range, but rather want an output table. This code below should provide you with just that. My input numbers are in column A, and the output is in column B.
Sub sequentials()
Dim tws As Worksheet
Dim tmpRowA, tmpRowB As Integer
Dim seq() As Long
Dim frA, frB, lrA As Integer 'firstrow col A, col B, lastrow of data
Set tws = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1")
frA = 2
frB = 2
lrA = tws.Range("A1000000").End(xlUp).Row
'Input in column A, Output in column B
'Headers in Row 1
ReDim seq(0 To lrA - 1)
seq(0) = -2
seq(1) = tws.Range("A" & frA).Value
tmpRowA = frA
tmpRowB = frB
tws.Range("B" & frB & ":B" & lrA).NumberFormat = "#"
For r = frA + 1 To lrA
If r = 23 Then
r = 23
End If
With tws
seq(r - 1) = .Range("A" & r).Value
If seq(r - 1) = seq(r - 2) + 1 Then
If r = lrA Then
.Range("B" & tmpRowB).Value = .Range("A" & tmpRowA - 1).Value & "-" & seq(r - 1)
End If
If seq(r - 2) = seq(r - 3) + 1 Then
.Range("B" & tmpRowB).Value = .Range("A" & tmpRowA - 1).Value & "-" & seq(r - 2)
.Range("B" & tmpRowB).Value = seq(r - 2)
End If
tmpRowB = tmpRowB + 1
tmpRowA = r + 1
If r = lrA Then
.Range("B" & tmpRowB).Value = seq(r - 1)
End If
End If
End With
Next r
End Sub
Proof of concept:
