Unable to get access token. 'AADSTS500011: The resource principal named 'xxx' was not found in the tenant -tenantid - azure

I am trying to get the access token for the Azure function app. I have enabled managed identity for the function app(system assigned). but while fetching the token using the nuget Azure.Identity.
var tokenCredential = new DefaultAzureCredential();
var accessToken = await tokenCredential.GetTokenAsync(
new TokenRequestContext(scopes: new string[] { "https://xxx.azure-api.net/" + "/.default" }) { }
I am getting the error.
The resource principal named 'xxx.azure-api.net' was not found in
the tenant 123
but when run az cli to check the subscription details, the subscription indeed part of the tenant 123 only.

Here is what I have finally done.
I have registered an App in AD. and Exposed the API of that App.
I have assigned System Assigned Managed Identity to the Function.
In the local I am not able to request token because Azure CLI is not given consent.
After deploying the application in Function my Function app can request a token using its identity.

You need to register the application in azure ad and enable the access token. Once that is done the you need to provide RBAC access to your xxx.azurewebsites.net
Follow this article for the step by step documentation Microsoft Document Reference

Unfortunately, the error message is not really helpful. But adding a scope to the app registration solved the problem for me:
In Azure Portal navigate to App Registrations
Find your app, in the left side menu select Manage => Expose an API
Add a scope. I named mine api_access as this was where this error occurred.
In my case I then got an API URI (like api://client-id/scope_name) which I used in my Angular app. Error message was gone.
Also, make sure that in the Enterprise Application you have created, under Manage => Properties, "Assignment required" and "Visible to users" is turned on.


The client 'XXX' with object id 'XXX' does not have authorization to perform action 'Microsoft.Media/mediaServices/transforms/write'

I am trying to use the following git repo in order to connect to azure ams, upload a video and stream it:
For some reason I am keep getting the following error:
The client 'XXX' with object id 'XXX' does not have authorization to perform action 'Microsoft.Media/mediaServices/transforms/write' over scope '/subscriptions/XXX/resourceGroups/TEST-APP/providers/Microsoft.Media/mediaServices/TESTAMP/transforms/ContentAwareEncoding' or the scope is invalid. If access was recently granted, please refresh your credentials
The AD user is owner but I understand it is a permission issue.
I searched all over the web for hours what permission do I need to grant and where but could not find any solution
The error get thrown here:
let encodingTransform = await mediaServicesClient.transforms.createOrUpdate(resourceGroup, accountName, encodingTransformName, {
name: encodingTransformName,
outputs: [
preset: adaptiveStreamingTransform
of course, I have updated the .env file to the correct data of my azure account.
Can anyone point out what am I missing and how to grant this permission?
The error message is referring to your Service Principal that is being used to authenticate against the AMS SDK.
Double check that you entered the GUID values for the service principal ID and Key, and make sure you did not use the friendly name in there.
Also, double check in IAM Access control in the portal that the service principal exists under the Role Assignments for your Media Services account and has Contributor or Owner permission Role first.
If you are in an Enterprise that locks down AAD access - you may need to work with your AAD owner/admin to make these changes and grant the service principal the right roles for your account. That's a bit outside of Media Services, and is just general Azure AAD application creation rights, and role assignments.
If you are still hitting issues, I would file a support ticket and also ask your AAD administrator to assign the role permisssion to your service principal.
As an aside, we are also working on updated Node.js SDK samples for the upcoming (soon!) release of the 10.0.0 Javascript SDK.
See the beta samples here - https://github.com/Azure-Samples/media-services-v3-node-tutorials/tree/10.0.0-beta.1

Azure Service Bus managed identity in Visual Studio returning 401 - Token issuer is invalid

I'm attempting to access Azure Service Bus using a managed identity from my code. At the moment I'm just trying this locally.
When I debug my code I get the following error
System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Put token failed. status-code: 401, status-description: InvalidIssuer: Token issuer is invalid
Here is my service bus instance
Here is my user with Azure Service Bus Data Owner permissions
And here is my code
_client = new ServiceBusClient("oconnorevents.servicebus.windows.net", new DefaultAzureCredential());
I am logged into Visual Studio as the same user added to the service bus. I also tried logging in via the CLI but it didn't help.
Where am I going wrong here?
I've looked at this similar recent question here but the solutions proposed didn't work for me.
Since I have access to several different tenants, Visual Studio sometimes gets confused. Another way you can handle this is to continue to use the DefaultAzureCredential, but to give Visual Studio a hint about which tenant to use.
First left click the your project and examine the properties and then:
Left-click "Debug"
Left-click the "Add" button to add an environment variable
For name use "AZURE_TENANT_ID" and for value use your tenant id. Yes, that is a bogus tenant id in the picture :-)
If you use DefaultAzureCredential to auth, it will try several credential types to auth as mentioned here, one of them is VisualStudioCredential, but it will auth to the home AAD tenant of the user logged in VS, in your case, I suppose the service bus is in a subscription which is not under the home tenant of the user.
I can also reproduce your issue on my side.
To solve the issue, just use VisualStudioCredential directly, then simply specify the TenantId via VisualStudioCredentialOptions, then it will work fine.
To find the TenantId, just navigate to the Azure Active Directory which the subscription of your service bus located.
TokenCredential tokenCredential = new VisualStudioCredential(new VisualStudioCredentialOptions {TenantId = "xxxxxxx" });
ServiceBusClient client = new ServiceBusClient("xxx.servicebus.windows.net", tokenCredential);
Specify the exact tenant id by adding the following key to local.settings.json.
"AZURE_TENANT_ID": "your tenant id"
I tried to create an azure function that receives messages from a service bus queue using a managed identity trigger and it worked for me.
late to the party but I got it working on my local Visual Studio with this code
var tokenCredential = new VisualStudioCredential(new VisualStudioCredentialOptions { TenantId = "xxx-xxx" });
ServiceBusClient client = new ServiceBusClient("my-name-space.servicebus.windows.net", tokenCredential);
sender = client.CreateSender('my-topic');
var msgBody = new Person{ Name = 'joe'};
await sender.SendMessageAsync(new ServiceBusMessage(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(msgBody)));
Also, remember to sign in to Azure in your Visual Studio,
and assign your account to the role "Azure Service bus Data Sender" , see below:

App service to app service auth in Azure using Managed Identity

I have set up two App Services in Azure. 'Parent' and 'Child', both expose API endpoints.
Child has endpoint 'Get'.
Parent has endpoints 'Get' and 'GetChild' (which calls 'Get' on Child using HttpClient).
I want all Child endpoints to require auth via Managed Identity and AAD, and I want all Parent endpoints to allow anonymous. However in Azure I want to set the Parent App Service to have permission to call the Child App Service. Therefore Child endpoints are only accessible by using Parent endpoints (or if you have permissions on a user account to directly use Child).
In the Azure Portal:
I have enabled 'App Service Authentication' on both App Services.
Child is set to 'Log in with AAD'.
Parent is set to 'Allow Anonymous requests'.
Both have AAD configured under 'Authentication Providers'.
Set to 'On' for both App Services
Access control (IAM)
Child has Parent as Role Assignment, Type = "App Service or Function App" and Role = "Contributer"
With all the above setup:
Calling Child -> Get, requires me to log in
Calling Parent -> Get, returns the expected response of 200 OK
Calling Parent -> GetChild, returns "401 - You do not have permission to view this directory or page"
Without the use of Client ids/Secrets/Keys/etc, as I thought the idea behind Managed Identity was to throw that all out the window, given all the above, should Parent be able to call Child? And if so, what have I setup wrong?
Calling Parent -> GetChild, returns "401 - You do not have permission to view this directory or page"
Without the use of Client ids/Secrets/Keys/etc, as I thought the idea
behind Managed Identity was to throw that all out the window, given
all the above, should Parent be able to call Child? And if so, what
have I setup wrong?
There are two things that I notice with current setup.
1. Acquire a token using Managed Identity to call "Child" service endpoint from "Parent"
Managed Identity only provides your app service with an identity (without the hassle of governing/maintaining application secrets or keys). This identiy can then be used to acquire tokens for different Azure Resources.
But it is still your App's responsibility to make use of this identity and acquire a token for relevant resource. In this case the relevant resource will be your "Child" API. I think this is probably the part you are missing right now.
Relevant documentation on Microsoft Docs - How to use managed identities for App Service and Azure Functions > Obtain tokens for Azure resources
using Microsoft.Azure.Services.AppAuthentication;
using Microsoft.Azure.KeyVault;
// ...
var azureServiceTokenProvider = new AzureServiceTokenProvider();
string accessToken = await azureServiceTokenProvider.GetAccessTokenAsync("https://vault.azure.net");
// change this to use identifierUri for your child app service.
// I have used the default value but in case you've used a different value, find it by going to Azure AD applications > your app registration > manifest
string accessToken = await azureServiceTokenProvider.GetAccessTokenAsync("https://<yourchildappservice>.azurewebsites.net");
This C#/.NET sample uses Microsoft.Azure.Services.AppAuthentication nuget package and acquires a token for Azure Key Vault. In your case, you will replace https://vault.azure.net with the identifierUri for your "Child" service. It's usually set to https://<yourappservicename>.azurewebsites.net by default, but you can find it's value by going to Azure AD applications and then finding the relevant app registration > manifest. You could also use applicationId for the target application (i.e. "Child") to acquire the token.
In case you're not using C#/.NET, same Microsoft Docs link above also has guidance on how to acuqire token using Managed Identity and REST based calls from any platform. Using REST Protocol
Here is a blog post that also gives a good walk through - Call Azure AD protected website using Managed Service Identity (MSI)
2. Azure RBAC Role Assignments are different from Azure AD roles that you may want to use
I see that you have assigned contributor role to Parent App Service's identity from IAM. This role assignment works for Azure RBAC and help in giving permissions for managing the resources, but Azure AD role claims work differently.
If what you were looking to do is to assign a role to parent app, which can be checked in child app and only then allow the calls there is a different way of setting this up.
I should first mention that this role based setup is for a little advanced scenario and not really mandatory to do. You should be able to call "Child" service from "Parent" once you follow the steps in point 1 described above.
Now once the call from Parent to Child is working, you may want to limit the access to Child app service to only "Parent" or a few valid applications. Here are two approaches to achieve that.
Both the approaches are explained on Microsoft Docs here - Microsoft identity platform and the OAuth 2.0 client credentials flow
Relate SO Posts and Blog
Is there a way to secure an Azure Function that will only be called from a specific Azure Logic App?
Azure Active Directory - How to restrict Backend API App Registration to a specific client App Registration
Approach 1 - Use Access Control Lists
When your "Child" API receives a token, it can decode the token and extract the client's application ID from the appid and iss claims. Then it compares the application against an access control list (ACL) that it maintains.
Depending on your requirement, API might grant only a subset of full permissions or all permissions to a specific client.
Approach 2 - Use Application Permissions or Roles
Configure your child API application to expose a set of application permissions (or roles).
This approach is a little more declarative, as you define an application permission that needs to be assigned to any application that can call your child-api.
Navigate to Azure Active Directory > App Registrations > App registration for your child-api app > Manifest
Add a new application role.. using json like this:
"appRoles": [
"allowedMemberTypes": [
"displayName": "Can invoke my API",
"id": "fc803414-3c61-4ebc-a5e5-cd1675c14bbb",
"isEnabled": true,
"description": "Apps that have this role have the ability to invoke my child API",
"value": "MyAPIValidClient"
Assign the app permission to your frontend app
New-AzureADServiceAppRoleAssignment -ObjectId <parentApp.ObjectId> -PrincipalId <parentApp.ObjectId> -Id "fc803414-3c61-4ebc-a5e5-cd1675c14bbb" -ResourceId <childApp.ObjectId>
Now, in the auth token received by your child api, you can check that the role claims collection must contain a role named "MyAPIValidClient" otherwise you can reject the call with Unauthorized exception.
To expand on the accepted answer.
You need to define an "App Role" in the target app registration's manifest. This is the app registration which is used to represent the resource (API App Service).
Then you use the Azure CLI to grant permission for that "App Role" to the Enterprise App (The one generated when you setup a managed identity for the client app). See the "APIs and other Azure AD registered applications" in this article for detailed steps https://blog.yannickreekmans.be/secretless-applications-add-permissions-to-a-managed-identity/
You can retrieve the token using the following once the permissions have been granted. The code snippet below uses Azure.Identity which is now the recommended library for Managed Identity in Azure.
public class AzureAdTokenRetriever : IAzureAdTokenRetriever
private readonly ILogger<AzureAdTokenRetriever> logger;
private readonly IMemoryCache inMemoryCache;
public AzureAdTokenRetriever(
ILogger<AzureAdTokenRetriever> logger,
IMemoryCache inMemoryCache)
this.logger = logger;
this.inMemoryCache = inMemoryCache;
public async Task<string> GetTokenAsync(string resourceId, string scope = "/.default")
var resourceIdentifier = resourceId + scope;
if (inMemoryCache.TryGetValue(resourceIdentifier, out var token))
this.logger.LogDebug("Token for {ResourceId} and {Scope} were fetched from cache", resourceId, scope);
return (string)token;
var tokenCredential = new DefaultAzureCredential();
var accessToken = await tokenCredential.GetTokenAsync(
new TokenRequestContext(new [] { resourceIdentifier }), CancellationToken.None)
// Set cache options with expiration 5 minutes before the token expires
var cacheEntryOptions = new MemoryCacheEntryOptions().SetAbsoluteExpiration(accessToken.ExpiresOn.AddMinutes(-5));
inMemoryCache.Set(resourceIdentifier, accessToken.Token, cacheEntryOptions);
this.logger.LogDebug("Token for {ResourceId} and {Scope} saved in cache with expiration of {TokenExpiry}",
resourceId, scope, cacheEntryOptions.AbsoluteExpiration);
return accessToken.Token;

Obtaining an access token for MSI enabled web application

I have a Web API project hosted in Azure as web app with Managed Service identity enabled (so I don't need an app registration, right?):
Now I need to obtain a token to access my API so that I can use it in POSTMAN:
az login
az account get-access-token --resource "https://mytenant.onmicrosoft.com/d3a219e0-bbbf-496b-a4a4-b9ca485c5a52"
which gives me
Get Token request returned http error: 400
and server response:
{"error":"invalid_resource","error_description":"AADSTS50001: The
application named
was not found in the tenant named
xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-af31-xxxxxxxxxx. This can happen if the
application has not been installed by the administrator of the tenant
or consented to by any user in the tenant. You might have sent your
authentication request to the wrong tenant.
I get the same error if I try to use object id 63d571cf-79bf-405d-8304-a31fb64cb953 instead of app id as part of resource uri.
What am I doing wrong?
What am I doing wrong?
az account get-access-token is used to get token to access the Azure resource. We could get more information from this document.
Azure resource endpoints. Default to Azure Resource Manager Use 'az cloud show' command for other Azure resources.
The resoure should be in the following endpoints. And default resource is https://management.azure.com/
"endpoints": {
"activeDirectory": "https://login.microsoftonline.com",
"activeDirectoryDataLakeResourceId": "https://datalake.azure.net/",
"activeDirectoryGraphResourceId": "https://graph.windows.net/",
"activeDirectoryResourceId": "https://management.core.windows.net/",
"batchResourceId": "https://batch.core.windows.net/",
"gallery": "https://gallery.azure.com/",
"management": "https://management.core.windows.net/",
"resourceManager": "https://management.azure.com/",
"sqlManagement": "https://management.core.windows.net:8443/",
"vmImageAliasDoc": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Azure/azure-rest-api-specs/master/arm-compute/quickstart-templates/aliases.json"
Based on my understanding, the command no relationship with your API access.
For more information about MSI and how to protect an API by using OAuth 2.0 with Azure Active Directory, please refer to this tutorial and this tutorial.
The resource URI does not contain your Application Id nor Object Id.
It is a separate identifier that you can find from the App Registration's Properties under App ID URI.
And since this is an MSI-generated service principal, there is no app. I think you have to register an app in this case.

Azure AD - Add app principal to a Group

I have an Azure AD app (AAD App1) which has user assignment enabled. So only, users from a particular group let's say "Group A" can access any resource (let's say an Azure Function API) protected by that Azure AD app.
Now I have another daemon Azure function job, which needs to make an authenticated call to the above mentioned Azure function API. Since this is a daemon job, I have generated another Azure AD app (AAD App2) for this.
Below is my code to get access tokens:
string resourceId = "id of app used to authenticate azure function"; // AAD app ID used by the Azure function for authentication
string clientId = "id of app registered for the daemon job";// AAD app ID of your console app
string clientSecret = "secret of app registered for the daemon job"; // Client secret of the AAD app registered for console app
string resourceUrl = "https://blahblah.azurewebsites.net/api/events";
string domain = "<mytenant>.onmicrosoft.com"; //Tenant domain
var accessToken = await TokenHelper.GetAppOnlyAccessToken(domain, resourceId, clientId, clientSecret);
Now when I try to generate access token to access the Azure function API, I get an invalid grant error as below:
{"error":"invalid_grant","error_description":"AADSTS50105: Application
'' is not assigned to a role for the application
''.\r\nTrace ID:
6df90cf440-c16d-480e-8daf-2349ddef3800\r\nCorrelation ID:
4c4bf7bf-2140-4e01-93e3-b85d1ddfc09d4d\r\nTimestamp: 2018-05-09
Unknown error
I am able to properly generate AAD access tokens if I disable the user assignment.
I am trying to avoid creating a service account here. Is there anyway I can add an app principal to an Azure AD group or add it as a member of another Azure AD app?
Unfortunately, you cannot add an AAD application/service principal as a member of Azure AD group.
I have confirmed this issue in My Answer for another similar question [EDIT - now seems to be possible, see said answer]
You can also upvote this idea in our Feedback Forum. Azure AD Team will review it.
Hope this helps!
