NuGetCmdletUnhandledException seen while trying to install Fluent library in VS - azure

When I'm trying to install the Fluent package using PM in a ASP.NET app of Visual Studio using the command:
Install-Package Microsoft.Azure.Management.Fluent -Version 1.37.1
The following error occurs:
Install-Package : Could not install package 'Microsoft.Azure.Management.Fluent 1.37.1'. You are trying to install this package into a project that targets 'Unsupported,Version=v0.0', but the package does not contain any assembly references or
content files that are compatible with that framework.
At line:1 char:2
+ Install-Package Microsoft.Azure.Management.Fluent -Version 1.37.1
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [Install-Package], Exception
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : NuGetCmdletUnhandledException,NuGet.PackageManagement.PowerShellCmdlets.InstallPackageCommand
Kindly help in resolving this exception.

You can try to delete the cache packages in
.obj folder in project directory.
Then restart visual studio and re-install it in PM.


VS2013 .NET 4.51 nuget -Install CassandraCSharpDriver fails

My goal is to write a C# program to test with Cassandra database.
In VS2013, I've tried .NET 4.51, 4.5, 4.0, and even 3.5. With 4.5 this is the error I get:
PM> Install-Package CassandraCSharpDriver Attempting to resolve
dependency 'lz4net (≥'. Attempting to resolve dependency
'Microsoft.Extensions.Logging (≥ 1.0.0)'. Attempting to resolve
dependency 'Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions (≥ 1.0.0)'.
Installing 'lz4net'. Successfully installed 'lz4net'. Installing 'Microsoft.Extensions.Logging 1.0.2'. You are downloading Microsoft.Extensions.Logging from
Microsoft.Extensions.Logging, the license agreement to which is
available at
Check the package for additional dependencies, which may come with
their own license agreement(s). Your use of the package and
dependencies constitutes your acceptance of their license agreements.
If you do not accept the license agreement(s), then delete the
relevant components from your device. Successfully installed
'Microsoft.Extensions.Logging 1.0.2'. Installing
'Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions 1.0.2'. You are downloading
Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions from
Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions, the license agreement to
which is available at
Check the package for additional dependencies, which may come with
their own license agreement(s). Your use of the package and
dependencies constitutes your acceptance of their license agreements.
If you do not accept the license agreement(s), then delete the
relevant components from your device. Successfully installed
'Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions 1.0.2'. Installing
'CassandraCSharpDriver 3.2.1'. Successfully installed
'CassandraCSharpDriver 3.2.1'. Adding 'lz4net' to
CassandraTester. Successfully added 'lz4net' to
CassandraTester. Adding 'Microsoft.Extensions.Logging 1.0.2' to
CassandraTester. Uninstalling 'Microsoft.Extensions.Logging 1.0.2'.
Successfully uninstalled 'Microsoft.Extensions.Logging 1.0.2'.
Uninstalling 'lz4net'. Successfully uninstalled 'lz4net'. Install failed. Rolling back... Install-Package : Could not install package 'Microsoft.Extensions.Logging 1.0.2'. You are
trying to install this package into a project that targets
'.NETFramework,Version=v4.5', but the package does not contain any
assembly references or content files that are compatible with that
framework. For more information, contact the package author. At line:1
+ Install-Package CassandraCSharpDriver
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [Install-Package], InvalidOperationException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : NuGetCmdletUnhandledException,NuGet.PowerShell.Commands.InstallPackageCommand
So far my get-around has been to go back to a prior version:
Install-Package CassandraCSharpDriver -Version 3.1.0
I found the version history here:
At least it installed now.

Could not install package: Microsoft.AspNet.WebHelpers through Visual Studio

I want install the package:Microsoft.AspNet.WebHelpers throungh VS's package manager console, however met the error as below:
PM> Install-Package Microsoft.AspNet.WebHelpers
Install-Package : Unable to find package 'Microsoft.AspNet.WebHelpers'At line:1 char:1
+ Install-Package Microsoft.AspNet.WebHelpers
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [Install-Package], Exception
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : NuGetCmdletUnhandledException,NuGet.PackageManagement.PowerShellCmdlets.InstallPackageCommand
the same status if I want install it by Nuget, could not find this package.Is anything need I do?
I'm having the same problem since I opened my project in VS 2015.
I think the VS 2015 try to update to a new version, but it's incompatible with the other nugets.
Try on Package Manager Console: PM> Install-Package Microsoft.AspNet.WebHelpers -Version 3.0.0

Attempting to resolve dependency 'Transformer.NET (≥ 2.1.1)'. Install-Package : '2.1.1-PREVIEW' is not a valid version string

when trying to install like this PM> Install-Package Ext.NET.MVC ,I am getting this error.
error detail:
PM> Install-Package Ext.NET.MVC
Attempting to resolve dependency 'Ext.NET.Utilities (≥ 2.4.0)'.
Attempting to resolve dependency 'Transformer.NET (≥ 2.1.1)'.
Install-Package : '2.1.1-PREVIEW' is not a valid version string.
Parameter name: version
At line:1 char:1
+ Install-Package Ext.NET.MVC
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [Install-Package], ArgumentException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : NuGetCmdletUnhandledException,NuGet.PowerShell.Commands.InstallPackageCommand
I have already update package manager console.
Package Manager Console Host Version 2.8.50313.31
I am using VS 2012,project I have created mvc 4
*I also tried to install like this but same result: PM> Install-Package Ext.NET.MVC4
after installed transformer,and try to attempt install Mvc4 ,I am getting an error something like this
Install failed. Rolling back...
Install-Package : Failed to add reference to 'Ext.Net'.
At line:1 char:1
+ Install-Package Ext.NET.MVC4
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [Install-Package], InvalidOperationException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : NuGetCmdletUnhandledException,NuGet.PowerShell.Commands.InstallPackageCommand
Sometimes such problems happen if install a new package over an old package. Please try to reinstall first:
Uninstall-Package Ext.NET.MVC
Then install again
Install-Package Ext.NET.MVC

Unable to Install-Package Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR

I am new to visual studio 2012.I'm trying to install Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR package via Package Manager Console.
PM> Install-Package Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR
but its showing error.
Install-Package : Unable to find package 'Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR'.
At line:1 char:1
+ Install-Package Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [Install-Package],invalidOperationException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : NuGetCmdletUnhandledException,NuGet.PowerShell.Commands.InstallPackageCommand
Can any one know how to solve this problem?

Mvvmcross nuget package not installing

I am trying to install the MvvmCross nuget package into a PCL but am having no luck. I am trying to sift through the noise but everything I try does not seem to work.
I have the PCL profiles setup as per: (and a number of existing stackoverflow pages)
I am trying to install:
MvvmCross.HotTuna.StartPack Version: 3.0.10
Using Package Manager Version 2.7.40808.167
But this is the error I get:
Package Manager Console Host Version 2.7.40808.167
Type 'get-help NuGet' to see all available NuGet commands.
PM> install-package MvvmCross
Attempting to resolve dependency 'MvvmCross.HotTuna.StarterPack (≥ 3.0.10)'.
Attempting to resolve dependency 'MvvmCross.HotTuna.MvvmCrossLibraries (≥ 3.0.10)'.
Attempting to resolve dependency 'MvvmCross.HotTuna.CrossCore (≥ 3.0.10)'.
Attempting to resolve dependency 'MvvmCross.PortableSupport (≥ 3.0.10)'.
Installing 'MvvmCross.PortableSupport 3.0.10'.
Successfully installed 'MvvmCross.PortableSupport 3.0.10'.
Installing 'MvvmCross.HotTuna.CrossCore 3.0.10'.
Successfully installed 'MvvmCross.HotTuna.CrossCore 3.0.10'.
Installing 'MvvmCross.HotTuna.MvvmCrossLibraries 3.0.10'.
Successfully installed 'MvvmCross.HotTuna.MvvmCrossLibraries 3.0.10'.
Installing 'MvvmCross.HotTuna.StarterPack 3.0.10'.
Successfully installed 'MvvmCross.HotTuna.StarterPack 3.0.10'.
Installing 'MvvmCross 3.0.10'.
Successfully installed 'MvvmCross 3.0.10'.
Adding 'MvvmCross.PortableSupport 3.0.10' to PortableClassLibrary4.
Uninstalling 'MvvmCross.PortableSupport 3.0.10'.
Successfully uninstalled 'MvvmCross.PortableSupport 3.0.10'.
Install failed. Rolling back...
install-package : Could not install package 'MvvmCross.PortableSupport 3.0.10'. You are trying to > install this package into a project that targets 'portable-net45+MonoAndroid16+MonoTouch10+sl40+wp71+win', but the package does not contain any assembly
references or content files that are compatible with that framework. For more information, contact the package author.
At line:1 char:1
+ install-package MvvmCross
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [Install-Package], InvalidOperationException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : NuGetCmdletUnhandledException,NuGet.PowerShell.Commands.InstallPackageCommand
Any suggestions??
you don't need to tweak the profiles anymore. Go to your profiles folder where you have put those xml files and delete the custom files.
You will see that you won't be able to create references to PCLs in droid or iOS projects using VS normal methods, but fear not. The new way to do it is by editing the csproj file in order to manually add the needed references.
You will be able to see the warning symbol into the references pseudo-folder in your vs project but it will work flawlessly.
Now try to install the nuget package. It should work. At least is working for me.
Please, watch this great video tutorial from #CheeseBaron if you want to know more:
I have similar problem with MvvmCross Nuget package. Once I upgraded and installed the latest version of Nuget in VS studio. This problem resolved for me. You may give it a try.
