How to sum by month in timestamp Data Frame? - python-3.x

i have dataframe like this :
how do i filter that into month and year? so that i can sum the trx_amount
example expected output :

You can convert values to month periods by Series.dt.to_period and then aggregate sum:
df['trx_date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['trx_date'])
df1 = (df.groupby(df['trx_date'].dt.to_period('m').rename('trx_monthly'))['trx_amount']
print (df1)
trx_monthly trx_sum
0 2011-02 10
1 2013-01 21
2 2013-02 40
3 2014-03 26
Or convert datetimes to strings in format YYYY-MM by Series.dt.strftime:
df2 = (df.groupby(df['trx_date'].dt.strftime('%Y-%m').rename('trx_monthly'))['trx_amount']
print (df2)
trx_monthly trx_sum
0 2011-02 10
1 2013-01 21
2 2013-02 40
3 2014-03 26
Or convert to month and years, then output is different - 3 columns:
df2 = (df.groupby([df['trx_date'].dt.year.rename('year'),
print (df2)
year month trx_sum
0 2011 2 10
1 2013 1 21
2 2013 2 40
3 2014 3 26

You can try this -
df['trx_month'] = df['trx_date'].dt.month
df_agg = df.groupby('trx_month')['trx_sum'].sum()


Pandas: How to ctrate DateTime index

There is Pandas Dataframe as:
year month count
0 2014 Jan 12
1 2014 Feb 10
2 2015 Jan 12
3 2015 Feb 10
How to create DateTime index from 'year' and 'month',so result would be :
2014.01.31 12
2014.02.28 10
2015.01.31 12
2015.02.28 10
Use to_datetime with DataFrame.pop for use and remove columns and add offsets.MonthEnd:
dates = pd.to_datetime(df.pop('year').astype(str) + df.pop('month'), format='%Y%b')
df.index = dates + pd.offsets.MonthEnd()
print (df)
2014-01-31 12
2014-02-28 10
2015-01-31 12
2015-02-28 10
dates = pd.to_datetime(df.pop('year').astype(str) + df.pop('month'), format='%Y%b')
df.index = dates + pd.to_timedelta(dates.dt.daysinmonth - 1, unit='d')
print (df)
2014-01-31 12
2014-02-28 10
2015-01-31 12
2015-02-28 10

Grouping data based on month-year in pandas and then dropping all entries except the latest one- Python

Below is my example dataframe
Date Indicator Value
0 2000-01-30 A 30
1 2000-01-31 A 40
2 2000-03-30 C 50
3 2000-02-27 B 60
4 2000-02-28 B 70
5 2000-03-31 C 90
6 2000-03-28 C 100
7 2001-01-30 A 30
8 2001-01-31 A 40
9 2001-03-30 C 50
10 2001-02-27 B 60
11 2001-02-28 B 70
12 2001-03-31 C 90
13 2001-03-28 C 100
Desired Output
Date Indicator Value
2000-01-31 A 40
2000-02-28 B 70
2000-03-31 C 90
2001-01-31 A 40
2001-02-28 B 70
2001-03-31 C 90
I want to write a code that groups data by particular month-year and then keep the entry of latest date in that particular month-year and drop the rest. The data is till year 2020
I was only able to fetch the count by month-year. I am not able to drop create a proper code that helps to group data as per month-year and indicator and get the correct results
Use Series.dt.to_period for months periods, aggregate index of maximal date per groups by DataFrameGroupBy.idxmax and then pass to DataFrame.loc:
df['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['Date'])
print (df['Date'].dt.to_period('m'))
0 2000-01
1 2000-01
2 2000-03
3 2000-02
4 2000-02
5 2000-03
6 2000-03
7 2001-01
8 2001-01
9 2001-03
10 2001-02
11 2001-02
12 2001-03
13 2001-03
Name: Date, dtype: period[M]
df = df.loc[df.groupby(df['Date'].dt.to_period('m'))['Date'].idxmax()]
print (df)
Date Indicator Value
1 2000-01-31 A 40
4 2000-02-28 B 70
5 2000-03-31 C 90
8 2001-01-31 A 40
11 2001-02-28 B 70
12 2001-03-31 C 90

To find sum and percentage from columns of two different dataframe and append result in third dataframe

I have made 2 identical looking dataframe which looks like below:
date id email Count
4/22/2019 1 10
4/22/2019 1 4
4/23/2019 1 5
4/23/2019 1 10
date id Email_ID Count
4/22/2019 1 5
4/22/2019 1 6
4/23/2019 1 7
4/23/2019 1 8
I want to make a dataframe3 which has sum and percentage of 'Count' column of each dataframe(df1 and df2) and calculate individual percentage[like df1_count%=(df1_count/df1_count+df2_count)*100] according to the date. Output df3 should be something like this below:
Count Count%
date df1_count df2_count df1_count% df2_count%
4/22/2019 14 11 56% 44%
4/23/2019 15 15 50% 50%
How can it be done by pandas? I am able to do it using 'for' loop but not able to do by pandas functionality, any leads will help
Output as per solution #jezrael
Count Count count% count%
df1_count df2_count df1_count% df2_count%
4/22/2019 14 11 56% 44%
4/23/2019 15 15 50% 50%
Use concat with aggregation sum:
df = pd.concat([df1.groupby('date')['Count'].sum(),
df2.groupby('date')['Count'].sum()], axis=1, keys=('df1_count','df2_count'))
And then add new columns:
s = (df['df1_count'] + df['df2_count'])
df['df1_count%'] = df['df1_count'] / s * 100
df['df2_count%'] = df['df2_count'] / s * 100
df = df.reset_index()
print (df)
date df1_count df2_count df1_count% df2_count%
0 4/22/2019 14 11 56.0 44.0
1 4/23/2019 15 15 50.0 50.0
If need percentages to values first convert to strings with Series.round for truncate decimals:
s = (df['df1_count'] + df['df2_count'])
df['df1_count%'] = (df['df1_count'] / s * 100).round().astype(str) + '%'
df['df2_count%'] = (df['df2_count'] / s * 100).round().astype(str) + '%'
df = df.reset_index()
print (df)
date df1_count df2_count df1_count% df2_count%
0 4/22/2019 14 11 56.0% 44.0%
1 4/23/2019 15 15 50.0% 50.0%
df = pd.concat([df1.groupby('date')['Count'].sum(),
df2.groupby('date')['Count'].sum()], axis=1,
s = (df['Count_df1_count'] + df['Count_df2_count'])
df['Count%_df1_count%'] = (df['Count_df1_count'] / s * 100).round().astype(str) + '%'
df['Count%_df2_count%'] = (df['Count_df2_count'] / s * 100).round().astype(str) + '%'
df.columns = df.columns.str.split('_', expand=True, n=1)
print (df)
Count Count%
df1_count df2_count df1_count% df2_count%
4/22/2019 14 11 56.0% 44.0%
4/23/2019 15 15 50.0% 50.0%

Split dates into time ranges in pandas

14 [2018-03-14, 2018-03-13, 2017-03-06, 2017-02-13]
15 [2017-07-26, 2017-06-09, 2017-02-24]
16 [2018-09-06, 2018-07-06, 2018-07-04, 2017-10-20]
17 [2018-10-03, 2018-09-13, 2018-09-12, 2018-08-3]
18 [2017-02-08]
this is my data, every ID has it's own dates that range between 2017-02-05 and 2018-06-30. I need to split dates into 5 time ranges of 4 months each, so that for the first 4 months every ID should have dates only in that time range (from 2017-02-05 to 2017-06-05), like this
14 [2017-03-06, 2017-02-13]
15 [2017-02-24]
16 [null] # or delete empty rows, it doesn't matter
17 [null]
18 [2017-02-08]
then for 2017-06-05 to 2017-10-05 and so on for every 4 month ranges. Also I can't use nested for loops because the data is too big. This is what I tried so far
months_4 = individual_dates.copy()
for _ in months_4['Date']:
_ = np.where(pd.to_datetime(_) <= pd.to_datetime('2017-9-02'), _, np.datetime64('NaT'))
months_8 = individual_dates.copy()
range_8 = pd.date_range(start='2017-9-02', end='2017-11-02')
for _ in months_8['Date']:
_ = _[np.isin(_, range_8)]
achieved absolutely no result, data stays the same no matter what
update: I did what you said
individual_dates['Date'] = individual_dates['Date'].str.strip('[]').str.split(', ')
df = pd.DataFrame({
'Date' : list(chain.from_iterable(individual_dates['Date'].tolist())),
'ID' : individual_dates['ClientId'].repeat(individual_dates['Date'].str.len())
and here is the result
Date ID
0 '2018-06-30T00:00:00.000000000' '2018-06-29T00... 14
1 '2017-03-28T00:00:00.000000000' '2017-03-27T00... 15
2 '2018-03-14T00:00:00.000000000' '2018-03-13T00... 16
3 '2017-12-14T00:00:00.000000000' '2017-03-28T00... 17
4 '2017-05-30T00:00:00.000000000' '2017-05-22T00... 18
5 '2017-03-28T00:00:00.000000000' '2017-03-27T00... 19
6 '2017-03-27T00:00:00.000000000' '2017-03-26T00... 20
7 '2017-12-15T00:00:00.000000000' '2017-11-20T00... 21
8 '2017-07-05T00:00:00.000000000' '2017-07-04T00... 22
9 '2017-12-12T00:00:00.000000000' '2017-04-06T00... 23
10 '2017-05-21T00:00:00.000000000' '2017-05-07T00... 24
For better performance I suggest convert list to column - flatten it and then filtering by isin with boolean indexing:
from itertools import chain
df = pd.DataFrame({
'Date' : list(chain.from_iterable(individual_dates['Date'].tolist())),
'ID' : individual_dates['ID'].repeat(individual_dates['Date'].str.len())
range_8 = pd.date_range(start='2017-02-05', end='2017-06-05')
df['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['Date'])
df = df[df['Date'].isin(range_8)]
print (df)
Date ID
0 2017-03-06 14
0 2017-02-13 14
1 2017-02-24 15
4 2017-02-08 18

How to split rows in pandas with special condition of date?

I have a DataFrame like:
Code Date sales
1 2/2013 10
1 3/2013 11
2 3/2013 12
2 4/2013 14
I want to convert it into a DataFrame with a timeline, code, and sales of each type of item:
Date Code Sales1 Code Sales2
2/2013 1 10 NA NA
3/2013 1 11 2 12
4/2013 NA NA 2 14
or into a simpler way:
Date Code Sales1 Date Code Sales2 .....
2/2013 1 10 3/2013 2 12
3/2013 1 11 4/2013 2 14
or even into the simplest way, splitting into many small DataFrames
IIUC using concatwith the groupby result
df.index=df.groupby('Code').cumcount()# create the key for concat
pd.concat([x for _,x in df.groupby('Code')],1)
Code Date sales Code Date sales
0 1 2/2013 10 2 3/2013 12
1 1 3/2013 11 2 4/2013 14
Actually, I was stupid to split the data that way, I rethink and solve the problem with the pivot_table
pd.pivot_table(df, values = ['sales'], index = ['code'], columns = ['date'])
and the result should be like.
date 2/2013 3/2013 4/2013 ....
1 10 11 NaN
2 NaN 12 14
