How to compile .ui file to python using pyside6-uic but with the snake_case and true_property activated - qt-designer

The new version of Qt for Python (PySide6) allows to use a new feature named true_property, this feature you can easily use when you build your UI manually from scratch, but If you are using Qt Designer and you want to convert .ui files to python using pyside6-uic the python code is generated without taking in count that feature. So I want to know if there is a flag option or a command to tell pyside6-uic to use the true_property.


Setting up an automated pdf comparison on a server

Documentation is generated for every new build. I want to automate the process of comparing the new pdf with the old one and outputting the differences onto a text or image file. I also have the option of comparing large HTML folders or chm files(which is complicated as they are compiled files). How should I go about doing this? (I am looking for freeware Python tools)
I have looked into pdf-diff, a Python tool that does exactly what I want. But since I am working on a windows machine with no visual studio, when I try to install it using pip, I get the error "Unable to find vcvarsall.bat".

Python Compilation to .exe

I am new to python and need to compile it into .exe version. My question is when a py script is compiled into .exe does it mean it cant decode anymore?
Our goal is make python scripts safe when deploying to client servers as we dont want them to get our source code using the .exe.
No - a compiled piece of code is compiled into another language (byte code) - you can not actually read the source code.
Do have a look at this though...
A savvy user who has this .exe version could extract the .pyc (byte code) and then break that down using a python decompiler like Uncompyle to get it pretty much back to source code. Thus there is a way (and a chance) of the python source code (close to it) getting extracting from your .exe version.

Embedding specific Python

I am currently embedding Python3 into my C++ application.
We also ships a defined version of Python3. Currently Py_Initialize finds the system python in /usr/lib/python3.5 (which we do not want). I could not yet figure out how I can strip the search path before calling Py_Initialize and force it to search in my custom path.
It can be done with Py_SetPythonHome.

Creating a Python Project using Atom

I m trying to create a python project in Atom IDE. I downloaded and installed Atom and also some package like project_manager.
I am finding it extremely hard to get going.
My project would have a few python files in the code folder. Some data files in the data folder, etc.
How do I start this in Python. I goggled this as well but still finding it difficult.
P.S. I know how to create python files and run them using IDLE. Want to do my work in a more structured manner by creating a project and then being able to compile and run my files fast and easily.

How to compile Jython program so as to generate .class files?

I know that Jython before version 2.5 can achieve this by using the command "jythonc". But I am using Jython 2.5.3 now.
What I need is very simple: I want the Jython to compile my Python code and generate the .class files (or Java bytecode) for me, as I would need these .class files to do some analysis works. But unfortunately, the interpreter just directly runs the program without leaving any intermediate representations behind.
P.S.: I'm using a Mac
