I am attempting to reverse engineer this command so I can move it into Terraform:
az aks create --resource-group "..." --name "..." \
--network-plugin azure \
--enable-managed-identity \
-a ingress-gateway --appgw-name "myAksGateway" --appgw-subnet-id "..." \
--node-vm-size "..." \
--service-cidr "..." \
--vnet-subnet-id "..." \
--docker-bridge-address "..." \
--dns-service-ip "..." \
Everything is going fine except for the Application Gateway part.
Is there any way to ask the Azure CLI to do a dry run and simply show me all the creation data it is using?
I looked at az aks create --help but it didn't have a dry run option.
The basics for azurerm_kubernetes_cluster are straight-forward, as is the azurerm_application_gateway; something is off and I want to see what it is doing under the covers to get it just right. There's some differences I am trying to get ironed out and it would be much easier to just see what it's doing.
I can't run az aks create --debug because of resource limits and the basic JSON output on the AKS resource isn't verbose enough for what I am looking for.
You can't get all the creating data from the CLI command even if you use the parameter --debug, it only shows you the REST API behind the CLI command. You can get all the steps to install the AGIC for the AKS cluster here. Then you can transfer all the steps into Terraform.
I am trying to connect my non aks k8s cluster to azure arc. I want to attempt to do this entirely through the cli. Looking at the quickstart-connect-cluster guide it skips right from resource group creation to the az connectedk8s connect step.
When attempting to connect to my cluster currently I get the following error:
$ az connectedk8s connect --name $STACK_NAME --resource-group $STACK_NAME --location eastus --tags Datacenter=miami-lab City=Miami StateOrDistrict=Florada CountryOrRegion=USA
This operation might take a while...
Problem loading the kubeconfig file.module 'collections' has no attribute 'Hashable'
I believe I may need to run some other az command to create any resources I may be missing under https://portal.azure.com/#view/Microsoft_Azure_HybridCompute/AzureArcCenterBlade/~/allresources
Am I missing some other resources I need to create before running the above command? If so, what is the az command needed to create these missing resrouces?
I am trying to pass parameters in via the parameter file in Azure Cli
The script below ignores my file
What am I doing wrong?
I have also tried ParameterTemplateFile as mentioned in another post here but that doesnt work either
az deployment group create \
--name <NAME> \
--resource-group <RESOURCE GROUP>\
--template-file $templateFile \
--parameter-file $parameterFile
When running via Azure Cli I should have been using #parameters.json
When I try to deploy an Azure Function to the cloud using... func azure functionapp publish appName --build remote --publish-local-settings
...I receive the following error
Getting site publishing info...
Remote build is a new feature added to function apps.
Your function app appName does not support remote build as it was created before August 1st, 2019.
Please use '--build local' or '--build-native-deps'.
For more information, please visit https://aka.ms/remotebuild
- Running VS Code on Ubuntu 18.04
Steps to reproduce:
Create a new Function App (and support resources) using az cli
Python runtime
Consumption plan
StandardV2 Storage plan
Create new Function (scaffolding) using VS Code Azure Functions extension
Create __init__.py and configure local.settings.json
Open a terminal; cd to Function folder
Run func azure functionapp publish appName --build remote --publish-local-settings
Fails everytime with the message above
Tried so far:
- Substituting --build local.
- Looks like it wants to work, but fails with error
There was an error restoring dependencies. ERROR: cannot install cryptography-2.9.2 dependency: binary dependencies without wheels are not supported when building locally. Use the "--build remote" option to build dependencies on the Azure Functions build server, or "--build-native-deps" option to automatically build and configure the dependencies using a Docker container. More information at https://aka.ms/func-python-publish
Not going to try:
- --build-local-deps because I don't want a docker instance for my Function App
Please advise. This is painful at this point.
In my case, I was provisioning an azurerm_linux_function_app with terraform and got this error. The error turned out to be caused by me forgetting to specify the storage_account_access_key setting. The docs even mention
One of storage_account_access_key or storage_uses_managed_identity must be specified when using storage_account_name.
But terraform does not actually check that when applying your configuration, resulting in a cryptic error message much later in the process.
Here is what was found today:
I initially created the Function App Storage Account with...
# Create a Function App Storage Account
az storage account create \
--name $fa_storage_name \
--resource-group $rg_name \
--access-tier Cool \
--default-action Deny \
--kind StorageV2 \
--subscription $az_sub
--location $az_loc \
--sku Standard_LRS
Changed this to...
# Create a Function App Storage Account
az storage account create \
--name $fa_storage_name \
--resource-group $rg_name \
--location $az_loc \
--sku Standard_LRS
...and was able to get past that error. The way I stumbled onto this was using the --buld local flag. It gave me a MUCH MORE ACCURATE error. Something along the lines of Check your storage account dude.
(thank you Marcelo!)
I am trying to configure a Pipeline with Jenkins and deploying it to Azure. I am at the last step of a tutorial:
This last step is as follows, i have to enter this in the Azure CLI:
az group create --name yourWebAppAzureResourceGroupName --location region
az appservice plan create --name appServicePlanName --resource-group rgname --is-linux
az webapp create --name webAppName --resource-group rgName --plan appServicePlanName --runtime "java|1.8|Tomcat|8.5"
The last command gives me the error:
'1.8' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
So I thought maybe Tomcat is not installed on my Azure VM, which is a Linux machine. So I used the next tutorial to install Tomcat:
After this I tried to do the --runtime command again, but I still get the same error. I have no idea how to fix this. I hope someone can help me with this problem.
I tried to check the webapp list-runtimes and I get this list:
"java|1.8|Tomcat|8.5" is in here. I've tried all of the versions, but it did not work.
EDIT: It works in the Azure Cloud Shell, but then there is another error:
Linux Runtime 'java|1.8|Tomcat|8.5' is not supported.Please invoke 'list-runtimes' to cross check
I have tried all the runtime versions, but still this error. I have also tried it with double quotes
I bet you solved your problem already, but in case others find this and are using PowerShell to run Azure CLI commands. This is what worked for me.
The problem is in how PowerShell interprets the pipe, '|', character inside the --runtime parameter, when evaluating the whole line.
Add the --% to be beginning of the command to turn off PowerShell evaluation of expressions, as suggested in the code block here.
Note: this will also stop PowerShell from evaluating any variables inside the command. What you can do is move the --runtime to the end of the line to get around this problem, e.g. like this
az webapp create -g $rg -p $appPlanName -n $appName --deployment-local-git --% --runtime "DOTNETCORE|3.0"
ok, i got it, that list is for windows webapp, not linux. for linux use:
az webapp list-runtimes --linux
so working solution:
az webapp create --name yourWebAppName --resource-group yourWebAppAzureResourceGroupName --plan yourLinuxAppServicePlanName --runtime "TOMCAT|8.5-jre8"
I would like to create application insights using AZURE CLI. I can't find any documentation on this topic. Is it possible?
The link provided by Rohit works
az resource create \
--resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP \
--resource-type "Microsoft.Insights/components" \
--name $NAMESPACE_PREFIX-appinsights \
--location $PRIMARY_LOCATION \
--properties '{"Application_Type":"web"}'
The az monitor app-insights component provide commands for creating, inspecting modifying, and deleting application insights components from the command line.
Use: az monitor app-insights component create
az monitor app-insights component create --app
[--ingestion-access {Disabled, Enabled}]
[--query-access {Disabled, Enabled}]
If you need to associate the generated instrumentation key with another resource, such as a function app, you can use grep and xargs as follows:
# Creates insights component for monitoring. Note generated instrumentation key
# is set in function app.
az resource create \
--resource-group ${RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME} \
--resource-type "Microsoft.Insights/components" \
--location ${LOCATION} \
--properties '{"Application_Type":"web"}' \
| grep -Po "\"InstrumentationKey\": \K\".*\"" \
| xargs -I % az functionapp config appsettings set \
--resource-group ${RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME} \
Application Insights is an extensible Application Performance Management (APM) service for web developers on multiple platforms. You can use it to monitor your live web application. You can get more details about Application Insights.
It belongs to the Azure Monitor. You can find appropriate CLI command from az monitor. Hope this will be helpful.