How do I send an email with a thumbnail using smtp? - node.js

When ever I send an email using the SMTP the receiver receives it without a thumbnail mostly Gmail would set it to a "?" which makes the emails look very sketchy. How do I add my logo/avatar for thumbnail of my emails?

Below is an example of a vCard that contains an embedded GIF image encoded in base64 format that travels within the vCard itself; not the email.
Content-Type: text/v-card; name="vCard.vcf"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7-bit
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="vCard.vcf"
FN;CHARSET=UTF-8:First Middle Last
TEL;TYPE=CELL:(801) 333-3333
TEL;TYPE=WORK,VOICE:(801) 555-5555
LABEL;CHARSET=UTF-8;TYPE=WORK:123 Main St\nSalt Lake City\, UT 84101
ADR;CHARSET=UTF-8;TYPE=WORK:;;123 Main St;Salt Lake City;UT;84101;United Sta
tes of America
TITLE;CHARSET=UTF-8:Systems Administrator
NOTE;CHARSET=UTF-8:Just a personal note.

SMTP does not support a way to send the profile/contact picture along.
A partial solution is to create a GSuite account (commercial), this gives businesses the chance to use gmail for their own domain names.
And it will also let you set a pictures for your business accounts.
But it's not a complete solution. While other gmail and gsuite users will see this picture when they receive your e-mail, it won't work for all e-mail clients and providers.
What you could do as a (rather poor) alternative, is to send a vCard along with your e-mail. That's like a digital business card.


q-coding in addCustomHeader with List-Unsubscribe link

I have a problem with PHPMailer and List-Unsubscribe header.
According to the documentation I am trying to add a header for unsubscribing from emails in the mail UI:
$mail->addCustomHeader("List-Unsubscribe", '<'.$unsubscribe_uri.'>');
In general, the unsubscribe link looks like:
$mail->addCustomHeader("List-Unsubscribe", '<>');
but in the incoming letters in the headlines I see:
List-Unsubscribe: =?us-ascii?Q?<
I understand that PHPMailer strives to comply with RFC 2047, but the largest sites (twitter, facebook, paypal) in their newsletters do not encode unsubscribe links.
Yandex-mail technical support directly replied that it is better to avoid q-coding in The list-Unsubscribe header in emails.
How to be, colleagues?

Is there a way to access flights information in GMail API?

When you buy a flight and receive a confirmation email, GMail recognizes it's a flight and adds departure/return tabs at the top of the message.
Using GMail API, I would like to use that information to get all flights from my inbox. Is this possible?
Content that is outside the message body of an email is not accessible from the GMail API. So you won't be able to access the info in any auto-generated tabs.
However, GMail may have auto-labeled the messages as "Travel". If that's the case then you can leverage the GMail API to filter messages using the "Travel" label.
You'll then have to parse the email message for the desired information.
Writing a custom parser can be difficult. However, if the message is annotated so that it conforms to specifications outlined by Google and, parsing flight information will be considerably easier. One can assume that flight confirmation messages that trigger the auto-generation of those tabs have flight/reservation specific mark-up embedded within them (but you should probably verify that the email contains said mark-up all the same).
The following links discuss how vendors should embed these special mark-up into their messages:
You should be able to use those docs to build a custom parser that can detect and parse the required mark-up schema or better yet leverage an open-source library to do so.

Hotmail don't show correctly e-mail send by lotus notes application with agent Java

I have an application that has an agent that converts a document to the MIME format ('memo.convertToMIME (2)') and sends it to multiple external emails: gmail, hotmail, yahoo, etc ... This agent is triggered by a button.O problem is that when the e-mail sent is read by the browser in hotmail, the images do not appear, but the texts, tables and formatting appear normal. As for gmail, yahoo, etc, e-mail usually appears by the browser. The funny thing is that when I send an e-mail address so convecional the lotus, other than by application of a lotus, only using the client, this e-mail test is usually read by hotmail in your browser. Does anyone have any idea what might be happening?
PS: This agent is designed to run on the server, because the command 'convertToMime ()' only works for version 8.5 of the lotus forward, but the company has users using lotus client 7.
According to Bob Balaban, there's a glitch in the conversion code deep underneath the C API layer: it does not automatically convert attachment contents to a base-64 encoding (even though the API documentation says it will) - it leaves them in binary format.
See Geek-O-Terica 15: Easy conversion of Notes documents to MIME format (Part 1) for details.
A view of the MIME created/received by an external user would help us too in determining, what is exactly wrong.

Is there any way to use (embed) Gmail - Yahoo on your website?

I'm not talking about something like cURLs or SMTP server
I have an stupid idea that instead of building a upload system, user can email for me with attach file.
So I think if gmail (or yahoo..) has an API to embed the SEND Mail page with a free account to my webpage so that all the user can use it?
Sorry for my bad English :D
You could either simply provide an email address and ask that people send emails to it with their attachment(s), or create a HTML form which allows users to upload a file which is processed by CGI. I use Uploadify on the front end, and a Perl CGI script to process the results.

What is the format of compose links to web mail clients such as Gmail, Yahoo Mail, Hotmail and AOL?

In my application, I'm currently using mailto: links to open email compose dialogs. This is terrible for web mail users, since it typically causes Outlook or Apple Mail to launch into their setup wizard.
Until I've implemented a separate compose widget, I'm planning to special case the mailto links for users with Gmail/Yahoo/Hotmail/etc. addresses.
So far, I have the following compose link formats:
Yahoo! Mail (from StackOverflow):
[Hotmail] (from StackOverflow)::
Two questions:
What's the correct format for AOL links?
What other web mail clients should I support, and what format do they use?
Some searching led to this as the proper format for AOL Mail links:
Source: (under 'External Invocation of Web Mail'), and some Google searching to find the parameters.
Once you have these 4 covered, I think you've got essentially all of the webmail clients covered.
Regarding which other web mail clients to support it depends a lot on the users. In Germany for example you should add GMX and to the list.
The example google URL above returns a google error.
The February 2014 post to thread 2583928 recommends replacing view=cm&fs=1&tf=1 with &v=b&cs=wh
Try these updated ones
For outlook
But I should warn you that, prefilled body if at all contains line feed(new line) character encoded in URL, that line feed won't take effect at present.
