I am using PySpark for a university project, where I have large dataframes and I apply a PandasUDF, using groupBy. Basically the call looks like this:
I am using 10 cores in my Spark config (SparkConf().setMaster('local[10]')).
The goal is to be able to report the time each group took to run my code. I want the time each group takes to finish so that I can take the average. I am also interested in calculating the standard deviation.
I now am testing with cleaned data that I know will be separated into 10 groups, and I have the UDF print the running time using time.time(). But, if I am to use more groups this is not going to be possible to do (for context, all my data will be separated into 3000-something groups). Is there a way to measure the execution time per group?
If don't want to print the execution time to stdout you could return it as an extra column from the Pandas UDF instead e.g.
#pandas_udf("my_col long, execution_time long", PandasUDFType.GROUPED_MAP)
def my_pandas_udf(pdf):
start = datetime.now()
# Some business logic
return pdf.assign(execution_time=datetime.now() - start)
Alternatively, to compute the average execution time in the driver application, you could accumulate the execution time and the number of UDF calls in the UDF with two Accumulators. e.g.
udf_count = sc.accumulator(0)
total_udf_execution_time = sc.accumulator(0)
#pandas_udf("my_col long", PandasUDFType.GROUPED_MAP)
def my_pandas_udf(pdf):
start = datetime.now()
# Some business logic
total_udf_execution_time.add(datetime.now() - start)
return pdf
# Some Spark action to run business logic
mean_udf_execution_time = total_udf_execution_time.value / udf_count.value
Recently I've encountered an issue running one of our PySpark jobs. While analyzing the stages in Spark UI I have noticed that the longest running stage takes 1.2 hours to run out of the total 2.5 hours that takes for the entire process to run.
Once I took a look at the stage details it was clear that I'm facing a severe data skew, causing a single task to run for the entire 1.2 hours while all other tasks finish within 23 seconds.
The DAG showed this stage involves Window Functions which helped me to quickly narrow down the problematic area to a few queries and finding the root cause -> The column, account, that was being used in the Window.partitionBy("account") had 25% of null values.
I don't have an interest to calculate the sum for the null accounts though I do need the involved rows for further calculations therefore I can't filter them out prior the window function.
Here is my window function query:
problematic_account_window = Window.partitionBy("account")
sales_with_account_total_df = sales_df.withColumn("sum_sales_per_account", sum(col("price")).over(problematic_account_window))
So we found the one to blame - What can we do now? How can we resolve the skew and the performance issue?
We basically have 2 solutions for this issue:
Break the initial dataframe to 2 different dataframes, one that filters out the null values and calculates the sum on, and the second that contains only the null values and is not part of the calculation. Lastly we union the two together.
Apply salting technique on the null values in order to spread the nulls on all partitions and provide stability to the stage.
Solution 1:
account_window = Window.partitionBy("account")
# split to null and non null
non_null_accounts_df = sales_df.where(col("account").isNotNull())
only_null_accounts_df = sales_df.where(col("account").isNull())
# calculate the sum for the non null
sales_with_non_null_accounts_df = non_null_accounts_df.withColumn("sum_sales_per_account", sum(col("price")).over(account_window)
# union the calculated result and the non null df to the final result
sales_with_account_total_df = sales_with_non_null_accounts_df.unionByName(only_null_accounts_df, allowMissingColumns=True)
Solution 2:
SPARK_SHUFFLE_PARTITIONS = spark.conf.get("spark.sql.shuffle.partitions")
modified_sales_df = (sales_df
# create a random partition value that spans as much as number of shuffle partitions
.withColumn("random_salt_partition", lit(ceil(rand() * SPARK_SHUFFLE_PARTITIONS)))
# use the random partition values only in case the account value is null
.withColumn("salted_account", coalesce(col("account"), col("random_salt_partition")))
# modify the partition to use the salted account
salted_account_window = Window.partitionBy("salted_account")
# use the salted account window to calculate the sum of sales
sales_with_account_total_df = sales_df.withColumn("sum_sales_per_account", sum(col("price")).over(salted_account_window))
In my solution I've decided to use solution 2 since it didn't force me to create more dataframes for the sake of the calculation, and here is the result:
As seen above the salting technique helped resolving the skewness. The exact same stage now runs for a total of 5.5 minutes instead of 1.2 hours. The only modification in the code was the salting column in the partitionBy. The comparison shown is based on the exact same cluster/nodes amount/cluster config.
So basically i want to loop n times through my dataframe and apply a function in each loop
(perform a join).
My test-Dataframe is like 1000 rows and in each iteration, exactly one column will be added.
The first three loops perform instantly and from then its gets really really slow.
The 10th loop e.g. needs more than 10 minutes.
I dont understand why this happens because my Dataframe wont grow larger in terms of rows.
If i call my functions with n=20 e.g., the join performs instantly.
But when i loop iteratively 20 times, it gets stucked soon.
You have any idea what can potentially cause this problem?
Examble Code from Evaluating Spark DataFrame in loop slows down with every iteration, all work done by controller
import time
from pyspark import SparkContext
sc = SparkContext()
def push_and_pop(rdd):
# two transformations: moves the head element to the tail
first = rdd.first()
return rdd.filter(
lambda obj: obj != first
def serialize_and_deserialize(rdd):
# perform a collect() action to evaluate the rdd and create a new instance
return sc.parallelize(rdd.collect())
def do_test(serialize=False):
rdd = sc.parallelize(range(1000))
for i in xrange(25):
t0 = time.time()
rdd = push_and_pop(rdd)
if serialize:
rdd = serialize_and_deserialize(rdd)
print "%.3f" % (time.time() - t0)
I have fixed this issue with converting the df every n times to a rdd and back to df.
Code runs fast now. But i dont understand what exactly is the reason for that. The explain plan seems to rise very fast during iterations if i dont do the conversion.
This fix is also issued in the book "High Performance Spark" with this workaround.
While the Catalyst optimizer is quite powerful, one of the cases where
it currently runs into challenges is with very large query plans.
These query plans tend to be the result of iterative algorithms, like
graph algorithms or machine learning algorithms. One simple workaround
for this is converting the data to an RDD and back to
DataFrame/Dataset at the end of each iteration
I have got a simple pyspark script and I would like to benchmark each section.
# section 1: prepare data
df = spark.read.option(...).csv(...)
# section 2: Dataframe API
avg_earnings = df.agg({"earnings": "avg"}).show()
# section 3: SQL
avg_earnings = spark.sql("""SELECT AVG(earnings)
FROM MyData""").show()
Do generate reliable measurements one would need to run each section multiple times. My solution using the python time module looks like this.
import time
for _ in range(iterations):
t1 = time.time()
df = spark.read.option(...).csv(...)
t2 = time.time()
avg_earnings = df.agg({"earnings": "avg"}).show()
t3 = time.time()
avg_earnings = spark.sql("""SELECT AVG(earnings)
FROM MyData""").show()
t4 = time.time()
write_to_csv(t1, t2, t3, t4)
My Question is how would one benchmark each section ? Would you use the time-module as well ? How would one disable caching for pyspark ?
Plotting the first 5 iterations of the benchmark shows that pyspark is doing some form of caching.
How can I disable this behaviour ?
First, you can't benchmark using show, it only calculates and returns the top 20 rows.
Second, in general, PySpark API and Spark SQL share the same Catalyst Optimizer behind the scene, so overall what you are doing (using .agg vs avg()) is pretty much similar and don't have much difference.
Third, usually, benchmarking is only meaningful if your data is really big, or your operation is much longer than expected. Other than that, if the runtime difference is only a couple of minutes, it doesn't really matter.
Anyway, to answer your question:
Yes, there is nothing wrong to use time.time() to measure.
You should use count() instead of show(). count would go forward and compute your entire dataset.
You don't have to worry about cache if you don't call it. Spark won't cache unless you ask for it. In fact, you shouldn't cache at all when benchmarking.
You should also use static allocation instead of dynamic allocation. Or if you're using Databricks or EMR, use a fixed amount of workers and don't auto-scale it.
I recently began to use Spark to process huge amount of data (~1TB). And have been able to get the job done too. However I am still trying to understand its working. Consider the following scenario:
Set reference time (say tref)
Do any one of the following two tasks:
a. Read large amount of data (~1TB) from tens of thousands of files using SciSpark into RDDs (OR)
b. Read data as above and do additional preprossing work and store the results in a DataFrame
Print the size of the RDD or DataFrame as applicable and time difference wrt to tref (ie, t0a/t0b)
Do some computation
Save the results
In other words, 1b creates a DataFrame after processing RDDs generated exactly as in 1a.
My query is the following:
Is it correct to infer that t0b – t0a = time required for preprocessing? Where can I find an reliable reference for the same?
Edit: Explanation added for the origin of question ...
My suspicion stems from Spark's lazy computation approach and its capability to perform asynchronous jobs. Can/does it initiate subsequent (preprocessing) tasks that can be computed while thousands of input files are being read? The origin of the suspicion is in the unbelievable performance (with results verified okay) I see that look too fantastic to be true.
Thanks for any reply.
I believe something like this could assist you (using Scala):
def timeIt[T](op: => T): Float = {
val start = System.currentTimeMillis
val res = op
val end = System.currentTimeMillis
(end - start) / 1000f
def XYZ = {
val r00 = sc.parallelize(0 to 999999)
val r01 = r00.map(x => (x,(x,x,x,x,x,x,x)))
val time1 = timeIt(XYZ)
// or like this on next line
//val timeN = timeIt(r01.join(r01).count())
println(s"bla bla $time1 seconds.")
You need to be creative and work incrementally with Actions that cause actual execution. This has limitations thus. Lazy evaluation and such.
On the other hand, Spark Web UI records every Action, and records Stage duration for the Action.
In general: performance measuring in shared environments is difficult. Dynamic allocation in Spark in a noisy cluster means that you hold on to acquired resources during the Stage, but upon successive runs of the same or next Stage you may get less resources. But this is at least indicative and you can run in a less busy period.
Following function is supposed to join two DataFrames and return the number of checkouts per location. It is based on the Seattle Public Library data set.
def topKCheckoutLocations(checkoutDF: DataFrame, libraryInventoryDF: DataFrame, k: Int): DataFrame = {
.join(libraryInventoryDF, "ItemType")
.groupBy("ItemBarCode", "ItemLocation") //grouping by ItemBarCode and ItemLocation
.agg(count("ItemBarCode")) //counting number of ItemBarCode for each ItemLocation
.withColumnRenamed("count(ItemBarCode)", "NumCheckoutItemsAtLocation")
.select($"ItemLocation", $"NumCheckoutItemsAtLocation")
When I run this, it takes ages to finish (40+ minutes), and I'm pretty sure it is not supposed to take more than a couple of minutes. Can I change the order of the calls to decrease computation time?
As I never managed to finish computation I never actually got to check whether the output is correct. I assume it is.
The checkoutDF has 3 mio. rows.
For spark job performance
Select the required column from the dataset before joins to
decrease data size
Partition your both dataset by join column ("ItemType") to avoid shuffling