InstallShield: Unwanted reboot after installed prerequisite - installshield

I know there are already some posts about this issue but they seem old and the proposed solution won't work for me.
I have a Basic MSI project developed with InstallShield 2020 R3.
The setup has this prerequisite: "Microsoft Visual C++ 2019 redistributable Package (x86)".
After the prerequisite is installed, the following messagebox appears:
If I click "No", the setup will be terminated. If I click "Yes", the machine restarts but the setup doesn't resume after reboot.
However what I want is: after the prerequisite is installed, the setup will have to continue to the end without reboot and without showing any messagebox to the user.
I have already performed the following action:
I set the following values in the prerequisite editor:
I have also tried to check "the prerequisite should be hidden from installation list"
and to select "Note it, fails to resume if the machine is rebooted and reboot after the installation".
I know that '3010' is the exit code for the vc_redist package when it asks for a reboot and for this reason I try to remove this value from the textbox "Specify the return code (in decimal)" the application return if a reboot is required"
What values do I have to set or what can I do in order to continue the setup without rebooting the system?

Try following option in ' If the prerequisite appears to need a reboot' dropdown:
Note it, fail to resume if the machine is rebooted, and reboot after the installation.


Cannot uninstall / repair / install Node.JS to my system

I installed node.js to work on a discord bot with VSCode but it didn't work.
I reinstalled it but ticked the 'install chocolatey' box this time, halfway through the installation I got 3 trojan alerts from my AV, and cancelled the installation.
Since then, I have been unable to uninstall, repair or reinstall Node.JS, through the Windows 10 uninstall function or from the Node.JS .msi file.
Each time I try, I get the same error message:
"The Windows Installer Service could not be accessed. This can occur if you are running Windows in safe mode, or if the Windows Installer is not correctly installed."
I've removed all instances of Node.JS from my program files and %appdata%, I've ensure the Installer Service is running, and yet the Node.JS application still shows in the Uninstall Tool and when I try to uninstall / modify / reinstall, it shows the same error, and seems to think it's still installed on my system! Not even Node.JS commands work in my CMD!
I've got no idea how to fix this, and I don't want to use glitch anymore to write my bot, so please help- or it seem's I'll have to factory reset my PC and hope that resolves the issue.
Thanks in advance, guys.
EDIT: I tried installing a newer version hoping it would overwrite old Node.JS files. Didn't work. Issue still occurring.
Do these:
Open command prompt as Administrator and run /sfc scannow. It will scan and replace corrupted files.
Restart your PC when the scan is done.

.exe and .msi installers does not runs on Windows 10 OS

I was trying to install Node.js node-v14.15.1-x64 on PC with Windows 10 Pro 64-bit OS, but then I found that the problem appears with any .exe and .msi
If I'm trying to run installer with/without administrator, I got only endless blue loading circle icon on my screen without any error report or process in Task manager:
Hanged icon with cursor arrow does not disappears, even if I will wait for a hour, to stop it, I've to restart computer
I've followed Stein Åsmul answer, which I'm forced keep unmarked, because it seems like nothing helps yet:
I've re-download installation media but now I see that this happens happens to all installers.
I've tried turn off Windows Defender Firewall and Security Antivirus.
with C:\WINDOWS\system32>sfc /scannow Windows Resource Protection did not find any integrity violations.
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT/.exe value is exefile, and exefile folder value is Application, I have tried to change it with "%1"%*
in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion in ProgrmFilesDir value is C:\Program Files and in ProgramFiles Dir (x86) is C:\Program Files (x86)
With attempt to C:\WINDOWS\system32>assoc .exe=exefile something also went wrong here, because OS freeze, and I was forced to reboot
C:\WINDOWS\system32>msiexec.exe /i :\Users\User\Desktop\New folder (1)\pycharm-community-2020.2.3.exe /L*v C:\Your.log opens Windows Installers, which describes Display, Install, Restart and Logging Options, but I'm not sure, how to use it, to find out with this issue
After removing AVScanner.ini form C:\ directory problem disappeared and installation works fine
Also I have to note, that I will mark answer by Stein Åsmul because I found it useful in similar possible situation, even if it was not solution in this particular case
Any advice, guide or example would be helpful
Overall: Do you have a screenshot? That almost sounds like a Windows Smartscreen issue?
Here are some generic setup.exe debugging suggestions:
Shortened setup.exe problem list
Long setup.exe problem list.
Specific Suggestions: 1) Re-download the installation media first of all. 2) Then reboot and disable anti-virus scanners and try to install. 3) You should also enable logging and look at the log for clues. 4) Try to install as a different admin users. 5) Finally test on a virtual or another machine to verify the integrity of the setup file.
Quick Logging:
msiexec.exe /i C:\Path\Your.msi /L*v C:\Your.log
General WiX and setup links (section: "Generic Tricks? - Consumer issues")
Smartscreen issues
Node.js - Cannot Install it is showing an error because of .msi

scp from Linux to Windows: 'C:\Program' is not recognized error

In my linux machine, I'm trying to send a file over to a Windows machine via:
scp fileNameA user#windowServer:fileNameA
I get the following message:
'C:\Program' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
What's prompting this message?
I've installed OpenSSH on the windows machine, and I can successfully SSH into it. I don't want to use WinSCP, FileZilla, etc, because I have to automate this in a script. This has to be done from the Linux machine, so I'm not interested in doing pscp from the Windows machine.
I have met the same problem today.
I think it is an issue in the new version of OpenSSH, which was published few days ago. I reverted previous version (v7.6.1.0p1-Beta), which was working correctly on my VM from and problem was fixed without any changes in configuration.
I just fixed the same problem by moving my installation of OpenSSH from C:\Program Files\OpenSSH to C:\OpenSSH.
I had to first uninstall it properly using the provided script in Win32-OpenSSH and then follow back the information provided there but only changing the path to C:\OpenSSH.
I met a similar issue today, trying to copy files to a Windows server running OpenSSH-Win64. I solved the problem by adding C:\Program Files\OpenSSH, which is the recommended installation location, to the Windows path:
Open the Control Panel, go to the System and Security section and open up System.
Click on Advanced System Settings and, in the System Properties dialog box, click Environmental Variables.
In the System Variables section of the dialog box, select Path and click Edit....
Click New, add the OpenSSH folder path and click OK to apply the change.
Then, do not forget to restart the OpenSSH service, either in the service management console or by running net stop sshd, followed by net start sshd in an elevated console.

How to avoid restart after installing prerequisite (.Net framework 4.6) using installshield 2013

I am installing .Net framework 4.6 as prerequisite using installshield.
After it is installed it restarts the system. I want to avoid the restart.
How can I achieve this ?
I used Note it, fail to resume if the machine is rebooted, and reboot after the installation from Behavior Tab under installshield.
you can remove the return value from the Application to run Tab and be sure to specify the /norestart parameter on the command line.
that way your installer should not be able to detect if a reboot is required.

NodeJS Installer wont open on Vista

From the NodeJs website I have downloaded node-v0.12.3-x86.msi to a Windows Vista PC.
It just doesnt install. No error appears. I tried restarting. I even Googled it a million times.
Anyone know how to install NodeJS?
Peace and love to you all.
The file might be blocked because it was downloaded from the Internet. On Windows Vista if you attempt to install a blocked MSI file, the file is not installed and no error is reported. Unblock the file by:
Right click on the file and click Properties.
In the properties dialog click Unblock.
Close the dialog.
Install the file.
If that doesn't work try installing with diagnostic logging from the command line using msiexec:
msiexec /l*v Desktop\Install.log /I Desktop\node-v0.12.3-x86.msi
Note: This assumes you are running the command from your user directory: C:\Users\<your name>.
