Node version inconsistent in crontab - node.js

I regularly at version 8.4.0, then I installed nvm and used it to upgrade to version 9.11.1.
When running the terminal, I have version 9.11.1, however if a conjob runs a script, node 8.4.0 is still used.
The same ec2-user is running the cron so for me it is strange that the user ec2-user has version 9.11.1 if used via shell and 8.4.0 if used via cron.
How can I resolve this to always use 9.11.1?

You are most likely using just node or /usr/local/bin/node to refer to node, instead of /usr/.nvm/versions/node/v9.11.1/bin/node


Node and npm not found after restarting macOS

I am using my corporate's laptop and am a new mac User (used Ubuntu before) :
OS: macOS Monterey Version 12.2
There are two accounts, administrator and mine - I don't have sudo rights. To install homebrew without administrator rights, I followed this Installation.
To install the node - I used brew install node. Both node -v and npm -v were working. When I restarted the laptop, I cannot find node/npm.
On running $ node -v, I get -bash: node: command not found (I changed my default terminal from zsh to bash and the output is the same for both of them)
I tried this solution but couldn't find nvm in the system. Am new to mac and I believe nvm is some kind of package manager like homebrew so this solution is not applicable to me (correct me if I am wrong).
How can I install things in my system without sudo rights and keep them permanently(like node)?
(After adding brew to the PATH) On running - brew list|grep node, I got - node
$ echo $PATH gives /usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Users/parthkapadia/homebrew/bin
Adding brew to path solved the issue, now I can even access node and npm (even after restarting). I used this site to add homebrew/bin to path (in zsh terminal)
The issue was homebrew's path. It was not added to the PATH variable.
When I restarted the system, homebrew was no longer in the PATH (as it was temporarily added probably when I installed it). As homebrew was not added to PATH, the terminal didn't recognize brew or any package installed using it like node or npm.
I solved it by adding Users/username/homebrew/bin to PATH. The steps I followed are -
cd - to move to the home directory
touch .zshrc to create .zshrc file as it didn't exist
nano .zshrc to open the file for editing
Added export PATH=$PATH:/Users/yourusername/homebrew/bin in the file (this appends homebrew/bin to the PATH variable)
Now the terminal can recognize brew and hence node and npm too.
Refer this for more detailed explanation on how to add to PATH in macOS.
Thanks to all the people who helped in the comments.

Node installation messed up on MacOS

I have screwed up the installation of node on my computer over the course of a few months by deleting using rm and reinstalling with brew. I recently managed to fix the 'node' command such that 'node -v' works fine.
However, the command 'npm' is not found. Additionally, every time I open a terminal I get the following text:
Last login: Sun Dec 19 22:33:22 on ttys002
N/A: version "N/A -> N/A" is not yet installed.
You need to run "nvm install N/A" to install it before using it.
The default interactive shell is now zsh.
This leads me to believe that I have some issue with my bashrc file.
Does anyone have any idea what steps I can take to resolve this issue, or if it would be a better option to simply factory restore my computer?
Use nvm to install any version of node and npm (e.g: v16.13.1).
type nvm alias default v16.13.1 in your terminal and then type nvm use default

I have installed nodejs on windows how should i use it in WSL?

I am having problem using libraries installed on windows to WSL and vice versa. I don't want to install not just nodejs but other things twice just to use it in WSL and also in normal text editors like VS code, atom, etc.
The complete instruction can be found here set-up-on-wsl
If you are too busy to follow the link, follow these steps in the WSL:
Use curl to install nvm
curl -o- | bash
For installing NodeJs (lts)
nvm install node --lts
You can also install specific node version. Check all commands uses by typing nvm in your terminal.
Done Node has been successfully installed in your WSL, nvm ls will list all the installations.
You can use the Node installed in your WSL for developing. Point to your working directory and use code . to open VSCode. Also, if you want to access your windows directories you can mount them by using /mnt/<dir>
If you face any issues during installation it is better to use the link I have provided above.
Also note that, the Node installed in the WSL can only be used, iff your working directory is in the WSL or is linked with your WSL(by using mnt).

Node cli on Msysgit on WIndows 10

I recently decided to pick up Node on my personal laptop, which I upgraded to Windows 10, and the Node cli seems to hang when I try to run it.
Simply typing node on the console will not initiate the interface, and to do anything else I need to Ctrl+C out of it.
Additionally, running some npm commands take longer than they used to on my laptop. More noticeably, npm init seems to hang after confirming the information to be written to package.json.
Node version is 4.0.0
npm version is 2.14.2
Are there any known issues with Node and npm on Windows 10?
After some troubleshooting, I've figured out the error only happens on Msysgit. Neither of the issues happen on the standard command prompt of Windows.
I had the same issue on Windows 7 with Node version 6.11.0 and Msysgit's MINGW64 terminal window.
The problem was caused by the an alias provided by Msysgit as demonstrated below:
$ alias node
alias node='winpty node.exe'
The solution is to run the command:
$ unalias node
Then node will run correctly.
You can add the unalias node command into your .bashrc file in your HOME directory to make this permanent.
Good luck!

Sudo user not using same node version

I have a strange issue on my server, when ever i try to install packages with npm that require sudo I run into issues and i have discovered that my su and regular user use different node versions.
$ node -v i get node version 0.10.x
But when i do:
$ sudo node -v i get node version 0.6.x
My su user for some reason is using a different node version than what i normally use and this causes compatibility issues when I npm install packages that require sudo.
I have tried sudo apt-get upgrade nodejs at no luck. how do i make su user use same node version as my regular user.
run ll /usr/bin/node if this file exist, simply run rm /usr/local/bin/node from the regular user
If you'd run which node from regular user you will probably see it points to the user local bin directory
which node
this means that the regular user installed another node version locally.
to let the same node version apply to all users, this command should show you usr bin (not local).
which node
by deleting the link from /usr/local/bin/node it will automatically start using /usr/bin/node
Try running sudo with the environment of the user:
sudo -E node -v
I experienced this problem right after upgrading to a newer version of node (6 -> 7)
The above solution did not work for me as I do not the file /usr/local/bin/node but I was in fact getting different verions from running npm --version and sudo npm --version
The answer states that bash was caching the older version of node.
simply running hash -d npm
