opensuse 13 enterprise crontab won't execute jar file - linux

i have some issue on running shell script to execute jar file in opensuse,
Below is the way set for crontab:
contrab -e
5 */1 * * * /path to shellscript/
Below is the way shell script contain:
#! bin/sh
cd /project/jar/
/usr/local/jdk1.8/bin/java -jar /project/jar/pike.jar
From the file above already given chmod 777 permission.
Is there anything wrong about the setting? if i execute the shell script it run directly, from tracing systemlog follow by /var/log/message, from here able to check crontab is execute with the job id display. From the java log file it doesn't show anything.
Please help on this. thank you.


How to run cronjob in azure cloud bash shell

I'm trying to run cron job in azure cloud shell
but it is not working
This is my simple cron job
* * * * * /home/meet/clouddrive/
cat /home/meet/clouddrive/
echo "meet" >> /home/meet/clouddrive/test.txt
meet [ ~/clouddrive ]$ ls
The script is located at /home/meet/clouddrive/ However, the pwd command in the script outputs /home/meet/clouddrive, which suggests that the script is not in the current working directory. To fix this, you can either adjust the path to the script in the cron job, or you can change the current working directory in the script to the correct location.
Make sure that the script has the appropriate permissions to be executed. You can check the permissions for the script using the ls -l command, and you can change the permissions using the chmod command. For example, to make the script executable by the owner, you can run chmod u+x /home/meet/clouddrive/
Can you try running the script manually from the command line to see if it works fine?
I tried to reproduce the same in my environment and got the results like below:
I tried to run Cron job in azure cloud shell like below:
when I try crontab -l there is no job from here.
Then create crontab -e
Run */1 * * * * echo "this is a test" /home/imran123/testfile.txt
Then try to create a file using vi testfile.txt and I mention "This is test"
Then try to give execute permission like below:
chmod +x
Then when I executed cmd it run successfully like below:
crontab -l
cat testfile.txt

Shell Script not executing, added to crontab

Here is my shell script, located in ~/bin
cd ../environment
. env/bin/activate
The script updates the database. I've tested and works with no issue. I used this command ./
Here is cronjob */5 * * * * cd ~/bin/ added to crontab -e
When i check database, no changes. The cronjob isn't running? How do i solve?
You are not running the script but just trying to change directories, which will fail as is not a directory. You need to first cd ~/bin as you are using relative paths in your script and then run the script. Use this line:
*/5 * * * * cd ~/bin && ./
Also you may wanna check the syslog to check for cronjobs.
grep CRON /var/log/syslog
Have a look at this thread for more information on logging cronjobs.

Crontab won't execute shell script

I tried to configure crontab to execute a shell script every day.
When executed manually, the file works well. Unfortunately, crontab won't execute it.
Here's my shell file:
#! bin/bash
# GENERAL properties
# JOB properties
#find all main etl jobs and execute them
find . -name '*' -exec {} \;
And here's my crontab
10 14 * * * /bin/sh /opt/XXX-1.0/jobs/
Any ideas on what could be preventing me from executing it?
Thank you.
I haven't seen a /bin/sh in a crontab like that.
Why aren't you using a shebang at the start of your file like so:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
Is the file itself executable for the crontab user that is executing it?
chmod +x /opt/XXX-1.0/jobs/

Shell script cronjob

I need a shell script that would run two .sh files which are in the directory: /opt/tomcat-latest/bin
cd /opt/tomcat-latest/bin
Would this code achieve my goal? If so how do I make it on a cron job that runs every 2 hours? I have a Linux Centos VPS and DirectAdmin admin panel.
I think the easiest solution would be to run directly the commands with its full path from cron, instead of using a sh script.
Something like this in the crontab would work :
* */2 * * * /opt/tomcat-latest/bin/ && /opt/tomcat-latest/bin/
That would run every 2 hours
you can edit crontab with crontab -e and check the crontab syntax here :

Downloading files with bash via cron

I have build a bash script that gets .tar.gz files from IMDb and writes to a log file, the script works when run on its own as I can see the folder with the files present, but when I run the script via cron it doesn't work. Would this be due to permissions? I have edited the sudo crontab file, but I'm not sure what else I need to do.
Try this solution:
Cronjob is a file that contains your job:
cat cronjob
* * * * * bash /path/to/ >> /path/to/log.txt
Then you should set executable permission and start cron service:
chmod +x cronjob
/etc/init.d/crond start #redhat based servers like centos
/etc/init.d/cron start #debian based servers like ubuntu
After that you should tell cron service to run cronjob file:
crontab cronjob
Your script should download a file.
If your script doesn't run you should run it from good path[full path], so your cronjob file would be something like this:
* * * * * /bin/bash /path/to/ >> /path/to/log.txt
