How to control visibility of a PCF using Reflection in Guidewire - guidewire

I am trying to use <Reflect> on my PCF RangeCell element ( ClaimCenter version -10) to control the visibility of this field. Is that possible at all?
What I have now is below: it doesn't work...
valueRange="UI.Status.filter(Status_ext.getTypeKeys(false), document) as java.util.List<Status_ext>"
valueRange="UI.Status.filter(Status_ext.getTypeKeys(false), document) as java.util.List<Status_ext>">
Also tried adding <ReflectCondition> which didn't work too.

You can use visible property in pcf with the approprite conditions. Another way to write a boolean function in the enhancement class and call this function to the 'available' property. Not sure about reflection.
Hope, it helps.


Additional GS1 codes support in Acumatica

We need to add support for GS1 Barcode Customer Part Number in the Purchases - Receive and Put Away screen, it is not supported by default and I can't a find a way to add it.
From looking at the source code, it seems like I need to override GS1Support property or the GetGS1ApplicationSteps() method on PX.Objects.PO.WMS.ReceivePutAway class but I can't find a way to to this. I tried to override using PXGraphExtension method:
public class ReceivePutAway_Extension : PXGraphExtension<ReceivePutAway>
but then I get the following error:
CS0311 The type 'PX.Objects.PO.WMS.ReceivePutAway' cannot be used as type parameter 'Graph' in the generic type or method 'PXGraphExtension'. There is no implicit reference conversion from 'PX.Objects.PO.WMS.ReceivePutAway' to 'PX.Data.PXGraph' class.
After updating the extension class declaration as suggested, now the error is gone but I'm still unable to find a way to override GetGS1ApplicationSteps() method on the BLC extension class PX.Objects.PO.WMS.ReceivePutAway, .
Does anybody know how to make the override work for a class like this or maybe has good suggestion on how to add support for additional GS1 barcodes?
ReceivePutAway is not a Graph, therefore you cannot do a simple Graph Extension directly on it. ReceivePutAway inherits from WMSBase which is actually defined as a Graph Extension. This means that you need to end up with a second level graph extension.
If you need to customize ReceivePutAway, I would suggest to try the approach mentioned here:
Refer to section 'Second-Level BLC Extension' in the above link. In your case, it might be something like this:
public class ExtensioReceivePutAway_Extension :
PXGraphExtension<ReceivePutAway, ReceivePutAwayHost>

How to bind IReadonlyReactiveList to ReactiveCollectionView

I have a view model that retrieve a list of data from rest service, and store inside a property.
private readonly ObservableAsPropertyHelper<IReadOnlyReactiveList<Customer>> _searchResultCustomer;
public IReadOnlyReactiveList<Customer> SearchResultCustomer => _searchResultCustomer.Value;
I am trying to do a binding between SearchResultCustomer to ReactiveCollectionView like this this.OneWayBind(ViewModel, vm => vm.SearchResultCustomer, v => v.cvResult.DataSource);.
Without surprise it doesn't work, and the type expected from v.cvResult.DataSource is IUICollectionViewDataSource.
How do I solve this, is there any available example for Xamarin.IOS? Thanks :)
Binding to a UI collection, such as UITableView or UICollectionView, works a bit differently. Conveniently, you don't even need to create your own UICollectionViewSource. Just create a custom cell with an initialize method and bind like this:
ViewModel.WhenAnyValue(vm => vm.SearchResultCustomer).BindTo<Customer, CustomerCell>(collectionView, cell => cell.Initialize());
Credit to Paul Reichelt at this thread who answered a similar question, except for UITableView.
I forked his example project and added a working example for UICollectionView. I use IReactiveList instead of IReadOnlyReactiveList, but you should be able to modify it to fit your needs. Here's the source. Hope it helps.

JsConfig<MyClass>.ExcludePropertyNames example, not working for me

Trying to exclude properties from a model from being included during serialization.
I am using the following syntax:
JsConfig<MyTestClass>.ExcludePropertyNames = new[] { "ShortDescription" };
Just after that I have the following:
return (from o in __someProvider.GetAll() select (new
However once result is returned from the method, it still contains "ShortDescription" field in the Json. Am I doing something wrong?
JsConfig<T>.ExcludePropertyNames appears to be checked only once for each type, in a static constructor for TypeConfig<T>. Thus, if you are configuring ExcludePropertyNames in your service class, just before returning your response, it might be too late -- the TypeConfig properties may already be set up and cached for MyTestClass. I was able to reproduce this.
A more reliable alternative is to move all of your JsConfig<T> configuration to your AppHost setup code.
If you really do need to do this in your service class, e.g. if you are only conditionally excluding property names, then an alternative approach would be to ensure that JsConfig.IncludeNullValues is false (I believe it is by default) and in your service code set ShortDescription to null when appropriate.

How to avoid page-object deprecated for checkbox

I use cucumber since one year, and I am adding page-object-gem into it since few weeks.
When I execute the test, I get message :
You are calling a method named checkbox at commentPage.rb:23:in `block in delete_comment'.
This method does not exist in page-object so it is being passed to the driver.
This feature will be removed in the near future.
Please change your code to call the correct page-object method.
(I have got the same for other cases, but this "trivial" example should be easier to explain)
I search a way to avoid that, but it seems complicated.
For the test, I am checking a page, on which there is a table. Each row show a line, and I need to check the checkbox of a particular line.
My code in the pageObject:
table(:comment_list, :class => 'comments')
button(:delete, :text => "Delete")
def delete_comment (text)
self.comment_list_element.each do |row|
if row.text.include? "#{text}"
return true
Did I need a pretreatment of my table to use it during the test ?
You are getting the warning because you are calling a method that is on Watir and not page-object (checkbox method on a table row). If you want to access the Checkbox you can simply call the method that will return the nested element. This would change that portion of the call to row.checkbox_element. But you next call will also get the same issue. First of all the set method does not exist on CheckBox. In page-object the methods are check and uncheck. The full call should be:
The reason you are getting the deprecation error is because I plan to remove the forwarding of calls to the underlying driver in the future. This ability really causes a lot of problems in complex situations.
In your code, row is a PageObject::Elements::TableRow, which does not have a checkbox method defined. I have not come across any examples where page-object elements were chained.
As a workaround, you could convert the PageObject::Elements::TableRow to a regular Watir::TableRow by doing:
So your code will work if you do:

Axis SecureSocketFactory - Setting the constructor attributes

I have a customer SecureSocketFactory set to be used by Axis when making an https connection using the following property:
When this class is instantiated by Axis, the constructor with a Hashtable (attributes) is called. I see the timeout attribute is set in this table. Is there anyway to set more values in this?
I would like to be able to configure the Socket Factory on a per-instance scenario instead of globally by using static or system properties.
Edit: I found out these attributes are actually the HttpSender (BasicHandler) options. I still am unable to set these dynamically though.
I figured out a way around the problem. In my code where I wanted to set the property I use:
serviceLocator.getEngine().setOption(USE_CERT_PROPERTY, new Boolean(true));
where getEngine returns the AxisEngine in use. Then in the socket factory I can:
Boolean useSMS = (Boolean) MessageContext.getCurrentContext().getProperty(OtherClass.USE_CERT_PROPERTY);
I could set the object to whatever, maybe I'll go with the certificate name I needed. Hope this helps someone.
You can retrieve the SocketFactory instance and then change or add attributes, if you are interested in modify SocketFactory behavior. But if you do this, you also should inject the HashTable attribute (with the timeout). I think there is not a final and pretty solution.
AxisProperties.setProperty("", MyAxisSocketFactory.class.getName());
MyAxisSocketFactory factory = (MyAxisSocketFactory) SocketFactoryFactory.getFactory("https", myHashTableParams);
After this code, the instance of SocketFactory will be created and configured, and ready to use in web services, or whatever ^_^
