Poll different remote directories using SftpInboundAdapter and RemoteDirectoryExpression - spring-integration

I have an application that uses spring integration to poll files from the SFTP and process them. The structure of the sftp will be always similar, but new folders are going to be created. Example:
I'm using a Sftp Inbound Adapter to poll the SFTP server and start the flow, something like:
public IntegrationFlow flow() {
return IntegrationFlows.from(
.localDirectory(new File("sftp-inbound"))
, e -> e.id("sftpInboundAdapter")
.poller(Pollers.fixedDelay(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS)))
The bean directoryProvider will get the folders from the DB and will go in round-robin returning each folder, which according to what I understood from the documentation:
Starting with version 4.2, you can specify remote-directory-expression instead of remote-directory, letting you dynamically determine the directory on each poll — for example, remote-directory-expression="#myBean.determineRemoteDir()"
it's what I'm needing, however, the method getDirectory is only executed twice when the IntegrationFlow is created and instead of getting a new folder on each poll, it uses the second one that was retrieved and is not asking again.
Did I understood wrong the documentation? Is there an easy way to do this, like a wild card for the intermediate folder structure? sales/*/in ? Thanks!

See Inbound Channel Adapters: Polling Multiple Servers and Directories.
Use a RotatingServerAdvice with a custom RotationPolicy.
Or use an outbound gateway instead, with a recursive MGET command.


Using Control Bus EIP in Spring Integration to start/stop channels dynamically

I am interested in using Spring Integration to fetch files from various endpoints (FTP servers, email inboxes, S3, etc.) and load them into my system (essentially, ETL).
There are times when I will want these channels active and running, and other times when I will want them paused/stopped. Meaning, even if there are files available at the source, I do not want the channel consuming the data and doing anything with it.
Is a control bus an appropriate start/stop solution here:
public IntegrationFlow controlBusFlow() {
return IntegrationFlow.from("controlBus")
If so, how would I stop/restart a specific channel (route between an S3 bucket and the rest of my system) using the Java DSL/API? And if not, then what is the recommended practice/EIP to apply here?
Yes, the Control Bus is exactly a pattern and tool designed for your goal: https://www.enterpriseintegrationpatterns.com/ControlBus.html.
Yes, to use it you need to send messages to input channel of that control bus endpoint. The payload of message to sent must be a command to do some control activity for endpoint. Typically we call start and stop.
So, let's imagine you have an S3 source polling channel adapter:
IntegrationFlow s3Flow(S3InboundFileSynchronizingMessageSource s3InboundFileSynchronizingMessageSource) {
return IntegrationFlow.from(s3InboundFileSynchronizingMessageSource, e -> e.id("myS3SourceEndpoint"))
So, to stop that myS3SourceEndpoint via Control Bus, you need to send a message with a payload #myS3SourceEndpoint.stop().
Pay attention that we don't talk here about message channels neither message sources. The active components in the flow are really endpoints.
The Control Bus component utilizes a Command Message pattern. So, you need to build a respective message and send it to the input channel of that control bus endpoint. Something like this is OK:
MessageChannel controlBus;
this.controlBus.send(new GenericMessage<>("#myS3SourceEndpoint.stop()"));
You can use a MessagingTemplate.convertAndSend() if you don't like creating message yourself. Or you also can expose high-lever API via #MessagingGateway interface.
Everything you can find in docs: https://docs.spring.io/spring-integration/docs/current/reference/html/index.html

How to make the call to service activator transactional after split

I am using following to define my integration flow:
public IntegrationFlow pollingFlow(MessageSource<Object> jdbcMessageSource) {
return IntegrationFlows.from(jdbcMessageSource,
c -> c.poller(Pollers.fixedRate(250, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
I would like to make call to service activator that reads from taskSourceChannel as transactional. Also, I want to use following with my transaction.
public TransactionSynchronizationFactory transactionSynchronizationFactory() {
ExpressionEvaluatingTransactionSynchronizationProcessor syncProcessor
= new ExpressionEvaluatingTransactionSynchronizationProcessor();
return new DefaultTransactionSynchronizationFactory(syncProcessor);
The taskSourceChannel is an executor channel.
public MessageChannel taskSourceChannel() {
return new ExecutorChannel(executor());
How can I add transaction support after split while using TransactionSynchronizationFactory. I don't want to make polling transacational. The only solution I can think of is putting transactional on activator but that won't solve my problem. I would like to make it applicable to any service activator uses this channel.
You question is not so clear, but you definitely need to consider to add transaction into the service activator. Although you don't show what is the subscriber for that taskSourceChannel, but you need to think do not have several subscribers on it.
Nevertheless I think your point is to apply TX into the service activator on this taskSourceChannel and everything after that one.
For this purpose Spring Integration provides a TransactionHandleMessageAdvice. See more info the Reference Manual: https://docs.spring.io/spring-integration/reference/html/messaging-endpoints-chapter.html#tx-handle-message-advice.
The TransactionSynchronizationFactory is only used from the AbstractPollingEndpoint implementations. However you can still utilize it in your transactional context relying on the TransactionSynchronizationManager.registerSynchronization().

Spring Integration 5.07 Using Java DSL to bridge between two JMS queues

I need to throttle the movement of messages between some JMS (activeMQ) queues to ensure I dont overrun an external service used during message processing.
I have done this in the past with Camel but given that this project is otherwise entirely Spring based, I figured I'd give spring-integration a whirl.
I am happy to see that in 5.0.7 the Java DSL is in core and would really like to use it instead of xml.
But...I cant seem to find good/current docs for using the DSL to do even simple things like create the input and output messageChannels for JMS.
Could anyone point me to any current example of using the java DSL to create channels that I can use to consume and produce messages with...and then later use in a bridge with some throttling applied?
Well, looks like our JMS chapter in the Reference Manual leaks of the Java DSL samples, similar to what we have so far with AMQP, for example:
I believe we can add similar paragraphs into the JMS chapter as well. Please, raise a JIRA on the matter and we will address it soon. Meanwhile I suggest you to open a org.springframework.integration.jms.dsl.Jms factory for appropriate builder to use.
On the other hand I can suggest you to take a look into the existing test-case of some possible configurations: https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-integration/blob/master/spring-integration-jms/src/test/java/org/springframework/integration/jms/dsl/JmsTests.java
For example to read from the queue you need a configuration like this:
public IntegrationFlow jmsMessageDrivenFlow() {
return IntegrationFlows
.from(Jms.messageDrivenChannelAdapter(jmsConnectionFactory(), DefaultMessageListenerContainer.class)
.configureListenerContainer(c -> c.clientId("foo")))
.<String, String>transform(String::toLowerCase)
To send to the JMS you need something like this:
public IntegrationFlow jmsOutboundFlow() {
return f -> f
.destinationExpression("headers." + SimpMessageHeaderAccessor.DESTINATION_HEADER)
.configureJmsTemplate(t -> t.id("jmsOutboundFlowTemplate")));

Spring integration DSL :: facing issue when calling channel from the xml

I did one simple DSL which retrieves the data from database and doing simple conversion in the service activator.
public IntegrationFlow mainFlow() {
return IntegrationFlows.from("userChannel")
queryChannel is a jdbc outbound gateway and sampleConverter is the service Activator.
<int-jdbc:outbound-gateway query="select * from employee where employee_id=:payload"
request-channel="queryChannel" data-source="dataSource"/>
The issue is after retrieving the data from database, the flow is not going to serviceActivator and it simply returns back the database response.
In xml configuration, I used to invoke gateway inside the chain like below.
<int:gateway id="query.gateway" request-channel="queryChannel"/>
Please suggest what I am doing wrong here. Thanks in advance.
That's a bit unusual to combine Java DSL and XML configuration, but they still work together.
Your problem I think that you are missing the fact that your queryChannel has two subscriber at runtime, not a chain of call.
The first one is <int-jdbc:outbound-gateway> and the second is that .handle("sampleConvertor","convertUser"). Right, when you declare a channel in the IntegrationFlow, the next EIP-method produces a subscriber for this channel. At the same time when you use a channel like request-channel or input-channel in the XML configuration that brings a subscriber as well.
So, you have two subscriber on the DirectChannel with the RoundRobinLoadBalancingStrategy and therefore only one of them will handle a message and if it is a request-replly component, like that <int-jdbc:outbound-gateway> it will produce a message into the output-channel or to the replyChannel in the headers. In your case the story is exactly about a replyChannel and therefore you don't go to the .handle("sampleConvertor","convertUser") because it's not the next in the chain, but just a parallel universe by the round-robin algorithm.
If you really would like to reach that .handle("sampleConvertor","convertUser") after calling the <int-jdbc:outbound-gateway>, you should consider to use .gateway("queryChannel") instead of that .channel().

Howto execute a success action tied to inbound flow after message processing via DirectChannel

This question is more of a design question than a real problem. Given following basic flow:
public DirectChannel getFileToSftpChannel() {
return new DirectChannel();
public IntegrationFlow sftpOutboundFlow() {
return IntegrationFlows.from(getFileToSftpChannel())
public IntegrationFlow filePollingInboundFlow() {
return from(s -> s.file(new File("path")).patternFilter("*.ext"),
e -> e.poller(fixedDelay(60, SECONDS).channel(getFileToSftpChannel()).get();
There is an inbound file polling flow which publishes messages via a DirectChannel to an outbound SFTP flow uploading the file.
After the entire flow finishes, I want to execute a "success" action: move the original file (locally) to an archive folder.
Using the DirectChannel, I understand that the upload will happen in the same thread as the file polling.
In other words, the file poller blocks untill the upload completes (or an error message is returned which is then pushed to the error channel).
Knowing this, I want to place the 'success' action (= moving the original file) on the inbound flow. Things I already know about and don't want to use:
Another 'handle' on the sftpOutbound. Reason: moving the file is tied to the inboud flow not the outbound flow. For ex. if I would introduce another, 2nd, producer later on (eg. a JMS inbound flow) publishing to the same channel, there would be no 'file' to be moved.
Adding an interceptor on the DirectChannel and use the 'afterSendCompletion'. Reason: same as above, I want to logic to be tied to the inbound flow
Add transaction semantics on the inbound flow and react on 'commit'. Reason: as all of this is non transactional (file system/SFTP based) I want to avoid using this.
Another thing I tried was adding an 'handle' on the inbound flow. However, I learned as the inbound flow has no real 'reply', the handle is executed before the message is sent, so this doesn't work as the move has to be executed after successful processing of the message.
Question in short: what is the standard way of executing an action supplied by the producer (=inbound flow) after the message was successfully processed by a consumer (=outbound flow) via the DirectChannel?
Well, the standard way to do something similar is transaction and that's why we some time ago introduced the PseudoTransactionManager and the XML sample for similar task looks like:
<int-file:inbound-channel-adapter id="realTx" channel="txInput" auto-startup="false"
<int:poller fixed-rate="500">
<int:transactional synchronization-factory="syncFactory"/>
<bean id="transactionManager" class="org.springframework.integration.transaction.PseudoTransactionManager"/>
<int:transaction-synchronization-factory id="syncFactory">
<int:after-commit expression="payload.delete()"/>
As you see we remove the file in the end of transaction which is caused really after your move to SFTP.
I'd say it is the best way to be tied with only the producer.
Another way is to introduce one more channel before getFileToSftpChannel() and apply the ChannelInterceptor.afterSendCompletion which will be invoked in the end too, by the same single-thread reason. With this approach you should just bridge all your producers with their specific DirectChannels to that single getFileToSftpChannel() for the SFTP adapter.
So, it's up to you what to choose. You have good argument from the architectural perspective to divide the logic by the responsibility levels, but as you see there is no so much choice...
Any other ideas are welcome!
You can try something like the following
public DirectChannel getFileToSftpChannel() {
DirectChannel directChannel = new DirectChannel();
directChannel.addInterceptor(new ChannelInterceptorAdapter() {
public void afterSendCompletion(final Message<?> message,
final MessageChannel channel, final boolean sent, final Exception ex) {
if (ex == null) {
new Archiver().archive((File) message.getPayload());
return directChannel;
