How to enable/disable staticwebsite on blob service using script - azure

In order to programmatically automate enablement of the static website on blob service. What should be the property field allowed? I am unable to find something similar to this Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/blobService/staticWebsite.
Can anyone help me with this?

Indeed, you can do so with some Azure CLI commands.
# To query the current status of the property
az storage blob service-properties show --account-name <your-storage-account> --query 'staticWebsite.enabled'
To set toggle the staticWebsite.enabled property, you can use the az storage blob service-properties update command as follows:
az storage blob service-properties update --account-name <your-storage-account> --static-website
The Azure PowerShell equivalents for the above would be the Enable-AzStorageStaticWebsite and Disable-AzStorageStaticWebsite cmdlets.


Azure CLI and SAS Token issue in PowerShell

I generated SAS token in Azure Portal and trying to use it to upload files to blob storage:
az storage blob upload-batch --source ./test --destination '$web' --account-name 'myaccountname' --sas-token '"sp=racwl&st=2022-02-22T17:04:19Z&se=2022-12-23T01:04:19Z&spr=https&sv=2020-08-04&sr=c&sig=mXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXONfAA%3D"'
But above command gives me following error in PowerShell:
<AuthenticationErrorDetail>Signature fields not well formed.</AuthenticationErrorDetail>
I am literally copying the SAS Token from Azure Portal so how on earth can it be malformed?
We have ran the same az storage blob upload-batch cmdlet in our local environment( which is running with powershell v5.1) & we are able to upload the files from local machine to the storage account as shown in below.
Here is the cmdlet we have used :
az storage blob upload-batch --account-name <strgAccountName> -s <sourcefilepath> -d '' --sas-token '<generatedSAStoken from portal>'
Here is the sample Output for reference:
To the above cmdlet, We have tried passing the SAS token with appending(single quote+ question mark) '?' & without passing in single quote's to the --sas-token flag in both the cases we are able to upload the files from local machine to Azure storage container.
I don't know what was wrong, but suddenly it started to work with '"sastoken"' format. Thanks for your responses.

Azure CLI - How to find available 'endpoints' from an account key?

I have an account key and corresponding account name. How can I find the storage options it has?
az storage account list
retrieves the accounts that my subscription has access to, and I get the access points:
"primaryEndpoints": {
"blob": "",
"dfs": "",
"file": "",
"internetEndpoints": null,
"microsoftEndpoints": null,
"queue": "",
"table": "",
"web": ""
I want to obtain a similar endpoint for an account for which I have an account key, how to do this?
Then, if there is a 'blob' access point, I know that I can call:
az storage fs list --account-name "MYACCOUNT" --account-key "MYKEY"
to get the list of blob containers.
Bonus question: how to know whether the key is for a Gen1 or Gen2 type account?
I have an account key and corresponding account name. How can I find the storage options it has? (question from user)
If you are using the cli , you need to connect to the subscription where the storage account is present & run the below commnads to show list of storage options/access endpoints & properities of that particular storage without using the account key.
az login
az account set --subscription
az storage account show --Name "accountname" --resource-group "resource-groupname"
As per the documentation the cmdlets "az storage fs" are used to manage the file systems in azure data lake storage gen2 account.
Azure don't have any mechanism to identify a storage account generations using access key generally When you create a storage account, Azure generates two 512-bit storage account access keys. These keys can be used to authorize access to data in your storage account via Shared Key authorization.
Alternatively, you can use Azure storage explorer from (Portal/Desktop version) to check the storage options and type of storage account it is as shown in below image if the HNS value of the storage account is true then it is a ADLS gen2 account.
Using Azure Cli , and use --query parameter to filter result
az storage account show --name $storage_account_name --resource-group $ResourceGroup

Delete Azure storage blob given a URI

I am working on a cleanup script that deletes an Azure image and its underlying storage blob. I can find the storage blob for my image with this command:
az image list --query "[?name=='$IMAGE_NAME'] | [].storageProfile.osDisk.blobUri"
(This is bash, so $IMAGE_NAME gets replaced with the actual image name). The output of the above command is a JSON list of URIs, each looking something like this:
Looking at the documentation for az storage blob delete, I can tell that this blob can be deleted with a command like this:
az storage blob delete --account-name storage_account --container container_name --name blob_name.vhd
So, obviously I can parse the URI and then generate this command. However, this seems odd: what's the point of giving blobs a URI if you can't use them?
So my question is:
Is there a direct az cli command to delete a blob by using its URI?
Better yet, is there a way to delete the blob associated with a given Azure image?
There is no built-in CLI command to delete with blob url directly. There is a workaround to use az rest to call the Delete Blob REST API.
access_token = $(az account get-access-token --resource --query accessToken -o tsv)
now = $(env LANG=en_US TZ=GMT date '+%a, %d %b %Y %T %Z')
headers = "Authorization=Bearer "+$access_token+" x-ms-date="+$now+" x-ms-version=2020-08-04"
az rest --method delete --uri $blob_url --headers $headers

How to list storage blob url using az cli?

I want to list (programmatically) the url of my blob storage. The url I am looking for is
I tried az storage account list and az storage blob show but neither of them display the url.
There is a az storage blob url but that creates a url. I am interested in listing the url.
Does anyone know how to obtain this ?
If the url for the blobs is always
without any custom domains configured, just list all containers with blobs, take the container name and blob name, and put it in the URL.
You can get Storage account URL Using
az storage account show --name $storage_account_name --resource-group $ResourceGroup --query "primaryEndpoints.blob")
or all the properties without using query from which you can pick whichever property you want
az storage account show --name $storage_account_name --resource-group $ResourceGroup

Upgrade Access Tier via Azure CLI or Python Code for Storage Account Gen2

We Want to update the access tiers in the ADLS Gen2 for Multiple paths and want to use Azure CLI or Python Code as per our requirement.
According to Microsoft Documentation, We see only Portal and Power shell code to do it.
Can anyone let us know if we can explore through the mentioned code.
Are you looking for this command -
az storage account update -g <resource-group> -n <storage-account> --set kind=StorageV2 --access-tier=<Hot/Cool>
I was able to update the access tier of Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 using this command.
I'm not sure you want to change account access tier or blob access tier.
If you want to change blob access tier.
You can try this command:
az storage blob set-tier --account-key 00000000 --account-name MyAccount --container-name MyContainer --name MyBlob --tier Hot
tier value choose among Archive, Cool, Hot.
Below is my test screenshot,it works:
Here is the API document.
