i've been trying to make a python snake game with python but i keep on getting "pygame not initialised" error [closed] - python-3.x

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Closed 1 year ago.
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I've been trying to make a python snake game with python but I keep on getting "pygame not initialized"
Error :

You haven't called pygame.init() anywhere


This is code When i run this code i get this error,the error in the image [closed]

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Closed yesterday.
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I want some solution for this error:

ImportError: attempted relative import with no known parent package while working in Flask Module [closed]

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Closed 9 days ago.
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I want to import db but unable to do so. I am a noob coder

Why calculating cosine manually is not working? [closed]

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Closed 7 days ago.
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Here is the program to download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/13SREbCQArV4U1nidc8A6YO-Vt1Kh6TM6/view?usp=sharing
It is based on this C program: https://www.bragitoff.com/2017/08/evaluate-plot-cosine-infinite-series-using-c-programming-gnuplot/

Qtdesigner buttons layout [closed]

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Closed 19 days ago.
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How can I put these buttons in the layout to don't change their position because when I try I get something like this

I am unable to run the NN model [closed]

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Closed 6 days ago.
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Please can someone help me on why I am getting this error. I am unable to fit the model
I want to fit the modelenter image description here Here is the error code:enter image description here
