Can't open correctly .prn file from BarTender (TPCL) - printers

I need to export a file from BarTender with Cyrillic, but when I open the file I get something like this:
Use next settings:
Printer: TOSHIBA B-FV4

Ok, when I use cyrillic, in text settings I use common font for cyrillic and thats correct write to .prn file.


PDF Files created on Terminal

I created a pdf file on the Ubuntu's terminal and add plain text. When I use cat it shows the wrote text, no problem. But if I try to open the file with a pdf viewer it says that is corrupted and I can't see.
Why this happen?
There is a way of see the file out of the terminal?
I'm new at Linux.
Remember, the file contains only plain text, and I can normally see the content at the terminal.

Corrupt Text File read/write/open

I have a large text file that I take notes in; Recently, after saving it, it won't open and gives following error. I tried a few things on web that didn't work---opening in different encoding format, etc. Nothing worked. Any idea how I can open it again? Is there a language I can use from bash? I'm very familiar with PHP. Any ideas? Different text editor?
"The document “ToDo.txt” could not be opened. Text encoding Unicode (UTF-8) isn’t applicable."
"The file may have been saved using a different text encoding, or it may not be a text file."
cat the file from the CLI and make sure your data is still there. Then you could simply copy and paste the output into a new file and hopefully get rid of whatever weird encodings are causing that text editor to not read the file.

export data with chinese to CSV

I am trying to export data containing chinese(some non-english characters for that matter) from ui-grid to pdf or CSV. However the exported text is all garbled. Here is the plnkr link
I understand for the pdf export to work I need to have the correct cmap for the font and characterset in use but why is CSV export not working? I have even tried exporterOlderExcelCompatibility: false but that didn't help either.
Did you try with:
exporterOlderExcelCompatibility: true
(false is the default).
I had a problem exporting Umlaut character to CSV, and I fixed it using exporterOlderExcelCompatibility: true in the gridOptions configuration.
The issue you are facing with the CSV is most likely due to opening this in Excel. I do not face the issue with OpenOffice.
For Excel 2013, these steps should work:
Launch Excel, and go to the Data tab.
Click the From Text button.
Navigate to the exported file, and click open.
Set the encoding to UTF-8 if it wasn't auto-selected.
Click Next.
Change the delimeter to comma.
Click Finish.
Choose where you want the input, or just click OK.
At this point, you should have the CSV displaying correctly.
With the CSV exporter, CSV-JS, I do not see any options to set the encoding before hand.
If you have small file: open your csv using Google sheet. and save it as csv. It will work.
if you have large file: try open office( free and easy to download). Open with Open Office excel and save as utf-8.
The default English Windows encoding for Chinese is GBK. For Ubuntu is utf8t. Make sure you have the irght encoding for your system.

How can I print a utf8 string in the console using nodejs

I want to print a string in Bulgarian in the console using nodejs. I have a index.js file which does:
console.log('Текст на български.');
When I run it in the console with: node index.js It prints only - '??????????'
I am using Webstorm and I have set the IDE and Project File Encoding settings to utf8. I also tried:
var strInBulgarian = 'Текст на български.';
The same result. If I run the following in nodejs REPL I get the correct result:
console.log('Текст на български.');
Which leads me to beleive that the reason I get '???????' is because of the file encoding, but it is set to utf8. Any ideas? Here is a screenshot from the settings in Webstorm.
Hmm now that I changed all of the settings to UTF8 the text that is in Bulgarian in my comments changed to '?????' and it was fine before that. Someting is definitely not right. When I make a index.js file from Notepad++ and set the encoding to utf8 I have no trouble there. Something is not right with the settings of Webstorm.
Webstorm's "Project Encoding" setting seems to only apply to newly added files. Judging from your screenshot (see lower-right corner), your individual files still use Windows-1252. You need to manually make Webstorm interpret each file as UTF-8.
Either through the dropdown menu on the bottom right of your window, after opening the file in question:
Or through the 'File Encodings' settings window itself:
Another possibility would be to directly mess with the .idea/encodings.xml file in your project dir, but I won't go into details there.
If you're using the standard Windows command prompt, you need to make sure that both the UTF8 code page is being used (chcp 65001) and that you are using the Lucida Console font instead of the Raster Fonts.
After making these changes, the text is shown just fine for me, both in the REPL and when executed from a file.

How to edit a .sx file

I am trying to edit an .sx file associated with this addon for microsoft test manager: Test Scribe
But if I make any change to the file in any editor test manager crashes. This should work since other people have said this is how they fixed the plugin not handling certain characters.
When I open the file in notepad++ it looks almost like an archive or something. Any ideas?
Figured it out, turns out it is using zip so you can open it and edit the files inside.
