how to terminate rest request gracefully - python-3.x

I want to terminate rest request coming to server without further processing if input params are missing.
Currently this is the implementation, which I think is not very good for verify_required_params().
I want to terminate this request without returning any value from verify_required_params() in case of missing params. else flow should continue.
Running this on flask server and open to include any new package for best/ optimized approach.
Can please someone suggest an optimize way for this?
#app.route('/is_registered', methods=['POST'])
def is_registered():
_json = request.get_json()
keys = _json.keys()
customer = Customer()
if verify_required_params(['mobile'], keys) is True:
_mobile = _json['mobile']
validated = validate_mobile(_mobile)
registered = customer.find(_mobile)
if not validated:
response = get_response('MOBILE_NUMBER_NOT_VALID')
return jsonify(response)
if not registered:
response = get_response('MOBILE_NUMBER_NOT_REGISTERED')
return jsonify(response)
response = get_response('MOBILE_NUMBER_REGISTERED')
return jsonify(response)
return verify_required_params(['mobile'], keys)
def verify_required_params(required, received):
required = set(required)
received = set(received)
missing = list(sorted(required - received))
data = {"missing_key(s)": missing}
# response = app.response_class(
# response=json.dumps(data),
# status=200,
# mimetype='application/json'
# )
if missing:
return jsonify(data)
return True

🎶 You say it works in a RESTful way, then your errors come back as 200 OK 🎶
In REST, your URL should encode all the information about your entity. In your case, you are identifying a client by their phone number, and you are getting rather than updating information about them, so your endpoint should look like GET /client/<phonenumber>/registered. That way, a request can't not provide this information without going to a different endpoint.
In short, your code will be replaced with:
#app.route('/client/<mobile>/registered', methods=['GET'])
def is_registered(mobile):
if not mobile.is_decimal():
return jsonify({'error': 'mobile is not number'}), 400 # Bad Request
customer = Customer()
registered = bool(customer.find(mobile))
# does it make sense to have a customer who is not registered yet?
# if not, use:
if not registered:
return jsonify({'error': 'client not found'}), 404 # Not Found
validated = validate_mobile(mobile)
return jsonify( {'validated': validated, 'registered': registered} )
In addition, it's better to have the validation function be a decorator. That way it gets called before the actual business logic of the function. For your example of checking whether request.get_json() contains the proper fields, this is how it would look like:
import functools
def requires_fields(fields):
required_fields = set(fields)
def wrapper(func):
def decorated(*args, **kwargs):
current_fields = set(request.get_json().keys())
missing_fields = required_fields
if missing_fields:
return jsonify({'error': 'missing fields', 'fields': list(missing_fields)}), 400 # Bad Request
resp = func(*args, **kwargs)
return resp
return wrapper
# usage:
#app.route('/comment', methods=['POST'])
#requires_fields(['author', 'post_id', 'body'])
def create_comment():
data = request.get_json()
id = FoobarDB.insert('comment', author=data['author'], post_id=data['post_id'], body=data['body'])
return jsonify({'new_id': id}), 201 # Created
If you must leave it the way it is now, then in order to not return data from the validation function, you must raise an HTTPException. The default function to do it is flask.abort(code).


I can't get metadata from stripe session in django

I'm doing a course in udemy and there's a stripe payment lesson in django. And the problem is that today's stripe docs are different from docs from the lesson and I can't do a one thing: get an order_id from the order to make my function work correct (function change order status, save order in 'basket_history' dict and delete an actual basket). There are code from the video and my one:
Similar code:
class OrderCreateView(TitleMixin, CreateView):
title = 'Store - Оформление заказа'
template_name = 'orders/order-create.html'
form_class = OrderForm
success_url = reverse_lazy('orders:order_create')
def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
super().post(request, *args, **kwargs)
baskets = Basket.objects.filter(user=self.request.user)
checkout_session = stripe.checkout.Session.create(
line_items = baskets.stripe_products(),
metadata = {'order_id':},
success_url='{}{}'.format(settings.DOMAIN_NAME, reverse('orders:order_success')),
cancel_url='{}{}'.format(settings.DOMAIN_NAME, reverse('orders:order_canceled')),
return HttpResponseRedirect(checkout_session.url, status = HTTPStatus.SEE_OTHER)
def form_valid(self, form):
form.instance.initiator = self.request.user
return super(OrderCreateView, self).form_valid(form)
def my_webhook_view(request):
payload = request.body
sig_header = request.META['HTTP_STRIPE_SIGNATURE']
event = None
event = stripe.Webhook.construct_event(
payload, sig_header, settings.STRIPE_WEBHOOK_SECRET
except ValueError as e:
# Invalid payload
return HttpResponse(status=400)
except stripe.error.SignatureVerificationError as e:
# Invalid signature
return HttpResponse(status=400)
Then the difference
My code:
# Handle the checkout.session.completed event
if event['type'] == 'checkout.session.completed':
# Retrieve the session. If you require line items in the response, you may include them by expanding line_items.
session = stripe.checkout.Session.retrieve(
line_items = session.line_items
# Fulfill the purchase...
# Passed signature verification
return HttpResponse(status=200)
def fulfill_order(line_items):
order_id = int(line_items.metadata.order_id)
order = Order.objects.get(id = order_id)
Lesson's code:
# Handle the checkout.session.completed event
if event['type'] == 'checkout.session.completed':
# Retrieve the session. If you require line items in the response, you may include them by expanding line_items.
session = event['data']['object']
# Fulfill the purchase...
# Passed signature verification
return HttpResponse(status=200)
def fulfill_order(session):
order_id = int(session.metadata.order_id)
order = Order.objects.get(id = order_id)
So, fulfill_order doesn't work.
Help me pls and sorry for my english)
P.S. I've tried the old docs code, but id doesn't work

Best practice to call function inside route methode

I'm new to flask and in order to refactor an existing route method on a Flask API, i'm looking for the best practice to reduce it and call method inside the route method.
Acutally the route is designed like that :
#qman.route('/add_report/', methods=['POST'])
def create_report():
Check if data send throught http POST request, is correct based on the report
schema and not already recorded in the table report of the DB.
:param: data from POST request
:return: Ok, valide and imported -> 201, Correct but AlreadyKnown -> 208,
InvalideScheme -> 422
jsonData = request.get_json()
reportSchema = ReportSchema()
data = reportSchema.load(jsonData)
except ValidationError as validation_err:
return(validation_err.messages), 422
nameReportCheck = data["report_name"]
report = Report.query.filter_by(report_name=nameReportCheck).first()
if report is None:
# Create new report
report = Report(
NewResult = reportSchema.dump(Report.query.get(report.reportID))
return{"message" : "Created new report" , "report" : NewResult}, 201
else :
reportAlreadyKnown = reportSchema.dump(Report.query.get(report.reportID))
return{"message" : "This report is already in the DB", "report" : reportAlreadyKnown}, 208
In the facts i would like to call a function named valid_schema(_schema, _jsondata) to check if the data send throught POST request match with my schema of model Report().
This function return a Response() object with serialized data and a 200 code if it's serialization is possible or an error that i cath inside try/except with 400 error code.
def valid_schema(_schema, _jsondata):
schema = _schema()
data = schema.load(_jsondata)
except ValidationError as validation_err:
response = Response(validation_err.messages, 422)
return response
response = Response(data, 200, mimetype="application/json")
return response
Then the route method call an other function named create_report(report_data) if valid_schema(_schema, _jsondata) return report_data and 200 code in response object.
With his args, this method check if the records is not already in the DB and if is not, he create a Report() object from report_data arg and insert this one as a new record into the DB.
In fact I guess I can easily call this method inside the route function but it seem weird and there is probably an other way that I can't find, maybe decorator ?
One possibility for refactoring is the use of webargs, Flask-Marshmallow and marshmallow-sqlalchemy.
With Flask-Marshmallow you can check the input by specifying fields and validators. Webargs offers you the option of validating the defined scheme in a decorator and passing it on to the route as an argument. Using marshmallow-sqlalchemy in combination, this is immediately converted into a database model.
The following example is based on your information and gives you a brief overview of the usage. By defining your own error handler, the error messages can also be sent as JSON. Use in blueprints, views or the like is possible.
from flask import Flask
from flask import jsonify
from flask_sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemy
from flask_marshmallow import Marshmallow
from marshmallow.validate import Length, OneOf
from webargs.flaskparser import use_args
app = Flask(__name__)
db = SQLAlchemy(app)
ma = Marshmallow(app)
class Report(db.Model):
id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
name = db.Column(db.String, unique=True)
hostname = db.Column(db.String)
status = db.Column(db.String)
date = db.Column(db.DateTime)
nb_analysis_error = db.Column(db.String)
class ReportSchema(ma.SQLAlchemyAutoSchema):
class Meta:
model = Report
load_instance = True
sqla_session = db.session
name = ma.Str(required=True, validate=Length(min=3))
hostname = ma.Str(required=True)
date = ma.DateTime(required=True)
status = ma.Str(required=True, validate=OneOf(['online', 'offline']))
nb_analysis_error = ma.Str(missing='Unknown Error')
#app.route('/add_report', methods=['POST'])
#use_args(ReportSchema(), location='json')
def add_report(report):
report_schema = ReportSchema()
_report = Report.query.filter_by(
if _report:
report_data = report_schema.dump(_report)
return jsonify(message='Already Reported', report=report_data), 208
report_data = report_schema.dump(report)
return jsonify(message='Created', report=report_data), 201
with app.app_context():

How to set response status code in route with type json in odoo 14

I have created a route with type Json in odoo 14.
#http.route('/test', auth='public', methods=['POST'], type="json", csrf=False)
def recieve_data(self, **kw):
headers = request.httprequest.headers
args = request.httprequest.args
data = request.jsonrequest
So when I receive request using this route everything is fine, but suppose I want to return a different status code like 401, I could not do that with the route which type is json.
I have also tried the bellow method but the problem with this method is that it stops all odoo future requests.
from odoo.http import request, Response
#http.route('/test', auth='public', methods=['POST'], type="json", csrf=False)
def recieve_data(self, **kw):
headers = request.httprequest.headers
args = request.httprequest.args
data = request.jsonrequest
Response.status = "401 unauthorized"
return {'error' : 'You are not allowed to access the resource'}
So in the above example If I set the response status code to 401 all other requests even if they are to different routes will be stopped and its status code changes 401 .
I have checked this problem in both odoo14 and odoo13.
You cannot specify the code of the response, as you can see the status code is hardcoded in
def _json_response(self, result=None, error=None):
# ......
# ......
return Response(
body, status=error and error.pop('http_status', 200) or 200,
headers=[('Content-Type', mime), ('Content-Length', len(body))]
If the result is not an error the status code is always 200. but you can change the code of the method directly or use a monkey patch witch if it's not really important to specify the code of status in the result don't do ti ^^.
A simple monkey patch put this in of the module that you want this behavior in it.
from odoo.http import JsonRequest
class JsonRequestPatch(JsonRequest):
def _json_response(self, result=None, error=None):
response = {
'jsonrpc': '2.0',
'id': self.jsonrequest.get('id')
default_code = 200
if error is not None:
response['error'] = error
if result is not None:
response['result'] = result
# you don't want to remove some key of another result by mistake
if isinstance(response, dict)
defautl_code = response.pop('very_very_rare_key_here', default_code)
mime = 'application/json'
body = json.dumps(response, default=date_utils.json_default)
return Response(
body, status=error and error.pop('http_status', defautl_code ) or defautl_code,
headers=[('Content-Type', mime), ('Content-Length', len(body))]
JsonRequest._json_response = JsonRequestPatch._json_response
and in the result of JSON api you can change the code of status like this
def some_controler(self, **kwargs):
result = ......
result['very_very_rare_key_here'] = 401
return result
The risk in monkey patching is you override the method compeletly and if some change is done in Odoo in new version you have to do you it in your method too.
The above code is from odoo 13.0 I did a lot of this when I build a restfull module to work with a website uses axios witch don't allow sending body in GET request. and odoo expect the argument to be inside the body in json request.

python django Mock SAML Response from onelogin.saml.auth library using python3-saml

I have implemented for our django back-end application (SP) possibility to login via SAML, as IDP im using Keycloak. It works fine, but I want to write tests to be sure that all logic is being executed correctly. For this I want to generate a post request with SAML as body and mock (unittest.mock.patch) the real request. But i stuck.
Here is my django view, which accepts get and post requests when I try to login via SAML:
class SamlLoginView(View):
def prepare_django_request(request):
if 'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR' in request.META:
server_port = 443
server_port = request.META.get('SERVER_PORT')
result = {
'https': 'on' if request.is_secure() else 'off',
'http_host': request.META['HTTP_HOST'],
'script_name': request.META['PATH_INFO'],
'server_port': server_port,
'get_data': request.GET.copy(),
'post_data': request.POST.copy(),
return result
def get(self, *args, **kwargs):
req = SamlLoginView.prepare_django_request(self.request)
auth = OneLogin_Saml2_Auth(req, settings.SAML_IDP_SETTINGS)
return_url = self.request.GET.get('next') or settings.LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL
return HttpResponseRedirect(auth.login(return_to=return_url))
def post(self, *args, **kwargs):
req = SamlLoginView.prepare_django_request(self.request)
auth = OneLogin_Saml2_Auth(req, settings.SAML_IDP_SETTINGS)
errors = auth.get_errors()
if not errors:
if auth.is_authenticated():"Login", extra={'action': 'login',
'userid': auth.get_nameid()})
user = authenticate(request=self.request,
login(self.request, user)
return HttpResponseRedirect("/")
raise PermissionDenied()
return HttpResponseBadRequest("Error when processing SAML Response: %s" % (', '.join(errors)))
In my tests, I wanted to directly call the post method, in which there will be a saml inside:
class TestSamlLogin(TestCase):
def test_saml_auth(self, prepare):
client = APIClient()
url = reverse_lazy("miri_auth:samllogin")
saml_resp='<xml with saml response>'
resp =, data=saml_resp)
but obviously it shows that request.POST is empty.
I then decided to make a mock for the prepare_django_request function, and manually insert the saml:
def mocked_prepare_request(request):
post_query_dict = QueryDict(mutable=True)
post_data = {
'SAMLResponse': saml_xml,
'RelayState': '/accounts/profile/'
result = {
'https': 'on',
'http_host': '<http-host>',
'script_name': '/api/auth/samllogin/',
'server_port': '443',
'get_data': {},
'post_data': post_query_dict,
return result
class TestSamlLogin(TestCase):
#patch('miri_auth.views.SamlLoginView.prepare_django_request', side_effect=mocked_prepare_request)
def test_saml_auth(self, prepare):
client = APIClient()
url = reverse_lazy("miri_auth:samllogin")
saml_resp='<xml with saml response>'
resp =, data=saml_resp)
and depending on how I pass the saml_xml it throws different errors, if i define it as string:
with open(os.path.join(TEST_FILES_PATH, 'saml.xml')) as f:
saml_xml = " ".join([x.strip() for x in f])
it returns: lxml.etree.XMLSyntaxError: Start tag expected, '<' not found, line 1, column 1, although I checked the output from saml_xml in the xml validator and it says that the xml is valid.
When i try to parse the file into xml in advance, i get another error later,
libraries with which I tried to parse:
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from xml.dom import minidom
from lxml import etree
tree = etree.parse(os.path.join(TEST_FILES_PATH, 'saml.xml'))
it returns:
TypeError: argument should be a bytes-like object or ASCII string, not '_ElementTree'
Debugging these errors didn't lead me to any solution.
If anyone has any thoughts on how this can be implemented (Mocking response with SAML), or where I made a mistake, I would be glad to hear.
Thank in advance
I realized that the SAML Response must be encoded:
with open(os.path.join(TEST_FILES_PATH, 'saml.xml')) as f:
saml_xml = " ".join([x.strip() for x in f])
base64_saml = base64.b64encode(saml_xml.encode('ascii')).decode('ascii')
post_data = {'SAMLResponse': base64_saml, 'RelayState': '/accounts/profile/'}
url = reverse_lazy("miri_auth:samllogin")
request =, post_data)
but now i am getting the following errors:
func=xmlSecOpenSSLEvpDigestVerify:file=digests.c:line=280:obj=sha256:subj=unknown:error=12:invalid data:data and digest do not match

How to parse the gmail messages.get() batch response in python 3

I have batched and executed my request using the following code:
batch = BatchHttpRequest()
for msg_id in message_ids:
batch.add(service.users().messages().get(userId = 'me', id = msg_id['id']), callback = mycallbackfunc)
How can I access the responses for each of the requests? I have looked through the documentation but there is no public method to get the responses.
You access the response of each request in the callback function, which is called mycallbackfunc in your example:
def process_message(request_id, response, exception):
if exception is not None:
# Do something with the exception
# Do something with the response
batch = BatchHttpRequest()
for msg_id in message_ids:
batch.add(service.users().messages().get(userId = 'me', id = msg_id['id']), callback=process_message)
