Display Product Attibutes Label insted of Product Attibutes code in Exported CSV file - attributes

I want to show product attibutes label instaed of product attributes code in exported csv file from backend admin for first column.How can I achieve functionlity.


Assign an index to the document from the list and move it to the correct folder in the library in SharePoint Online

I've a library "Upload Library", where I upload the images (PNG, JPG, BMP, GIF). I choose the category from drop-down menu. For example "PNG".
Then, based on the value in the Category field, the file is assigned an ID/type by concatenation of the Category fields and the value of the corresponding number in the Index_List. For example "PNG_0". After that, 'one' will be added to the number in the sheet and the next file with this extension will have Type/ID "PNG_1".
The file should move to the correct folder in the library "Destination_Library", according to the specified category. If the folder doesn't already exist, create a new one.
So, my question is, how can we choose the right number from the list "Index_List" to set the desired Type/ID for the file. And if we create a new category, how to add it to this sheet and take the number?

Track unowned/Drop Ship inventory in NetSuite

Here is what we are trying to do:
We want to track our vendors Drop Ship inventory which we do not own in NetSuite and be able to use the inventory feed from NetSuite to feed our eCommerce channels for both our owned and unowned inventory.
Here is what we've tried:
1- Enabled multi-location inventory
2- Created a "Drop Ship" location
3- Did an inventory adjustment to allocate inventory to that location
Here is the main issue we are facing:
The inventory should not show up on our balance sheet as we do not actually own it. In the scenario above, our inventory feed works as it should. However, the inventory shows up on our balance sheet.
Any assistance on how to get this to work without having the inventory shown on our balance sheet would be very much appreciated.
You could set cost to zero on the item record to reduce the balance sheet value to zero. To correctly show COGS on your P&L, you would need to add a cost on POs for each drop ship item.
To partially automate the PO process, create a custom column field that stores cost. When a PO is created or on a schedule, use a saved search email notification that includes an import ready CSV with Internal ID, Line ID, the custom cost field and a link to a saved CSV import in the body of the email. When you get the email notification, click the link and proceed to import the attached file with the correct item cost.

How to add column in document library in SharePoint 2013

I am trying to make a customized site Content and I have made it successfully on Document library.While uploading it gets uploaded well but the by default behavior of document library shows me three but default column which is there in the image
3)Modified By
I want to add 4th Column with user input named as a description.
Image is as follows:how to add Column in
From what I understood from your issue is, your column is getting created but not visible on view. When you create column column has property as SPField.ShowInDisplayForm , SPField.ShowInViewForms like properties. Its a Boolean value.

Search Display Template in Tabular Form with specified columns

What is the starting point to create a search display template in a table format and be able to specify which columns you want to display. Presently, the default format only shows the title, description, and link in a 3 row list. I would like to change this to have title, description, link in 3 columns (table format) and be able to add or remove more columns.
What I have managed till now is create a search page for Tasks, that only searches for files of that specific content type. Now I want to be able to decide which columns are shown in the resulting view and if possible show them in a tabular format.
I was thinking about finding a similar template and try edit the HTML to make it look as I want it. Is there a similar template? Or perhaps a ready template which I missed?
There was indeed a similar template, very similar to what I needed:
Displaying SharePoint 2013 Search Results in a Table
The table template html files are also provided for under an MIT License.

export all the products with all fields as a csv file Netsuite

We have 4000 inventory Items , I want to export all the products with all custom fields and System fields of all products as a csv file.
can somebody help will the script.
