Azure reservation scoped to a set of subscriptions - azure

We have an EA agreement with MS and there are 100s of subscriptions in that. Out of them, 10 subscriptions are owned by my division. We are considering purchasing reservations for our division. Shared scope sounds exciting to us, but we are worried our reservations will flow out to the other 90 subscriptions if I enable scope as shared.
How can we make sure that my reservation only applies to the 10 subscriptions we have?

Quoting the Azure Portal:
Shared - The reservation discount is applied to the matching resources in eligible subscriptions within your billing context. For enterprise customers, the billing context is the enrollment.
So there does not seem to be a way to share it across multiple subscriptions. You would need to split it per subscription in your case.


Managing different organizations on Azure

Currently, we have our own Azure active directory and azure subscription for our organization. Now I want to On-Board different organizations and users in different organizations into our Azure. infrastructure. I want to manage resources for all the organizations and want to get billing details of each organization.
There are two ways to On-Board different organizations
Create separate AAD and Subscription for each organization - Clear separation between organizations makes it easier to get billing details for each resource group. But this option could not be cost-effective as we need to create the same resource for each organization
Create an AAD group for each organization in our Azure active directory and use our main subscription for all organizations - We need to add resource tagging to each Azure resource to get the usage details and billing for each organization. This could be cost-effective but will not get the all the features of azure cost management like alerts, budget, etc.
Please let me know which option should be used in this scenario while On-Boarding a large number of organizations and users?
Let me know other Pros and Cons of each option.
I recommend to go with the separate Azure Active Directory along with separate subscriptions so that you can track the billing details for each organization.
We cannot track the billing details with single subscriptions for each organization separately. You can have one billing for 2 subscriptions and you cannot have more than billing for 2 subscriptions. Kindly check this link to get more information and see if it helps. If you have any further queries kindly let me know

MS Azure - Can a single organization have multiple organizations under it?

I'm looking into transitioning all our company systems to MS Azure from our current on-premises setup. We have multiple affiliates operating using their versions of the same system (i.e. a custom built application that is fundamentally the same but is tailor fit to specific business cases/industries.
Is it possible for our mother company to register for MS Azure, and the affiliates exist as separate organizations on that plan? or is each organization required to have its own Azure subscription?
Many Thanks,
I saw many different implementations of Azure for companies. Mostly based on per-separate-subscription model, sometimes I saw working with 1 subscription and then splitting teams to Resource Groups, I think it is all up to the company, budgets and goals.
I would recommend to read first these, maybe this will give you some hints how to start and migrate :)
You can have one tenant for your whole company, and individual subscriptions for each business case. The way that Azure does billing it is nice to split your industries into separate subscriptions until you have a solid tagging strategy in place.
I would highly suggest looking into management groups within Azure as you start to implement policy and RBAC for your individual subscriptions so that you can adhere to security best practices and avoid repeating yourself.

Microsoft Azure - policy to prevent creation of resources not covered by MSDN credit

I'm trying to create an Azure policy which would deny creation of any resource that's not covered by my MSDN subscription 130€ monthly quota. What happens is that I inadvertently create a resource which is not covered by MSDN subscription monthly quota, which leads to my Azure subscription being disabled the next day, and it remains disabled until the end of the monthly billing cycle. I raised a support issue with Microsoft, but they refused to help (because they are tring to get customers credit card data, which would remove the spending limit, and that's something I don't want to do).
Azure policy is not design to enforce billing quotas billing, it more for setting guidelines/policies about what can be deployed in subscriptions in your tenant.
MSDN account will cap at a certain amount, you can keep use the 'budgets' option on the subscription to keep track of how much you are spending.
Most 'enterprise' cloud providers are Pay-As-You-Go so no one is going to guarantee you a fixed price. You can also use the Azure Calculator to get an idea of what setup and consumption will let you stay under the MSDN quota.

How can i transfer the cost of a resource to one of my Bizpark's team member?

We have three developers in my startup and we are members of Microsoft Bizpark.
I am the only back-end developer so i create and control all the resources in our azure portal.
Even though i made the other members as owners of our resources (settings->users) i am still the only one losing credits. I always reach the limit and they always have 150$ left.
Is it possible to transfer the cost of a resource to another member or do i have to create it again from theirs accounts?
Thank you in advance for any response!
I've been using bizspark also, and there is no way to transfer elements between accounts. Depending on the objects you are planning to move, some of them, you will have to create a backup and restore them in the new account.
Basically, you have to create them again. It's a pain, but if you order your components you can get the most out of the 5 accounts wiht 150 usd.

Azure - Credit spread across multiple subscriptions

I have 2 subscriptions on Azure, both of which have MSDN credit associated to each subscription.
At the moment each subscription has an equal amount of credit, however all my virtual machines and cloud services reside on one of the subscriptions, meaning the credit runs down a lot quicker than the other available subscription.
Is there any way to transfer or migrate credit across subscriptions, so I can make the most of the credit available?
You can't transfer free credit between them. The idea of the MSDN credit is for Development and test (not production) purposes for the individuals who have the subscription, so things should be torn down regularly anyway.
There is such a thing as "Organizational Accounts" coming into azure (I think it's still in preview. Although that doesn't unify individual allowances, it does allow control over the individual's accounts.
Azure MSDN benefit details
