`while let Ok(t) ... = try_read!(...)` to make neater reading loop - rust

Is it possible to make short, neat loop that will call , as long as result is Ok(x) and act on x ?
E.g. sth like :
use text_io::try_read; // Cargo.toml += text_io = "0.1"
fn main() {
while let Ok(t): Result<i64, _> = try_read!() {
println!("{}", t);
fails to compile.
If I try to provide type info, then it fails,
when I don't provide , then obviously it's ambiguous how to resolve try_read!.
Here is working - but IMHO way longer - snippet:
use text_io::try_read; // Cargo.toml += text_io = "0.1"
fn main() {
loop {
let mut tok: Result<i64, _> = try_read!();
match tok {
Ok(t) => println!("{}", t),
Err(_) => break,

You can qualify Ok as Result::Ok and then use the "turbofish" operator to provide the concrete type:
fn main() {
while let Result::<i64, _>::Ok(t) = try_read!() {
println!("{}", t);
(while let Ok::<i64, _>(t) also works, but is perhaps a bit more cryptic.)
Another option is to request the type inside the loop - rustc is smart enough to infer the type for try_read!() from that:
fn main() {
while let Ok(t) = try_read!() {
let t: i64 = t;
println!("{}", t);
The latter variant is particularly useful in for loops where the pattern match is partly hidden, so there is no place to ascribe the type to.


Rust giving error for Option<usize> when using variable inside of method

I am very new to Rust and decided my first program to be a brainfuck interpreter.
I plan on using jump tables as the solution for the loops.
However I decided to rewrite the method to make it look better (for my tastes) and i got an error that I can't quite understand why
Code before causes no errors:
fn process_jumps(jump_map: &mut Vec<usize>, instructions: &Vec<Inst>){
let mut stack: Vec<usize> = Vec::new();
for (i, inst) in instructions.iter().enumerate() {
match inst {
Inst::LoopOpen => stack.push(i),
Inst::LoopClose => {
jump_map[i] = stack.pop();
jump_map[jump_map[i]] = i;
_ => ()
Code after has an error (marked in code):
fn process_jumps(instructions: &Vec<Inst>) -> Vec<usize> {
let mut jump_table: Vec<usize> = Vec::new();
let mut stack: Vec<usize> = Vec::new();
for (i, inst) in instructions.iter().enumerate() {
match inst {
Inst::LoopOpen => stack.push(i),
Inst::LoopClose => {
jump_table[i] = stack.pop(); // expected `usize`, found `Option<usize>`
jump_table[jump_map[i]] = i;
_ => ()
return jump_table;
My main question is why my code before didn't need me to check the optional?
Vec's pop() method returns Option<T>, not T.
You need to get the usize value from inside that Option, just make sure you've handled the None case correctly. When you are sure None is not possible, the simplest thing you could do is to unwrap() it.
Neither of your examples should really compile, as they both try to assign Option<usize> to a Vec<usize>.

How to convert a vector of enums into a vector of inner values of a specific variant of that enum

The following code example is the best that I have come up with so far:
enum Variant {
fn main() {
let my_vec = vec![Variant::VariantA(1),
let my_u64_vec = my_vec
.filter_map(|el| match el {
Variant::VariantA(inner) => Some(inner),
_ => None,
println!("my_u64_vec = {:?}", my_u64_vec);
I would like to know if there is a less verbose way of obtaining the vector of inner values (i.e., Vec<u64> in the example). It feels like I might be able to use something like try_from or try_into to make this less verbose, but I cannot quite get there.
Enums are not "special" and don't have much if any implicitly associated magic, so by default yes you need a full match -- or at least an if let e.g.
if let Variant::VariantA(inner) = el { Some(inner) } else { None }
However nothing prevents you from implementing whatever utility methods you're thinking of on your enum e.g. get_a which would return an Option<A> (similar to Result::ok and Result::err), or indeed to implement TryFrom on it:
use std::convert::{TryFrom, TryInto};
enum Variant {
impl TryFrom<Variant> for u64 {
type Error = ();
fn try_from(value: Variant) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
if let Variant::VariantA(v) = value { Ok(v) } else { Err(()) }
fn main() {
let my_vec = vec![Variant::VariantA(1),
let my_u64_vec = my_vec
.filter_map(|el| el.try_into().ok())
println!("my_u64_vec = {:?}", my_u64_vec);

How can I set a struct field value by string name?

Out of habit from interpreted programming languages, I want to rewrite many values based on their key. I assumed that I would store all the information in the struct prepared for this project. So I started iterating:
struct Container {
x: String,
y: String,
z: String
impl Container {
// (...)
fn load_data(&self, data: &HashMap<String, String>) {
let valid_keys = vec_of_strings![ // It's simple vector with Strings
"x", "y", "z"
] ;
for key_name in &valid_keys {
if data.contains_key(key_name) {
self[key_name] = Some(data.get(key_name);
// It's invalid of course but
// I do not know how to write it correctly.
// For example, in PHP I would write it like this:
// $this[$key_name] = $data[$key_name];
// (...)
Maybe macros? I tried to use them. key_name is always interpreted as it is, I cannot get value of key_name instead.
How can I do this without repeating the code for each value?
With macros, I always advocate starting from the direct code, then seeing what duplication there is. In this case, we'd start with
fn load_data(&mut self, data: &HashMap<String, String>) {
if let Some(v) = data.get("x") {
self.x = v.clone();
if let Some(v) = data.get("y") {
self.y = v.clone();
if let Some(v) = data.get("z") {
self.z = v.clone();
Note the number of differences:
The struct must take &mut self.
It's inefficient to check if a value is there and then get it separately.
We need to clone the value because we only only have a reference.
We cannot store an Option in a String.
Once you have your code working, you can see how to abstract things. Always start by trying to use "lighter" abstractions (functions, traits, etc.). Only after exhausting that, I'd start bringing in macros. Let's start by using stringify
if let Some(v) = data.get(stringify!(x)) {
self.x = v.clone();
Then you can extract out a macro:
macro_rules! thing {
($this: ident, $data: ident, $($name: ident),+) => {
if let Some(v) = $data.get(stringify!($name)) {
$this.$name = v.clone();
impl Container {
fn load_data(&mut self, data: &HashMap<String, String>) {
thing!(self, data, x, y, z);
fn main() {
let mut c = Container::default();
let d: HashMap<_, _> = vec![("x".into(), "alpha".into())].into_iter().collect();
println!("{:?}", c);
Full disclosure: I don't think this is a good idea.

Lifetime of format!() in match expression is too short

I am implementing a custom Display::fmt for my own struct which represent an interval.
struct Range<T> {
lower: Option<T>,
upper: Option<T>,
A range could be Range { lower: Some(1), upper: None }, which means it contains all integers from 1 up to infinity (or the limit of i32 I suppose).
I want to implement Display::fmt to use T's Display::fmt if the bound is not None and to display an empty string otherwise:
let range = Range { lower: Some(1), upper: None }
println!("{}", range); // Prints <1,>
let range = Range { lower: Some(1), upper: Some(10) }
println!("{}", range); // Prints <1,10>
let range = Range { lower: None, upper: Some(10) }
println!("{}", range); // Prints <,10>
I have started my implementation but have trouble with the match expression and the lifetime of the string produced by format!(). The problem with my implementation is that the string returned by format doesn't live long enough to be used further down.
fn main() {
let opt = Some(1);
let opt_display = match opt {
Some(x) => &format!("{}", x), // error: borrowed value does not live long enough
None => "",
println!("opt: {}", opt_display);
Why doesn't my approach work and what is a good solution to my problem?
I'm no expert on lifetimes, but I believe the problem here is that you are trying to return a &String from a String created by format! inside the match. Since the scope of the format is only inside the scope, the borrow checker complains.
To fix this you can use an owned string.
fn main() {
let opt = Some(1);
let opt_display = match opt {
Some(ref x) => format!("{}", x), // Allowed since opt_display now owns the string
None => "".into(),
// Another way to achieve the same thing.
//let opt_display = opt.map(|s| format!("{}", s)).unwrap_or("".into());
println!("opt: {}", opt_display);
When implementing Display, there's no need to return strings; you can just write!() into the provided formatter.
It would look like:
impl<T: Display> Display for Range<T> {
fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut Formatter) -> Result<(), std::fmt::Error> {
write!(fmt, "<")?;
if let Some(v) = self.lower {
write!(fmt, "{}", v)?;
write!(fmt, ",")?;
if let Some(v) = self.upper {
write!(fmt, "{}", v)?;
write!(fmt, ">")
As Emilgardis has already explained, you are trying to return a reference to a value that will be dropped while the reference is still around. Congratulations, you just tried to create memory unsafety that would have caused a crash (or worse) in C or C++, but Rust prevented it!
One efficiency improvement you can make is to only allocate in one case:
fn main() {
let opt = Some(1);
let opt_display = opt.map(|s| format!("{}", s));
// Type not needed, only used to assert the type is what we expect
let opt_display_str: &str = opt_display.as_ref().map(String::as_str).unwrap_or("");
println!("opt: {}", opt_display_str);
You could also use a Cow, which allows either an owned or borrowed string. Note how similar it is to the other answer, but this doesn't allocate in the case of None:
use std::borrow::Cow;
fn main() {
let opt = Some(1);
let opt_display: Cow<str> = match opt {
Some(ref x) => format!("{}", x).into(),
None => "".into(),
println!("opt: {}", opt_display);
I want to implement Display::fmt
The best thing to do is probably to avoid any allocation then. You will be handed a formatter that you write! to, just call write! in each match arm. This might introduce a bit of duplication, but is probably more efficient. Without the formatter, it would look something like:
fn main() {
let opt = Some(1);
print!("opt: ");
if let Some(ref x) = opt {
print!("{}", x);
Substitute write!(f, for print!( inside the formatter and return on error.

Implement slice_shift_char using the std library

I'd like to use the &str method slice_shift_char, but it is marked as unstable in the documentation:
Unstable: awaiting conventions about shifting and slices and may not
be warranted with the existence of the chars and/or char_indices
What would be a good way to implement this method, with Rust's current std library? So far I have:
fn slice_shift_char(s: &str) -> Option<(char, &str)> {
let mut ixs = s.char_indices();
let next = ixs.next();
match next {
Some((next_pos, ch)) => {
let rest = unsafe {
s.slice_unchecked(next_pos, s.len())
Some((ch, rest))
None => None
I'd like to avoid the call to slice_unchecked. I'm using Rust 1.1.
Well, you can look at the source code, and you'll get https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/blob/master/src/libcollections/str.rs#L776-L778 and https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/blob/master/src/libcore/str/mod.rs#L1531-L1539 . The second:
fn slice_shift_char(&self) -> Option<(char, &str)> {
if self.is_empty() {
} else {
let ch = self.char_at(0);
let next_s = unsafe { self.slice_unchecked(ch.len_utf8(), self.len()) };
Some((ch, next_s))
If you don't want the unsafe, you can just use a normal slice:
fn slice_shift_char(&self) -> Option<(char, &str)> {
if self.is_empty() {
} else {
let ch = self.char_at(0);
let len = self.len();
let next_s = &self[ch.len_utf8().. len];
Some((ch, next_s))
The unstable slice_shift_char function has been deprecated since Rust 1.9.0 and removed completely in Rust 1.11.0.
As of Rust 1.4.0, the recommended approach of implementing this is:
Use .chars() to get an iterator of the char content
Iterate on this iterator once to get the first character.
Call .as_str() on that iterator to recover the remaining uniterated string.
fn slice_shift_char(a: &str) -> Option<(char, &str)> {
let mut chars = a.chars();
chars.next().map(|c| (c, chars.as_str()))
fn main() {
assert_eq!(slice_shift_char("hello"), Some(('h', "ello")));
assert_eq!(slice_shift_char("ĺḿńóṕ"), Some(('ĺ', "ḿńóṕ")));
assert_eq!(slice_shift_char(""), None);
