How to open multiple files in PyCharm with one click? - linux

I have a directory with multiple files. There is one main file and other ones in subdirectories (including in a virtual environment directory) all of which I want to open with one click in the same instance of PyCharm. Is there a way to do this? Is there a native PyCharm way? Is there a way to do it using a Bash script. For the latter I have managed using (see Open files from the command line). However, the different files are opened in different PyCharm instances which is not what I want.

I just tried this on Windows running from CMD. Simply listing the paths to the files separated by a space opens them in a single editor instance. (Although the documentation doesn't clearly mention this possibility, suggesting only 1 single file/project as argument).
For example executing the following:
pycharm64.exe C:\test_file1.txt C:\test_file2.txt
Opens like this:
This means PyCharm does accept a list of individual files as command line arguments to open them in a single instance.
all of which I want to open with one click in the same instance of PyCharm.
If the above example works on your shell you should be able to create a shell script that can be clicked.
However, the different files are opened in different PyCharm instances which is not what I want.
I don't know if depending on the shell any special rule applies that might cause each file to be opened in a different PyCharm instance/window, but if that's the case there's also likely to be a shell specific syntax rule to launch a single instance of the application passing multiple arguments.
Is there a native PyCharm way?
It seems PyCharm is naturally geared to working with projects. Looking closely at some functionalities like open/close/search in the PyCharm IDE their logic is entirely "project oriented" not like the usual concept of opening a set of unrelated files as in some other editors. (This is actually really smart, it doesn't clutter the UI with marginal functionalities and it forces users to set up a project - see this thread for a similar example about using search with individual unrelated files in PyCharm).
If you look at the screenshot, it's noteworthy that only 1 file is listed in the Project Tool Window although several files are opened in the editor.


How does File Explorer open files?

It's maybe stupid question, but what happens behind the scenes when i double click the word app, or .exe app?
For 'Non-Developer' it just opens the file in right environment after doubleclicking. But I would like to know, how is it done, how can the file manager know what to open? (.docx in word, .txt in texteditor,etc...)
+ I would like to know how can I do that in Node.js, is it the best way to use child_process and if statements for every suffixes?
There is a file association to tell Windows how to treat a certain file extension. You can type assoc in a Windows Command Prompt to see them. As an example:
C:\test>assoc .txt
So Windows knows now, that the file with the extension .txt is a txtfile.
ftype defines, how that filetype is to be handled:
C:\test>ftype txtfile
txtfile=%SystemRoot%\system32\NOTEPAD.EXE %1
So whenever you doubleclick on a file, Windows checks if it is associated with any filetype. Then it looks up, how to handle that filetype and executes that command (in the example above, it opens Notepad with the filename as a parameter).
Both assoc and ftype are able to change the settings (for example to open .txt files with another editor). But if you try that, do yourself a favor and note the original settings, so you are able to revert your changes when needed.
The changes can also be done directly in the registry (not recommended, when you are not experienced in handling the registry)
For Node.js, you can use child_process to shell out to the start command which does similar things as the File Explorer.
E.g. start some/path/to/file.docx will open that file in the default program associated with the format.

Sublime Text 3: import projects list from folder/files to OpenRecent list

I save several projects in a same folder by manual click Project -> Save Project As...
and I used to use cmd + ctrl + p to open Switch Projectlist to switch between projects
and everything's works fine.
but today, I accidentally remove my Switch Project list in by click Project -> Open Recent -> Clear Items, so my Switch Project list is empty now...
I know I could add them back through reopen ALL my projects. due to the number of projects is pretty a lot, that will be kind of annoying to add them back one by one.
I wanna know if there's a smarter way to do that for me.
maybe import all my *.sublime-project files from folder or something.
Short of manually opening every project, I don't think there is any way to do something like this directly. There isn't a command or plugin endpoint that I'm aware of that lets you open a project by name or filename, so it's not possible to create a plugin to do the work, and Sublime doesn't have the ability to pre-load the list of packages directly either.
That said, it is possible to manually update the list of recent projects, but whether or not that is more or less work than opening all of the projects is something to consider.
If you use Preferences > Browse Packages from the menu or the command palette, a file browser will open on your Packages folder. From there go up one directory level and go inside of the Local folder, where you will find a Session.sublime_session file.
Sublime saves it's state into this file when you quit it, and uses it to restore state when you start it again. Here you will find all of the saved information, such as the windows and files that were open and so on.
Changing this file will change the data that Sublime loads, so you can modify the session file to set up the data that you want. You need to make sure that you modify the file while Sublime is not running or your changes will be ignored and clobbered away. Also it's a good idea to make a backup of the file before you start in case things go pear shaped.
Down near the bottom of the file you will find a top level key named workspaces, and inside of it a recent_workspaces key:
This is where the list of recent projects is stored for use in the menu and the quick switch project command. Particular things to notice are that the entries are naming sublime-workspace files, and that the paths are absolute.
NOTE: On windows, the filenames stored in the session file are in a format like /C/Users/tmartin and not c:\users\tmartin; on that platform you need to make sure that you adjust the paths accordingly. As long as there is already at least one entry in the list when you look at the session file, you can easily see how to construct the paths that you need.
Despite the name of the commands and menu items, what you're actually switching between is different workspaces. Every sublime-project is associated with a sublime-workspace file, which acts as a dedicated sublime_session file for that particular project. This mapping is one-to-many in that you can have multiple workspaces for the same project file, allowing you to reference the same paths in multiple windows but have different window layouts.
While Sublime is not running you can edit this file to add in the full paths to all of your workspace files; when you start Sublime up the list will be populated (every sublime-workspace file knows what sublime-project it is associated with).
What remains is whether or not it's quick to come up with the list of files in a way that you can easily paste them into the session file.

Automate "Right-click + Print" on .xlsx files

I need to automate the act of printing .xlsx file.
I have already seen some answers to this task saying that it is possible by creating a VBA script, as well as some examples. That is not about what my question revolves around.
Thought, I know that it is also possible to right-click on a .xlsx file and click "Print", which does the exact task that I want. It opens Excel, prints the file to the default printer, then closes Excel. (Windows 7, by the way)
So I'm thinking that the work has already been done here.
What process is launched when clicking this "Print" option? Can it be launched via command line, or "clicked" by a python script or something? And if not, why? How can something so easy to click be impossible to automate? I assume a process of some sort must be launched in some way.
Found it!
This task can be easily launched using python.
import os
This code will launch the same print task. From there, it is pretty trivial for a python developer to automate the task in his scripts.
However, if you do not know much about Python and do not want to learn it now, an easy (or lazy?) way to add it in any automation script would be to save the two lines of code above in a file, and launch it via command line (with Python installed, of course).
The context menu print command for Office documents utilizes Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) and does not directly run a command that can be replicated from the command line.
You can view the content of the commands in the registry. Browse to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.xlsx and look at the (Default) data column. On my machine, "Excel.Sheet.12" is the type of a .xslx file. Then browse to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Excel.Sheet.12\shell\ to see the commands registered for that file type. On my machine, the Print (Default) is "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office16\EXCEL.EXE" /dde and the "command" is zn=BV5!!!!4!!!!MKKSkEXCELFiles>]-z5hw$l[8QeZZR4_X=$ /dde, none of which is directly useful or accessible for running from a command line.
It will require another program to allow you to access the interface, but there are programs that allow you to make use of DDE from the command line. I recommend Freddy Vulto's Class Exec. More information and a few other similar utilities can be found here.

PyCharm project path different from interactive session path

When running an interactive session, PyCharm thinks of os.getcwd() as my project's directory. However, when I run my script from the command line, PyCharm thinks of os.getcwd() as the directory of the script.
Is there a good workaround for this? Here is what I tried and did not like:
going to Run/Edit Configurations and changing the working directory manually. I did not like this solution, because I will have to do it for every script that I run.
having one line in my code that "fixes" the path for the purposes of interactive sessions and commenting it out before running from command line. This works, but feels wrong.
Is there a way to do this or is it just the way it is supposed to be? Maybe I shouldn't be trying to run random scripts within my project?
Any insight would be greatly appreciated.
By "interactive session" I mean being able to run each line individually in a Python/IPython Console
By "running from command line" I mean creating a script and running python path_to_myscript/ (I actually press the Run button at PyCharm, but I think it's the same).
Other facts that might prove worth mentioning:
I have created a PyCharm project. This contains (among other things) the package Graphs, which contains the module Graph and some .txt files. When I do something within my Graph module (e.g. read a graph from a file), I like to test that things worked as expected. I do this by running a selection of lines (interactively). To read a .txt file, I have to go (using os.path.join()) from the current working directory (the project directory, ...\\project_name) to the module's directory ...\\project_name\\Graphs, where the file is located. However, when I run the whole script via the command line, the command reading the .txt file raises an Error, complaining that no file was found. By looking on the name of the file that was not found, I see that the full file name is something like this:
It seems that this time the current working directory is ...\\project_name\\Graphs\\, and my os.path.join() command actually spoils it.
I user various methods in my python scripts.
set the working directory as first step of your code using os.chdir(some_existing_path)
This would mean all your other paths should be referenced to this, as you hard set the path. You just need to make sure it works from any location and your specifically in your IDE. Obviously, another os.chdir() would change the working directory and os.getcwd() would return the new working directory
set the working directory to __file__ by using os.chdir(os.path.dirname(__file__))
This is actually what I use most, as it is quite reliable, and then I reference all further paths or file operations to this. Or you can simply refer to as os.path.dirname(__file__) in your code without actually changing the working directory
get the working directory using os.getcwd()
And reference all path and file operations to this, knowing it will change based on how the script is launched. Note: do NOT assume that this returns the location of your script, it returns the working directory of the shell !!
[EDIT based on new information]
By "interactive session" I mean being able to run each line
individually in a Python/IPython Console
By running interactively line-by-line in a Python console, the __file__ is not defined, afterall: you are not executing a file. Hence you cannot use os.path.dirname(__file__) you will have to use something like os.chdir(some_known_existing_dir) to reference a path. As a programmer you need to be very aware of working directory and changes to this, your code should reflect that.
By "running from command line" I mean creating a script
and running python path_to_myscript/ (I actually press the
Run button at PyCharm, but I think it's the same).
This, both executing a .py from command line as well as running in your IDE, will populate the __file__, hence you can use os.path.dirname(__file__)
I am purposely adding another answer to this post, in regards the following:
Other facts that might prove worth mentioning:
I have created a PyCharm project. This contains (among other things)
the package Graphs, which contains the module Graph and some .txt
files. When I do something within my Graph module (e.g. read a graph
from a file), I like to test that things worked as expected. I do this
by running a selection of lines (interactively). To read a .txt file,
I have to go (using os.path.join()) from the current working directory
(the project directory, ...\project_name) to the module's directory
...\project_name\Graphs, where the file is located. However, when I
run the whole script via the command line, the command reading the
.txt file raises an Error, complaining that no file was found. By
looking on the name of the file that was not found, I see that the
full file name is something like this:
...\project_name\Graphs\Graphs\graph1.txt It seems that this time
the current working directory is ...\project_name\Graphs\, and my
os.path.join() command actually spoils it.
I strongly believe that if a python script takes input from any file, that the author of the script needs to cater for this in the script.
What I mean is you as the author need to make sure you know the following regardless of how your script is executed:
What is the working directory
What is the script directory
These two you have no control over when you hand off your script to others, or run it on other peoples machines. The working directory is dependent on how the script is launched. It seems that you run on Windows, so here is an example:
C:\> c:\python\python
The working directory is now C:\ if is in C:\
C:\some_dir\another_dir\> c:\python\python.exe c:\your_script_dir\
The working directory is now C:\some_dir\another_dir
And the above example may even give different results if the SYSTEM PATH variable is set to the path of the location of
You need to ensure that your script works even if the user(s) of your script are placing this in various locations on their machines. Some people (and I don't know why) tend to put everything on the Desktop. You need to ensure your script can cope with this, including any spaces in the path name.
Furthermore, if your script is taking input from a file, the you as the author need to ensure that you can cope with changes in working directory, and changes of script directory. There are a few things you may consider:
Have your script input from a known (static) directory, something like C:\python_input\
Have your script input from a known (configurable) directory, use ConfigParser, you can search here on stackoverflow on many posts
Have your script input from a known directory related to the location of the script (using os.path.dirname(__file__))
any other method you may employ to ensure your script can get to the input
Ultimately this is all in your control, and you need to code to ensure it is working.

Is it possible to call an application selection window (Right click->Open With->Other) from the linux console?

On Gnome/KDE you can select in which application you want to open file (Right click on file -> Open With -> Other). Is it possible open file that way, but from console?
For example: you print " file.ext" and instead of opening in concrete application, there are that application selection window forced and then users chooses - starts selected program.
I tried to figure out that myself, but not found anything like that.
"edit file.ext" doesn't fits my needs, because it starts preferred application and you cannot choose which. And also on my desktop it says:
"Error: no "edit" mailcap rules found for type "image/jpeg"
So, am I able to forse that "open with" window from console? If yes, can you say how?
Both on windows and mac you can do such things.
//edit at 2009-02-10 14:17
Thank you very much for answers. Command will be used in program code, so unfortunately probably I would not be able to make some extra bash scripts.
gnome-open <file>
For KDE:
kfmclient exec <file>
These commands should open up the <file> in the preferred application in GNOME or KDE respectively, although I don't have an installation of either to test on.
Take a look at man run-mailcap, you can change or add selected applications for each mimetype modifying the /etc/mailcap, ~/.mailcap files and some others.
Traditionally, on Unix systens (and therefore Linux, too), you start applications from the console (and not from a UI). The command line (or console) expects you to enter the name of the application and then the filename (plus some options).
This allows to use applications (or commands) in shell scripts.
On Windows, there is no real console (the DOS box is just a reminiscence of the dark ages of MS DOS). So the MS developers came up with the idea to have the OS treat anything as a command. If it's not a real command or application, the OS will determine the file type (by extension on Windows and by some header information on Mac). For each file type, there will be an associated application in a look up table.
This is why on Windows, it appears that you can enter the name of a file on the console and you will get the application to edit that file.
If you want a quick way to fix this in the Unix console, create a script called "open" or "o" and use the file command with the option --mime to identify the file type. You can then use a case statement to launch your favorite editor.
As for the error about "mailcap rules": There is a file called "mailcap" on Unix where you can define abstract "commands" (open, edit, view, print) for file types. See the mailcap man page.
