I am not sure what is going on with our HDFS configuration, but I can delete other's files although the file permission looks fine and I only have read (r) access. What is possible problem here?
See Permissions Guide in HDFS.
Check the permission in HDFS is enabled by checking the HDFS configuration parameter dfs.permissions.enabled in the hdfs-site.xml file which determines whether permission checking is enabled in HDFS or not:
I am trying to copy a csv file from my local file system to hadoop. But I am not able to successfully do it. I am not sure which permissions i need to change. As I understand. hdfs super user does not have access to the /home/naya/dataFiles/BlackFriday.csv
hdfs dfs -put /home/naya/dataFiles/BlackFriday.csv /tmp
# Error: put: Permission denied: user=naya, access=WRITE, inode="/tmp":hdfs:supergroup:drwxr-xr-x
sudo -u hdfs hdfs dfs -put /home/naya/dataFiles/BlackFriday.csv /tmp
# Error: put: `/home/naya/dataFiles/BlackFriday.csv': No such file or directory
Any help is highly appreciated. I want to do it via the command line utility. I can do it via cloudera manager from the hadoop side. But I want to understand whats happening behind the commands
I'm using Ubuntu
When i try to save a dataframe to HDFS (Spark Scala):
I got this error
Caused by: org.apache.hadoop.ipc.RemoteException(org.apache.hadoop.security.AccessControlException): Permission denied: user=root, access=WRITE, inode="/mydata/enedis/POC":hadoop_amine:supergroup:drwxr-xr-x
You are trying to write data as root user but hdfs directory(/mydata/enedis/POC) having permissions to hadoop_amine user to write to the directory.
Change the permissions on the HDFS directory to allow root user to write to /mydata/enedis/POC directory.
#login as hadoop_amine user then execute below command
hdfs dfs –chmod -R 777 /mydata/enedis/POC
Intialize the spark shell with hadoop_amine user then no need to change the permissions of the directory.
I have installed Hadoop/YARN in a linux VM on my local windows machine. On the same windows machine (not in VM) I have installed Spark. When running spark on windows, I can read files stored in HDFS (in linux VM).
val lines = sc.textFile("hdfs://MyIP:9000/Data/sample.txt")
While saving a file using to HDFS saveAsTextFile("hdfs://MyIP:9000/Data/Output"), I am getting below error:
org.apache.hadoop.security.AccessControlException: Permission denied:
user=LocalWindowsUser, access=WRITE,
I guess, it's because Windows and Linux users are different and windows user doesn't have permission to write files in linux.
What is the correct way to store files from windows to HDFS (linux VM) using spark?
Your problem is that the username that you are using to access HDFS with write mode does not have permissions.
The directory /Data has the permissions rwxr-xr-x. This translates to mode 755. Your username is LocalWindowsUser which has read and execute permissions.
Possible solutions:
Soution 1:
Since this is a local system under your full control, change the permissions to allow everyone access. Execute this command while inside the VM as the user hadoop:
hdfs dfs -chmod -R 777 /Data
Solution 2:
Create an environment variable in Windows and set the username:
The username really should be the user hdfs. Try that also if necessary.
I have installed hadoop on Cent OS 7. The daemon service written in python trying to make a directory in HDFS , but getting the below permission error.
mkdir: Permission denied: user=root, access=WRITE, inode="/rep_data/store/data/":hadoop:supergroup:drwxr-xr-x
looks like my service is running under root account.
So I would like to know how do I give a permission to the root user to make directory and write files.
If you are trying to create directory under HDFS root i.e /, you may face this type of issue. You can create directories in your home, without any issues
To create directory in root, Execute command like follows
sudo hdfs hdfs dfs -mkdir /directory/name
To create directory in your HDFS home execute below command
hdfs dfs -mkdir /user/user_home/directory/name
This is probably an issue because you are not the super user.
A workaround is to enable Access Control Lists in hdfs and give permissions to your user.
To enable support for ACLs, set dfs.namenode.acls.enabled to true in the NameNode configuration.
For more info check: link
I am trying to mount the HDFS file system as per the content in the URL http://hadoop.apache.org/docs/r2.5.1/hadoop-project-dist/hadoop-hdfs/HdfsNfsGateway.html
But at the final mount statement, I am getting the mount.nfs: mount system call failed
I got that output on executing the below command:
mount -t nfs -o vers=3,proto=tcp,nolock,noacl <HDFS server name>:/ <existing local directory>
I am running the hadoop in a Pseudo Distributed mode.
If you use root to mount nfs at client, for example, you need to add following configuration in core-site.xml under $HADOOP_HOME/etc/hadoop/