Merge Vertical Table to Horizontal table in Excel - excel

I want to merge a vertical table to a horizontal table in excel with logics. I do not know where to start in excel. Any direction would be greatly appreciated.
Horizontal Table:
| Node | Volume | Disk Size | Disk Space Used |
| -------- | -------------- | --------- | --------------- |
| A | E:\ | 140.00GB | 138.22GB |
| A | C:\ | 119.90GB | 83.97GB |
Vertical Table:
| Node | CPU Count | CPU Load |
| -------- | ----------- | --------- |
| A | 8 | 1.43% |
The Table I wanted:
| Node | CPU Count | CPU Load | C Disk Size | C Disk Space Used | D Disk Size | C Disk Space Used |
| -------- | ----------- | --------- | ----------- | ----------------- | ----------- | ----------------- |
| A | 8 | 1.43% | 119.90GB | 138.22GB | 119.90GB | 83.97GB |
I don't use excel much. Any idea or advice in the direction of how to solve this would be great.
Is this even achievable in excel?

I have solved, Vlookup function don't work in my case -(because Vlookup only can look up one field at a time). however, I got a workaround to archived something similar.
Merge the tables. excel merge table
Then use Pivot Table function.
thanks a million for the help.


Find cell address of value found in range

tl;dr In Google Sheets/Excel, how do I find the address of a cell with a specified value within a specified range where value may be in any row or column?
My best guess is
=CELL("address",LOOKUP("My search value", $search:$range))
but it doesn't work. When it finds a value at all, it returns the rightmost column every time, rather than the column of the cell it found.
I have a sheet of pretty, formatted tables that represent various concepts. Each table consists of
| Title |
| Sub | Prop | Name | Sub | Prop | Name | Sub | Prop | Name |
| Sub prop | value | Sub prop | value | Sub prop | value |
| data | data | data | data | data | data | data | data | data |
| data | data | data | data | data | data | data | data | data |
I have 8 such tables of variable height arranged in a grid within the sheet 3 tables wide and 3 tables tall except the last column which has only 2 tables--see image. These fill the range C2:AI78.
Now I have a table off to the right consisting in AK2:AO11 of
| Table title | Table title address | ... |
| Table 1 Title | | ... |
| Table 2 Title | | ... |
| Table 8 Title | | ... |
I want to fill out the Table title address column. (Would it be easier to do this manually for all of 8 values? Absolutely. Did I need to in order to write this question? Yes. But using static values is not the StackOverflow way, now, is it?)
Based on very limited Excel/Google Sheets experience, I believe I need to use CELL() and LOOKUP() for this.
=CELL("address",LOOKUP($AK4, $C$2:$AI$78))
This retrieves the wrong value. For AL4 (looking for value Death Wave), LOOKUP($AK4, $C$2:$AI$78) should retrieve cell C2 but it finds AI2 instead.
| Max Levels |
| UW | Table Address | | | |
| Death Wave | $AI$3 | 3 | | 15 |
| Poison Swamp | $AI$30 | | | |
| Smart Missiles | $AI$56 | | | |
| Black Hole | #N/A | 1 | | |
| Inner Land Mines | $AI$3 | | | |
| Chain Lightning | #N/A | | | |
| Golden Tower | $AI$3 | | | |
| Chrono Field | #N/A | 25 | | |
The error messages for the #N/A columns is
Did not find value '<Table Title>' in LOOKUP evaluation.
My expected table is
| Max Levels |
| UW | Table Address | | | |
| Death Wave | $C$2 | 3 | | 15 |
| Poison Swamp | $C$28 | | | |
| Smart Missiles | $C$54 | | | |
| Black Hole | $O$2 | 1 | | |
| Inner Land Mines | $O$28 | | | |
| Chain Lightning | $O$54 | | | |
| Golden Tower | $AA$2 | | | |
| Chrono Field | $AA$39 | 25 | | |
VLOOKUP(A2:A3, SPLIT(FLATTEN(D2:F4&"​"&ROW(D2:F4)), "​"), 2, ),
VLOOKUP(A2:A3, SPLIT(FLATTEN(D2:F4&"​"&COLUMN(D2:F4)), "​"), 2, ), 4))
or if you want to create jump links:
=INDEX(LAMBDA(x, HYPERLINK("#gid=1273961649&range="&x, x))(ADDRESS(
VLOOKUP(A2:A3, SPLIT(FLATTEN(D2:F4&"​"&ROW(D2:F4)), "​"), 2, ),
VLOOKUP(A2:A3, SPLIT(FLATTEN(D2:F4&"​"&COLUMN(D2:F4)), "​"), 2, ), 4)))
Try this:
), "
, 0)
Basically, cast all cells in the search range to addresses if they equal the search term. Then flatten that 2D range and filter out non-nulls.

I want to count IF both condition are true Logically count by AND excel

I have two Columns both are categorical columns. Like Age_group and Engagement_category. And I want to get count no. of each engagement_category in each Age_group.
This is like GROUP BY function in SQL.
| Engagement_category | Age_group |
| Nearly Engaged | 21-26 |
| Not Engaged | 31-36 |
| Disengaged | 36-41 |
| Nearly Engaged | 21-26 |
| Engaged | 21-26 |
| Engaged | 26-31 |
I tried Excel COUNTIFS function but it is showing the count of each unique value in the criteria range that I have provided.
Expected OUTPUT is something like this.
| Age_group | Engaged | Nearly Engaged | Not Engagaged | Disengaged |
| 21-26 | 1 | | | |
| 26-31 | | | | |
| 31-36 | | | | |
| 36-41 | | | | |
| 41-46 | | | | |
| 46-51 | | | | |
Use COUNTIFS function, see document:
Please try:
=COUNTIFS(B:B, "21-26", A:A, "Engaged")
Try inserting a pivot table:
Highlight the source data which is the 2-Column table including headers, go to Insert tab and click the Pivot Table button, set up the Rows, Columns and Values column as below:
The key is to drag the Engagement_Category to both Columns and Values field.

How to transpose all subfields in front of the parent field of a pivot table in Excel

I have a data of automotive spare parts with their multiple store locations in a warehouse.
all I want to do is get the locations in front of the part number, so that it is easy to know all the locations of a specific part number.
The current pivot data looks like this
I've manually transposed a few rows in the below image, but the data contains around 70K rows, Hence I'm looking for a better solution
Kindly refer to the below table
| Item name | Qty | UoM | Stock |
| '0450000115 | 324 | piece | G12B04 |
| '0450000A61 | 312 | piece | G12B05 |
| '0450000115 | 336 | piece | G12B06 |
| '0450000A61 | 228 | piece | G12B07 |
| '0450000115 | 336 | piece | G12B08 |
| '0450000115 | 192 | piece | G12B09 |
| '087902E200A | 470 | piece | G12B10 |
| '087902E200A | 760 | piece | G12B13 |
| '087902E200A | 759 | piece | G12B14 |
| '0450000115 | 336 | piece | G12B15 |
| '087902E200A | 400 | piece | G12B16 |
| '087902E200A | 10 | piece | G3B32 |
| '084B410426 | 100 | piece | G3B32 |
| '087902E200A | 300 | piece | G4B08 |
| '0450000A61 | 2 | piece | GDB01 |
| '084B410426 | 60 | piece | GR.04.C.04. |
| '087902E200A | 327 | piece | HD.03.K.05. |
You need to create a measure, using the CONCATENATEX function. For this you need to add your data to the datamodel. You can do this by checking the box add this data to the datamodel on the bottom of the create pivottable dialogbox.
Rightclick the table on the Pivottable Fields Pane and select add measure. Then create the following measure: = CONCATENATEX('table','table'[Stock],", ")
Now put [Item name] on Rows and the measure [StockText] on Values. This should be the result:

Microsoft Excel - Use a drop down list to extract data from another workbook

If i select an option from a drop down list, how do i then display data extracted from another workbook. So far, i have seen examples of showing single row data from another worksheet. But i have yet to see a method of extracting multiple rows and columns of data from a different workbook.
Week 1.xls:
| SKU | Description | Vendor Style |
| | | |
| 000001 | Description 1 | CA0080-03E |
| 000002 | Description 2 | EX1134-59D |
| 000003 | Description 3 | EM0132-59A |
| 000004 | Description 4 | EW8694-52D |
| 000005 | Description 5 | FC0003-18D |
| 000006 | Description 6 | EK2273-59E |
------------------------------------------------- ________ _
| SKU | Description | Vendor Style | |________|>| <---Drop Down List
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
If i choose, e.g. Week 1 in the drop down list. I want the data from Week 1.xls to fill in the table in Master.xls.
If i choose, e.g. Week 2 in the drop down list. I want the data from Week 2.xls to fill in the table in Master.xls.
Is this possible? I'm thinking vlookups may be involved here in order to point to each workbook.
Thank you.

Splitting workspaces in the notion window manager

I have been using the Notion Window Manager ( for a few weeks. I was wondering if it is possible to create a keybinding that splits a workspace in the same way that META+S and META+K S splits a frame horizontally and vertically.
So if I had two vertical frames in a workspace like this:
| | |
| | |
| | |
The keybinding to split horizontally should add a new frame that spans the workspace horizontally:
| | |
| 3 |
Currently META+S only splits the selected frame horizontally:
| | |
|-| |
|3| |
Is there any way to accomplish splitting the entire workspace horizontally or vertically in Notion?
The solution I came up with is to add a keybinding to the split_top function in cfg_tiling.lua. To split horizontally I added:
kpress(META.."Z", "WTiling.split_top(_, 'bottom')")
to the WTiling defbindings function. I also added
kpress("Z", "Wtiling.split_top(_, 'left')")
to the submap META.."K" bindings.
The split_top function splits at the root of the split tree. This will create a new frame that splits the entire workspace rather than the current frame.
One sizing issue that I noticed with this approach is that it will try to split the workspace exactly in half. If there is a horizontal frame splitting a workspace split_top will resize it to the smallest size and add a new frame below it. If there is a vertical frame it will become about 10 pixels wide when the new frame is added.
Horizontal size issue. New frames are 0 height:
Start ->Mod1+Z ->Mod1+Z
-1--2-- -1--2-- -1--2--
| | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | |
-3----- -3----- -3-----
| | -4----- -4-----
| | | | -5-----
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
------- ------- -------
Vertical size issue. New frames are 0 width:
Start -> Mod1+K Z -> Mod1+K Z
-1----2---- -4--1-2---- -5-41-2----
| | | | || | | ||| |
| | | | || | | ||| |
| |3---| | ||3---| | |||3---|
| | | | || | | ||| |
| | | | || | | ||| |
----------- ----------- -----------
Another issue is the focus does not change to the newly create frame. Hitting Mod1+Z will create the frame but the user has to Mod1+TAB to the frame to manipulate it.
This is a start but a comprehensive solution would check for frames that already split the workspace and split them instead and change the focus to the new frame.
Yes, you can.
You either need to put your binding in the workspace context or from the frame/mplex context you need to look up the managing workspace and then call split on that.
(I'd post code and more concrete terms but I'm not in front of a notion machine at the moment and don't want to confuse things by using the wrong ones.)
